[net.sources] Rlp.c - 4.2BSD Raw LP-11 driver

dpk@brl-tgr.ARPA (Doug Kingston <dpk>) (10/12/84)

[ This is being forwarded to net.sources on Don Speck's behalf since he
  is not directly connected to Usenet.  Thanks to Don for this work!

				-Doug-  (a.k.a. Unix-Sources-Request) ]

Rlp.c is a raw LP-11 driver for 4.2bsd with no features and overhead cut
to the bone for raster plotting on a Printronix etc.  Uses less than 10%
system time on VAX/780 at 5500 bytes/second (vs. 100% for lp.c).  Tested
on Trilog Colorplot C100's with Datasystems Corp. DLP-11 interface.  For
4.2bsd print spooler, use :if=/usr/lib/lpf: in /etc/printcap.
    Don Speck	speck@cit-vax.arpa    Caltech 256-80, Pasadena CA 91125
/* rlp.c	July 28, 1984
 * Raw LP-11 printer/plotter driver; exclusive open, no options, ignores
 * errors.  Has one 512-byte buffer (from buffer pool) which is refilled
 * by rlpwrite() after rlpintr() has drained it and disabled interrupts.
 * Some code is copied/adapted from lp.c (4.2bsd).

#include "rlp.h"
#if NRLP > 0

#include "../h/param.h" 		/* Includes "../h/types.h" */
#include "../h/errno.h"
#include "../h/buf.h"
#include "../h/uio.h"
#include "../vaxuba/ubavar.h"

struct lp11 {
	u_short csr, xmt;		/* Control/Status & Data registers */

#define IENABLE 0000100 		/* CSR flag bits */
#define DONE	0000200
#define ERROR	0100000 		/* Offline, paper/ribbon out,...*/

struct lp_state {
	char *lp_ptr;			/* Next character to be output	*/
	char *lp_lim;			/* Just beyond last char in buf */
	struct buf *lp_buf;		/* One buffer => exclusive open */
	struct lp11 *lp_reg;		/* Handy copy of device address */
} rlp_state[NRLP];

#define BUFSIZ	512
#define LPPRI	(PZERO+8)		/* Let signals interrupt sleeps */

struct uba_device *rlpinfo[NRLP];
int rlpattach(), rlpprobe();
u_short rlpstd[] = { 0177514, 0 };	/* Normal DEC LP-11 csr address */
struct uba_driver rlpdriver =
	{ rlpprobe, NULL, rlpattach, NULL, rlpstd, "rlp", rlpinfo };

/* For a Datasystems DLP-11 Rev. C, turn on the "Unix" DIP-switch.  With
 * earlier Rev.'s the probe routine drowns in interrupts which can't be
 * stopped - one must remove IENABLE and "wire in" the vector & BR level.
rlpprobe(reg) caddr_t reg; {
	register int br, cvec;		/* value-result, must be r11, r10 */

	((struct lp11 *)reg)->csr = IENABLE;
	((struct lp11 *)reg)->csr = 0;
	return (sizeof (struct lp11));

rlpattach(ui) struct uba_device *ui; {
	rlp_state[ui->ui_unit].lp_reg = (struct lp11 *)ui->ui_addr;

rlpopen(dev,writeflag) dev_t dev; int writeflag; {
	register int unit = minor(dev);
	register struct lp_state *lp = &rlp_state[unit];

	if ((unsigned)unit >= NRLP ||			/* Bad special file */
		rlpinfo[unit] == NULL ||		/* Isn't configured */
		! rlpinfo[unit]->ui_alive ||		/* Not found at boot*/
		lp->lp_reg == NULL)			/* Wasn't attached  */
	if (! writeflag) return(ENODEV);		/* Opening for read */
	if (lp->lp_buf != NULL) return(EBUSY);		/* Already in use   */
	if (lp->lp_reg->csr&ERROR) return(EIO); 	/* Device not ready */

	lp->lp_buf = geteblk(BUFSIZ);
	lp->lp_ptr = lp->lp_lim = lp->lp_buf->b_un.b_addr;

rlpwrite(dev,uio) dev_t dev; struct uio *uio; {
	register struct lp_state *lp = &rlp_state[minor(dev)];
	register int error, n;

	while ((n=uio->uio_resid) > 0) {
		if (n > BUFSIZ) n = BUFSIZ;
		while (lp->lp_ptr < lp->lp_lim) 	/* Let buffer drain */
			sleep((caddr_t)lp, LPPRI);
		lp->lp_ptr = lp->lp_lim = lp->lp_buf->b_un.b_addr;
		if (error = uiomove(lp->lp_ptr,n,UIO_WRITE,uio))
		lp->lp_lim += n;
		lp->lp_reg->csr |= IENABLE;
		rlpintr(minor(dev));			/* Restart printing */

/* Busy-wait up to 10us/character to allow printer to handshake; if it's
 * not enough, the printer's buffer is full, so quit til next interrupt.
rlpintr(unit) int unit; {
	register struct lp_state *lp = &rlp_state[unit];
	register struct lp11 *lpaddr = lp->lp_reg;
#define BUSY !(lpaddr->csr&DONE)

	while (lp->lp_ptr < lp->lp_lim) {
		if (BUSY && BUSY && BUSY && BUSY && BUSY) return;
		lpaddr->xmt = *lp->lp_ptr++;
	lpaddr->csr &= ~IENABLE;	/* Buffer empty - keep device quiet */

rlpclose(dev,flag) dev_t dev; int flag; {
	register struct lp_state *lp = &rlp_state[minor(dev)];

	while (lp->lp_ptr < lp->lp_lim)
		sleep((caddr_t)lp, LPPRI);
	lp->lp_buf = NULL;			/* Indicate device is free  */

rlpreset(uban) int uban; {
	register int unit = NRLP;
	while (--unit >= 0) {
		register struct uba_device *ui = rlpinfo[unit];
		if (ui != NULL && ui->ui_ubanum == uban && ui->ui_alive) {
			((struct lp11 *)ui->ui_addr)->csr |= IENABLE;
			printf(" rlp%d", unit);