[net.sources] DSW.S Assembler Source

espo (02/22/83)

	Here is a copy of the original dsw.s assembler source.  This
	was taken from the old CB-UNIX of days gone bye.  Don't forget
	to include the sys.s include file when assembling the source.

	Have fun...
			Bob Esposito...sb6!bpa

/       @(#)dsw.s       2.1
/ dsw - delete from tty

        cmp     (sp)+, $2
        blt     1f
        tst     (sp)+
        mov     (sp)+, 0f
        sys     stat; 0:dot; stbuf
        bes     error
        mov     stbuf+4,r0
        bic     $!60000,r0
        cmp     r0,$40000
        bne     error
        mov     0b,0f
        sys     open; 0:..; 0
        bes     error
        mov     r0,r1
        clrb    buf+17.
        mov     r1,r0
        sys     read; buf; 16.
        bes     done
        tst     r0
        beq     done
        tst     buf
        beq     1b
        mov     0b,r2
        mov     $obuf,r3
        movb    (r2)+,(r3)+
        bne     2b
        mov     $buf+2,r2
        dec     r3
        cmpb    -1(r3),$'/
        beq     2f
        movb    $'/,(r3)+
        movb    (r2)+,(r3)+
        bne     2b
        sys     stat; obuf; stbuf
        bes     error
        bit     $60000,stbuf+4
        bne     1b
        mov     $buf+2,r2
        tstb    (r2)+
        bne     2b
        movb    $' ,-(r2)
        sub     $buf+1,r2
        mov     r2,0f
        mov     $1,r0
        sys     write; buf+2; 0:..
        clr     r0
        sys     read; ch; 1
        cmpb    ch,$'\n
        beq     1b
        clr     r0
        sys     read; ch1; 1
        cmpb    ch1,$'\n
        beq     3f
        clr     r0
        sys     read; ch; 1
        cmpb    ch,$'\n
        beq     2b
        br      4b
        cmpb    ch,$'x
        beq     done
        cmpb    ch,$'y
        bne     2b
        sys     unlink; obuf
        bes     error
        br      1b

        sys     exit

        mov     $1,r0
        sys     write; mes; 2
        sys     exit

dot:    <.\0>
mes:    <?\n>

obuf:   .=.+100.
stbuf:  .=.+40.
buf:    .=.+18.
ch:     .=.+1
ch1:    .=.+1