[net.sources] Corrections to lucifer.c

outer@utcsrgv.UUCP (Richard Outerbridge) (04/05/84)

After posting lucifer.c to net.sources (<3718@utcsrgv.UUCP>) I learned
of several corrections to the FORTRAN routines upon which it was based.
The differences between the posted code and the corrected code are:

$ diff posted.c corrected.c
< static char S0[16] = { 48,64,112,144,224,192,208,160,240,96,176,\
	32,80,128,0,16 };
< static char S1[16] = { 14,3,12,6,7,8,0,1,4,11,13,15,9,5,2,10 };
> static char S0[16] = { 192,240,112,160,224,208,176,0,32,96,48,16,\
	144,64,80,128 };
> static char S1[16] = { 7,2,14,9,3,11,0,4,12,13,1,10,6,15,8,5 };
< 			if(ks&*sbs++) val = S0[(*cp>>4)&017] | S1[*cp&017];
< 			else val = S0[*cp&017] | S1[(*cp>>4)&017];
> 			if(ks&*sbs++) val = S0[*cp&017] | S1[(*cp>>4)&017];
> 			else val = S0[(*cp>>4)&017] | S1[*cp&017];
<  *	: 16 bytes	: ab1b6fc7 60ec21b3 5a7cee07 fba37826 :
<  *			(rwo/8403.30.14:52/V2.1)			*/
>  *	: 16 bytes	: 32186510 6acf6094 87953eba 196f5a75 :
>  *			(rwo/8404.03.14:06/V3.0)			*/

Note the new null-stream checksum value.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

Richard Outerbridge	outer@utcsrgv	University of Toronto CSRG