[net.sources] news 2.10.2 src part 8

rick@seismo.UUCP (Rick Adams) (09/08/84)

if test ! -d src
	mkdir src
	echo mkdir src
echo x - src/compress.c
sed 's/^X//' >src/compress.c <<'*-*-END-of-src/compress.c-*-*'
X * Define NO_UCHAR if "unsigned char" functions as signed char on your
X * machine.
X */
X#define STATS
X#undef STATS
X#define DEBUG
X#undef DEBUG
X * compress.c - File compression ala IEEE Computer June 1984.
X *
X * Authors:	Spencer W. Thomas	(decvax!harpo!utah-cs!utah-gr!thomas)
X * 		Computer Science Dept.
X * 		University of Utah
X * 		Copyright (c) 1984 Spencer W. Thomas
X *
X *		Jim McKie	(decvax!mcvax!jim)
X *		Steve Davies	(decvax!vax135!petsd!peora!srd)
X *		Ken Turkowski	(decvax!decwrl!turtlevax!ken)
X *		Joe Orost	(decvax!vax135!petsd!joe)
X *
X */
X#ifndef lint
Xstatic char	*SccsId = "@(#)compress.c	1.5	9/4/84";
X#endif !lint
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <ctype.h>
X#include <signal.h>
X#include <sys/types.h>
X#include <sys/stat.h>
X#define ARGVAL() (*++(*argv) || (--argc && *++argv))
X#ifdef pdp11
X#define	BITS	12			/* maximum number of bits/code */
X#define NO_UCHAR
X#else !pdp11
X#define	BITS	16			/* maximum number of bits/code */
X/* #define NO_UCHAR */
X#endif !pdp11
X#ifdef NO_UCHAR
Xtypedef char	char_type;
X#else UCHAR
Xtypedef	unsigned char	char_type;
X#endif UCAHR
Xchar_type magic_header[] = { "\037\235" };	/* 1F 9D */
X#define INIT_BITS 9			/* initial number of bits/code */
Xint n_bits;				/* number of bits/code */
Xint maxbits = BITS;			/* user settable max # bits/code */
Xlong int maxcode;			/* maximum code, given n_bits */
Xlong int maxmaxcode = 1 << BITS;	/* should NEVER generate this code */
X#ifdef COMPATIBLE		/* But wrong! */
X# define MAXCODE(n_bits)	(1 << (n_bits) - 1)
X# define MAXCODE(n_bits)	((1 << (n_bits)) - 1)
X * One code could conceivably represent (1<<BITS) characters, but
X * to get a code of length N requires an input string of at least
X * N*(N-1)/2 characters.  With 8000 chars in the stack, an input
X * file would have to contain a 40Mb string of a single character.
X * This seems unlikely.
X */
X#define MAXSTACK    8000		/* size of output stack */
Xunsigned short tab_next[1<<BITS];	/* chain of entries with same prefix */
Xunsigned short tab_chain[1<<BITS];	/* chain prefixed with this entry */
Xunsigned short tab_prefix[1<<BITS];	/* prefix code for this entry */
X	 char  tab_suffix[1<<BITS];	/* last char in this entry */
Xlong int free_ent = 0;			/* first unused entry */
Xint exit_stat = 0;
Xlong int getcode();
XUsage() {
X#ifdef DEBUG
Xfprintf(stderr,"Usage: compress [-dDvqfc] [-b maxbits] [file ...]\n");
Xint debug = 0;
X#else DEBUG
Xfprintf(stderr,"Usage: compress [-dfqc] [-b maxbits] [file ...]\n");
X#endif DEBUG
Xint nomagic = 0;	/* Use a 2 byte magic number header, unless old file */
Xint zcat_flg = 0;	/* Write output on stdout, suppress messages */
Xint quiet = 0;		/* don't tell me about compression */
X * TAG( main )
X *
X * Algorithm from "A Technique for High Performance Data Compression",
X * Terry A. Welch, IEEE Computer Vol 17, No 6 (June 1984), pp 8-19.
X *
X * Usage: compress [-d] [-c] [-f] [-b bits] [file ...]
X * Inputs:
X *	-d:	    If given, decompression is done instead.
X *
X *      -c:         Write output on stdout.
X *
X *      -b:         Limits the max number of bits/code.
X *
X *	-f:	    Forces output file to be generated, even if one already
X *		    exists; if -f is not used, the user will be prompted if
X *		    the stdin is a tty, otherwise, the output file will not
X *		    be overwritten.
X *
X *	-q:	    No output, unless error
X *
X * 	file ...:   Files to be compressed.  If none specified, stdin
X *		    is used.
X * Outputs:
X *	file.Z:	    Compressed form of file with same mode, owner, and utimes
X * 	or stdout   (if stdin used as input)
X *
X * Assumptions:
X *	When filenames are given, replaces with the compressed version
X *	(.Z suffix) only if the file decreased in size.
X * Algorithm:
X * 	Modified Lempel-Ziv method (LZW).  Basically finds common
X * substrings and replaces them with a variable size code.  This is
X * deterministic, and can be done on the fly.  Thus, the decompression
X * procedure needs no input table, but tracks the way the table was
X * built.
X */
Xmain( argc, argv )
Xregister int argc; char **argv;
X    int do_decompress = 0;
X    int overwrite = 0;	/* Do not overwrite unless given -f flag */
X    char ofname[100], tempname[100];
X    char **filelist, **fileptr;
X    char *cp, *rindex();
X    struct stat statbuf;
X#ifdef DEBUG
X    int verbose = 0;
X#endif DEBUG
X    nomagic = 1;	/* Original didn't have a magic number */
X    filelist = fileptr = (char **)(malloc(argc * sizeof(*argv)));
X    *filelist = NULL;
X    if((cp = rindex(argv[0], '/')) != 0) {
X	cp++;
X    } else {
X	cp = argv[0];
X    }
X    if(strcmp(cp, "uncompress") == 0) {
X	do_decompress = 1;
X    } else if(strcmp(cp, "zcat") == 0) {
X	do_decompress = 1;
X	zcat_flg = 1;
X    }
X#ifdef BSD42
X    /* 4.2BSD dependent - take it out if not */
X    setlinebuf( stderr );
X#endif BSD42
X    /* Argument Processing
X     * All flags are optional.
X     * -D => debug
X     * -d => do_decompress
X     * -v => verbose
X     * -f => force overwrite of output file
X     * -n => no header: useful to uncompress old files
X     * -b maxbits => maxbits.  If -b is specified, then maxbits MUST be
X     *	    given also.
X     * -c => cat all output to stdout
X     * if a string is left, must be an input filename.
X     */
X    for (argc--, argv++; argc > 0; argc--, argv++) {
X	if (**argv == '-') {	/* A flag argument */
X	    while (*++(*argv)) {	/* Process all flags in this arg */
X		switch (**argv) {
X#ifdef DEBUG
X		    case 'D':
X			debug = 1;
X			break;
X		    case 'v':
X			verbose = 1;
X			break;
X#endif DEBUG
X		    case 'd':
X			do_decompress = 1;
X			break;
X		    case 'f':
X			overwrite = 1;
X			break;
X		    case 'n':
X			nomagic = 1;
X			break;
X		    case 'b':
X			if (!ARGVAL()) {
X			    fprintf(stderr, "Missing maxbits\n");
X			    Usage();
X			    exit(1);
X			}
X			maxbits = atoi(*argv);
X			goto nextarg;
X		    case 'c':
X			zcat_flg = 1;
X			break;
X		    case 'q':
X			quiet = 1;
X			break;
X		    default:
X			fprintf(stderr, "Unknown flag: '%c'; ", **argv);
X			Usage();
X			exit(1);
X		}
X	    }
X	}
X	else {		/* Input file name */
X	    *fileptr++ = *argv;	/* Build input file list */
X	    *fileptr = NULL;
X	    /* goto nextarg; */
X	}
X	nextarg: continue;
X    }
X    if (maxbits > BITS) maxbits = BITS;
X    maxmaxcode = 1 << maxbits;
X    if (*filelist != NULL) {
X	for (fileptr = filelist; *fileptr; fileptr++) {
X	    exit_stat = 0;
X	    if (do_decompress != 0) {			/* DECOMPRESSION */
X		/* Check for .Z suffix */
X		if (strcmp(*fileptr + strlen(*fileptr) - 2, ".Z") != 0) {
X		    /* No .Z: tack one on */
X		    strcpy(tempname, *fileptr);
X		    strcat(tempname, ".Z");
X		    *fileptr = tempname;
X		}
X		/* Open input file */
X		if ((freopen(*fileptr, "r", stdin)) == NULL) {
X			perror(*fileptr); continue;
X		}
X		/* Check the magic number */
X		if (nomagic == 0) {
X		    if ((getchar() != (magic_header[0] & 0xFF))
X		     || (getchar() != (magic_header[1] & 0xFF))) {
X			fprintf(stderr, "%s: not in compressed format\n",
X			    *fileptr);
X		    continue;
X		    }
X		    maxbits = getchar();	/* set -b from file */
X		    maxmaxcode = 1 << maxbits;
X		    if(maxbits > BITS) {
X			fprintf(stderr,
X			"%s: compressed with %d bits, can only handle %d bits\n",
X			*fileptr, maxbits, BITS);
X			continue;
X		    }
X		}
X		/* Generate output filename */
X		strcpy(ofname, *fileptr);
X		ofname[strlen(*fileptr) - 2] = '\0';  /* Strip off .Z */
X	    }
X	    else {					/* COMPRESSION */
X		if (strcmp(*fileptr + strlen(*fileptr) - 2, ".Z") == 0) {
X		    fprintf(stderr, "%s: already has .Z suffix -- no change\n",
X			    *fileptr);
X		    continue;
X		}
X		/* Open input file */
X		if ((freopen(*fileptr, "r", stdin)) == NULL) {
X		    perror(*fileptr); continue;
X		}
X		/* Generate output filename */
X		strcpy(ofname, *fileptr);
X#ifndef BSD42		/* Short filenames */
X		if ((cp=rindex(ofname,'/')) != NULL)	cp++;
X		else					cp = ofname;
X		if (strlen(cp) > 12) {
X		    fprintf(stderr,"%s: filename too long to tack on .Z\n",cp);
X		    continue;
X		}
X#endif  BSD42		/* Long filenames allowed */
X		strcat(ofname, ".Z");
X	    }
X	    /* Check for overwrite of existing file */
X	    if (overwrite == 0 && zcat_flg == 0) {
X		if (stat(ofname, &statbuf) == 0) {
X		    char response[2];
X		    response[0] = 'n';
X		    fprintf(stderr, "%s already exists;", ofname);
X		    if (foreground()) {
X			fprintf(stderr, " do you wish to overwrite (y or n)? ",
X			ofname);
X			fflush(stderr);
X			read(2, response, 2);
X			while (response[1] != '\n') {
X			    if (read(2, response+1, 1) < 0) {	/* Ack! */
X				perror("stderr"); break;
X			    }
X			}
X		    }
X		    if (response[0] != 'y') {
X			fprintf(stderr, "\tnot overwritten\n");
X			continue;
X		    }
X		}
X	    }
X	    if(zcat_flg == 0) {		/* Open output file */
X	        if (freopen(ofname, "w", stdout) == NULL) {
X		    perror(ofname);
X		    continue;
X	        }
X	        fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", *fileptr);
X	    }
X	    /* Actually do the compression/decompression */
X	    if (do_decompress == 0)	compress();
X#ifndef DEBUG
X	    else			decompress();
X#else   DEBUG
X	    else if (debug == 0)	decompress();
X	    else			printcodes();
X	    if (verbose)		dump_tab();
X#endif DEBUG
X	    if(zcat_flg == 0) {
X	        copystat(*fileptr, ofname);	/* Copy stats */
X	        putc('\n', stderr);
X	    }
X	}
X    } else {		/* Standard input */
X	if (do_decompress == 0) {
X		compress();
X		putc('\n', stderr);
X	} else {
X	    /* Check the magic number */
X	    if (nomagic == 0) {
X		if ((getchar()!=(magic_header[0] & 0xFF))
X		 || (getchar()!=(magic_header[1] & 0xFF))) {
X		    fprintf(stderr, "stdin: not in compressed format\n");
X		    exit(1);
X		}
X		maxbits = getchar();	/* set -b from file */
X    		maxmaxcode = 1 << maxbits;
X		if(maxbits > BITS) {
X			fprintf(stderr,
X			"stdin: compressed with %d bits, can only handle %d bits\n",
X			maxbits, BITS);
X			exit(1);
X		}
X	    }
X#ifndef DEBUG
X	    decompress();
X#else   DEBUG
X	    if (debug == 0)	decompress();
X	    else		printcodes();
X	    if (verbose)	dump_tab();
X#endif DEBUG
X	}
X    }
X    exit(exit_stat);
X * TAG( compress )
X *
X * Actually does the compression.
X * Inputs:
X * 	Compresses file on stdin.
X * Outputs:
X * 	Writes compressed file to stdout.
X * Assumptions:
X *	[None]
X * Algorithm:
X * 	See above.
X */
Xstatic int offset;
Xlong int bytes_out;			/* count how many are written */
Xcompress() {
X    register c;
X    register long ent, n_ent;
X    register long int in_count = 1;
X#ifdef STATS
X    int out_count = 0;
X#endif STATS
X    /*
X     * Initialize the compression table to contain all 8-bit values
X     * initially.  These don't need to be chained, they can be looked
X     * up directly.
X     */
X    offset = 0;
X    bytes_out = 0;
X    maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits = INIT_BITS);
X    for ( ent = 0; ent < 256; ent++ ) {
X	tab_next[ent] = tab_chain[ent] = NULL;
X	tab_suffix[ent] = ent;
X    }
X    free_ent = 256;
X    if (nomagic == 0) {
X	putchar(magic_header[0]); putchar(magic_header[1]);
X	putchar((char)maxbits);
X    }
X    ent = getchar();		/* initial entry */
X    while ( !feof( stdin ) && (c = getchar()) != (unsigned)EOF ) {
X	in_count++;
X	/*
X	 * Find the entry corresponding to the current entry suffixed
X	 * with this char.  Since the entries are sorted, stop when
X	 * the suffix >= c.
X	 */
X	for (n_ent = tab_chain[ent]; n_ent != NULL; n_ent = tab_next[n_ent])
X	    if ( tab_suffix[n_ent] >= (unsigned)c )
X		goto found;			/* found it */
X	/*
X	 * If no such entry, do 2 things:
X	 * 1. Put out code for current prefix string.
X	 * 2. Add the new string to the table.
X	 *    If the table is full, just start over with current input
X	 *    character.
X	 */
X	    output( (long)ent );
X#ifdef STATS
X	    out_count++;
X#endif STATS
X	    if ( (n_ent=free_ent) < maxmaxcode ) {
X		/* Chain the new entry in 'c' order, so the aborted check
X		   above works */
X		register p_ent;
X		tab_chain[n_ent] = NULL;
X		tab_suffix[n_ent] = c;
X		if((p_ent=tab_chain[ent]) == NULL ||
X		   ((unsigned) c) < tab_suffix[p_ent]) {
X			tab_next[n_ent] = p_ent;
X			tab_chain[ent] = n_ent;
X		} else {
X			for(;;) {
X				ent = tab_next[p_ent];
X				if(ent == NULL ||
X				   ((unsigned) c) < tab_suffix[ent]) break;
X				p_ent = ent;
X			}
X			tab_next[n_ent] = ent;
X			tab_next[p_ent] = n_ent;
X		}
X		free_ent = n_ent+1;
X	    }
X	    n_ent = c;
X	ent = n_ent;
X    }
X    /*
X     * Put out the final code.
X     */
X    output( (long)ent );
X#ifdef STATS
X    out_count++;
X#endif STATS
X    output( -1L );			/* finish up output if necessary */
X    /*
X     * Print out stats on stderr
X     */
X    if(zcat_flg == 0 && !quiet) {
X#ifdef STATS
X        fprintf( stderr,
X	"%ld chars in, %ld codes (%ld bytes) out, compression factor %g\n",
X		in_count, out_count, bytes_out,
X		(double)in_count / (double)bytes_out );
X        fprintf( stderr, "\tCompression as in compact: %5.2f%%\n",
X		100.0 * ( in_count - bytes_out ) / (double) in_count );
X        fprintf( stderr, "\tLargest code was %d (%d bits)\n", free_ent - 1, n_bits );
X#else STATS
X        fprintf( stderr, "Compression: %5.2f%%",
X		100.0 * ( in_count - bytes_out ) / (double) in_count );
X#endif STATS
X    }
X    if(bytes_out > in_count)	/* exit(2) if no savings */
X	exit_stat = 2;
X    return;
X	/* either we found the entry, or we skipped past it */
X	if(tab_suffix[n_ent] == (unsigned) c) {
X		goto cont;
X	} else {
X		goto not_found;
X	}
X * TAG( output )
X *
X * Output the given code.
X * Inputs:
X * 	code:	A n_bits-bit integer.  If == -1, then EOF.  This assumes
X *		that n_bits =< (long)wordsize - 1.
X *
X * Outputs:
X * 	Outputs code to the file.
X * Assumptions:
X *	Chars are 8 bits long.
X * Algorithm:
X * 	Maintain a BITS character long buffer (so that 8 codes will
X * fit in it exactly).  Use the VAX insv instruction to insert each
X * code in turn.  When the buffer fills up empty it and start over.
X */
Xstatic char buf[BITS];
Xchar_type lmask[9] = {0xff, 0xfe, 0xfc, 0xf8, 0xf0, 0xe0, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x00};
Xchar_type rmask[9] = {0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0f, 0x1f, 0x3f, 0x7f, 0xff};
Xoutput( code )
Xlong int  code;
X#ifdef DEBUG
X    static int col = 0;
X#endif DEBUG
X    /*
X     * On the VAX, it is important to have the register declarations
X     * in exactly the order given, or the asm will break.
X     */
X    register int r_off = offset, bits= n_bits;
X    register char * bp = buf;
X    if ( code >= 0 ) {
X#ifdef vax
X	/* VAX DEPENDENT!! Implementation on other machines may be
X	 * difficult.
X	 *
X	 * Translation: Insert BITS bits from the argument starting at
X	 * offset bits from the beginning of buf.
X	 */
X	0;	/* C compiler bug ?? */
X	asm( "insv	4(ap),r11,r10,(r9)" );
X#else not a vax
X/* WARNING: byte/bit numbering on the vax is simulated by the following code
X	/*
X	 * Get to the first byte.
X	 */
X	bp += (r_off >> 3);
X	r_off &= 7;
X	/*
X	 * Since code is always >= 8 bits, only need to mask the first
X	 * hunk on the left.
X	 */
X	*bp = (*bp & rmask[r_off]) | (code << r_off) & lmask[r_off];
X	bp++;
X	bits -= (8 - r_off);
X	code >>= 8 - r_off;
X	/* Get any 8 bit parts in the middle (<=1 for up to 16 bits). */
X	if ( bits >= 8 ) {
X	    *bp++ = code;
X	    code >>= 8;
X	    bits -= 8;
X	}
X	/* Last bits. */
X	*bp = code;
X#endif vax
X	offset += n_bits;
X	if ( offset == (n_bits << 3) ) {
X	    if( fwrite( buf, 1, n_bits, stdout ) != n_bits)
X		writeerr();
X	    offset = 0;
X	    bytes_out += n_bits;
X	}
X#ifdef DEBUG
X	if ( debug )
X	    fprintf( stderr, "%5d%c", code,
X		    (col+=6) >= 74 ? (col = 0, '\n') : ' ' );
X#endif DEBUG
X	/*
X	 * If the next entry is going to be too big for the code size,
X	 * then increase it, if possible.
X	 */
X	if ( free_ent > maxcode )
X	{
X	    /*
X	     * Write the whole buffer, because the input side won't
X	     * discover the size increase until after it has read it.
X	     */
X	    if ( offset > 0 )
X	    {
X		if( fwrite( buf, 1, n_bits, stdout ) != n_bits)
X			writeerr();
X		bytes_out += n_bits;
X	    }
X	    offset = 0;
X	    n_bits++;
X	    if ( n_bits == maxbits )
X		maxcode = maxmaxcode;
X	    else
X		maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits);
X#ifdef DEBUG
X	    if ( debug ) {
X		fprintf( stderr, "\nChange to %d bits\n", n_bits );
X		col = 0;
X	    }
X#endif DEBUG
X	}
X    } else {
X	/*
X	 * At EOF, write the rest of the buffer.
X	 */
X	if ( offset > 0 )
X	    fwrite( buf, 1, (offset + 7) / 8, stdout );
X	bytes_out += (offset + 7) / 8;
X	offset = 0;
X	fflush( stdout );
X#ifdef DEBUG
X	if ( debug )
X	    fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
X#endif DEBUG
X	if( ferror( stdout ) )
X		writeerr();
X    }
X * TAG( decompress )
X *
X * Decompress the input file.
X *
X * Inputs:
X *	Decompresses file on stdin.
X * Outputs:
X * 	Writes decompressed file to stdout.
X * Algorithm:
X * 	See article cited above.
X */
Xdecompress() {
X    register int stack_top = MAXSTACK;
X    register long int code, oldcode, incode;
X    register int finchar;
X    char stack[MAXSTACK];
X    /*
X     * As above, initialize the first 256 entries in the table.
X     */
X    maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits = INIT_BITS);
X    for ( free_ent = 0; free_ent < 256; free_ent++ ) {
X	tab_next[free_ent] = tab_chain[free_ent] = NULL;
X	tab_prefix[free_ent] = 0;
X	tab_suffix[free_ent] = free_ent;
X    }
X    finchar = oldcode = getcode();
X    putchar( (char)finchar );		/* first code must be 8 bits = char */
X    while ( ( code = getcode() ) != -1 ) {
X	incode = code;
X	/*
X	 * Special case for KwKwK string.
X	 */
X	if ( code >= free_ent ) {
X	    stack[--stack_top] = finchar;
X	    code = oldcode;
X	}
X	/*
X	 * Generate output characters in reverse order
X	 */
X	while ( code >= 256 ) {
X	    stack[--stack_top] = tab_suffix[code];
X	    code = tab_prefix[code];
X	}
X	stack[--stack_top] = finchar = tab_suffix[code];
X	/*
X	 * And put them out in forward order
X	 */
X	if(fwrite( &stack[stack_top], 1, MAXSTACK - stack_top, stdout ) !=
X	MAXSTACK - stack_top) writeerr();
X	stack_top = MAXSTACK;
X	/*
X	 * Generate the new entry.
X	 */
X	if ( (code=free_ent) < maxmaxcode ) {
X	    tab_prefix[code] = oldcode;
X	    tab_suffix[code] = finchar;
X	    free_ent = code+1;
X	}
X	/*
X	 * Remember previous code.
X	 */
X	oldcode = incode;
X    }
X    fflush( stdout );
X    if(ferror(stdout))
X	writeerr();
X * TAG( getcode )
X *
X * Read one code from the standard input.  If EOF, return -1.
X * Inputs:
X * 	stdin
X * Outputs:
X * 	code or -1 is returned.
X * Assumptions:
X *	[None]
X * Algorithm:
X * 	For now, use scanf to read ascii input.
X */
Xlong int
Xgetcode() {
X    /*
X     * On the VAX, it is important to have the register declarations
X     * in exactly the order given, or the asm will break.
X     */
X    register long int code;
X    static int offset = 0, size = 0;
X    static char_type buf[BITS];
X    register int r_off, bits;
X    register char_type *bp = buf;
X    if ( offset >= size || free_ent > maxcode ) {
X	/*
X	 * If the next entry will be too big for the current code
X	 * size, then we must increase the size.  This implies reading
X	 * a new buffer full, too.
X	 */
X	if ( free_ent > maxcode ) {
X	    n_bits++;
X	    if ( n_bits == maxbits )
X		maxcode = maxmaxcode;	/* won't get any bigger now */
X	    else
X		maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits);
X	}
X	size = fread( buf, 1, n_bits, stdin );
X	if ( size <= 0 )
X	    return -1;			/* end of file */
X	offset = 0;
X	/* Round size down to integral number of codes */
X	size = (size << 3) - (n_bits - 1);
X    }
X    r_off = offset;
X    bits = n_bits;
X#ifdef vax
X    asm( "extzv   r10,r9,(r8),r11" );
X#else not a vax
X	/*
X	 * Get to the first byte.
X	 */
X	bp += (r_off >> 3);
X	r_off &= 7;
X	/* Get first part (low order bits) */
X#ifdef NO_UCHAR
X	code = ((*bp++ >> r_off) & rmask[8 - r_off]) & 0xff;
X#else  NO_UCHAR
X	code = (*bp++ >> r_off);
X#endif NO_UCHAR
X	bits -= (8 - r_off);
X	r_off = 8 - r_off;		/* now, offset into code word */
X	/* Get any 8 bit parts in the middle (<=1 for up to 16 bits). */
X	if ( bits >= 8 ) {
X#ifdef NO_UCHAR
X	    code |= (*bp++ & 0xff) << r_off;
X#else  NO_UCHAR
X	    code |= *bp++ << r_off;
X#endif NO_UCHAR
X	    r_off += 8;
X	    bits -= 8;
X	}
X	/* high order bits. */
X	code |= (*bp & rmask[bits]) << r_off;
X#endif vax
X    offset += n_bits;
X    return code;
Xchar *
Xrindex(s, c)		/* For those who don't have it in libc.a */
Xregister char *s, c;
X	char *p;
X	for (p = NULL; *s; s++)
X	    if (*s == c)
X		p = s;
X	return(p);
X#ifdef DEBUG
X    /*
X     * Just print out codes from input file.  Mostly for debugging.
X     */
X    long int code;
X    int col = 0, bits;
X    bits = n_bits = INIT_BITS;
X    maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits);
X    free_ent = 255;
X    while ( ( code = getcode() ) >= 0 ) {
X	if ( free_ent < maxmaxcode )
X	    free_ent++;
X	if ( bits != n_bits ) {
X	    printf( "\nChange to %d bits\n", n_bits );
X	    bits = n_bits;
X	    col = 0;
X	}
X	printf( "%5d%c", code, (col+=6) >= 74 ? (col = 0, '\n') : ' ' );
X    }
X    putchar( '\n' );
X    exit( 0 );
X * TAG( dump_tab )
X *
X * Dump the string table.
X * Inputs:
X *	[None]
X * Outputs:
X *	[None]
X * Assumptions:
X *	[None]
X * Algorithm:
X *	[None]
X */
X    register int i;
X    register ent;
X    char stack[4 * MAXSTACK];	/* \nnn makes it 4 times bigger */
X    int stack_top = 4 * MAXSTACK;
X    for ( i = 0; i < free_ent; i++ ) {
X	ent = i;
X	if ( isascii(tab_suffix[ent]) && isprint(tab_suffix[ent]) )
X	    fprintf( stderr, "%5d: %5d/'%c'  \"",
X			ent, tab_prefix[ent], tab_suffix[ent] );
X	else
X	    fprintf( stderr, "%5d: %5d/\\%03o \"",
X			ent, tab_prefix[ent], tab_suffix[ent] );
X	stack[--stack_top] = '\n';
X	stack[--stack_top] = '"';
X	for ( ; ent != NULL;
X		ent = (ent >= 256 ? tab_prefix[ent] : NULL) ) {
X	    if ( isascii(tab_suffix[ent]) && isprint(tab_suffix[ent]) )
X		stack[--stack_top] = tab_suffix[ent];
X	    else {
X		switch( tab_suffix[ent] ) {
X		case '\n': stack[--stack_top] = 'n'; break;
X		case '\t': stack[--stack_top] = 't'; break;
X		case '\b': stack[--stack_top] = 'b'; break;
X		case '\f': stack[--stack_top] = 'f'; break;
X		case '\r': stack[--stack_top] = 'r'; break;
X		default:
X		    stack[--stack_top] = '0' + tab_suffix[ent] % 8;
X		    stack[--stack_top] = '0' + (tab_suffix[ent] / 8) % 8;
X		    stack[--stack_top] = '0' + tab_suffix[ent] / 64;
X		    break;
X		}
X		stack[--stack_top] = '\\';
X	    }
X	}
X	fwrite( &stack[stack_top], 1, 4 * MAXSTACK - stack_top, stderr );
X	stack_top = 4 * MAXSTACK;
X    }
X#endif DEBUG
X * TAG( writeerr )
X *
X * Exits with a message.  We only check for write errors often enough
X * to avoid a lot of "file system full" messages, not on every write.
X * ferror() check after fflush will catch any others (I trust).
X *
X * Inputs:
X *	[None]
X * Outputs:
X *	[None]
X * Assumptions:
X *	[None]
X * Algorithm:
X *	[None]
X */
X    perror( "goodbye, write error" );
X    exit( 1 );
Xcopystat(ifname, ofname)
Xchar *ifname, *ofname;
X    struct stat statbuf;
X    int mode;
X    time_t timep[2];
X    fclose(stdout);
X    if (stat(ifname, &statbuf)) {		/* Get stat on input file */
X	perror(ifname);
X	return;
X    }
X    if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT/*0170000*/) != S_IFREG/*0100000*/) {
X	fprintf(stderr, " -- not a regular file: unchanged");
X	exit_stat = 1;
X    } else if (statbuf.st_nlink > 1) {
X	fprintf(stderr, " -- has %d other links: unchanged",
X		statbuf.st_nlink - 1);
X	exit_stat = 1;
X    } else if (exit_stat == 2) {	/* No compression: remove file.Z */
X	fprintf(stderr, " -- file unchanged");
X    } else {			/* ***** Successful Compression ***** */
X	mode = statbuf.st_mode & 07777;
X	if (chmod(ofname, mode))		/* Copy modes */
X	    perror(ofname);
X	chown(ofname, statbuf.st_uid, statbuf.st_gid);	/* Copy ownership */
X	timep[0] = statbuf.st_atime;
X	timep[1] = statbuf.st_mtime;
X	utime(ofname, timep);	/* Update last accessed and modified times */
X	if (unlink(ifname))	/* Remove input file */
X	    perror(ifname);
X	fprintf(stderr, " -- replaced with %s", ofname);
X	return;		/* Successful return */
X    }
X    /* Unsuccessful return -- one of the tests failed */
X    if (unlink(ofname))
X	perror(ofname);
X * This routine returns 1 if we are running in the foreground and stderr
X * is a tty.
X */
X	register int (*tmp)();
X	dummy();
X	if((tmp = signal(SIGINT, dummy))) {	/* background? */
X		signal(SIGINT, tmp);
X		return(0);
X	} else {			/* foreground */
X		if(isatty(2)) {		/* and stderr is a tty */
X			return(1);
X		} else {
X			return(0);
X		}
X	}
X	;
echo x - src/makeactive.sh
sed 's/^X//' >src/makeactive.sh <<'*-*-END-of-src/makeactive.sh-*-*'
X: "Create active file and newsgroup hierarchy for new machine"
X: "Usage: sh makeactive.sh LIBDIR SPOOLDIR NEWSUSR NEWSGRP"
X: '@(#)makeactive	1.9	9/4/84'
Xif test ! -s $LIBDIR/localgroups
X	cat <<"E_O_F" >$LIBDIR/localgroups
Xgeneral	Articles that should be read by everyone on your local system
Xcat <<"E_O_F" > /tmp/$$groups
Xnet.abortion		Abortion.
Xnet.adm.site		Automatic maintenance of the USENET directory.
Xnet.ai			Artificial intelligence.
Xnet.analog		Analog design developments, ideas, and components.
Xnet.announce		General announcements of interest to all.
Xnet.announce.newusers	General announcements for new users.
Xnet.arch		Computer architecture.
Xnet.astro		Astronomy.
Xnet.astro.expert	Astronomy for experts.
Xnet.audio		High fidelity audio.
Xnet.auto		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
Xnet.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
Xnet.bicycle		Bicycles, related products and laws.
Xnet.bio			Biology and related sciences.
Xnet.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
Xnet.bugs		General bug reports and fixes.
Xnet.bugs.2bsd		UNIX version 2BSD related bugs.
Xnet.bugs.4bsd		UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
Xnet.bugs.usg		USG UNIX (System III, V, etc.) related bugs.
Xnet.bugs.uucp		UUCP related bugs.
Xnet.bugs.v7		UNIX V7 related bugs.
Xnet.chess		Chess and computer chess.
Xnet.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
Xnet.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
Xnet.columbia		The space shuttle and the STS program.
Xnet.comics		The funnies, old and new.
Xnet.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
Xnet.cooks		Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
Xnet.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
Xnet.cse			Computer science education.
Xnet.cycle		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
Xnet.dcom		Data communications hardware and software.
Xnet.decus		DEC User's Society newsgroup.
Xnet.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
Xnet.eunice		The Eunice system.
Xnet.flame		Flaming on any topic.
Xnet.followup		Followups to articles in net.general.
Xnet.games		Games and computer games.
Xnet.games.emp		The computer game Empire.
Xnet.games.frp		Fantasy Role Playing games.
Xnet.games.go		Go.
Xnet.games.pbm		Play by Mail games.
Xnet.games.rogue		Rogue.
Xnet.games.trivia	Trivia.
Xnet.games.video		Video games.
Xnet.garden		Gardening, methods and results.
Xnet.general		*Important* and timely announcements of interest to all.
Xnet.graphics		Computer graphics, art, and animation.
Xnet.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
Xnet.info-terms		All sorts of terminals.
Xnet.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
Xnet.jobs		Job announcements, requests, etc.
Xnet.jokes		Jokes and other humor.  Some may be offensive.
Xnet.jokes.d		Discussions on the content of net.jokes.
Xnet.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
Xnet.lan			Local area network hardware and software.
Xnet.lang		Computer languages in general.
Xnet.lang.ada		The computer language Ada.
Xnet.lang.apl		The computer language APL.
Xnet.lang.c		The computer language C.
Xnet.lang.f77		The computer language FORTRAN.
Xnet.lang.forth		The computer language Forth.
Xnet.lang.lisp		The computer language LISP.
Xnet.lang.mod2		The computer language Modula-2.
Xnet.lang.pascal		The computer language Pascal.
Xnet.lang.prolog		The computer language PROLOG.
Xnet.lang.st80		The computer language Smalltalk 80.
Xnet.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
Xnet.lsi			Large scale integrated circuits.
Xnet.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
Xnet.mail		Proposed new mail/network standards.
Xnet.mail.headers	The ARPA header-people list.
Xnet.mail.msggroup	The ARPA MsgGroup list.
Xnet.math		Mathematical discussions and puzzles.
Xnet.math.stat		Statistics.
Xnet.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
Xnet.micro		Micro computers of all kinds.
Xnet.micro.16k		National 16000 & 32000 processors.
Xnet.micro.432		Intel 432 processors.
Xnet.micro.6809		Motorola 6809 processors.
Xnet.micro.68k		Motorola 68000 processors.
Xnet.micro.apple		Apple computers.
Xnet.micro.atari		Atari computers.
Xnet.micro.cbm		Commodore computers.
Xnet.micro.cpm		The CP/M operating system.
Xnet.micro.hp		Hewlett/Packard computers.
Xnet.micro.pc		IBM personal computers.
Xnet.micro.ti		Texas Instruments processors.
Xnet.micro.trs-80	TRS-80 computers.
Xnet.micro.zx		Sinclair zx computers.
Xnet.misc		Miscellaneous discussions that don't belong elsewhere.
Xnet.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
Xnet.movies		Reviews and discussions of movies.
Xnet.movies.sw		Subgroup for the Star Wars saga(s).
Xnet.music		Music lovers.
Xnet.music.classical	Classical music lovers.
Xnet.net-people		Announcements, etc. concerning people on the net.
Xnet.news		Discussions of USENET itself.
Xnet.news.adm		For news administrators.
Xnet.news.b		B news software.
Xnet.news.config		Computer down times and network interruptions.
Xnet.news.group		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
Xnet.news.map		Connectivity maps.
Xnet.news.newsite	New site announcements.
Xnet.news.sa		For system administrators.
Xnet.nlang		Natural languages, cultures, heritages, etc.
Xnet.nlang.celts		The Celtic culture.
Xnet.nlang.greek		The Greek culture.
Xnet.notes		Notesfile software from the University of Illinois.
Xnet.origins		Evolution versus creationism.
Xnet.periphs		Peripheral devices.
Xnet.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
Xnet.philosophy		Philosophical discussions.
Xnet.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
Xnet.poems		For the posting of poems.
Xnet.politics		Political discussions.
Xnet.puzzle		Puzzles, problems, and quizes.
Xnet.railroad		Real and model trains.
Xnet.rec			Recreational/participant sports.
Xnet.rec.birds		Bird watching.
Xnet.rec.boat		Boating.
Xnet.rec.bridge		Bridge.
Xnet.rec.coins		Coin collecting.
Xnet.rec.disc		Disc activities (Frisbee, etc).
Xnet.rec.nude		Naturalist/nudist activities.
Xnet.rec.photo		Photography.
Xnet.rec.scuba		SCUBA diving.
Xnet.rec.ski		Skiing.
Xnet.rec.skydive		Skydiving.
Xnet.rec.wood		Woodworking.
Xnet.religion		Religious, ethical, and moral implications of actions.
Xnet.religion.jewish	Judaism.
Xnet.research		Research and computer research.
Xnet.roots		Genealogical matters.
Xnet.rumor		Rumors.
Xnet.sci			General purpose scientific discussions.
Xnet.sf-lovers		Science fiction lovers.
Xnet.singles		Single people, their activities, etc.
Xnet.social		Social activities.
Xnet.sources		Submittion of Software packages.
Xnet.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
Xnet.sport		Spectator sports.
Xnet.sport.baseball	Baseball.
Xnet.sport.football	Football.
Xnet.sport.hockey	Hockey.
Xnet.sport.hoops		Basketball.
Xnet.startrek		Star Trek, the TV show and the movies.
Xnet.std			All sorts of standards.
Xnet.suicide		Suicide, laws, ethics, and its causes and effects.
Xnet.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
Xnet.test		Testing of network software.
Xnet.text		Text processing.
Xnet.travel		Traveling all over the world.
Xnet.tv			The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
Xnet.tv.drwho		The TV show Dr. Who.
Xnet.tv.soaps		Soap operas.
Xnet.unix		UNIX neophytes group.
Xnet.unix-wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
Xnet.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
Xnet.usoft		Universal (public domain) software packages.
Xnet.veg			Vegetarians.
Xnet.video		Video and video components.
Xnet.vvs			The Vortex Video System for digitized video images.
Xnet.wanted		Requests for things that are needed.
Xnet.wines		Wines and spirits.
Xnet.wobegon		"The Prairie Home Companion" radio show.
Xnet.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.
Xnet.women.only		Postings by women only (read by all).
Xnet.works		Workstations in general.
Xnet.works.apollo	Apollo workstations.
Xfa.arms-d		Arms discussion digest.
Xfa.arpa-bboard		ARPANET bulletin board.
Xfa.bitgraph		The BBN bitgraph terminal.
Xfa.digest-p		Digest-people digest.
Xfa.editor-p		Editor-people digest.
Xfa.energy		Energy programs, conservation, etc.
Xfa.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest.
Xfa.info-mac		The Apple Macintosh computer.
Xfa.info-terms		All sorts of terminals.
Xfa.info-vax		DEC's VAX line of computers.
Xfa.info-vlsi		Very large scale integrated circuits.
Xfa.laser-lovers		Laser printers, hardware and software.
Xfa.poli-sci		Politics and/versus science.
Xfa.railroad		Real and model trains.
Xfa.sf-lovers		Science fiction lovers.
Xfa.tcp-ip		TCP and IP network protocols.
Xfa.telecom		Telecommunications digest.
Xfa.teletext		Teletext digest.
Xmod.ber			Summaries of discussions from other groups.
X: if active file is empty, run makeactive
Xif test ! -s $LIBDIR/active
X	sed 's/[ 	].*/ 00000 00001/' /tmp/$$groups > $LIBDIR/active
X	cat <<"E_O_F" >>$LIBDIR/active
Xgeneral 00000 00001
Xcontrol 00000 00001
Xjunk 00000 00001
X: make sure it is in the new format
X	set - `sed 1q $LIBDIR/active`
X	case $# in
X	3|4)	;;
X	2)	ed - $LIBDIR/active << 'EOF'
X1,$s/$/ 00001/
X		echo
X		echo Active file updated to new format.
X		echo You must run expire immediately after this install
X		echo is done to properly update the tables.;;
X	*) echo Active file is in unrecognized format. Not upgraded.;;
X	esac
Xif test $# -eq 3 -o $3 -eq -2
X	(sed '/^!net/!d
Xs!$! /s/$/ n/!
X' $LIBDIR/ngfile
X	echo '/^fa./s/$/ n/'
X	echo '/ n$/!s/$/ y/') >/tmp/$$sed
X	mv $LIBDIR/active $LIBDIR/oactive
X	sed -f /tmp/$$sed $LIBDIR/oactive >$LIBDIR/active
X	chown $NEWSUSR $LIBDIR/active
X	chgrp $NEWSGRP $LIBDIR/active
X	chmod 644 $LIBDIR/active
Xsort /tmp/$$groups | $LIBDIR/checkgroups
Xrm -f /tmp/$$*
echo x - src/checkgroups.sh
sed 's/^X//' >src/checkgroups.sh <<'*-*-END-of-src/checkgroups.sh-*-*'
X: check active file for missing or extra newsgroups
X: '@(#)checkgroups	1.4	9/4/84'
Xcp LIBDIR/localgroups LIBDIR/newsgroups
Xcat >>LIBDIR/newsgroups
Xecho junk >/tmp/$$a
Xecho control >>/tmp/$$a
Xsed 's/[ \	].*//' LIBDIR/newsgroups |
Xegrep "^net.|^fa.|^general" >>/tmp/$$a
Xsort -u /tmp/$$a -o /tmp/$$a
Xegrep "^net.|^fa.|^general|^junk|^control" LIBDIR/active | sed 's/ .*//' | sort  -u >/tmp/$$b
Xcomm -13 /tmp/$$a /tmp/$$b >/tmp/$$remove
Xcomm -23 /tmp/$$a /tmp/$$b >/tmp/$$add
Xif test -s /tmp/$$remove
X	(
X	echo "The following newsgroups are not valid and should be removed."
X	sed "s/^/	/" /tmp/$$remove
X	echo ""
X	echo "You can do this by executing the command:"
X	echo \	LIBDIR/rmgroup `cat /tmp/$$remove`
X	echo ""
X	) 2>&1 >/tmp/$$out
Xif test -s /tmp/$$add
X	(
X	echo "The following newsgroups were missing and were added."
X	sed "s/^/	/" /tmp/$$add
X	echo ""
X	for i in `cat /tmp/$$add`
X	do
X		LIBDIR/inews -n control -t "cmsg newgroup $i" </dev/null
X	done
X	) 2>&1 >>/tmp/$$out
Xif test -s /tmp/$$out
X	(echo	"Subject: Problems with your active file"
X	echo ""
X	cat /tmp/$$out
X	) | if test $# -gt 0
X		then
X			mail $1
X		else
X			cat
X		fi
Xrm -f /tmp/$$*