[net.sources] 'dir.c' for APPLE AZTEC 'C' system

jed@mb2c.UUCP (John E. Duncan III) (11/07/83)

/* dir
 *	This program runs on the AZTEC APPLE 'C' system.  It looks at the
 * diskette VTOC to determine how many free tracks there are
 * on the current diskette (er...directory).  It will then print
 * out a sorted list of files (in default 2 column format with 80
 * column screen).  If an optional mask or masks are specified, they
 * will be used to limit the search on the specified diskette.
 *		-l	Long listing, like CATALOG but print total/free secs too
 *		-dn	Drive to search (default slot)
 *		-sn Use slot 'n' instead of default slot
 *		-1	Use single column format (automatic if not 80 column screen)
 *		-p  DON'T pause at the end of each screen (auto if not to screen)
#include <kbctl.h>

#define LINES 21
#define STDIN 0
#define STDOUT 1
#define STDERR 2

/* Default DOS Value locations */

#define DRIVE	0xB7F8	/* Last drive accessed */
#define SLOT	0xB7F7	/* Last slot accessed */
#define VTRACK	17		/* VTOC Track */
#define VSEC	0		/* VTOC Map Sector */

/* RWTS Definitions */

#define SEEK 0
#define READ 1
#define WRITE 2
#define FORMAT 4

struct vtoc {
	char xvtoc1;			/* 00    not used */
	char ctrack1;		/* 01    Track number of first catalog sector */
	char csec1;			/* 02    Sector number of first catalog sector */
	char release;		/* 03    Release number of DOS used to INIT disk */
	char xvtoc2[2];			/* 04-05 not used */
	char volume;		/* 06    Diskette volume number */
	char xvtoc3[32];		/* 07-26 not used */
	char tsec;			/* Max. t/s pairs which fit in 1 file t/s list sec */
	char xvtoc4[8];			/* 28-2F not used */
	char ltrack;		/* 30    Last track where sectors were allocated */
	char whichway;		/* 31    Direction of track allocation +1 or -1 */
	char xvtoc5[2];			/* 32-33 not used */
	char tpd;			/* 34    Tracks per diskette */
	char spt;			/* 35	 Sectors per track */
	int bps;			/* 36-37 Bytes per sector */
	struct bitmap {
		char tmap[4];	/*       Bit map of track */
	} bmap [50];        /* Bit maps */

struct catalog {
	char xxcat1;			/* 00    not used */
	char tnext;			/* 01    Track number of next catalog sector */
	char snext;			/* 02    Sector number of next catalog sector */
	char xxcat2[8];			/* 03-0A not used */
	struct fdesc {		/* File Descriptions */
		char ts_t;			/* 00    Track of first t/s list, FF if none */
		char ts_s;				/* 01    Sector of above track */
		char ftype;				/* 02    File type, hi bit = locked */
#define		TEXT 0x80				/* TEXT file */
#define		INT  0x81				/* INTEGER BASIC file */
#define		FP	 0x82               /* APPLESOFT BASIC file */
#define		BIN	 0x84				/* BINARY file */
#define		STYP 0x88				/* S type file */
#define		REL	 0x90				/* RELOCATABLE object module file */
#define		ATYP 0xA0				/* A type file */
#define		BTYP 0xC0				/* B type file */
		char fname[30];			/* 03-20 File name */
		unsigned flen;				/* lo byte of file len is OK */
	} fd [7];
static char tcode[] = {
	TEXT, 'T',
	INT,  'I',
	FP,   'A',
	BIN,  'B',
	STYP, 'S',
	REL,  'R',
	ATYP, 'a',
	BTYP, 'b',
	0 };
static struct dir {
	char *fname;
	unsigned flen;
	char ftype;
} dlist[200];	/* Pointers to entries */
static int dcnt;			/* How many entries were found */
static char drdef;			/* 0=use current drive, 1=use argument */
static char sldef;			/* 0=use current slot, 1=use argument */
static int dtot;			/* How many entries in total */
static char drive, slot;
static int dir_t1;			/* First directory track */
static int dir_s1;			/* First directory sector */
static int free_secs;		/* Free Sectors on diskette */
static char lflag;			/* Long Listing flag */
static int lcnt;			/* Lines on screen so far */
static char oneflag;		/* 0=2 column, 1=1 column */
static char pflag;			/* Pause after each screen */
static long int bps;		/* Bytes per sector */
static char spaces[41] =
	"                                        ";
static int spt;				/* Sectors per track */
static int tpd;				/* Tracks per disk */
static int vol;				/* Volume number */
static char **mask;			/* Pointer to first mask */
static int maskc;			/* Count of masks */
static char lbuf[100];		/* Buffer for line output */

main( argc, argv )
	int argc;
	char *argv[];
	register int i,j;
	register char *targ;
	register char ch;

	/* Initialize here so we can 'run' it again if desired */

	dcnt = -1;
	lflag = oneflag = dtot = drdef = sldef = 0;
	pflag = 1;

	while( --argc ) {
		if( **++argv != '-' ) break;
		targ = *argv;
		while(ch = *(++targ)) {
			switch( ch ) {
			case 'd':			/* which drive */
				if( *targ > '0' && *targ < '3') {
					drive = *targ - '0';
					drdef = 1;
				else {
					errmesg( "dir: Drive number must be 1 or 2\n" );
					exit( 1 );
			case 'l':			/* long listing */
			case '1':			/* single column listing */
				oneflag = 1;
			case 'p':
				pflag = 0;
			case 's':			/* which slot */
				if( *targ > '0' && *targ < '8') {
					slot = *targ - '0';
					sldef = 1;
				else {
					errmesg( "dir: Slot number must be 1-7\n" );
					exit( 1 );
				strcpy( lbuf, "Unknown flag -X\n" );
				lbuf[14] = *targ;
				errmesg( lbuf );
				errmesg("Usage: dir [-1lp] [-sn] [-dn] [mask1] [mask2] ...\n");
				exit( 1 );
			if( ! *targ ) break;
	maskc = argc;
	mask = argv;

	/* If we're not dealing with output to the terminal, turn off the pause */

	i = ioctl( 1, KB_WID, 0);
	if( i < 0 )		/* not the screen, turn off pauses */
		pflag = 0;
	if( i < 80 )	/* turn off double column mode */
		oneflag = 1;

	/* If no drive or slot was specified, we have to figure out which
	 * one is wanted.  This is not easy since there is no system call
	 * to find out the current slot and drive, so we just try to open
	 * for reading a file with a ridiculous name and when it fails, we
	 * take a peek into DOS to see which drive/slot it used.  It also
	 * has the side effect of positioning the head to the VTOC, but
	 * its a small consolation for all of the hassle.

	if( drdef == 0 || sldef == 0 ) {		/* here we go */
		open( "$$unlikely @@", 0 );
		if( drdef == 0 ) drive = *DRIVE;
		if( sldef == 0 ) {
			slot = *SLOT;
			slot >>= 4;

	/* Convert all masks to upper case since supposedly the only file
     * names that will be encountered will be in upper case.

	while( argc ) {
		targ = *argv;
		while( *targ ) {
			*targ = toupper(*targ);
		--argc; ++argv;
	if( lflag ) header();
	else lcnt = 0;
	if( dcnt == -1 ) exit( 3 );

/* getvtoc()
 *   Get the VTOC sector from the current drive, or the drive specified
 * on the command line.  If the '-t' or '-l' flags are set, print out
 * statistics on total sectors and available sectors.
	struct vtoc buf;
	register int cmap;
	register char *mptr, *mend;
	register int fs = 0;
	static int rc;

	if ( rc=rwts( VTRACK, VSEC, &buf, READ, slot, drive, 0) )
		vtocerr( VTRACK, VSEC, rc );
	if ( buf.bps < 128 ) buf.bps = 256;		/* sanity patch */
	bps = buf.bps;
	dir_t1 = buf.ctrack1;
	dir_s1 = buf.csec1;
	tpd = buf.tpd;
	spt = buf.spt;
	vol = buf.volume;

	/* we have the map in memory, interpret it */

	mend = buf.bmap;
	mend += tpd << 2;		/* multiply by 4 the fast way */
	for( mptr=buf.bmap; mptr<mend; ++mptr ) {
		cmap = *mptr;
		while( cmap ) {
			if( cmap & 1 ) ++fs;
			cmap >>= 1;
	free_secs = fs;

/* getnames()
 *	 Search the directory and pick out all file names found.  Allocate
 * memory to hold the names and set up the array to point to them. 
 * Check the masks given before accepting an entry.
	register int ctrack, csec;		/* Current track and sector */
	register int i,j, mcnt;
	register char  *sptr, *tptr, **fmask;	/* Temporary pointers */
	int ttype, tlen;				/* temporaries */
	struct catalog dbuf;			/* Space for directory block */
	int rc;

	ctrack = dir_t1;
	csec = dir_s1;

	while( ctrack ) {
		if ( rc=rwts( ctrack, csec, &dbuf, READ, slot, drive, 0) )
			vtocerr( ctrack, csec, rc );
		for( i=0; i<7; i++ ) {
			j = dbuf.fd[i].ts_t;
			if( j == 0 ) return;	/* virgin entry, done with VTOC */
			if( j != 0xFF ) {		/* its a good entry */

				/* Save file length before we maybe clobber with NULL */

				tlen = dbuf.fd[i].flen;
				ttype = dbuf.fd[i].ftype;

				/* Convert buffer to NULL terminated format */

				sptr = dbuf.fd[i].fname;
				for( tptr = sptr + 29; *tptr == 0xA0; tptr-- );
				*(++tptr) = 0;

				/* Turn off all hi bits */

				for( tptr=sptr; *tptr; tptr++ ) *tptr &= 0x7F;

				/* Check filename against all masks to see if we want it */

				if( maskc == 0 ) goto gotone;
				mcnt = maskc;
				fmask = mask;
				while( mcnt-- ) {
					if( match( *fmask, sptr )) goto gotone;

				/* we want it, save everything */

				dlist[++dcnt].ftype = ttype;
				dlist[dcnt].flen = tlen;
				if( !(tptr = malloc( tptr - sptr + 1))) {
					errmesg( "dir: Out of memory\n" );
					exit( 2 );
				strcpy( tptr, sptr );
				dlist[dcnt].fname = tptr;
		ctrack = dbuf.tnext;
		csec = dbuf.snext;

/* sortnames
 *		Just a little bubble sort since this won't take too long anyway.
	register int i, j;
	struct dir tmp;

	for( i=0; i<dcnt; i++ ) {
		for( j=i+1; j<=dcnt; j++ ) {
			if( strcmp( dlist[i].fname, dlist[j].fname ) > 0 ) {
				tmp = dlist[i];
				dlist[i] = dlist[j];
				dlist[j] = tmp;

/* output()
 *		Print out the file names found.
	register int i, j;
	register char *tptr, *bptr, ch;

	for( i=0; i<=dcnt; i++) {
		bptr = lbuf;
		if( lflag ) {
			ch = dlist[i].ftype;
			*lbuf = (ch & 0x80) ? '*' : ' ' ;
			lbuf[1] = '?';
			if( tptr = index( tcode, ch | 0x80))	lbuf[1] = *++tptr;
			sprintf( lbuf+2, " %6ld ", bps * (long int) dlist[i].flen );
			bptr = lbuf + 10;
		for( tptr = dlist[i].fname; ; tptr++ ) {
			if( *tptr < 0x20 ) {
				if( *tptr == 0 ) break;
				*bptr++ = '^';
				*bptr = *tptr | 0x40;
				*bptr = *tptr;
		if( ((i & 1) == 0) && (oneflag == 0) && ((j = bptr - lbuf) < 40)) {
			strcpy( bptr, spaces + j );
			bptr = lbuf + 40;
		else {
			*bptr++ = '\n';
			*bptr = 0;
		write( STDOUT, lbuf, bptr - lbuf );
		if( pflag && (lcnt > LINES) ) {
			mesg( "\n(more...)" );
			read( STDIN, lbuf, 1 );
			mesg( "\n" );
			lcnt = 0;
	if( ((i & 1) == 1) && (oneflag == 0)) mesg("\n");

/* match
 *		This routine will match a pattern 'mask' against a string 'str'.
 * The pattern may consist of any characters plus the meta-characters
 * '?' (match any one character), '*' (match any number of characters),
 * [...] (match any character in the class).  Return 0 for fail, 1 for match.
match( mask, str )
	register char *mask;
	register char *str;
	register char flush;

	while( *mask ) {
		if( ! *str ) return( 0 );
		switch( *mask ) {
		case '*':
			if( *(++mask) == 0 ) return( 1 );		/* trailing '*' match */
			while( *str ) {
				if( match( mask, str )) return( 1 );
			return( 0 );
		case '[':			/* character class */
			flush = 0;
			while( *mask && (*mask != ']') ) {
				if( !flush )
					if( (*mask == *str) ||
						(( *mask == '-' ) &&
							 (*(mask-1) <= *str) && (*(mask+1) >= *str)))
						flush = 1;
			if( (! *mask) || (! flush) ) return( 0 );
		case '?':			/* match any single character */
			goto bump;
		case '\\':			/* quote the single character */
		if( *mask != *str ) return( 0 );
	if( *str ) return( 0 );		/* str has chars unmatched, no good */
	return( 1 );

/* mesg
 *	write out a message to STDOUT.
mesg( str )
	char *str;
	write( STDOUT, str, strlen( str ) );

/* errmesg
 *	write out a message to STDERR
errmesg( str )
	char *str;
	write( STDERR, str, strlen( str ) );

/* vtocerr
 *	Print out the error indicating where the error occurred and exit
vtocerr( vtrack, vsec, vrc )
	int vtrack, vsec, vrc;
	sprintf( lbuf,
		 "I/O error on VTOC, slot %d, drive %d, track %d, sector %d, rc=%d\n",
		slot, drive, vtrack, vsec, 0 - vrc );
	errmesg( lbuf );
	exit( 1 );

/* header
 *		Print out the header message if this is a long listing.
	sprintf( lbuf, "Slot %d, Drive %d, Volume %d:  %d files\n",
		slot, drive, vol, dtot );
	mesg( lbuf );
	sprintf( lbuf, "Total sectors: %d, free: %d = %ldK\n",
		tpd * spt, free_secs, ((long) free_secs * bps)/1024 );
	mesg( lbuf );
	lcnt = 2;