[net.sources] Prolog library: ixref.pl

pereira@sri-unix.UUCP (08/15/83)

%   File: Ixref.PL      Author: R.A.O'Keefe     Updated: 9 November 82
%   Note: this program is completely parasitic on PP.Pl.  It only provides
%   a way of building the database and a few methods for accessing it; the
%   general pattern-matching stuff comes from PP, and the access method is
%   called from it.  It also depends on Helper for try_hard_to_see.
:-      op(900,  fx, sf).
:-	op(900,  fx, sp).
:- public
        ixref/1,        %  inspect some files
        ixref_path/3,   %  for 'setof'
        (sf)/0, (sf)/1, (sf)/2,
        (sp)/1, (sp)/2.
:- mode
    ixref(+),           %  read a list of files and update the database
        ixref_Current(+, -, -),
    cassert(+),         %  put something in DataBase if not already there
    sf, sf(+), sf(+,-),
    sp(+), sp(+,-),
        ixref_path(+, +, -),
            ixref_path(+, ?, -, +),
                memberchk(+, +).
ixref(Files) :-
        (   call('$seen'('<prolog>ixref.def'))
        |   get_from('<prolog>ixref.def', +)
        ),  !,
        get_from(Files, +),
get_from([Head|Tail], Flag) :-
        !, get_from(Head, Flag),
        !, get_from(Tail, Flag).
get_from([],          Flag) :- !.
get_from(erase(File), Flag) :- !,
        start_ixref(File, erase).
get_from(-File,       Flag) :- !,
        get_from(File, -).
get_from(File, Flag) :-
        try_hard_to_see(File, [press,extras,mec,util,pll], [pl,def]),
        start_ixref(NewFile, Flag),
            expand_term(Term, Form),
            ixref_process(Form, NewFile, Flag),
            Form = end_of_file,
        start_ixref(File, Flag) :-
                retract('$seen'(File)),                 %   File has been seen before
                retract('$defn'(Fn,Ar, File)),          %   Fn/Ar is defined in File
                retract('$call'(Fn,Ar, _,_)),           %   forget all its calls
                retract('$call'(Fn,Ar, _)),             %   forget what it applies
                fail.                                   %   failure-driven LOOP
        start_ixref(File, erase) :- !.
        start_ixref(File, Flag) :-
        ixref_process(end_of_file,    File, Flag) :- !.
        ixref_process((Head :- Body), File, Flag) :- !,
                ixref_head(Head, File, Flag, HeadFn,HeadAr),
                ixref_goal(Body, GoalFn,GoalAr),
                cassert('$call'(HeadFn,HeadAr, GoalFn,GoalAr)).
        ixref_process((:- Commands),  File, Flag) :- !,
        ixref_process((?- Question),  File, Flag) :- !.
        ixref_process(system(Head),     File, Flag) :- !,
                ixref_head(Head, utility, Flag, HeadFn,HeadAr).
        ixref_process(known(Head, F), File, Flag) :- !,
                ixref_head(Head, F, Flag, HeadFn,HeadAr).
        ixref_process(op(P, T, O),      File, Flag) :- !,
                op(P, T, O).
        ixref_process(applies(G, A),    File, Flag) :-
                var(A), !,
                cassert('$call'(G, A, 0)).
        ixref_process(applies(G, A+N),File, Flag) :- !.
                cassert('$call'(G, A, N)).
        ixref_process(Fact,             File, Flag) :- !,
                ixref_head(Fact, File, Flag, HeadFn,HeadAr).
        ixref_command((A,B)) :-
                ixref_command(A), !,
        ixref_command(op(P, T, O)) :- !,
                op(P, T, O).
        ixref_command([X|Y]) :- !,
                get_from([X|Y], +).
        ixref_command(consult(Files)) :- !,
                get_from(Files, +).
        ixref_command(reconsult(Files)) :- !,
                get_from(Files, -).
        ixref_command(compile(Files)) :- !,
                get_from(Files, -).
        ixref_command((public Public)) :- !,
        ixref_command((mode Mode)) :- !,
        %   handle :- public and :- mode declarations.  The information
        %   should be stored somewhere for the sake of MEDIC, but until
        %   all these tools are properly fitted together it doesn't matter.
                ixref_declaration((A,B)) :-
                        ixref_declaration(A), !,
                ixref_declaration(Functor/Arity) :- !,
                        cassert('$seen'(Functor, Arity)).
                ixref_declaration(Term) :-
                        functor(Term, Functor, Arity),
                        cassert('$seen'(Functor, Arity)).
        ixref_head(Head, File, Flag, Functor, Arity) :-
                functor(Head, Functor, Arity),
                call('$defn'(Functor, Arity, File)), !.
        ixref_head(Head, File, Flag, Functor, Arity) :-
                functor(Head, Functor, Arity),
                (   call('$defn'(Functor, Arity, OtherFile)),
                        OtherFile \== File,
                        (Flag == - | OtherFile = utility),
                        display('** '), display(File),
                        display(' redefines '), display(Functor),
                        display(/), display(Arity),
                        display(' which belongs to '),
                        display(OtherFile), ttynl
                |   true
                ),  !,
                cassert('$seen'(Functor, Arity)),
                cassert('$defn'(Functor, Arity, File)).
        ixref_goal(Goal,    Fn,Ar) :-
                var(Goal), !,
        ixref_goal((G1,G2), Fn,Ar) :-
                ixref_goal(G1, Fn,Ar).
        ixref_goal((G1,G2), Fn,Ar) :- !,
                ixref_goal(G2, Fn,Ar).
        ixref_goal((G1;G2), Fn,Ar) :-
                ixref_goal(G1, Fn,Ar).
        ixref_goal((G1;G2), Fn,Ar) :- !,
                ixref_goal(G2, Fn,Ar).
        ixref_goal(Goal,    Fn,Ar) :-
                call('$call'(Goal, Argument, Extra)),
                functor(Argument, Fn, Small),
                Ar is Small+Extra.
        ixref_goal(Goal,    Fn,Ar) :-
                functor(Goal, Fn,Ar),
                call('$defn'(Fn,Ar, utility)),
                !, fail.
        ixref_goal(Goal,    Fn,Ar) :-
                functor(Goal, Fn,Ar).
cassert(Fact) :-
        call(Fact), !.
cassert(Fact) :-
%   The following predicate accesses the IXREF data-base.
%       from(-)         -- called but not defined
%       from(F)         -- defined in file F
%       >(-)            -- defined but calling nothing
%       >(Pattern)      -- calling something matching Pattern
%       <(-)            -- defined but not called
%       <(Pattern)      -- called by something matching Pattern
%       @>(Pattern)     -- calling Pattern = closure of >
%       @<(Pattern)     -- called by Pattern = closure of <
ixref_Pattern(>(_)).    ixref_Pattern(@>(_)).
ixref_Pattern(<(_)).    ixref_Pattern(@<(_)).
ixref_Current(from(-), Functor, Arity) :- !,
        call('$seen'(Functor, Arity)),
        \+ call('$defn'(Functor, Arity, File)).
ixref_Current(from(File), Functor, Arity) :- !,
        call('$defn'(Functor, Arity, File)).
ixref_Current(>(-), Functor, Arity) :- !,
        call('$defn'(Functor, Arity, _)),
        \+ call('$call'(Functor, Arity, _, _)).
ixref_Current(>(Pattern), Functor, Arity) :- !,
        isCurrent(Pattern, sp, G/B),
        call('$call'(Functor, Arity, G, B)).
ixref_Current(<(-), Functor, Arity) :- !,
        call('$defn'(Functor, Arity, File)),
        File \== utility,
        \+ call('$call'(_, _, Functor, Arity)).
ixref_Current(<(Pattern), Functor, Arity) :- !,
        isCurrent(Pattern, sp, G/B),
        call('$call'(G, B, Functor, Arity)).
ixref_Current(@>(Pattern), Functor, Arity) :- !,
        ixref_path(Functor/Arity, Pattern, _).
ixref_Current(@<(Pattern), Functor, Arity) :- !,
        ixref_path(Pattern, Functor/Arity, _).
|                                                                       |
|                          Seen File ?                                  |
|                                                                       |
|   The predicates provided to the user are                             |
|       sf(Pattern, Files)              -- return selected filenames    |
|       sf(Pattern)                     -- display selected filenames   |
|       sf                              -- display all file names       |
|                                                                       |
|   Once again, there are two sorts of patterns, and keeping them apart |
|   is confusing.  If the pattern is a string, the user is told which   |
|   files have been seen whose names match the pattern.  Otherwise, he  |
|   is told which files have been seen that defined predicates matching |
|   the pattern.  E.g. sf "fre*" might locate a file 'fred.pl', while   |
|   sf ["fre*"] will locate files defining predicates fred...           |
|                                                                       |
sf :-
sf(Pattern) :-
        sf(Pattern, Files),
        answer_List(Files, 32).
sf([Head|Tail], Files) :-
        integer(Head), !,
        setof(File, ('$seen'(File), isCurrent([Head|Tail], File)), Files).
sf(Pattern, Files) :-
        setof(File, ('$defn'(F,A,File), isCurrent(Pattern, cf, F/A)), Files).
|                                                                       |
|                             Show Paths                                |
|                                                                       |
|   The predicates provided for the user are                            |
|       sp(Limits, Paths)               -- return paths                 |
|       sp(Limits)                      -- display paths                |
|   Note that there is no sp/0, as the complete list of paths is as     |
|   long as it is boring.                                               |
|       A path is a list [F0/N0, ..., Fk/Nk] where each entry names     |
|   a predicate, and Fi/Ni calls Fi+1/Ni+1, and no entry appears more   |
|   than once.  It describes in detail how F0/N0 may call Fk/Nk.  For   |
|   my convenience, this is the scheme used to implement @> and @<.     |
|   The Limits are                                                      |
|       FirstCaller - LastCalled                                        |
|       - LastCalled                                                    |
|       FirstCaller                                                     |
|   where FirstCaller, LastCalled are TermPatterns.                     |
|                                                                       |
sp(Limits) :-
        sp(Limits, Paths),
        answer_List(Paths, 31).
sp(FirstCaller-LastCalled, Paths) :- !,
        setof(Path, ixref_path(FirstCaller, LastCalled, Path), Paths).
sp(-LastCalled, Paths) :- !,
        sp("*"-LastCalled, Paths).
sp(FirstCaller, Paths) :-
        sp(FirstCaller-"*", Paths).
ixref_path(First, Last, [FirstSpec|Path]) :-
        isCurrent(First, sp, FirstSpec),
        ixref_path(FirstSpec, LastSpec, Path, [FirstSpec]),
        isCurrent(Last, sp, LastSpec).
                ixref_path(F/A, G/B, [H/C|Path], Forbidden) :-
                        call('$call'(F, A, H, C)),
                        \+ memberchk(H/C, Forbidden),
                        ixref_path(H/C, G/B, Path, [H/C|Forbidden]).
                ixref_path(F/A, F/A, [], _).
                        memberchk(H, [H|_]) :- !.
                        memberchk(X, [_|T]) :- memberchk(X, T).