[net.sources] Reposting of Buchholz Benchmark

sch (03/08/83)

echo x - Readme
cat >Readme <<'!E!O!F!'
The program buchholz is a performance measuring tool from "A synthetic
job for measuring system performance" by W. Buchholz, IBM Syst.
Journal, No. 4 1969 page 309.  It is a useful tool since it combines
both I/O and computational speed tests.

Two bencmarks are combined together here, the first is a compute
bound matrix problem and the second is a file update problem.

The input stream consists of lines with three numbers.  First the
number of master file records, second the number of transaction file
records, and third the number of computational cycles.  If the first
two are zero then the test does no I/O, if the number of computational
steps is zero then it does no computation.  See the file 'Sample' for a
typical set of input values.

The output stream contains the results of these tests, formatted for
Results are included for:
	Filename	Machine		Running Unix Version
	Vax750		Vax 11/750 	4.1bsd
	Vax780		Vax 11/780	4.1bsd
	PWB11-70	Pdp 11/70	PWB Unix

See the source if you want to change either,
1) the type of I/O used (now stdio),
2) or the type of numbers used in the computation test.
echo x - buchholz.c
cat >buchholz.c <<'!E!O!F!'
/*  Buchholz performance test.
 *  from "A synthetic job for measuring system performance"
 *  by W. Buchholz, IBM Syst. Journal, No. 4 1969 page 309.
 * The following parameters determine size and arithmetic type of test
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#define TICKS_SEC 60	/* clock ticks/second */

/* The following determine size of table and data type to use
 * for the compute bound test portion.
#define N	10
#define START	100
typedef long TESTYPE;	/* want 32 bit integers */

/* the following determine type I/O to be done. */
#define GETREC(x,f) fread((char *) &x, sizeof(x), 1, f)
#define PUTREC(x,f) fwrite((char *) &x, sizeof(x), 1, f)
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define BIGNUM 32766

char mas_name[] = "/tmp/Bm\0XXXXXX";
char det_name[] = "/tmp/Bd\0XXXXXX";
char nmas_name[] = "/tmp/Bn\0XXXXXX";
char ndet_name[] = "/tmp/Bo\0XXXXXX";
FILE *master, *detin, *newmas, *detout;
FILE *openfile();

main() {
	static TESTYPE table[N*N*N+1], sum;
	register int j;
	int ratio,nmas,nmas1,ndet,ndet1,nrep;
	long checksum, count, rstime, retime;
	char card[80];
	float el_stime, el_utime;
	extern int clean();

	struct tms st_time, end_time;

	struct record {
		int key;
		TESTYPE sum;
		long check;
		char data[16];
	} m_rec,d_rec;

	nmas = 0; 
	ndet = 0;

	mktemp(mas_name);	mktemp(det_name);
	mktemp(nmas_name);	mktemp(ndet_name);
	if( signal(SIGHUP, clean) == SIG_IGN)
	if(signal(SIGINT, clean) == SIG_IGN)

	for(j=1; j<= N*N*N; j++)  /* initialize the table */
		table[j] = START + j - 1;

	printf("Input: #master #detail #steps\n");

	while(fgets(card, 80, stdin) != NULL) {
		j=sscanf(card,"%d %d %d", &nmas1, &ndet1, &nrep);

		if(j!=3||nmas1<0||ndet1<0||nrep<0||ndet1>nmas1) {
			fprintf(stderr,"ERROR:invalid input parameters\n");
		count = 0; checksum = 0;

		if (nmas1 != nmas && nmas1 > 0) {     /* Master generation */
			nmas = nmas1;
			master = openfile(mas_name,"w");
			for(j=1; j<=nmas; j++) {
				m_rec.sum = 0;
				m_rec.key = j;
				checksum += j;
				m_rec.check = checksum;
				sprintf(m_rec.data,"MASTER %7d",j);
				PUTREC(m_rec, master);
			checksum = 0;
		if (ndet1 != ndet && ndet1 > 0) {    /* Detail generation */
			ndet = ndet1;
			ratio = nmas / ndet;
			detout = openfile(det_name,"w");
			for(j=ratio; j<=nmas; j += ratio) {
				d_rec.sum = 0;
				d_rec.key = j;
				checksum += j;
				d_rec.check = checksum;
				sprintf(d_rec.data, "DETAIL %7d", j);
				PUTREC(d_rec, detout);
			checksum = 0;
		if (nrep==0) continue;  /* Disk I/O pass */
		if (nmas1 > 0 && ndet1 > 0) {
			master = openfile(mas_name,"r");
			newmas = openfile(nmas_name,"w");
			detin = openfile(det_name,"r");
			detout = openfile(ndet_name,"w");
			GETREC(m_rec, master);
			GETREC(d_rec, detin);

			while(!feof(master)) {
				if(m_rec.key < d_rec.key) { /* Key test */
					PUTREC(m_rec, newmas);
					GETREC(m_rec, master);
				else if(m_rec.key > d_rec.key) {
					fprintf(stderr,"ERROR:records out of sequence\n");
					goto end_disk;
				else {
					if(!kernel(table,nrep,&sum)) goto end_disk;

					m_rec.sum = sum; /* Write detail */
					d_rec.sum = sum;
					checksum = d_rec.check;
					PUTREC(d_rec, detout);
					GETREC(d_rec, detin);
					PUTREC(m_rec, newmas);
					GETREC(m_rec, master);

					d_rec.key = BIGNUM;
			if(checksum != (count * (count+1)*ratio)/ 2)
				fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Checksum error\n");
		else {                  /* Compute pass */

		el_stime = (end_time.tms_stime - st_time.tms_stime)/TICKS_SEC;
		el_utime = (end_time.tms_utime - st_time.tms_utime)/TICKS_SEC;

		printf("Cpu time:%5.1f (sys) + %5.1f (usr) = %5.1f secs.\n",
		   el_stime, el_utime, el_stime+el_utime);
		printf("Elapsed time:%ld  secs.\n",retime-rstime);
		printf("loops: %d\t",nrep);
		printf("sum: %ld\t", sum);
		printf("#active: %ld\t",count);
		printf("checksum: %ld\n\n", checksum);

	unlink(mas_name);         unlink(det_name);
	unlink(nmas_name);        unlink(ndet_name);

 * The compute kernel sums N integers from a table of N^3 consectutive integers
 * beginning with START. k-th integer summed is START - 1 + K^3.
 * sum is checked algebraically.  Kernel is repeated nrep times.
TESTYPE table[];
int nrep;
	register int i,j,k;
	TESTYPE u, lsum;

	for(i=0; i<nrep; i++) {
		*sum = u = 0;
		j = 0;
		for(k=1; k<=N; k++) {
			j += 6*u + 1;
			*sum += table[j];
			u += k;
		lsum = (N * (N + 1))/ 2;
		if(START != (*sum - lsum * lsum) / N + 1) {
			fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Compute pass arithmetic error\n");

/* An open function with error checking */
FILE *openfile(name,acc)
char *name, *acc;
	register FILE *result;

	result = fopen(name, acc);
	if(result == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open file: %s\n", name);

/* quit and remove the temporary files if we get interrupted */
clean() {
	fclose(master);	fclose (newmas);
	fclose(detin);	fclose (detout);
	unlink(mas_name); unlink(det_name);
	unlink(nmas_name); unlink(ndet_name);
echo x - PWB11-70
cat >PWB11-70 <<'!E!O!F!'
Input: #master #detail #steps
0 0 1000     short compute test
Cpu time:  0.0 (sys) +   0.0 (usr) =   0.0 secs.
Elapsed time:2  secs.
loops: 1000	sum: 4015	#active: 0	checksum: 0

0 0 10000    med compute bound test
Cpu time:  1.0 (sys) +   6.0 (usr) =   7.0 secs.
Elapsed time:25  secs.
loops: 10000	sum: 4015	#active: 0	checksum: 0

0 0 50000    long compute bound test
ERROR:invalid input parameters
1000 100 1   short I/O test
Cpu time:  0.0 (sys) +   0.0 (usr) =   0.0 secs.
Elapsed time:9  secs.
loops: 1	sum: 4015	#active: 100	checksum: 50500

3000 500 1   I/O bound test
Cpu time:  2.0 (sys) +   2.0 (usr) =   4.0 secs.
Elapsed time:41  secs.
loops: 1	sum: 4015	#active: 500	checksum: 751500

4000 700 200 long mixed test
Cpu time: 15.0 (sys) + 108.0 (usr) = 123.0 secs.
Elapsed time:307  secs.
loops: 200	sum: 4015	#active: 800	checksum: 1602000
echo x - Vax750
cat >Vax750 <<'!E!O!F!'
Input: #master #detail #steps
0 0 1000     short compute test
Cpu time:  0.0 (sys) +   0.0 (usr) =   0.0 secs.
Elapsed time:0  secs.
loops: 1000	sum: 4015	#active: 0	checksum: 0

0 0 10000    med compute bound test
Cpu time:  0.0 (sys) +   2.0 (usr) =   2.0 secs.
Elapsed time:6  secs.
loops: 10000	sum: 4015	#active: 0	checksum: 0

0 0 50000    long compute bound test
Cpu time:  1.0 (sys) +  12.0 (usr) =  13.0 secs.
Elapsed time:25  secs.
loops: 50000	sum: 4015	#active: 0	checksum: 0

1000 100 1   short I/O test
Cpu time:  0.0 (sys) +   1.0 (usr) =   1.0 secs.
Elapsed time:5  secs.
loops: 1	sum: 4015	#active: 100	checksum: 50500

3000 500 1   I/O bound test
Cpu time:  1.0 (sys) +   3.0 (usr) =   4.0 secs.
Elapsed time:9  secs.
loops: 1	sum: 4015	#active: 500	checksum: 751500

4000 700 200 long mixed test
Cpu time:  6.0 (sys) +  48.0 (usr) =  54.0 secs.
Elapsed time:104  secs.
loops: 200	sum: 4015	#active: 800	checksum: 1602000

echo x - Vax780
cat >Vax780 <<'!E!O!F!'
Input: #master #detail #steps
0 0 1000     short compute test
Cpu time:  0.0 (sys) +   0.0 (usr) =   0.0 secs.
Elapsed time:1  secs.
loops: 1000	sum: 4015	#active: 0	checksum: 0

0 0 10000    med compute bound test
Cpu time:  0.0 (sys) +   1.0 (usr) =   1.0 secs.
Elapsed time:1  secs.
loops: 10000	sum: 4015	#active: 0	checksum: 0

0 0 50000    long compute bound test
Cpu time:  0.0 (sys) +   6.0 (usr) =   6.0 secs.
Elapsed time:9  secs.
loops: 50000	sum: 4015	#active: 0	checksum: 0

1000 100 1   short I/O test
Cpu time:  0.0 (sys) +   0.0 (usr) =   0.0 secs.
Elapsed time:1  secs.
loops: 1	sum: 4015	#active: 100	checksum: 50500

3000 500 1   I/O bound test
Cpu time:  0.0 (sys) +   2.0 (usr) =   2.0 secs.
Elapsed time:5  secs.
loops: 1	sum: 4015	#active: 500	checksum: 751500

4000 700 200 long mixed test
Cpu time:  3.0 (sys) +  24.0 (usr) =  27.0 secs.
Elapsed time:51  secs.
loops: 200	sum: 4015	#active: 800	checksum: 1602000
