[net.sources] New Makefile for news 2.10.1

chuqui@nsc.UUCP (06/10/84)

#! /bin/sh
# The rest of this file is a shell script which will extract:
# Makefile
echo x - Makefile
cat >Makefile <<'!!ChuquiCo!!Software!!'
# %W%	%G%
# This Makefile will recreate the netnews software version 2.10.1. 
# It has been significantly revamped from the distributed version to
# make development and maintenance easier. Changes to this from the
# distributed version include the addition of items for lint and sccs
# and the addition of the Peter Gross batching software and the new
# C based postnews (called pn by this program, which also supports the
# shell version as postnews). Note that the distributed version of
# batching has disappeared from the Makefile because the Gross version
# is vastly superior. These are the entry points for this makefile:
#	all: will compile the entire news system. 
#		each command can also be used as a make option to compile it alone.
#	install: This will install the news system. 
#		each command can be installed individually by use of the
#		'install<program>" command except for the small utilties
#		supported under 'misc' (see below) and the batching commands
#		(also see below).
#	lint: lints the system. 'lint<program>' works as with install.
#	clean: removes .o, binaries and other drek. 'clean<program>' works.
#	get: gets the files you need from SCCS (or RCS) if supported.
#		'get<program>' works.
#	clobber: does a clean and then removes all of the sccsed files that
#		aren't checked out. 
#	There are two special cases in this makefile, 'misc' and 'batch'.
#	Misc is used and a catchall for the small utilities that live in 
#	the lib directory (normally /usr/lib/news). These are the commands
#	defined in MPROGS below. 'batch' is the Peter Gross batching system
#	and are defined as BATCHPROGS. Both can be considers meta-programs--
#	lintmisc and installbatch both work, for example.
#	This Makefile written by Chuq Von Rospach (nsc!chuqui) because the
#	old one simply didn't do things it should have, such as lint (the 
#	lint output proves why it should have). The format is set up
#	strangely because I am planning on splitting news up into
#	subdirectories and this makes it easy to set up separate Makefiles
#	that can be called from a central location. Comments and suggestions
#	are always welcome. 
# This section defines the locations of everything. the first
# set is for debugging, the second set is where production stuff goes.
SPOOLDIR = ../spool
LIBDIR   = ../lib
BINDIR   = .

#SPOOLDIR = /usr/spool/news
#LIBDIR   = /usr/lib/news
#BINDIR   = /usr/bin

NETPATHS  = /usr/lib/uucp/alpath

# username and group of the news directory. First entries are for debugging

NEWSUSR    = chuqui
NEWSGRP    = mesa

#NEWSUSR    = netnews
#NEWSGRP    = netnews


# section defines everything we need to run the various programs on this
# stuff to get it usable.
DEBUG     = # -DDEBUG # -pg
FLAGS     = ${DEBUG} -DDBM \
		-DLIBDIR=\"$(LIBDIR)\" \
LDFLAGS    = -s

# LIBCMDS live in LIBDIR, BINCMDS live in BINDIR, COMMANDS is everything
BATCHPROGS  = batchnews bnproc bnuuxqt unbatch
MPROGS      = uurec recnews sendnews caesar recmail
BINCMDS     = inews readnews vnews postnews checknews pn
LIBCMDS     = expire $(MPROGS)

# if you use RCS, change these definitions to fit. If you don't use
# anything simply comment them out.
GET         = -sccs get
CLEAN		= sccs clean

LINT        = lint

# this is for make depend and get
SOURCES =  caesar.c header.c recmail.c cextern.c iextern.c recnews.c\
	checknews.c ifuncs.c rextern.c control.c inews.c rfuncs.c digest.c\
	logdir.c rfuncs2.c expire.c pathinit.c sendnews.c ftime.c process.c\
	uname.c fullname.c readdir.c uurec.c funcs.c readnews.c virtterm.c\
	readr.c visual.c pn.c batchnews.c bnproc.c bnuuxqt.c unbatch.c
HEADERS = defs.h iparams.h params.h header.h ndir.h rparams.h
OTHERS  = Makefile README README_BATCH follow getdate.y help makeactive.sh \
	news postnews reply rmgrp vnews.help moderators distributions

all: $(COMMANDS)

# this section installs everything
install: installinews installreadnews installvnews installpostnews \
	installchecknews installexpire installmisc

# This section cleans everything up.
clean: cleaninews cleanreadnews cleanvnews cleanchecknews cleanexpire \

# This section gets stuff out of sccs
get: getinews getreadnews getvnews getchecknews getexpire getmisc

# this lints everything
lint: lintinews lintreadnews lintvnews lintchecknews lintexpire lintmisc

# This section will do everything neccessary to take care of inews
IOBJECTS = inews.o ifuncs.o iextern.o control.o fullname.o ipathinit.o \
			funcs.o getdate.o uname.o header.o
ISRCS    = inews.c ifuncs.c iextern.c control.c fullname.c pathinit.c \
			funcs.c uname.c header.c
IOTHERS  = getdate.y

inews: getinews $(IOBJECTS)
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(IOBJECTS) -o inews -ldbm

lintinews: getinews getdate.c

	rm -f $(IOBJECTS) inews getdate.c

installinews: inews
	cp inews $(BINDIR)
	-cd $(BINDIR) ; /etc/chown $(NEWSUSR) inews ; /etc/chgrp $(NEWSGRP) inews
	chmod 6755 $(BINDIR)/inews
	-rm -f $(BINDIR)/rnews
	ln $(BINDIR)/inews $(BINDIR)/rnews

getinews: $(ISRCS) $(IOTHERS)

	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(IPATH) -c pathinit.c
	mv pathinit.o ipathinit.o

# end of inews section

# This section takes care of everything we need for readnews
ROBJECTS  = readnews.o rfuncs.o rfuncs2.o rextern.o readr.o process.o \
	rpathinit.o digest.o funcs.o getdate.o uname.o header.o
RSRCS     = readnews.c rfuncs.c rfuncs2.c rextern.c readr.c process.c \
	pathinit.c digest.c funcs.c uname.c header.c
ROTHERS   = getdate.y help

readnews: getreadnews $(ROBJECTS)
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(ROBJECTS) -o readnews -ldbm

lintreadnews: getreadnews getdate.c

	rm -f $(ROBJECTS) readnews getdate.c

installreadnews: readnews
	cp readnews $(BINDIR)
	/etc/chown $(NEWSUSR) $(BINDIR)/readnews
	chmod 755 $(BINDIR)/readnews
	cp help $(LIBDIR)
	/etc/chown $(NEWSUSR) $(LIBDIR)/help
	chmod 644 $(LIBDIR)/help

getreadnews: $(RSRCS) $(ROTHERS)

	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(RPATH) -c pathinit.c
	mv pathinit.o rpathinit.o
# end of readnews section

# This section does everything we need to get vnews going.
VOBJECTS  = visual.o virtterm.o readnews.o rfuncs.o rfuncs2.o \
	rextern.o process.o rpathinit.o funcs.o getdate.o uname.o header.o
VSRCS     = visual.c virtterm.c readnews.c rfuncs.c rfuncs2.c \
	rextern.c process.c pathinit.c funcs.c uname.c header.c
VOTHERS   = getdate.y follow reply vnews.help

vnews: getvnews $(VOBJECTS)
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(VOBJECTS) -ltermcap -ldbm -o vnews

lintvnews: getvnews getdate.c

	rm -f $(VOBJECTS) vnews getdate.c

installvnews: vnews
	cp vnews $(BINDIR)
	/etc/chown $(NEWSUSR) $(BINDIR)/vnews
	chmod 755 $(BINDIR)/vnews
	cp vnews.help follow reply $(LIBDIR)
	/etc/chown ($NEWSUSR) $(LIBDIR)/vnews.help $(LIBDIR)/follow $(LIBDIR)/reply
	chmod 755 $(LIBDIR)/follow $(LIBDIR)/reply
	chmod 644 $(LIBDIR)/vnews.help

getvnews: $(VSRCS) $(VOTHERS)

# end of vnews section

# this section installs the shell script for postnews

	cp postnews $(BINDIR)/postnews
	/etc/chown $(NEWSUSR) $(BINDIR)/postnews
	chmod 755 $(BINDIR)/postnews

# end of postnews section

# this section handles everything for pn, the C version of postnews
POBJECTS = pn.o rextern.o rpathinit.o uname.o
PSRCS    = pn.c rextern.c pathinit.c uname.c
POTHERS  = distributions moderators
PPATH    =

pn: getpn $(POBJECTS)
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(POBJECTS) -o pn

lintpn: getpn

	rm -f $(POBJECTS) pn

installpn: pn
	cp pn $(BINDIR)/pn
	/etc/chown $(NEWSUSR) $(BINDIR)/pn
	chmod 755 $(BINDIR)/pn
	cd $(LIBDIR) ; /etc/chown $(NEWSUSR) $(POTHERS)
	cd $(LIBDIR) ; chmod 644 $(POTHERS)

getpn: $(PSRCS) $(POTHERS)

# This section handles everything for checknews

COBJECTS = checknews.o process.o cpathinit.o
CSRCS    = checknews.c process.c pathinit.c

checknews: getchecknews $(COBJECTS)
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(COBJECTS) -o checknews

lintchecknews: getchecknews

	rm -f $(COBJECTS) checknews

installchecknews: checknews
	cp checknews $(BINDIR)/checknews
	/etc/chown $(NEWSUSR) $(BINDIR)/checknews
	chmod 775 $(BINDIR)/checknews

getchecknews: $(CSRCS)

	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPATH) -c pathinit.c
	mv pathinit.o cpathinit.o
#end of checknews section

# This section does all of the building for expire
EOBJECTS = expire.o uname.o header.o funcs.o getdate.o rextern.o epathinit.o
ESRCS    = expire.c uname.c header.c funcs.c rextern.c pathinit.c
EOTHERS  = getdate.y

expire: getexpire $(EOBJECTS)
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(EOBJECTS) -o expire -ldbm

lintexpire: getexpire getdate.c

	rm -f $(EOBJECTS) expire getdate.c

installexpire: expire
	cp expire $(LIBDIR)/expire
	/etc/chown $(NEWSUSR) $(LIBDIR)/expire
	chmod 700 $(LIBDIR)/expire

getexpire: $(ESRCS) $(EOTHERS)

	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(EPATH) -c pathinit.c
	mv pathinit.o epathinit.o

# end of the expire section

# This section creates all of the smaller support routines
MOBJECTS = uurec.o recnews.o sendnews.o uname.o caesar.o recmail.o
MSRCS    = uurec.c recnews.c sendnews.c uname.c caesar.c recmail.c

misc: getmisc $(MPROGS)

installmisc: misc
	cd $(LIBDIR) ; /etc/chown $(NEWSUSR) $(MPROGS)
	cd $(LIBDIR) ; chmod 755 $(MPROGS)

lintmisc: getmisc
	for i in $(MSRCS); do ($(LINT) $(LINTFLAGS) $$i); done

	rm -f $(MOBJECTS) $(MPROGS)

getmisc: $(MSRCS)

uurec:  uurec.o
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) uurec.o -o uurec

recnews:  recnews.o
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) recnews.o -o recnews

sendnews:  sendnews.o uname.o
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) sendnews.o uname.o -o sendnews

caesar:  caesar.o
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) caesar.o -o caesar -lm

recmail:  recmail.o
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) recmail.o -o recmail
# end of misc section for utilities

# This section takes care of the batching stuff by peter gross
BOBJECTS = batchnews.o bnproc.o unbatch.o # bnuuxqt.o
BSRCS    = batchnews.c bnproc.c unbatch.c # bnuuxqt.c (not working on 4.2 yet)

batch: getbatch $(BATCHPROGS)

# note: this has two versions - the commented out one uses bnuuxqt, the
#    executed one does not.
installbatch: batch
	cp batchnews unbatch $(LIBDIR)
	/etc/chown $(NEWSUSR) $(LIBDIR)/batchnews $(LIBDIR)/unbatch
	chmod 755 $(LIBDIR)/batchnews $(LIBDIR)/unbatch
#use this line if you don't use bnuuxqt
	cp bnproc $(BINDIR)/bnproc
# use these lines if you use bnuuxqt
#	cp bnproc $(LIBDIR)/bndaemon
#	/etc/chown $(NEWSUSR) $(LIBDIR)/bndaemon
#	chmod 755 $(LIBDIR)/bndaemon
#	cp bnuuxqt $(BINDIR)/bnproc
# use these lines for both kinds
	/etc/chown $(NEWSUSR) $(BINDIR)/bnproc
	chmod 755 $(BINDIR)/bnproc

lintbatch: getbatch
	for i in $(BSRCS); do ($(LINT) $(LINTFLAGS) $$i)); done


getbatch: $(BSRCS)

batchnews: batchnews.o
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) batchnews.o -o batchnews

unbatch: unbatch.o
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) unbatch.o -o unbatch

bnproc: bnproc.o
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) bnproc.o -o bnproc

#bnuuxqt: bnuuxqt.o
#	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) bnuuxqt.o -o bnuuxqt

#end of batch section

#miscellaneous dependencies and rules
getdate.c: getdate.y
	@echo expect 6 shift/reduct conflicts
	yacc getdate.y
	mv y.tab.c getdate.c

getdate.o:  getdate.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c getdate.c

# This section clobbers everything, including sccs sources.
# if you don't support sccs or rcs, comment it out.
clobber: clean

# This will get what you need from sccs
# if you don't support sccs or rcs, comment it out.
	$(GET) $@

# Recreate dependencies: (written by nsc!glenn (Glenn Skinner))
# We assume there are no files involved that begin with `..'
# except for `..' itself.
#	The rule works by sequentially producing the dependencies for each
#	source file.  It builds each such list by using the C preprocessor to
#	collect all files required by the current source file.  Grep then
#	collects line directive lines, and awk and sed strip out unwanted
#	fields and punctuation.  The final awk formats the dependencies into
#	a compact form.
#	This version of the rule throws away dependencies on system include
#	files; to keep them, remove the grep -v command from the pipeline.
depend: get
	rm -f makedep eddep
	for i in ${SOURCES};					do	\
		${CC} -E ${CFLAGS} $$i				|	\
		grep '^#'					|	\
		awk '{ print $$3 }'				|	\
		grep -v '"/'					|	\
		sed -e 's|/[^/]*/\.\.||g' -e 's|\([^.]\)\./|\1|'	\
		    -e 's|"||g'					|	\
		sort -u						|	\
		awk "BEGIN { of = \"`basename $$i .c`\" \".o: \"; rec = of }\
		     { if (length(rec \$$0) > 78) { print rec; rec = of \$$0 }\
		      else rec = rec \" \" \$$0 }			\
		     END { print rec }" >> makedep		;	\
	echo '$$r makedep' >>eddep
	echo '/^# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend/+1,$$d' >>eddep
	echo '$$r makedep' >>eddep
	echo 'w' >>eddep
	cp Makefile Makefile.bak
	ed - Makefile < eddep
	rm eddep makedep

# end of miscellaneous section

# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend uses it
caesar.o:  caesar.c
header.o:  defs.h header.c header.h
recmail.o:  recmail.c
cextern.o:  cextern.c defs.h header.h iparams.h params.h
iextern.o:  defs.h header.h iextern.c iparams.h params.h
recnews.o:  defs.h recnews.c
checknews.o:  checknews.c defs.h header.h
ifuncs.o:  defs.h header.h ifuncs.c iparams.h params.h
rextern.o:  defs.h header.h params.h rextern.c rparams.h
control.o:  control.c defs.h header.h iparams.h params.h
inews.o:  defs.h header.h inews.c iparams.h params.h
rfuncs.o:  defs.h header.h params.h rfuncs.c rparams.h
digest.o:  defs.h digest.c header.h params.h rparams.h
logdir.o:  logdir.c
rfuncs2.o:  defs.h header.h params.h rfuncs2.c rparams.h
expire.o:  defs.h expire.c header.h params.h
pathinit.o:  pathinit.c
sendnews.o:  sendnews.c
ftime.o:  ftime.c
process.o:  defs.h header.h params.h process.c rparams.h
uname.o:  defs.h header.h params.h uname.c
fullname.o:  defs.h fullname.c
readdir.o:  ndir.h readdir.c
uurec.o:  defs.h uurec.c
funcs.o:  defs.h funcs.c header.h params.h
readnews.o:  defs.h header.h params.h readnews.c rparams.h
virtterm.o:  virtterm.c
readr.o:  defs.h header.h params.h readr.c rparams.h
visual.o:  defs.h header.h params.h rparams.h visual.c
pn.o:  defs.h pn.c
batchnews.o:  batchnews.c
bnproc.o:  bnproc.c
bnuuxqt.o:  bnuuxqt.c
unbatch.o:  unbatch.c
>From the ledge of the seventh cornice:			Chuq Von Rospach
{amd70,fortune,hplabs,ihnp4}!nsc!chuqui			(408) 733-2600 x242

If you let a smile be your umbrella you will get rain up your nose.