[net.sources] Graphics source in C: hsalgs/tiler.c

ken@turtleva.UUCP (Ken Turkowski) (12/22/83)

echo x - hsalgs/tiler.c
cat >hsalgs/tiler.c <<'!Funky!Stuff!'

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    tiler.c - tiler for convex polygons - takes piped input with -1 < x < 1
	      -.75 < y < .75 and scan converts to the specified device
      - device <dvc> <bits> <divisions> <frmnum>
      - polygon <npts> (followed by appropriate number of vertices)
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */

#include <stdio.h>

#define TRUE   1
#define FALSE  0
#define NULLCHAR	'\0'
#define LINE_LENGTH	 81
#define POLYSIZE	 64
#define HRES 		640
#define VRES 		484
#define SUBPIX 		.01              /* minimum allowable width or height */
#define MAXFLOAT 0xFFFF7FFF     /* yes, that's right (look in the VAX manual) */
#define SQR(x) ((x)*(x))

/* parameters for image placement in big buffer memory */
static short Xofset,Yofset/*,rgb_24bit,rgb_16bit,bw_8bit,bw_4bit*/,field;
static short hres,vres/*,Y_pos,xleft,xrght*/;
static short xofset,yofset,maxY,fb,aed,byte;

/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++ MAIN +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
    char instrg[LINE_LENGTH],keywd[LINE_LENGTH],remainder[LINE_LENGTH],dvc[3];
    char *eofchk,*gets();
    short i;
    double atof(),sqrt(),fabs();

    /* scan input for keywords */
    {   short bits,divisions,frmnum;
	eofchk = gets(instrg);
	if (eofchk != NULL) get_term(instrg,keywd,remainder);  /* get keyword */
	else   continue;

    	if      ( strcmp(keywd,"device") == 0 ) 	/* device description */
		{   sscanf(remainder,"%s %hd %hd %hd",dvc,&bits,&divisions,
		    if      (bits == 32)  rgbtilinit(bits,divisions,frmnum);
		    else if (strcmp(dvc,"bb") == 0) bptilinit(frmnum,divisions);
		    else if (strcmp(dvc,"fb") == 0) ptilinit(bits);
		    else if (strcmp(dvc,"aed") == 0) aptilinit(0);
		    else error(" bad device name - %s\n",dvc);
    	else if ( strcmp(keywd,"polygon") == 0 ) /* begin polygon description */
		{   short npts;    struct { double x,y,z,r,g,b; } pts[POLYSIZE];
		    if (bits == 32) 				/* full color */
		    {   for (i=0; i<npts; i++)
			    sscanf(gets(instrg),"%f %f %f %f %f",&pts[i].x,
		    else				       /* pseudocolor */
		    {   for (i=0; i<npts; i++)
			    sscanf(gets(instrg),"%f %f %f",&pts[i].x,&pts[i].y,
	else    fprintf(stderr,"tiler - bad keyword %s\n",instrg);

    }   while (eofchk != NULL);		/* continue until input exhausted */
}   /* done with main program */

/* +++++++++++++++++++++ GET_TERM +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
get_term(instrg,term,remainder)		/* remove first term from string */
char *instrg,*term,*remainder;  /* blanks, tabs, nulls, commas are separators */
{   short i,index1,index2;
    index1 = 0;				/* find first non-separator */
    while ((instrg[index1] == ' ') 	|| (instrg[index1] == '\t') ||
	   (instrg[index1] == NULLCHAR) || (instrg[index1] == ',' )) index1++;
    index2 = index1;			/* find next separator */
    while ((instrg[index2] != ' ') 	&& (instrg[index2] != '\t') &&
	   (instrg[index2] != NULLCHAR) && (instrg[index2] != ',' ) &&
	   (instrg[index2] != '\n'))				     index2++;
    for (i=index1; i<index2; i++)  term[i-index1] = instrg[i];
    term[i-index1] = NULLCHAR;
    while ((instrg[i] != NULLCHAR) && (instrg[i] != '\n'))
	{  remainder[i-index2] = instrg[i];  i++;  }
    remainder[i-index2] = NULLCHAR;

/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++ RGBTILINIT ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */

rgbtilinit(bits,divisions,frmnum)  /* init tiler, set pointer to frame buffer */
short bits,divisions,frmnum;
{   /* short i; */  double pow(),sqrt();    long array[4];
    /* static short palred[256],palgrn[256],palblu[256];   /* pallette */

    if (frmnum == 0)  system("bbreset");
    if (bbopen() < 0)  exit();			/* give up if bb won't open */

    array[0] = frmnum;  array[1] = divisions;  array[2] = bits;  array[3] = 1;
    bbwrite(0,502,array,4);    /* load animation control */
    divisions = sqrt((double)divisions);
    hres = (32/divisions)*20;           vres = 484/divisions;
    field = frmnum % (32/bits);         frmnum /= 32/bits;
    Xofset = (frmnum % divisions) * hres;
    Yofset = (divisions-1 - (frmnum / divisions)) * vres;
    hres /= 2;  vres /= 2;      /* use half-res for scaling later */
    bbzoom(divisions, Xofset + hres, Yofset + vres + 1);

/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++ RGBTILER ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */

rgbtiler(npts,pts)     /* tile a convex polygon with vertices taken clockwise */
    short npts;    struct { double x,y,z,r,g,b; } pts[];
    struct { double x,r,g,b; } l_edge,r_edge,l_incr,r_incr;
    short i,iy,l_lnth,r_lnth,lpt,rpt,ptcnt,top_pt;
    double top,ceil(),floor();

    if (npts < 3) {  printf(" degenerate polygon\n");    return;   }

    top = 0.0;
    for(i=0; i<npts; i++)          /* scale for resolution & find top vertex */
    {   pts[i].x = hres * (pts[i].x + 1.) + Xofset + SUBPIX;
	pts[i].y = vres * (pts[i].y + 1.) + Yofset + SUBPIX;
        if(pts[i].y > top) { top = pts[i].y; top_pt = i; }
	pts[i].r *= 255.;    pts[i].g *= 255.;    pts[i].b *= 255.;

    l_lnth = r_lnth = 0;                                /* scanlines left */
    lpt = rpt = top_pt;  ptcnt = 0;                     /* vertex pointers */
    iy = floor(top);                                     /* top scanline */

    while(ptcnt <= npts)

    {   short ix,xlft,xrgt,numpix; double r,rxinc,g,gxinc,b,bxinc;
        long line[HRES];

        while((l_lnth == 0) && (ptcnt <= npts))
        {  bmkedge(&lpt,pts,&l_edge,&l_incr,&l_lnth,npts-1,npts);
	   if (l_lnth >= 0) ptcnt++;  else break;   }
        while((r_lnth == 0) && (ptcnt <= npts))
        {  bmkedge(&rpt,pts,&r_edge,&r_incr,&r_lnth,npts+1,npts);
	   if (r_lnth >= 0) ptcnt++;  else break;   }

	xlft = floor(l_edge.x);  xrgt = floor(r_edge.x);
        numpix = xrgt - xlft;
        r = l_edge.r;   if (numpix>0) rxinc = (r_edge.r - r)/numpix;
        g = l_edge.g;   if (numpix>0) gxinc = (r_edge.g - g)/numpix;
        b = l_edge.b;   if (numpix>0) bxinc = (r_edge.b - b)/numpix;

        for (ix=xlft; ix<xrgt; ix++)                  /* write scan segment */
        {   line[ix] = (long)b + ((long)g << 8) + ((long)r << 16);
	    r += rxinc;   g += gxinc;   b += bxinc;
	bbwrite(xlft,iy,&line[xlft],numpix);   /* write to BB */

        if ((l_lnth < 0) && (r_lnth < 0))  break;  /* done if at bottom vtx */
	--iy;  --l_lnth;  --r_lnth;
        l_edge.x += l_incr.x;        r_edge.x += r_incr.x;
        l_edge.r += l_incr.r;    r_edge.r += r_incr.r;
        l_edge.g += l_incr.g;    r_edge.g += r_incr.g;
        l_edge.b += l_incr.b;    r_edge.b += r_incr.b;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BMKEDGE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */

/* calculate edge block for tiler */
    short *ptr,*lnth,ptrinc,npts;
    struct { double x,y,z,r,g,b; } pts[];
    struct { double x,r,g,b; } *edge,*incmnts;
    short opt;  double floor(),ydif;

    opt = *ptr; *ptr = (*ptr + ptrinc) % npts;  /* increment vertex ptr. */
    edge->x = pts[opt].x;
    edge->r = pts[opt].r;
    edge->g = pts[opt].g;
    edge->b = pts[opt].b;

    if (pts[opt].y < pts[*ptr].y) {  *lnth = -1;  return;  }  /* bottom vtx */

    *lnth = floor(pts[opt].y) - floor(pts[*ptr].y);

    if (*lnth > 1)
    {   ydif = *lnth;
	incmnts->x = (pts[*ptr].x - pts[opt].x) / ydif;
	incmnts->r = (pts[*ptr].r - pts[opt].r) / ydif;
	incmnts->g = (pts[*ptr].g - pts[opt].g) / ydif;
	incmnts->b = (pts[*ptr].b - pts[opt].b) / ydif;
    {   incmnts->x = pts[*ptr].x - pts[opt].x;
	incmnts->r = pts[*ptr].r - pts[opt].r;
	incmnts->g = pts[*ptr].g - pts[opt].g;
	incmnts->b = pts[*ptr].b - pts[opt].b;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++ PTILINIT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */

ptilinit(quad)			 /* initialize tiler (set up quadrant) */
short quad;
{   fbquad(quad);		/* open frame buffer */
    xofset = yofset = 0;
    hres = (quad == 0)?  512/2 : 256/2;
    vres = (quad == 0)?  486/2 : 243/2;
    maxY = vres * 2;
    fb = TRUE;    aed = FALSE;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++ APTILINIT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */

aptilinit(quad)			 /* initialize tiler for aed display */
short quad;
{   aed_init(0);		/* open aed frame buffer */
    xofset = yofset = 0;
    hres = 512/2;
    vres = 483/2;
    maxY = vres * 2;
    aed = TRUE;    fb = FALSE;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++ BPTILINIT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */

bptilinit(frmnum,divisions)	 /* initialize for animation on big buffer */
short frmnum,divisions;
{   long array[4];   long byte,mult;    double sqrt();

    if (frmnum == 0) bbinit();	else bbopen();	/* init if 1st frame in seq. */
    array[0] = frmnum;   array[1] = divisions;   array[2] = 8;   array[3] = 1;
    bbwrite(0,502,array,4);	/* load animation control */
    byte = ((3 - frmnum%4) << 6) | 0x3F;  bbwrite(2,497,&byte,1);/* set byte */
    mult = sqrt((double)divisions);  array[0] = mult;
    array[1] = ((frmnum/4)%mult) * 32/mult;
    array[2] = ((frmnum/4)/mult) * 2 * 242/mult;
    bbwrite(1,501,array,3);		/* set zoom and pan */

    divisions = sqrt((double)divisions);
    hres = (32/divisions)*20;   vres = 484/divisions;
    byte = frmnum % 4;	  frmnum /= 4;
    xofset = (frmnum % divisions) * hres;
    yofset = (divisions-1 - (frmnum / divisions)) * vres;
    hres = hres/2;	vres = vres/2;
    fb = FALSE;    aed = FALSE;

/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PTILER ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */

ptiler(npts,pts)       /* tile a convex polygon with vertices taken clockwise */
    short npts;
    struct { double x, y, z, tns, g, b; } pts[];
    struct { double x, y, z, tns; } l_edge,r_edge,l_incr,r_incr;
    short i,iy,l_lnth,r_lnth,lpt,rpt,ptcnt,top_pt;
    double top,ceil(),floor();

    top = 0.0;
    for(i=0; i<npts; i++)          /* scale for resolution & find top vertex */
    {   pts[i].x = hres * (pts[i].x + 1.) + xofset + SUBPIX;
	pts[i].y = vres * (pts[i].y + 1.) + yofset + SUBPIX;
        if(pts[i].y > top) { top = pts[i].y; top_pt = i; }

    l_lnth = r_lnth = 0;                                /* scanlines left */
    lpt = rpt = top_pt;  ptcnt = 0;                     /* vertex pointers */
    iy = floor(top);                                     /* top scanline */

    while(ptcnt <= npts)

    {   short ix,xlft,xrgt,numpix; double t,txinc;
        short line[HRES];    unsigned char linbuf[HRES];

        while((l_lnth == 0) && (ptcnt <= npts))
        {  mkedge(&lpt,pts,&l_edge,&l_incr,&l_lnth,npts-1,npts);
	   if (l_lnth >= 0) ptcnt++;  else break;   }
        while((r_lnth == 0) && (ptcnt <= npts))
        {  mkedge(&rpt,pts,&r_edge,&r_incr,&r_lnth,npts+1,npts);
	   if (r_lnth >= 0) ptcnt++;  else break;   }

	xlft = floor(l_edge.x);  xrgt = floor(r_edge.x);
        numpix = xrgt - xlft;
        t = l_edge.tns;   if (numpix>0) txinc = (r_edge.tns - t)/numpix;

        for (ix=xlft; ix<xrgt; ix++)                  /* write scan segment */
        {   line[ix] = t; t += txinc;   }
        if (fb) fbwrite(xlft,maxY-iy,&line[xlft],numpix);     /* write to FB */
        else if (aed) {
	    for (ix=xlft; ix<xrgt; ix++) {
		linbuf[ix] = line[ix];
		aed_mov(ix,iy);    aed_wpx(linbuf[ix]);
	    /* aed_write(xlft, iy, line, xrgt-xlft); /* aed dma makes errors */
	else    bbwbyte(byte,xlft,iy,&line[xlft],numpix);     /* write to BB */

        if ((l_lnth < 0) && (r_lnth < 0))  break;  /* done if at bottom vtx */
	--iy;  --l_lnth;  --r_lnth;
        l_edge.x += l_incr.x;        r_edge.x += r_incr.x;
        l_edge.tns += l_incr.tns;    r_edge.tns += r_incr.tns;

/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MKEDGE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */

mkedge(ptr,pts,edge,incmnts,lnth,ptrinc,npts) /*calculate edge block for tiler*/
    short *ptr,*lnth,ptrinc,npts;
    struct { double x,y,z,t,g,b; } pts[];
    struct { double x,y,z,t; } *edge,*incmnts;
    short opt;  double floor(),ydif;

    opt = *ptr; *ptr = (*ptr + ptrinc) % npts;  /* increment vertex ptr. */
    edge->x = pts[opt].x;
    edge->t = pts[opt].t;

    if (pts[opt].y < pts[*ptr].y) {  *lnth = -1;  return;  }  /* bottom vtx */

    *lnth = floor(pts[opt].y) - floor(pts[*ptr].y);

    if (*lnth > 1)
    {   ydif = *lnth;
	incmnts->x = (pts[*ptr].x - pts[opt].x) / ydif;
	incmnts->t = (pts[*ptr].t - pts[opt].t) / ydif;
    {   incmnts->x = pts[*ptr].x - pts[opt].x;
	incmnts->t = pts[*ptr].t - pts[opt].t;
