[net.sources] Public Domain Nro - nro.h

jordan@mddc.UUCP (08/15/83)

 *      Parameter file for NRO word processor
 *      Stephen L. Browning
 *      5723 North Parker Avenue
 *      Indianapolis, Indiana 46220

/* some or all of this may be unnecessary for you */

#include <ctype.h>
#define EOS '\0'
#define CPMEOF 0x1a
#define TRUE -1
#define FALSE 0
#define OK 0

/* end of possible bogus hacks */

#define MACRO    0      /* macro definition */
#define BP       1      /* begin page   */
#define BR       2      /* break        */
#define CE       3      /* center       */
#define FI       4      /* fill         */
#define FO       5      /* footer       */
#define HE       6      /* header       */
#define IN       7      /* indent       */
#define LS       8      /* line spacing */
#define NF       9      /* no fill      */
#define PL      10      /* page lenght  */
#define RM      11      /* right margin */
#define SP      12      /* line space   */
#define TI      13      /* temp indent  */
#define UL      14      /* underline    */
#define JU      15      /* justify      */
#define NJ      16      /* no justify   */
#define M1      17      /* top margin   */
#define M2      18      /* second top margin    */
#define M3      19      /* first bottom margin  */
#define M4      20      /* bottom-most margin   */
#define BS      21      /* allow/disallow '\b' in output */
#define NE      22      /* need n lines */
#define PC      23      /* page number character */
#define CC      24      /* control character    */
#define PO      25      /* page offset  */
#define BO      26      /* bold face    */
#define EH      27      /* header for even numbered pages       */
#define OH      28      /* header for odd numbered pages        */
#define EF      29      /* footer for even numbered pages       */
#define OF      30      /* footer for odd numbered pages        */
#define SO      31      /* source file  */
#define CU      32      /* continuous underline */
#define DE      33      /* define macro */
#define EN      34      /* end macro definition */
#define NR      35      /* set number register  */

#define UNKNOWN -1

 *      MAXLINE is set to a value slightly larger
 *      than twice the longest expected input line.
 *      Because of the way underlining is handled, the
 *      input line which is to be underlined, can almost
 *      triple in length.  Unlike normal underlining and
 *      boldfacing, continuous underlining affects all
 *      characters in the buffer, and represents the
 *      worst case condition.  If the distance between
 *      the left margin and the right margin is greater
 *      than about 65 characters, and continuous underlining
 *      is in effect, there is a high probability of buffer
 *      overflow.

#define MAXLINE 200
#define PAGELEN  66
#define PAGEWIDTH 80
#define HUGE    256
#define LEFT    0               /* indecies into header margin limit arrays */
#define RIGHT   1
#define NFILES  4               /* nesting depth for input files */

 *      The following parameters may be defined in bdscio.h

#define YES     1
#define NO      0
#define ERR     -1

 *      The parameter values selected for macro definitions
 *      are somewhat arbitrary.  MACBUF is the storage area
 *      for both macro names and definitions.  Since macro
 *      processing is handled by pushing back the expansion
 *      into the input buffer, the longest possible expansion
 *      would be MAXLINE characters.  Allowing for argument
 *      expansion, MXMLEN was chosen slightly less than MAXLINE.
 *      It is assumed that most macro definitions will not
 *      exceed 20 characters, hence MXMDEF of 100.

#define MXMDEF  100             /* maximum no. of macro definitions */
#define MACBUF  2000            /* macro definition buffer */
#define MXMLEN  150             /* maximum length of each macro definition */
#define MNLEN   10              /* maximum length of macro name */

struct macros {
        char *mnames[MXMDEF];   /* table of pointers to macro names */
        int lastp;              /* index to last mname  */
        char *emb;              /* next char avail in macro defn buffer */
        char mb[MACBUF];        /* table of macro definitions */
        char *ppb;              /* pointer into push back buffer */
        char pbb[MAXLINE];      /* push back buffer */

/* control parameters for nro */

struct docctl {
        int fill;       /* fill if YES, init = YES              */
        int lsval;      /* current line spacing, init = 1       */
        int inval;      /* current indent, >= 0, init = 0       */
        int rmval;      /* current right margin, init = 60      */
        int tival;      /* current temp indent, init = 0        */
        int ceval;      /* number of lines to center, init = 0  */
        int ulval;      /* number of lines to underline, init = 0 */
        int cuval;      /* no. lines to continuously underline, init = 0 */
        int juval;      /* justify if YES, init = YES           */
        int boval;      /* number of lines to bold face, init = 0 */
        int bsflg;      /* can output contain '\b', init = FALSE */
        char pgchr;     /* page number character, init = '#'    */
        char cmdchr;    /* command character, init = '.'        */
        int prflg;      /* print on or off, init = TRUE         */
        int sprdir;     /* direction for spread(), init = 0     */
        int flevel;     /* nesting depth for source cmd, init = 0 */
        int nr[26];     /* number registers     */

/* output buffer control parameters */

struct cout {
        int outp;       /* next avail char position in outbuf, init = 0 */
        int outw;       /* width of text currently in buffer    */
        int outwds;     /* number of words in buffer, init = 0  */
        int lpr;        /* output to printer, init = FALSE      */
        char outbuf[MAXLINE];   /* output of filled text        */

/* page control parameters for nro */

struct page {
        int curpag;     /* current output page number, init =0  */
        int newpag;     /* next output page number, init = 1    */
        int lineno;     /* next line to be printed, init = 0    */
        int plval;      /* page length in lines, init = 66      */
        int m1val;      /* margin before and including header   */
        int m2val;      /* margin after header                  */
        int m3val;      /* margin after last text line          */
        int m4val;      /* bottom margin, including footer      */
        int bottom;     /* last live line on page
                                        = plval - m3val - m4val */
        int offset;     /* page offset from left, init = 0      */
        int frstpg;     /* first page to print, init = 0        */
        int lastpg;     /* last page to print, init = 30000     */
        int ehlim[2];   /* left/right margins for headers/footers       */
        int ohlim[2];   /* init = 0 and PAGEWIDTH                       */
        int eflim[2];
        int oflim[2];
        char ehead[MAXLINE];    /* top of page title, init = '\n'       */
        char ohead[MAXLINE];
        char efoot[MAXLINE];    /* bottom of page title, init = '\n'    */
        char ofoot[MAXLINE];

char *getmac();