[net.sources] Quien-McCluskey Logic Reduction, Program 4 of 4

kennethw@tekecs.UUCP (01/10/84)

The following program is the fourth of 4 programs I received to do
logic reduction by the Quine-McCluskey method.  I have received
several requests for copies of anything I got, so I'm posting them

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From: tektronix!decvax!allegra!psuvax!burdvax!coltoff
Cc: coltoff
Received: from decvax.uucp by tektronix ; 4 Jan 84 18:08:43 PST
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Date: Wed, 4 Jan 84 20:44:03 est
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Subject: logic reduction

Awhile back I asked for the same thing. Below is part of what I got.
You should aske this guy if he will send you the code. If he doesn't
let me know.

Path from burdvax is - presby!seismo!rochester!ritcv!tropix!djl

If I ever get my program done maybe we can exchange our programs. Don't
be too hopeful though. Somehow real work always gets in the way of the
things I really want to do.

	good luck,
		- Joel


	This is the documentation to the 'reduce' and 'reminte' logic
reduction programs.  The programs are designed to take raw logic definitions
as input and provide the reduced form as output.


	This program accepts minterms as input.  These non-reduced minterms,
when used in the sum of products form, may be used to define the given
logic function.  The minterms should be entered as positive integers with
negative integers defining don't care conditions.  A maximum of 1000 minterms
may be entered.  The following is an example of a function with four inputs
and is stored under mintest.  Redirect the input of reminte to mintest to run
this function.

	given: f(a,b,c,d) = sum m(2, 3, 7, 9, 13) + sum x(-1, -10, -15)

		where sum m(...) are the sum of the "care" minterms
		      sum x(...) are the sum of the don't care minterms

	The input FILE consists of the numbers with a space to seperate
	them.  A line may be continued by simply typing a return.  The
	output will consist of a list of prime implicants along with a
	chart signifing the minimal expression.  The letter labels should
	not be confused with the function parameters given above.  For this
	example, the prime implicant table is in the form of:

		A  a,b,c,d  ( associated minterms )

	The small a,b,c,d refer to the function parameters.  The possible
	parameters values are:

		-  don't care (not included in final SOP)
		0  x' or inverted x parameter
		1  x  or non-inverted x parameter

	The final minimal output expression is a table which consists of:

		O  essensial implicant, include minterm number above it in
		   the final SOP function
		+  a minterm that was eliminated by an essensial implicant,
		   don't include this in SOP expression
		-  a minterm that was eliminated by another prime implicant,
		   don't include this in SOP expression
		X  user choice, pick to eliminate remaining X's and to suit
		   your needs


	This program accepts input of minterms in binary form followed by
the desired output(s) also in binary form.  The program has input parameters
as follows...

	reduce [-outnum] [-d] [file]

		[-outnum]   indicates the output to be used for the current
			    level of logic reduction.  "1" specifies the
			    first output.
		[-d]	    if the -d option is used, debug information will
			    be printed.
		[file]	    file from which input is to be taken.

	A typical file is shown in v67mem.  The first line is explained as

	000000-------	------

	The first group of symbols represent the 13 input parameters while the
second set represents the 6 outputs.  "-" are don't care conditions.  To run
reduce on v67mem output number 2, type: reduce -2 v67mem.  The output produced
is in the same general form as above. The only addition is a list of decimal
representations of the original minterms.  The method used to determine the
minimal SOP expression is the same as before.  Once a minimal expression is
obtained for all the outputs, the functions may be futher reduced between all
the outputs.  This must be done by hand.  The X's are usefull here because they
provide more choices for reduction.

Example of reduce program:

Input file v67mem

000000-------	------
000001-------	011000
0000100------	000010
0000101------	000001
000011-------	------
000100-----0-	000100
000100-----1-	000010
000101-------	------
000110-------	------
000111-------	------
0010001------	001000
0010000------	000100
001001-------	------
001010-------	------
001011-------	------
001100-------	------
001101-------	------
001110-------	------
001111-------	------
010000-------	------
010001-------	------
010010-------	------
010011-------	------
010100--01---	101000
010100--11---	110000
010100--10---	111000
010100--00---	------
010101-------	------
010110-------	------
010111-------	------
011000-0--0--	011000
011000-1----0	001000
011000-1----1	011000
01100000--1--	010100
01100010-----	011000
011001-------	------
011010-------	------
011011-------	------
011100-------	------
011101-------	------
011110-------	------
011111-------	------
100000-------	------
100001-------	------
100010-------	------
100011-------	------
100100-00-0--	100100
100100-00-1--	101000
100100-01----	011000
100100-1-----	001000
100101-------	------
100110-------	------
100111-------	------
101000----0--	100100
101000----1--	101000
101001-------	------
101010-------	------
101011-------	------
101100-------	------
101101-------	------
101110-------	------
101111-------	------
110000----1--	110000
110000----0--	011000
110001-------	------
110010-------	------
110011-------	------
110100-0-1---	011000
110100-0-00--	110100
110100-0-01--	111000
110100-1-----	001000
110101-------	------
110110-------	------
110111-------	------
111000----0--	110100
111000----1--	111000
111001-------	------
111010-------	------
111011-------	------
111100-------	------
111101-------	------
111110-------	------
111111-------	------

This is the output from reduce using the datafile v67mem.

Input data:

 000000------- (    0)
 000011------- (  384)
 000101------- (  640)
 000110------- (  768)
 000111------- (  896)
 001001------- ( 1152)
 001010------- ( 1280)
 001011------- ( 1408)
 001100------- ( 1536)
 001101------- ( 1664)
 001110------- ( 1792)
 001111------- ( 1920)
 010000------- ( 2048)
 010001------- ( 2176)
 010010------- ( 2304)
 010011------- ( 2432)
 010100--01--- ( 2568)
 010100--11--- ( 2584)
 010100--10--- ( 2576)
 010100--00--- ( 2560)
 010101------- ( 2688)
 010110------- ( 2816)
 010111------- ( 2944)
 011001------- ( 3200)
 011010------- ( 3328)
 011011------- ( 3456)
 011100------- ( 3584)
 011101------- ( 3712)
 011110------- ( 3840)
 011111------- ( 3968)
 100000------- ( 4096)
 100001------- ( 4224)
 100010------- ( 4352)
 100011------- ( 4480)
 100100-00-0-- ( 4608)
 100100-00-1-- ( 4612)
 100101------- ( 4736)
 100110------- ( 4864)
 100111------- ( 4992)
 101000----0-- ( 5120)
 101000----1-- ( 5124)
 101001------- ( 5248)
 101010------- ( 5376)
 101011------- ( 5504)
 101100------- ( 5632)
 101101------- ( 5760)
 101110------- ( 5888)
 101111------- ( 6016)
 110000----1-- ( 6148)
 110001------- ( 6272)
 110010------- ( 6400)
 110011------- ( 6528)
 110100-0-00-- ( 6656)
 110100-0-01-- ( 6660)
 110101------- ( 6784)
 110110------- ( 6912)
 110111------- ( 7040)
 111000----0-- ( 7168)
 111000----1-- ( 7172)
 111001------- ( 7296)
 111010------- ( 7424)
 111011------- ( 7552)
 111100------- ( 7680)
 111101------- ( 7808)
 111110------- ( 7936)
 111111------- ( 8064)

Prime implicants:

A ----11------- (  384, 4480, 2432, 6528,  896, 2944, 4992, 7040, 1408, 3456, 1920, 3968, 5504, 7552, 6016, 8064)
B ---1-1------- (  640, 1664, 2688, 3712,  896, 2944, 1920, 3968, 4736, 6784, 5760, 7808, 4992, 7040, 6016, 8064)
C ---11-------- (  768, 4864, 1792, 5888, 2816, 6912, 3840, 7936,  896, 2944, 1920, 3968, 4992, 7040, 6016, 8064)
D --1--1------- ( 1152, 1664, 5248, 5760, 1408, 5504, 1920, 6016, 3200, 7296, 3712, 7808, 3456, 3968, 7552, 8064)
E --1-1-------- ( 1280, 1792, 3328, 3840, 1408, 3456, 1920, 3968, 5376, 5504, 5888, 6016, 7424, 7936, 7552, 8064)
F --11--------- ( 1536, 1792, 5632, 5888, 1664, 1920, 5760, 6016, 3584, 7680, 3840, 7936, 3712, 7808, 3968, 8064)
G -1---1------- ( 2176, 2688, 3200, 3712, 2432, 3456, 2944, 3968, 6272, 6528, 6784, 7040, 7296, 7552, 7808, 8064)
H -1--1-------- ( 2304, 3328, 2432, 3456, 2816, 3840, 2944, 3968, 6400, 7424, 6912, 7936, 6528, 7552, 7040, 8064)
I 1----1------- ( 4224, 5248, 4480, 5504, 4736, 4992, 5760, 6016, 6272, 6528, 6784, 7040, 7296, 7552, 7808, 8064)
J 1---1-------- ( 4352, 4480, 4864, 4992, 6400, 6528, 6912, 7040, 5376, 5504, 5888, 6016, 7424, 7936, 7552, 8064)
K 1-1---------- ( 5120, 5124, 5376, 5248, 5504, 5632, 5888, 5760, 6016, 7168, 7172, 7680, 7424, 7936, 7296, 7552, 7808, 8064)
L 010---------- ( 2048, 2304, 2176, 2432, 2560, 2576, 2568, 2584, 2688, 2816, 2944)
M 10-0--------- ( 4096, 4224, 5120, 5124, 5248, 4352, 5376, 4480, 5504)
N 01-1--------- ( 2560, 2576, 2568, 2584, 3584, 2816, 3840, 2688, 3712, 2944, 3968)
O -00000------- (    0, 4096)
P 0-0000------- (    0, 2048)
Q 11-000----1-- ( 6148, 7172)
R 100100-00---- ( 4608, 4612)
S 110100-0-0--- ( 6656, 6660)

	A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S 
 2568	                      X   X           
 2584	                      X   X           
 2576	                      X   X           
 4608	                                  O   
 4612	                                  O   
 5120	                    +   -             
 5124	                    +   -             
 6148	                                O     
 6656	                                    O 
 6660	                                    O 
 7168	                    O                 
 7172	                    -           +