[net.sources] RT-11 floppy -- direct.c

jrb@wdl1.UUCP (John R Blaker) (02/17/84)

 * 			        == D I R E C T ==			    *
 * John R Blaker -- Ford Aerospace & Communications Corporation -- Oct 1982 *
 * This file contains routines which put the disc directory into a more     *
 * readily usable form.  It also contains routines for accessing that new   *
 * form.  This file contains the following functions:			    *
 *	makedir()	Gets the directory off the disc and into memory	    *
 *	findentry()	Ginds an entry matching its argument and returns a  *
 *			pointer to it.					    *
 * The new form is a linked list of structures the diefinition of wich is in*
 * 'rt11.h'.								    *

 * Include files

#include	"rt11.h"	/* Global definitions */

 * makedir()
 * this function builds the in-memory directory referenced elsewhere
 * in the program.  It uses rt11_to_a() tor translate the filename from
 * RADIX-50 to ASCII.  The in-memory directory is implemented as a singly
 * linked list.  The routine uses calloc() to allocate space for new
 * nodes.
 * The routine assumes that there is only one segment in the directory.

	DIR_SEGMNT	seg1;	/* A segment of the disc directory */
	DIR_SEGMENT	*seg_ptr = &seg1;	/* Pointer to that segment */
	char		filename[15];		/* String to hold filename */
	int		index;			/* Loop index */
	int		i;			/* Loop index */
	int		j;			/* Loop index */
	MEM_DIR		*newnode;	/* Pointer to newly allocated node */
	unsigned	cur_addr;		/* Current address */
	MEM_DIR		*cur_node;		/* Current node */
	char	*calloc();			/* Memory allocator */
	char	fname[15];		/* Name with embedded spaces removed */

	trace("Making in-memory directory");
	dir_header = NULL;
	getsegment(6, (char *)seg_ptr);

	cur_addr = (seg_ptr -> ds_header).dh_addr;

	for (index = 0; index < 72; index++) {
		if (((((seg_ptr -> ds_direct)[index]).de_status) & ST_EOSG) != 0)
		if (((((seg_ptr -> ds_direct)[index]).de_status) & ST_EMPT) != 0)
		rt11_to_a(((seg_ptr -> ds_direct)[index]).de_fln1,
			  ((seg_ptr -> ds_direct)[index]).de_fln2,
			  ((seg_ptr -> ds_direct)[index]).de_type,
		for (i = 0, j = 0; j < 15;) { /* Get rid of embedded spaces */
			if (filename[j] == ' ')
				fname[i++] = filename[j++];
		} /* for */

		strcpy(filename, fname);

		newnode = (MEM_DIR *)calloc(1, sizeof(MEM_DIR));
		strcpy(newnode -> md_name, filename);
		newnode -> md_addr = cur_addr;
		cur_addr += (((seg_ptr -> ds_direct)[index]).de_length);

		newnode -> md_size = ((seg_ptr -> ds_direct)[index]).de_length * BLOCKSIZE;
		newnode -> md_date = ((seg_ptr -> ds_direct)[index]).de_date;
		newnode -> md_next = NULL;

		if (dir_header == NULL) {
			dir_header = newnode;
		} else {
			cur_node = dir_header;
			while (cur_node -> md_next != NULL)
				cur_node = cur_node -> md_next;
			cur_node -> md_next = newnode;
		} /* if...else */

	} /* for */
} /* makedir */

 * findentry()
 * This does a linear search of the in-memory directory
 * for the given filename.  If found, a pointer to it is
 * returned.  If it isn't foundan error message is printed
 * and NULL is returned.

MEM_DIR	*findentry(name)
char	name[];		/* Filename to be found */
	MEM_DIR	*current_entry;	/* Current location in directory */

	trace("Got to findentry()");
	current_entry = dir_header;
	while (current_entry != NULL) {
		if (strcmp(current_entry -> md_name, name) == 0)
			current_entry = current_entry -> md_next;
	} /* while */
	error("File not found");
} /* findentry */