[net.sources] Quine-McCluskey Logic Reduction, Program #1 of 4

kennethw@tekecs.UUCP (01/10/84)

The following program is the first of 4 programs I received to do
logic reduction by the Quine-McCluskey method.  I have received
several requests for copies of anything I got, so I'm posting them

(Message inbox:40)
From: tektronix!uw-beaver!ssc-vax!fluke!witters
To: ssc-vax!uw-beaver!tektronix!orca!tekecs!kennethw
Received: from uw-beaver.uucp by tektronix ; 25 Dec 83 03:10:11 PST
Subject: Re: Anybody have a logic minimization routine.
References: <3378@tekecs.UUCP>
Date: Sun Dec 25 00:30:41 1983

I got this a long time ago.  I didn't use it because for large problems, it
takes geologic time to complete.  Unfortunately, this is the nature of logic
minimization problems.  I finally wound up using a program from Berkeley,
called PRESTO.  PRESTO didn't always find the optimum solution, but at least it
finished in a reasonable amount of time for large problems.

I hacked up this code a little.  If you want the original stuff Dallen sent me,
let me know and I'll mail it to you.

*								*
*								*
*								*
*								*
*             A RECURSIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE                 *
*  	         QUINE-MCCLUSKEY METHOD FOR                     *
*              MINIMIZING SWITCHING FUNCTIONS                   *
*								*
*								*
*		Authors:  John A. Dallen			*
*			  Durward Rogers			*
*								*
*	      Written in fulfillment of course			*
*	     requirements for EE 157 - Switching		*
*		  Theory, December 1, 1981			*
*								*
*								*
*								*

#include <stdio.h>

/*	Global declarations	*/
#define NMAX		12	/* max number of variables	*/
#define NTERMS		4096	/* 2 to the NMAX		*/
#define QTERMS		256     /* NTERMS divided by WORD	*/
#define MTERMS		4096	/* maximum numbers of minterms  */
				/* allowed			*/
#define MIMPS		48      /* largest allowable number of  */
				/* prime implicants		*/
#define LIN		120	/* longest input line size	*/
#define BIG		32000	/* short integer infinity	*/
#define WORD		16	/* short integer size		*/

#define gbit(a,b)	(((a)>>(b))&1)

int nvars;		/* number of variables in case		*/
int nterms = 1;		/* numbers of terms in case		*/
int nwords;		/* nterms/WORD + 1			*/
int minterm[QTERMS];	/* minterm array (Karnaugh map)		*/
int noterm[QTERMS];	/* no cares in Karnaugh map		*/
int impchart[QTERMS][MIMPS];	/* prime implicant chart	*/
int impcnt[QTERMS];	/* indicates coverage of a minterm	*/
int impext[QTERMS];	/* indicates multiple coverage of term  */
int essprm[MIMPS];	/* marker for essential prime implicants*/
int imps = 0;		/* number of prime implicants		*/
int priterm[MIMPS];	/* term values for prime implicants	*/
int pricare[MIMPS];	/* nocare values for prime implicants	*/
int pptr;		/* number of actual nterms		*/

struct list {
	int term;
	int mom;		/* first ancestor */
	int dad;		/* second ancestor */
	int nocare;
	int match;
	} plist[MTERMS*2];

char func = 'f';	/* function name */
char vname[NMAX];	/* variable name list */

char *fgets();

*								*
*			MAIN					*
*								*
*	The main routine sequentially calls modules comparable  *
*	in function to convential Quine-McCluskey function	*
*	reduction.						*
*								*
*	Source:  Kohavi's Switching and Finite Automata		*
*	Theory, 1970, pp.90-103.				*
*								*
*	Routines called: getterms, quine, pchart, reduction.	*
*								*


int i, j;
/* input the functions to be reduced */

if ( (nvars > 0 ) && (nvars <= NMAX) ) {
    /* generate Quine-McCluskey reduction */

    /* set up prime implicant chart and determine essential primes */
    i = pchart();

    /* determine minimum function */


*								*
*			GETTERMS				*
*								*
*	Routine to input the function to be reducted.		*
*	Three forms of input are accepted:			*
*		truth table					*
*		product of sums cell notation			*
*		product of sums logical expression.		*
*								*
*	All input is converted to minterm values.		*
*								*
*	Called by: main().					*
*								*
*	Routines called: ttable(), kmap(), expres().		*
*								*


register i=0, j, temp;
int format;
int all = 1, none = 0;	/* degenerate function checks */

while ( i < QTERMS ) minterm[i++] = 0;

/* prompt for format of input */
fprintf(stdout,"Welcome to the Dallen-Rogers switching function\n");
fprintf(stdout,"minimization program, Version 1.0, Dec 1, 1981.\n");
fprintf(stdout,"Enter the number for your preferred input type.\n");
fprintf(stdout,"	1 - truth table\n");
fprintf(stdout,"	2 - decimal codes for Karnaugh mapping\n");
fprintf(stdout,"	3 - logical expression\n");
fprintf(stdout,"Format number? ");
if ( (format < 1) || (format > 3) ) {
    fprintf(stdout,"I don't understand your selection. Please try again.\n");
    fprintf(stdout,"format number (1 to 3) ? ");
    if ( (format < 1) || (format > 3) ) {
	fprintf(stderr,"invalid input\n");
	nvars = 0;

switch (format) {
	case 1:
	case 2:
	case 3:

/* check for degenerate cases */
temp = WORD;
if ( nterms < WORD ) temp = nterms;
for ( i=0; i<nwords; i++) {
    none |= minterm[i];
    for ( j=0; j<temp; j++ ) {
	all &= gbit(minterm[i]|noterm[i],j);

if ( all != 0 ) {
    fprintf(stdout,"\nfunction = 1\n");
    nvars = 0;
} else if ( none == 0 ) {
    fprintf(stdout,"\nfunction = 0\n");
    nvars = 0;


*								*
*			TTABLE					*
*								*
*	Routine to input a switching function using a truth	*
*	table format.  Input is prompted for one truth-table	*
*	row at a time.  Each line of imput should contain	*
*	row at a time.  For a function with n variables, each	*
*	row of the truth table should contain n entries of	*
*	0, 1, or X, plus an output value of 0 or 1.		*
*	Input is considered terminated upon reading an empty	*
*	line or upon end of file.				*
*								*
*	Called by: getterms().					*
*								*
*	Routine called: ntrmv().				*
*								*

char inline[LIN];
char entry[WORD];
register i=0, j, k;
char *gptr;

/* instructions for inputting the truth table */
fprintf(stdout,"Enter each row of your truth table, with input\n");
fprintf(stdout,"values as 0, 1 or X (not-cares) plus an output\n");
fprintf(stdout,"value of 0 or 1.  Enter an extra RETURN after the\n");
fprintf(stdout,"last line of the truth table. Delimiters between\n");
fprintf(stdout,"column entries are not required\n");
fprintf(stdout,"Row 1: ");

/*	Read first line of input to determine the number	*/
/*	of variables involved					*/
nvars = 0;
i = 0;
while ( inline[i] != '\n') {
    if ( (inline[i]=='1')||(inline[i]=='0')||(inline[i]=='x')||
	(inline[i]=='X') ) {
	entry[nvars++] = inline[i];

/*	Determine the maximum numbers of minterms possible	*/
/*	and the amount of storage required			*/
for ( i=0; i<nvars; i++ ) {
    nterms *= 2;
nwords = ((nterms+(WORD-1))/WORD);

/* set up default variable names */
for ( i=nvars-1; i>=0; i-- ) {
    vname[i] = (char)('z' - nvars + i + 1);

/* set up defaults as not-cares */
i = 0;
while ( i < nwords ) {
    for ( j=0; j<MIMPS; j++ ) impchart[i][j] = 0;
    noterm[i] = ~0;
    minterm[i++] = 0;

/* zero out unused bits */
if (nterms < WORD ) {
    for ( j=nterms; j<WORD; j++ ) {
	noterm[0] &= ~(1<<j);

/*	Process each line of truth table and input the next line */
k = 2;
while ( (gptr != NULL) && (inline[0] != '\n') ) {
    i = 0;
    j = 0;
    while ( inline[i] != '\n') {
        if ( (inline[i]=='1')||(inline[i]=='0')||(inline[i]=='x')||
	    (inline[i]=='X') ) {
	    entry[j++] = inline[i];
    fprintf(stdout,"Row %d: ",k++);
    gptr = fgets(inline,LIN,stdin);


*								*
*			NTRMV					*
*								*
*	Routine to determine the values of minterms from	*
*	either truth table row inputs or a term in a sum	*
*	of products expression.  The routine is recursive	*
*	in order to provide for not-care term expansion.	*
*								*
*	Called by: ttable(), expres().				*
*								*
*	Routines called: ntrmv().				*
*								*


register i;	/* column number from input table */
char *entry;	/* pointer to next input term in input string */
register trm;	/* current minterm configuration  */


int num;
char iterm;
register j;

/* have all the input terms been processed ? */
if ( i >= nvars ) {
    minterm[trm/WORD] |= num<<(trm%WORD);
    noterm[trm/WORD] &= ~(1<<(trm%WORD));
} else {
    if ( (iterm == '1') || (iterm == '0') ) {
	trm = (trm<<1)|(iterm-'0');
    } else {
	/* any printed symbols other than 0 or 1 are treated */
	/* as not-care terms.				     */
	trm = trm<<1;
	trm |= 1;

*								*
*			KMAP					*
*								*
*	Routine to input a swithcing function using decimal	*
*	representation of minterms cells ( a la Karnaugh	*
*	map ).  Only the sum of products format is accepted.	*
*	Sum of product entries are entered first. Not-care	*
*	terms are requested next.  Null entries are treated	*
*	as empty sets.						*
*								*
*	Called by: getterms().					*
*								*
*	Routines called: none.					*
*								*

char inline[LIN];
char entry[WORD];
register i=0, j, temp;
int num;
char *gptr;

fprintf(stdout,"Input the number of variables in your function: ");

/* Check for valid number of variables */
if ( nvars <= 0 ) {
    nvars = 0;

if ( nvars > NMAX ) {
    fprintf(stdout,"Too many variables, %d max\n",NMAX);
    nvars = 0;

/* Determine maximum number of minterms and required storage */
for ( i=0; i<nvars; i++ ) {
    nterms *= 2;
nwords = ((nterms+(WORD-1))/WORD);

for ( i=0; i<nwords; i++ ) {
    for ( j=0; j<MIMPS; j++ ) impchart[i][j] = 0;

/* set up default variable names */
for ( i=nvars-1; i>=0; i-- ) {
    vname[i] = (char)('z' - nvars + i + 1);

fprintf(stdout,"On one line, input each minterm number ");
fprintf(stdout,"(0 to %d) separated by spaces or tabs:\n",nterms-1);
gptr = fgets(inline,LIN,stdin);

if ( (gptr != NULL) && (inline[0] == '\n') ) {
    nvars = 0;

/* Process minterms */
i = 0;
while (sscanf(&inline[i],"%s",entry) != EOF  ) {
    j = 0;
    while ( entry[j++] != NULL );
    i += j;
    sscanf(entry,"%d", &num );
    minterm[num/WORD] |= (1<<(num%WORD));

/* Process not care terms */
fprintf(stdout,"Input each not-care number (0 to %d), if any:\n",nterms-1);
gptr = fgets(inline,LIN,stdin);

if ( (gptr != NULL) && (inline[0] != '\n') ) {
    i = 0;
    while (sscanf(&inline[i],"%s",entry) != EOF  ) {
        j = 0;
        while ( entry[j++] != NULL );
        i += j;
        sscanf(entry,"%d", &num );
        noterm[num/WORD] |= (1<<(num%WORD));


/* PART 2 of 3 */

*								*
*			EXPRES					*
*								*
*	Routine to input a logical switching function expres-	*
*	in sum of products format.  Variables may be any	*
*	upper or lower case letter ( single digit, no sub-	*
*	scripts ) with complementation indicated by a ' after	*
*	the variable name.  All input before an optional =	*
*	sign is ignored.  All while space and invalid char-	*
*	acters are ignored in the processing of the term.	*
*								*
*	Called by: getterms().					*
*								*
*	Routines called:  ntrmv().				*
*								*

char inline[LIN];
char outline[LIN];
char tterm[WORD];
char vdig;

register i=0, j=0, k=0;
int flag = 0;
char *gptr;

fprintf(stdout,"Input a logical expression, in sum of products form,\n");
fprintf(stdout,"using single upper or lower case letters as\n");
fprintf(stdout,"variable names (no subscripts) and a ' following the\n");
fprintf(stdout,"variable name to indicate a complement.  Use a + between\n");
fprintf(stdout,"terms. Spaces, extraneous symbols, and anything\n");
fprintf(stdout,"in front of an optional equal sign are ignored.\n? ");

gptr = fgets(inline,LIN,stdin);
/* check for bad input */
nvars = 0;
if ((gptr==NULL) || (inline[0]=='\n')) {
    nvars == 0;
    fprintf(stderr,"no input expression, program terminated\n");

/* process expression: eliminate white space, count variables, */
/* and reverse position of complement sign.		       */
while (inline[i] != '\n') {
    if ( inline[i++] == '=' ) flag = i;
i = flag;

while ( inline[i] != '\n' ) {
    if ( inline[i] == '+' ) {
	outline[j++] = inline[i];
    } else if ( inline[i] == '\'' ) {
	/* reverse complement sign position */
	outline[j] = outline[j-1];
	outline[j-1] = inline[i];
    } else if (((inline[i]>='a')&&(inline[i]<='z')) ||
	((inline[i]>='A')&&(inline[i]<='Z'))) {
	/* check to see if a new variable */
	outline[j++] = inline[i];
	flag = 0;
	for ( k=0; k<nvars; k++ ) {
	    if ( vname[k] == inline[i] ) flag = 1;
	if ( flag == 0 ) {
	    vname[nvars++] = inline[i];
/* j is length of outline */
outline[j++] = '+';

/* Determine maximum number of minterms and required storage */
for ( i=0; i<nvars; i++ ) {
    nterms *= 2;
nwords = ((nterms+(WORD-1))/WORD);

/* set up defaults as zero terms */
i = 0;
while ( i < nwords ) {
    for ( k=0; k<MIMPS; k++ ) impchart[i][k] = 0;
    noterm[i] = 0;
    minterm[i++] = 0;

/* check for valid expressions */
if ( nvars == 0 ) {
    fprintf(stderr,"Expression not in readable form\n");

/* Convert variables to minterms */
k = 0;
while ( k < j ) {
    tterm[nvars] = '1';	/* Sum of products term */
    for ( i=0; i<nvars; i++ ) tterm[i] = 'X';
    while ( outline[k] != '+' ) {
	/* build truth table term */
	if ( outline[k] == '\'' ) {
	    vdig = '0';
	} else vdig = '1';

	for ( i=0; i<nvars; i++ ) {
	    if ( outline[k] == vname[i] ) {
		tterm[i] = vdig;

    /* set up minterms */


*								*
*			QUINE					*
*								*
*	Routine to initiate the Quine-McCluskey reduction	*
*	procedure.  quine initializes the tabulation tables	*
*	and then calls the recursive routine, pairup(), to	*
*	effect the tabulation.					*
*								*
*	Called by: main().					*
*								*
*	Routine called: pairup().				*
*								*


register i, j;

/* initialize prime implicant count */
for ( j=0; j<nwords; j++ ) {
    impcnt[j] = 0;
    impext[j] = 0;

for ( j=0; j<MIMPS; j++ ) {
    essprm[j] = 0;

/* set up pairings list */

for ( i=0; i<nterms; i++ ) {
    if (gbit((minterm[i/WORD]|noterm[i/WORD]),i%WORD) == 1 ) {
        plist[pptr].nocare = 0;
        plist[pptr].match = 0;
        plist[pptr].mom = 1;
        plist[pptr].dad = 0;
        plist[pptr++].term = i;
	if ( pptr >= MTERMS ) {
	    fprintf(stderr,"Too many minterms ( > %d )\n",MTERMS);
	    fprintf(stderr,"Process aborted\n");
	    i = nterms;
	    pptr = 0;	/* nullify process */

/* process pairings */


*								*
*			PAIRUP					*
*								*
*	Routine to recursively find one prime implicant,	*
*	by pairing up one class of terms at one starting	*
*	level.  Routine calls itself for each higher level	*
*	until pairings are no longer found.  Prime implicants	*
*	at that last level are recorded.			*
*								*
*	Called by: quine(), pairup.				*
*								*
*	Routines called: primes, bitcount.			*
*								*


int first, last;	/* pointers to first term and last term ( + 1 ) */
			/* of candidate terms at one level of Q-M reduc-*/
			/* tion.					*/


int match = 0;		/* indicates a pairing was found		*/
int submatch = 0;	/* pairing found on one pass			*/
int diff, diffx = 0;	/* nocare term variables			*/
int fterm, dterm;	/* first term in loop parameters		*/
register next;		/* pointer to next available plist location	*/
int jstart, second;	/* pointers within the level			*/
int i, j2;
register j, k;

jstart = first;
second = first;
next = last;		/* initialize loop controls			*/

j = jstart;
j2 = jstart;
while ( jstart< last-1 ) {

    while ( j2 < (last-1) ) {

	for ( k=second+1; k<last; k++ ) {

	    /* At this point, the full series of Quine-McCluskey 'tests' */
	    /* are made to see if a pairing can be made.		 */
	    if ((plist[j].nocare == plist[k].nocare ) &&
		    == (bitcount(nvars,plist[k].term)-1)) &&
		    (bitcount(nvars,diff=(plist[k].term^plist[j].term))==1) ) {
		if ((diffx==0)||((((plist[j].term-fterm)%dterm) == 0) &&

		    /* A pairing has been made. Record the pair at the */
		    /* next level.				       */
		    match = 1;
		    submatch = 1;
		    if ( diffx == 0 ) {
			dterm = plist[k].term-plist[j].term;
			fterm = plist[j].term;
		    plist[j].match = 1;
		    plist[k].match = 1;
		    plist[next].match = 0;
		    plist[next].nocare = plist[j].nocare|diff;
		    plist[next].term = plist[j].term;
		    plist[next].mom = j;
		    plist[next++].dad = k;
		    second = k;
		    diffx = diff;
		    j = ++k;

	/* A series of tests is made to limit the number of  */
	/* possible pairings (without forgetting any), in    */
	/* order to accomplish the tabulation recursively.   */
	if ( submatch == 1 ) {
	    second += 2;
	    j = second;
	    submatch = 0;
	} else {
	    j = ++j;
	    j2 = j;
	    second = j;

    if ( match == 1 ) {
	/* go to the next level of tabulation */
	j2 = plist[last].mom;
	j = j2;
	second = plist[last].dad;
	next = last;
	match = 0;
	diffx = 0;
    } else {
        second = jstart;
        j = jstart;

/* process the candidate prime implicant */


*								*
*			BITCOUNT				*
*								*
*	Routine to count the number of one bits in strings	*
*	of various lengths.  Bitcount is returned.		*
*								*
*	Called by pairup(), pchart(), primes(), reduction().	*
*	Routines called: none.					*
*								*

int len;	/* length of string to be counted */
register term;  /* string to be counted */
register i;
register count = 0;
for ( i=0; i< len; i++ ) count+=(term>>i)&1;

*								*
*			PRIMES					*
*								*
*	Routine to take candidate prime implicants produced by	*
*	PAIRUP and determine whether entries should be made	*
*	in prime implicant chart.				*
*								*
*	Called by: pairup().					*
*								*
*	Routines called: bitcount(), primepath().		*
*								*


int first, last;
register i, j;
int flag;
int rep;
int match;
/* output prime implicants */
for ( j=first; j<last; j++ ) {

    if ( plist[j].match == 0 ) {

	flag = 0;
	for ( i=0; i<imps; i++ ) {
	    /* test to see if candidate is a subset of a larger prime imp */
	    if (bitcount(nvars,plist[j].nocare) <= bitcount(nvars,pricare[i]) ){
	        if (((plist[j].nocare|pricare[i]) == (pricare[i])) &&
		    ((plist[j].term|priterm[i]|pricare[i]) ==
		    (priterm[i]|pricare[i]))) {
		    flag = 1;
	    /* test to see if candidate will replace a smaller subset */
	    } else if
		(bitcount(nvars,plist[j].nocare)>bitcount(nvars,pricare[i])) {
		if (((pricare[i]|plist[j].nocare)==(plist[j].nocare)) &&
		    (((~plist[j].nocare)&plist[j].term) ==
		    ((~plist[j].nocare)&priterm[i])) &&
		    ((priterm[i]|plist[j].term|plist[j].nocare) ==
		    (plist[j].term|plist[j].nocare))) {
		    flag = 2;
		    rep = i;

	/* Add a prime implicant to list--no complications */
	if (flag == 0) {
	    priterm[imps] = plist[j].term;
	    pricare[imps] = plist[j].nocare;
	    if ( imps >= MIMPS ) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Warning, overflow of prime implicant chart\n");
		imps--; /* for protection */

	/* Preform the replacement of a prime implicat with a larger one */
	} else if (flag == 2) {
	    priterm[rep] = plist[j].term;
	    pricare[rep] = plist[j].nocare;
*								*
*			PRIMEPATH				*
*								*
*	Recursive routine to trace path back through		*
*	Quine-McCluskey tabulations to find original		*
*	minterms included in a prime implicants.		*
*								*
*	Called by primes().					*
*								*
*	Routine called: primepath().				*
*								*

register j;		/* start node in Quine-McCluskey */
register imp;		/* entry in implicant table */
if ( j < pptr ) {
    /* arrival back at original terms */
    impchart[plist[j].term/WORD][imp] |= (1<<(plist[j].term%WORD));
} else {

/* PART 3 of 3 */

*								*
* 		PCHART						*
*								*
*	Routine to prepare the prime implicant chart from	*
*	the list of prime implicants produced by quine.		*
*	Coverage of terms is determined, which produces		*
*	essential prime implicants.  Prime implicants are	*
*	printed out, with the essential prime implicants	*
*	starred '*'.						*
*								*
*	Returns: uncov--the number of minterms left uncovered   *
*		 	by the essential prime implicants.	*
*								*
*	Called by: main().					*
*								*
*	Routines called: bitcount.				*
*								*



register i, j, k;
int uncov;
int temp;
char echar;

/* determine coverage of minterms */
for ( i=0; i<nwords; i++ ) {
    for ( j=0; j<imps; j++ ) {
	impcnt[i] |= impchart[i][j];

/* determine multiple coverage of minterms */
for ( i=0; i<nterms; i++ ) {
    temp = 0;
    for ( j=0; j<imps; j++ ) {
	temp += (gbit(impchart[i/WORD][j],i%WORD));
    if ( temp >= 2 ) impext[i/WORD] |= (1<<(i%WORD));

/* exclude not-care terms from consideration */
for ( i=0; i<nwords; i++ ) {
    /* eliminate not-care cases */
    impcnt[i] &= ~noterm[i];
    impext[i] &= ~noterm[i];
    /* check for prime implicants */
    for ( j=0; j<WORD; j++ ) {
	if ( (gbit(impcnt[i],j) == 1) && (gbit(impext[i],j)==0) ) {
	    k = 0;
	    while ( gbit(impchart[i][k],j) == 0 ) k++;
	    essprm[k] = 1;

/* Determine coverage of essential prime implicants and */
/* print out prime implicants */
fprintf(stdout,"\nPrime implicants ( * indicates essential prime implicant )");
for ( i=0; i<imps; i++ ) {
    if ( essprm[i] == 1 ) {
	echar = '*';
	for ( j=0; j<nwords; j++ ) {
	    impcnt[j] &= ~impchart[j][i];
    } else echar = ' ';
    fprintf(stdout,"\n%c ",echar);
    for ( j=0; j<nvars; j++ ) {
	if (((pricare[i]>>(nvars-1-j))&1) == 0) {
	    if (((priterm[i]>>(nvars-1-j))&1) == 0) {
    fprintf(stdout,"\t: ");
    for ( j=0; j<nterms; j++ ) {
	if ( gbit(impchart[j/WORD][i],j%WORD) == 1 ) 

uncov = 0;
for ( i=0; i<nwords; i++ ) {
    uncov += bitcount(WORD,impcnt[i]);

*								*
*			REDUCTION				*
*								*
*	Routine to determine the minimum sum of products	*
*	function resulting from the determination of essential  *
*	prime implicants.  If no terms were left uncovered	*
*	by the essential prime implicants, the unique solu-	*
*	tion is printed out.  If no unique solution exists,	*
*	a minimal solution is determined by intelligent		*
*	enumeration of feasible solutions.  Only one solution	*
*	is printed.  Default variable names are used if		*
*	truth table or minterm inputs were used.		*
*								*
*	Inputs: uncov--number of minterms left uncovered.	*
*								*
*	Called by: main().					*
*								*
*	Routine called: bitcount				*
*								*


int uncov;

register i,j;
int nonemps;		/* number of non-essential terms */
int terms, lits;	/* minimization factors */
int nons[MIMPS];	/* index into impchart of non-essential impl.*/
int termlist[QTERMS];	/* temporary location of covered term count  */
int fail;		/* new candidate flag				*/
long limit, li;		/* power set bits				*/
char oper;		/* sum of products separator			*/

/* current best coverage candidate */
struct current {
	int terms;
	int lits;
	int list[MIMPS];
	} curbest;

if ( uncov == 0 ) {
    fprintf(stdout,"\n\nminimal expression is unique\n");
} else {
    fprintf(stdout,"\n\nno unique minimal expression\n");
    /* set up non-essential implicant list */
    j = 0;
    for ( i=0; i<imps; i++ )
	if (essprm[i] == 0) nons[j++] = i;
    nonemps = j;

/* insure no overflow of cyclical prime implicant array */
    if ( nonemps > 2*WORD ) {
	fprintf(stderr,"Warning! Only %d prime implicants can be",2*WORD);
	fprintf(stderr,"considered for coverage\n of all terms (in addition");
	fprintf(stderr,"to essential primes). %d implicants not checked\n",
	nonemps = 2*WORD;

    if ( nonemps > WORD ) {
	fprintf(stdout,"Warning! Large number of cyclical prime implicants\n");
	fprintf(stdout,"Computation will take awhile\n");

    /* candidate coverage is determined by generation of the power set */
    /* calculate power set */
    limit = 1;
    for ( i=0; i<nonemps; i++ ) limit *= 2;

    /* set up current best expression list */
    curbest.terms = BIG;
    curbest.lits = BIG;
    curbest.list[0] = -1;
    /* try each case */
    for ( li=1L; li<limit; li++ ) {
	terms = bitcount(2*WORD,li);
	if ( terms <= curbest.terms ) {
	    /* reset count */
	    lits = 0;

	    /* reset uncovered term list */
	    for ( i=0; i<nwords; i++ )
		termlist[i] = impcnt[i];

	    for ( i=0; i<nonemps; i++ ) {
		if (((li>>i)&1L) == 1L) {
		    for ( j=0; j<nterms; j++ ) {
			if (gbit(impchart[j/WORD][nons[i]],j%WORD)==1) {
			    termlist[j/WORD] &= ~(1<<(j%WORD));
		lits += (nvars - bitcount(nvars,pricare[nons[i]]));

	    fail = 0;
	    for ( i=0; i<nwords; i++ ) {
		if ( termlist[i]!=0 ) fail = 1;

	    if ((fail==0) && ((terms<curbest.terms) || (lits<curbest.lits))) {
		/* we have a new candidate */
		curbest.terms = terms;
		curbest.lits = lits;
		j = 0;
		for ( i=0; i<nonemps; i++ ) {
		    if (((li>>i)&1L)==1L) {
			curbest.list[j++] = nons[i];
		curbest.list[j] = -1;

    j = 0;
    while ( curbest.list[j] >= 0 ) {
	essprm[curbest.list[j]] = 1;

/* print out minimal expression */

fprintf(stdout,"\nminimal expression:\n\n     %c(",func);
for ( i=0; i<nvars; i++ ) {
    if ( i < nvars - 1 ) fprintf(stdout,",");

oper = '=';
for ( i=0; i<imps; i++ ) {
    if ( essprm[i] == 1 ) {
	fprintf(stdout," %c ",oper);
	for ( j=0; j<nvars; j++ ) {
	    if (((pricare[i]>>(nvars-1-j))&1) == 0) {
	        if (((priterm[i]>>(nvars-1-j))&1) == 0) {
	oper = '+';

coltoff@burdvax.UUCP (01/13/84)

There is a bug in this program by Dallen and Rogers. It is
on line 143 ( or so ) in the loop where they give you a second
chance to enter a number between 1 and 3. The sscanf should be
changed to


otherwise the little bugger dumps core.

At any rate this is the nicest program of the three posted.

Now all we need is a program that doesn't insist on sum of products
as input. I received one through mail written in 'B' ( see ACM SIGPLAN 
December 1982 ) and will eventually get around to converting it to C.
For now I'll live with the other programs that have been posted.

Joel Coltoff   {presby,bpa,psuvax}!burdvax!coltoff   (215)648-7258