[net.sources] mailed date in network mail headers

kolstad (02/14/83)

parsec!kolstad    Feb 12 22:50:00 1983

I was frustrated at receiving network mail that showed only the time our
system received it.  I added the following lines to 
/usr/src/cmd/ucbmail/send.c .
The purpose is to put a "Mailed: <date>" header on outgoing network mail.
It seems to work fine on our system and has been installed one other place.
Old "To:" line print out...

> 		fprintf(fo, "To: "), fmt(hp->h_to, fo), gotcha++;
Its replacement:

< 	{
<    /* put in the mailed at time if anyone on the network RK 2/3/83 */
< 		int t ; /* added RK 2/3/83 */
< 		char *ctime(), *p; /* added RK 2/3/83 */
< 		t = time(0);	/* added RK 2/3/83 */
< 		fprintf(fo, "To: "); fmt(hp->h_to, fo); gotcha++;
< 		for (p=hp->h_to; *p; p++) {
< 			if(*p == '!' || *p == '@' || *p == ':' || *p == '.') {
< 				fprintf(fo, "Mailed: %s", ctime(&t));
< 				break;
< 			}
< 		}
< 	}

jim (02/16/83)

In reference to parsec!kolstad's mods to put the date in the header for

Since a lot of mail gets gatewayed between Arpanet and uucp, it would
seem preferable to put the date in standard Arpa format.  Here are my
mods to send.c:

*** send.c_o	Fri Jul 16 09:10:46 1982
--- send.c	Wed Jul 14 13:36:30 1982
*** 9,14
   * Mail -- a mail program
   * Mail to others.

--- 9,18 -----
   * Mail -- a mail program
   * Mail to others.
+  *
+  * 14 July 82 Jim Rees
+  *	Added the date in Arpa format to messages sent out.  #ifdefed on
+  *	ARPADATE.  The routine arpadate() is stolen from Gosling's Emacs.
  #define ARPADATE
*** 11,16
   * Mail to others.
   * Send message described by the passed pointer to the
   * passed output buffer.  Return -1 on error, but normally

--- 15,26 -----
   *	ARPADATE.  The routine arpadate() is stolen from Gosling's Emacs.
+ #define ARPADATE
+ #ifdef ARPADATE
+ #define GDATE	0x80
+ #endif ARPADATE
   * Send message described by the passed pointer to the
   * passed output buffer.  Return -1 on error, but normally
*** 319,324
  	puthead(hp, nfo, GTO|GSUBJECT|GCC|GNL);
  	c = getc(fi);

--- 329,335 -----
+ #ifndef ARPADATE
  	puthead(hp, nfo, GTO|GSUBJECT|GCC|GNL);
  #else ARPADATE
  	puthead(hp, nfo, GTO|GSUBJECT|GCC|GNL|GDATE);
*** 320,325
  	puthead(hp, nfo, GTO|GSUBJECT|GCC|GNL);
  	c = getc(fi);
  	while (c != EOF) {

--- 331,339 -----
  #ifndef ARPADATE
  	puthead(hp, nfo, GTO|GSUBJECT|GCC|GNL);
+ #else ARPADATE
+ 	puthead(hp, nfo, GTO|GSUBJECT|GCC|GNL|GDATE);
+ #endif ARPADATE
  	c = getc(fi);
  	while (c != EOF) {
*** 354,359
  	FILE *fo;
  	register int gotcha;
  	gotcha = 0;
  	if (hp->h_to != NOSTR && w & GTO)

--- 368,376 -----
  	FILE *fo;
  	register int gotcha;
+ #ifdef ARPADATE
+ 	char *arpatime();
+ #endif ARPADATE
  	gotcha = 0;
  #ifdef ARPADATE
*** 356,361
  	register int gotcha;
  	gotcha = 0;
  	if (hp->h_to != NOSTR && w & GTO)
  		fprintf(fo, "To: "), fmt(hp->h_to, fo), gotcha++;
  	if (hp->h_subject != NOSTR && w & GSUBJECT)

--- 373,382 -----
  #endif ARPADATE
  	gotcha = 0;
+ #ifdef ARPADATE
+ 	if (w & GDATE)
+ 		fprintf(fo, "Date: %s\n", arpatime());
+ #endif ARPADATE
  	if (hp->h_to != NOSTR && w & GTO)
  		fprintf(fo, "To: "), fmt(hp->h_to, fo), gotcha++;
  	if (hp->h_subject != NOSTR && w & GSUBJECT)
*** 368,373
  		putc('\n', fo);
   * Format the given text to not exceed 72 characters.

--- 389,421 -----
  		putc('\n', fo);
+ #ifdef ARPADATE
+ #include <time.h>
+ #include <sys/timeb.h>
+ char *arpatime()
+ {
+ 	struct tm *tm, *localtime();
+ 	struct timeb timeb;
+ 	static char *month[] = {
+ 	"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
+ 	"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
+ 	};
+ 	static char buf[100];
+ 	ftime(&timeb);
+ 	tm = localtime(&timeb.time);
+ 	sprintf(buf, "%d %s %d %d:%02d-%s",
+ 		tm->tm_mday,
+ 		month[tm->tm_mon],
+ 		tm->tm_year+1900,
+ 		tm->tm_hour,
+ 		tm->tm_min,
+ 		timezone (timeb.timezone, tm->tm_isdst));
+ 	return buf;
+ }
+ #endif ARPADATE
   * Format the given text to not exceed 72 characters.

eric (02/22/83)

Why can't the date format be converted at the Arpa gateways?
I personally like to see the date in a consistent format,
and since this is a Unix network, I think Unix's format
(the date command) is more suitable than Arpa's format.