[net.sources] RT-11 floppy -- READ_ME

jrb@wdl1.UUCP (John R Blaker) (02/17/84)

This directory contains everything needed to make the RT-11 floppy reading
program.  In order to create a new binary type:
	% get s.rt11.mk
	% make -f rt11.mk
In order to get a printed listing type:
	% get s.rt11.mk
	% make -f rt11.mk print | lpr
In order to get rid of the object files type:
	% get s.rt11.mk
	% make -f rt11.mk cleanup
In order to install the new binary type:
	% get s.rt11.mk
	% make -f rt11.mk install
To change the installation directory the makefile must be edited and the
	INSDIR=	/u/blaker/bin
must  be changed to use the directory where you wish the binary to be put, eg.
	INSDIR= /usr/public

The RX-02 driver on our system uses logical drive numbers 2 and 3  to  specify
RSX  style  interleave.  This is characterized by an interleave factor of 2, a
slippage factor of 6, and track 0 is not used.  If this is not  part  of  your
driver,  the  routines  in  'disc.c'  will  have  to be modified.  The routine
disc_open() in disc.c  will  need  to  be  changed  to  change  logical  drive
numbers.  Everything else is pretty well parameterized and changes should only 
have  to  be  made  to  rt11.h.  If you have PWB system, you'll need to modify
rt11.mk so that CFLAGS includes -DPWB.  

This program was written with the possibility of expansion in mind.  Thus  the
files  'create.c'  and 'write.c' contain dummy functions.  It is possible that
the creation and writing of RT-11A floppys may  become  neccessary.   If  this
should  happen,  then  all  that  needs  to  be  done  is  to  implement those

				John R Blaker
				October 1982