[net.sources] help command

bware@udenva.UUCP (Bob Ware) (11/10/84)

The following source is a 'help' command intended primarily for new
Unix users.  It provides an alternate way to locate a command manual
when the user does not know the needed command name.

Installation instructions are in whatcomm.c

Bob Ware
University of Denver		(soon to be at Colorado School of Mines)
2020 S. Race St
Denver, Co 80208
{seismo!hao, ucbvax!nbires, denelcor)!udenva!bware

---------------------cut here-----------------------------------------
: to unbundle, "sh" this file -- DO NOT use csh
:  SHAR archive format.  Archive created Fri Nov 9 15:32:12 MST 1984
echo x - sharfile
sed 's/^X//' > sharfile <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
X: to unbundle, "sh" this file -- DO NOT use csh
X:  SHAR archive format.  Archive created Fri Nov 9 15:32:12 MST 1984
Xecho x - sharfile
Xsed 's/^X//' > sharfile <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
echo '-rw-r--r--  1 bware         372 Nov  9 15:32 sharfile    (as sent)'
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r sharfile
ls -l sharfile
echo x - whatcomm.c
sed 's/^X//' > whatcomm.c <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
X/* whatcomm (help) command, written by Robert K Ware, University of Denver
X *
X * This command is intended for new unix users who are having trouble 
X * finding the name of a command.  Typically they will know what they wish
X * to do, but have not found the command using man or man -k.
X *
X * The command uses a file (FILENAME below) that has the command lines in an
X * outline form.  Format:
X *	There may not be any empty or blank lines.
X *	The level in the outline is denoted by the number of leading blanks
X *	divided by 2.  The deepest level is the command name followed by
X *	a short (one line) description (typically obtained with man -k <command>
X *
X *	Format example:
XAccess control        (login control, etc)
X  chfn          change full name of user
X  chsh          change default login shell
X  mesg          permit or deny messages
X  passwd        change login password
X  su            substitute user id temporarily
XCommunication         (i/o)
X  Graphics
X    graph       draw a graph
X    plot        graphics filters
X    spline      interpolate smooth curve
X    vpr         raster printer/plotter spooler
X  Machine to machine
X    ftp         file transfer program
X    gets        get a string from standard input
X    lpq         spool queue examination program
X    lpr         line printer spooler
X *
X * To install:
X *
X * 1. Create the data file described above or use the example supplied with
X * the source package.
X * 
X * 2. Define FILENAME to match the path to the above data file.
X *
X * 3. Compile and install.
X *
X * 4. Install the manual.
X *
X * NOTE: The data base supplied is for 4.2 BSD.  I am sure others can come up
X * with better headings and organization.  If you do, you might wish to share
X * it with the rest of us.
X *
X * 
X * 				Bob Ware 11/9/84
X */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#define FILENAME "/usr/local/lib/whatlist"	/* file name for data list */
X#define MAXSTR 80		/* max string length of item in data file */
X#define CKSIZE (3 * sizeof(char *) + MAXSTR + 1)
X				/* size of needed structure */
X#define PADSIZE ( (CKSIZE / 64 + 1) * 64 )
X				/* size of structure padded to even long */
X#define PAD (PADSIZE - CKSIZE)	/* size of needed pad */
X#define SIZE (unsigned)sizeof(struct list)/* size of list structure */
X#define MAXCT 128	/* list size to make room for each time */
X#define NULLPTR (struct list *) NULL
X#define QUIT -1			/* 'q' response from user mapped to QUIT */
X#define BAD -2			/* invalid response from user mapped to BAD */
Xstruct list 
X	struct list *next;	/* the next item at same level */
X	struct list *down;	/* the first item at next lower level */
X	struct list *up;	/* the parent item at higher level */
X	char str[MAXSTR+1];	/* one line from command list file */
X	char pad[PAD];		/* pad structure to even long */
Xchar *argv0;			/* pointer to command name */
Xmain(argc, argv)
Xint argc;
Xchar *argv[];
X	struct list *loadlist();	/* pointer to start of list   */
X	struct list *item_ptr;		/* pointer to current item of list    */
X	struct list *send_man();	/* send manual and reset item pointer */
X	int item_count;			/* max item number for a list segment */
X	int item, get_item();		/* response code from user	      *
X					 *   invalid response = BAD	      *
X					 *   'q' = QUIT			      *
X					 *   0 = backup to previous level     *
X					 *   1 to item_count = valid list no. */
X	argv0 = argv[0];		/* innialize command name */
X	item_ptr = loadlist();		/* load data list from FILENAME */
X/*...................MAIN LOOP................................................*/
X	for(item = 0; item != QUIT;)	/* keep going until QUIT response */
X	{
X		if (item == 0)			/* for response = 'up' */
X		{
X			if(item_ptr->up != NULLPTR)
X				item_ptr = item_ptr->up; 
X			item_count = send_list(item_ptr->down);
X		}
X		else if(item == BAD)		/* send a prompt for input */
X		{
X			bad_prompt(item_count);
X                        if(item_ptr->down == NULLPTR)
X                                item_ptr = item_ptr->up;
X                        item_count = send_list(item_ptr->down);
X		}
X		else 				/* for valid response */
X		{
X			/* set new pointer */
X			item_ptr = item_ptr->down;
X			while(item-- > 1)
X				item_ptr = item_ptr->next;
X			/* send to stdio */
X			if (item_ptr->down == NULLPTR)	/* must be manual */
X				item_ptr = send_man(item_ptr);
X			else				/* else must be list */
X				item_count = send_list(item_ptr->down);
X		}
X		prompt(item_count);
X		item = get_item(item_count);	/* get input code from tty */
X	}
X	printf("\nDid not find the command you wanted?\n");
X	printf("\tThen try: apropos <keyword>\n");
Xstruct list *loadlist()
X	/********************************************************
X	*  1. Opens the data file (FILENAME)                    *
X	*  2. Interprets and loads a linked list of structures  *
X	*     from the date                                     *
X	*  3. Makes memory available as needed for the list     *
X	*  4. Returns a pointer to the first start of the list  *
X	********************************************************/
X	extern char *calloc();
X	FILE *file_ptr;			/* file pointer */
X	register int i;			/* all purpose counter */
X	register int chr_ct;		/* position counter for string */
X	register int this_level = -1;	/* level number (-1 = top) */
X	register int list_count ;	/* item counter for the list */
X	register int last_level;	/* previous level number */
X	char string[MAXSTR + 2];	/* i/o buffer for data */
X	struct list *this_ptr;		/* current list pointer */
X	struct list *last_ptr;		/* last list pointer */
X	struct list *start_ptr;		/* point to start of list */
X/*.........................open data file....................................*/
X	if((file_ptr = fopen(FILENAME, "r")) == NULL)
X	{
X		fprintf(stderr,"Attempting open: %s\n",FILENAME);
X		bomb("Unable to open above data file");
X	}
X/*.........................allocate first chunk of memory....................*/
X	if((start_ptr = (struct list *)calloc(MAXCT,SIZE)) == 0)
X		bomb("out of memory");
X	list_count = MAXCT;
X/*........................set up initial pointers............................*/
X	this_ptr = start_ptr;
X	this_ptr++; 
X	this_ptr->up = start_ptr;
X        start_ptr->up = NULLPTR;
X	start_ptr->down = this_ptr;
X	start_ptr->next = NULLPTR;
X	last_ptr = start_ptr;
X/*.........................main loop.........................................*
X *	Ok, we now have opened the data file, allocated a chunk of memory    *
X *	and set up initial pointer values.				     *
X *     									     *
X *	We now need to:							     *
X *	Read one line from file and copy to structure.  If line was longer   *
X *	than MAXSTR (+ \0) then complain and quit.  And interpret the level  *
X *	and load rest of structure.  					     *
X *	Repeat until end of file is reached.				     *
X *...........................................................................*/
X	while((fgets(string,MAXSTR+2,file_ptr)) != NULL)
X	{
X		/* what level is this item? */
X		last_level = this_level;
X		for(chr_ct = 0; string[chr_ct] == ' '; chr_ct++);
X		this_level = chr_ct/2;
X		/* load string in structure */
X		for(i=0; chr_ct <= MAXSTR+1;)
X		{
X			if( (string[chr_ct]=='\0') || (string[chr_ct]=='\n') )
X				break;
X			this_ptr->str[i++] = string[chr_ct++];
X		}
X		if(chr_ct > MAXSTR)
X			bomb("Data file  has a line that is too long.");
X		this_ptr->str[i] = '\0';
X		/* load rest of structure */
X		if(this_level > last_level)
X		{
X			last_ptr->next = NULLPTR;
X			last_ptr->down = this_ptr;
X			this_ptr->up = last_ptr;
X		}
X		if(this_level == last_level)
X		{
X			last_ptr->next = this_ptr;
X			last_ptr->down = NULLPTR;
X			this_ptr->up = last_ptr->up;
X		}
X		if(this_level < last_level)
X		{
X			last_ptr->next = NULLPTR;
X			last_ptr->down = NULLPTR;
X			while(last_level-- > this_level)
X				last_ptr = last_ptr->up;
X                        last_ptr->next = this_ptr;
X			this_ptr->up = last_ptr->up;
X		}
X		/* reset this_ptr to next item */
X		last_ptr = this_ptr;		/* save it */
X		if(list_count-- <= 1)		/* out of memory? */
X		{
X			if((this_ptr = (struct list *)calloc(MAXCT,SIZE)) == 0)
X				bomb("out of memory");
X			list_count = MAXCT;
X		}
X		else
X			this_ptr++;		/* no, then next item */
X	}
X/*......................finish up......................................*/
X	last_ptr->next = NULLPTR;
X	last_ptr->down = NULLPTR;
X	return(start_ptr);
Xint item_count;
X	printf("\n........................................\n");
X	printf(". Input must be a number from 1 to %2d  .\n",item_count);
X	printf(".                  OR                  .\n");
X	printf(".    '0' to go back one step           .\n");
X	printf(".    'q' to quit                       .\n");
X	printf("........................................\n\n");
Xint item_count;
X	printf("Enter # (0-%d) or q (quit): ",item_count);
Xint item_count;
X	char str[MAXSTR];		/* input string buffer */
X	int item;			/* item number (converted from input) */
X	gets(str);
X	/* interpret the response */
X	item = atoi(str);
X	if ( (*str == 'q') || (*str == 'Q') )		/* quit? */
X		item = QUIT;
X	else if( (item < 0) || (item > item_count) )	/* outside range? */
X		item = BAD;
X	else if ( (*str < '0') || (*str > '9') )	/* not a number? */
X		item = BAD;
X	return(item);
Xstruct list *item_ptr;
X	/************************************************
X	* 1. sends a list of the next items to stdio.	*
X	*    (starting at item_ptr)			*
X	* 2. Counts the number of items in the list.	*
X	* 3. Returns the count.				*
X	************************************************/
X	int item_count = 0;
X	while(item_ptr != NULLPTR)
X	{
X		item_count++;
X		printf("%2d %s\n", item_count, item_ptr->str);
X		item_ptr = item_ptr->next;
X	}
X	return(item_count);
Xstruct list *send_man(item_ptr)
Xstruct list *item_ptr;
X	char *command;		/* pointer to item string */
X	char s[MAXSTR+1];	/* command name */
X	int i;			/* scratch pad */
X	int pid,sts;
X	command = item_ptr->str;
X	/* strip white space and trailing info and load command name */
X	for(i=0;(i<MAXSTR)&&(*command!=' ')&&(*command!='\t');i++,command++)
X		s[i] = *command;
X	s[i] = '\0';
X	/* attempt to create a process */
X	if ((pid = vfork()) == -1)
X	  	bomb("no processes left - fork failed\n");
X	if (pid)
X	  { while (wait(&sts) != pid)
X		   { if (wait(&sts) == -1) 
X				return(item_ptr);
X 		   }
X		return(item_ptr);
X	  }
X	/* do it */
X	execlp("man","man",s,0);
X	return(item_ptr->up);
Xchar *error_msg;
X	fprintf(stderr,"\n%s: %s\n", argv0, error_msg);
X	exit(1);
echo '-rw-r--r--  1 bware       10731 Nov  9 15:12 whatcomm.c    (as sent)'
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r whatcomm.c
ls -l whatcomm.c
echo x - whatcomm.nr
sed 's/^X//' > whatcomm.nr <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
X.TH WHATCOMM l dulocal 
X.UC 4
Xwhatcomm \- locate a command  -dulocal
X.B whatcomm 
XWhatcomm provides an alternate way to find the name of a command.  
XA classification 'tree' of command names is used to locate commands which
Xhave the desired function.  A user may move down the tree via a menu.
XAt the last level, the user may print the manual for a command on the
X% whatcomm
X 1  Access control
X 2  Communication
X 3  Documentation
X 4  File management
X 5  Miscellaneous
X 6  Program development
X 7  Running programs
X 8  Status information
X 9  Text processing
XEnter # (0-9) or q (quit): 4 <CR>
X 1  Analyse file(s)
X 2  Location of file/directory
X 3  Modify file/directory
X 4  Read/print a file
X 5  Tape format
X To go back to the previous list, enter: 0
XEnter # (0-5) or q (quit): 0 <CR>
X 1  Access control
X 2  Communication
X 3  Documentation
X 4  File management
X 5  Miscellaneous
X 6  Program development
X 7  Running programs
X 8  Status information
X 9  Text processing
XEnter # (0-9) or q (quit): 8 <CR>
X 1  Files
X 2  System
X 3  Terminal
X 4  Users
X To go back to the previous list, enter: 0
XEnter # (0-4) or q (quit): 1 <CR>
X 1  du          summarize disk usage
X 2  file        determine file type
X 3  ls -l       print long listing of file names, with status info
X 4  size        size of an object file
X To go back to the previous list, enter: 0
XEnter # (0-4) or q (quit): 2 <CR>
X	.
X	.
X	prints manual for file to your terminal
X	.
X	.
XEnter # (0-4) or q (quit): q <CR>
XDid not find the command you want?
X  Then try: apropos <keyword>
XThis program was written by 
XRobert K. Ware, Computing Services,
XUniversity of Denver.
Xappropos (1), man (1)
echo '-rw-r--r--  1 bware        1821 Nov  9 14:34 whatcomm.nr    (as sent)'
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r whatcomm.nr
ls -l whatcomm.nr
echo x - whatlist
sed 's/^X//' > whatlist <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
XAccess control        (login control, etc)
X  chfn          change full name of user
X  chmod         change mode (protection) of a file
X  chsh          change default login shell
X  finger        user information lookup program
X  groups        show group memberships
X  login         sign on
X  mesg          permit or deny messages
X  passwd        change login password
X  su            substitute user id temporarily
XCommunication         (i/o)
X  Graphics
X    graph       draw a graph
X    plot        graphics filters
X    spline      interpolate smooth curve
X    vpr         raster printer/plotter spooler
X  Machine to machine
X    clear       clear terminal screen
X    ftp         file transfer program
X    gets        get a string from standard input
X    lpq         spool queue examination program
X    lpr         line printer spooler
X    lprm        remove jobs from the line printer spooling queue
X    rcp         remote file copy
X    rlogin      remote login
X    rpr         remote printer spooler -dulocal
X    rsh         remote shell
X    tip         connect to a remote system
X    uucp        unix to unix copy
X    uuencode    encode/decode a binary file for transmission via mail
X    uusend      send a file to a remote host
X    uux         unix to unix command execution
X  People to people -local
X    biff        be notified if mail arrives and who it is from
X    binmail     send or receive mail among users
X    from        who is my mail from?
X    mail        send and receive mail
X    newaliases  rebuild the data base for the mail aliases file
X    prmail      print out mail in the post office
X    rmail       handle remote mail received via uucp
X    talk        talk to another user
X    wall        write to all users
X    uuencode    encode/decode a binary file for transmission via mail
X    write       write to another user
X    xsend       secret mail
X  People to people -network
X    checknews   check to see if user has news
X    inews       submit news articles
X    netstat     show network status
X    postnews    submit news articles
X    readnews    read news articles
X    telnet      user interface to the TELNET protocol
X  Tape
X    dd          convert and copy a file
X    mt          Magnetic tape manipulating program
X    od          octal dump
X    tar         tape archiver
X    tp          manipulate tape archive
XDocumentation         (what's on the system)
X  apropos       locate commands by keyword lookup
X  intro         introduction to commands
X  learn         computer aided instruction about UNIX
X  man           find manual information by keywords; print out the manual
X  trman         translate version 6 manual macros to version 7 macros
X  whatis        describe what a command is
XFile management       (doing things with/to files and directories)
X  Analyse file(s)
X    cmp         compare two files
X    comm        select or reject lines common to two sorted files
X    diff        differential file and directory comparator
X    diff3       3-way differential file comparison
X    ls          list contents of directory
X    nm          print name list
X    pr          print file
X    sum         sum and count blocks in a file
X    test        condition command
X    what        what versions of object modules were used to construct a file
X  Location of file/directory
X    cd          change working directory
X    cp          copy
X    find        find files
X    install     install binaries
X    ln          make links
X    ls          list contents of directory
X    mkdir       make a directory
X    mv          move or rename files
X    rcp         remote file copy
X    whereis     locate source, binary, and or manual for program
X    which       locate program file including aliases and paths (\fIcsh\fR only)
X  Modify file/directory
X    chgrp       change group
X    chmod       change mode (protection) of a file
X    compact     compress and uncompress files, and cat them
X    install     install binaries
X    mkdir       make a directory
X    mv          move or rename files
X    ranlib      convert archives to random libraries
X    rm          remove (unlink) files
X    split       split a file into pieces
X    strip       remove symbols and relocation bits
X    touch       update date last modified of a file
X  Read/print a file
X    cat         catenate and print
X    head        give first few lines
X    more        file perusal filter for crt viewing
X    see         see what a file has in it
X    strings     find the printable strings in a object, or other binary, file
X    tail        deliver the last part of a file
X  Revision control system
X    ci          check in RCS revisions
X    co          check out RCS revisions
X    ident       identify files
X    merge       three-way file merge
X    rcs         change RCS file attributes
X    rcsdiff     compare RCS revisions
X    rcsintro    introduction to RCS commands
X    rcsmerge    merge RCS revisions
X    rlog        print log messages and other information about RCS files
X  Tape format
X    ar          archive and library maintainer
X    dd          convert and copy a file
X    mt          Magnetic tape manipulating program
X    od          octal dump
X    tar         tape archiver
X    tp          manipulate tape archive
XMiscellaneous         (special purpose programs)
X  bc            arbitrary-precision arithmetic language
X  dc            desk calculator
X  echo          echo arguments
X  false         provide truth values
X  play          play and control games -dulocal
X  script        make typescript of terminal session
X  true          provide truth values
X  units         conversion program
X  yes           be repetitively affirmative
XProgram development   (compilers - debuggers, etc)
X  C
X    cb          C program beautifier
X    cc          C compiler
X    ctags       create a tags file
X    indent      indent and format C program source
X    lint        a C program verifier
X    mkstr       create an error message file by massaging C source
X    xstr        extract strings from C programs to implement shared strings
X    vgrind      grind nice listings of programs
X  Compile/load/debug
X    adb         debugger
X    cc          C compiler
X    dbx         debugger
X    error       analyze and disperse compiler error messages
X    gcore       get core images of running processes
X    gprof       display call graph profile data
X    ld          link editor
X    lorder      find ordering relation for an object library
X    make        maintain program groups
X    pc          Pascal compiler
X    pdx         pascal debugger
X  Fortran
X    ctags       create a tags file
X    efl         Extended Fortran Language
X    f77         Fortran 77 compiler
X    fsplit      split a multi-routine Fortran file into individual files
X    ratfor      rational Fortran dialect
X    fpr         print Fortran file
X    struct      structure Fortran programs
X  Other languages
X    as          assembler
X    awk         pattern scanning and processing language
X    csh         a shell (command interpreter) with C-like syntax
X    eyacc       modified yacc allowing much improved error recovery
X    fp          Functional Programming language compiler/interpreter
X    lex         generator of lexical analysis programs
X    lisp        lisp interpreter
X    liszt       compile a Franz Lisp program
X    lxref       lisp cross reference program
X    sh          command language
X    vlp         Format Lisp programs to be printed with nroff, vtroff, or troff
X    yacc        yet another compiler-compiler
X  Pascal
X    ctags       create a tags file
X    pc          Pascal compiler
X    pdx         pascal debugger
X    pi          Pascal interpreter code translator
X    pix         Pascal interpreter and executor
X    pmerge      pascal file merger
X    px          Pascal interpreter
X    pxp         Pascal execution profiler
X    pxref       Pascal cross-reference program
X    vgrind      grind nice listings of programs
XRunning programs      (executing object/script files)
X  apply         apply a command to a set of arguments
X  at            execute commands at a later time
X  csh           a shell (command interpreter) with C-like syntax
X  gprof         display call graph profile data
X  kill          terminate a process with extreme prejudice
X  nice          run a command at low priority (\fIsh\fR only)
X  sh            command language
X  script        make typescript of terminal session
X  sleep         suspend execution for an interval
X  tee           pipe fitting (split output of a command)
X  time          time a command
X  wait          await completion of process
XStatus information    (what's happening? How are things set?)
X  Files
X    du          summarize disk usage
X    file        determine file type
X    ls -l       print long listing of file names, with status info
X    quota       display disc usage and limits
X    size        size of an object file
X  System
X    date        print and set the date
X    df          disk free
X    du          summarize disk usage
X    hostid      set or print identifier of current host system
X    hostname    set or print name of current host system
X    iostat      report I/O statistics
X    printenv    print out the environment
X    pagesize    print system page size
X    prof        display profile data
X    ps          process status
X    ruptime     show host status of local machines
X    sysline     display system status on status line of a terminal
X    uptime      show how long system has been up
X    users       compact list of users who are on the system
X    vmstat      report virtual memory statistics
X    w           who is on and what they are doing
X    who         who is on the system
X  Terminal
X    reset       reset the teletype bits to a sensible state
X    stty        set terminal options
X    tabs        set terminal tabs
X    tset        set terminal modes
X    tty         get terminal name
X  Users
X    cal         print calendar
X    calendar    reminder service
X    last        indicate last logins of users and teletypes
X    lastcomm    show last commands executed in reverse order
X    leave       remind you when you have to leave
X    news        access general news items about the system
X    ps          process status
X    pwd         working directory name
X    quota       display disc usage and limits
X    rwho        who's logged in on local machines
X    users       compact list of users who are on the system
X    w           who is on and what they are doing
X    who         who is on the system
X    whoami      print effective current user id
XText processing       (Doing things in english)
X  Analyse text files
X    awk         pattern scanning and processing language
X    checknr     check nroff/troff files
X    grep        search a file for a pattern
X    uniq        report repeated lines in a file
X    vfontinfo   inspect and print out information about unix fonts
X    wc          word count
X  Composition/style
X    diction     print wordy sentences; thesaurus for diction
X    explain     print wordy sentences; thesaurus for diction
X    look        find lines in a sorted list
X    spell       find spelling errors
X    style       analyze surface characteristics of a document
X  Edit file
X    addbib      create or extend bibliographic database
X    colrm       remove columns from a file
X    deroff      remove nroff, troff, tbl and eqn constructs
X    ed          text editor
X    eqn         typeset mathematics
X    ex          text editor
X    indxbib     build inverted index for a bibliography, find references 
X    join        relational database operator
X    refer       find and insert literature references in documents
X    roffbib     run off bibliographic database
X    sed         stream editor
X    sortbib     sort bibliographic database
X    vi          screen oriented (visual) display editor based on ex
X  Format a file
X    colcrt      filter nroff output for CRT previewing
X    col         filter reverse line feeds
X    fmt         simple text formatter
X    fold        fold long lines for finite width output device
X    fpr         print Fortran file
X    nroff       text formatting
X    pti         phototypesetter interpreter
X    ptx         permuted index
X    soelim      eliminate \&.so's from nroff input
X    tbl         format tables for nroff or troff
X    tc          photypesetter simulator
X    tk          paginator for the Tektronix 4014
X    troff       text formatting and typesetting
X    vgrind      grind nice listings of programs
X    vlp         Format Lisp programs to be printed with nroff, vtroff, or troff
X    vtroff      troff to a raster plotter
X    vwidth      make troff width table for a font
X  Modify text
X    basename    strip filename affixes
X    crypt       encode/decode
X    expand      expand tabs to spaces, and vice versa
X    expr        evaluate arguments as an expression
X    lex         generator of lexical analysis programs
X    m4          macro processor
X    sed         stream editor
X    tr          translate characters
X    ul          do underlining
X  Sort
X    rev         reverse lines of a file
X    sort        sort or merge files
X    symorder    rearrange name list
X    sortbib     sort bibliographic database
X    tsort       topological sort
echo '-rw-r--r--  1 bware       13149 Nov  9 14:35 whatlist    (as sent)'
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r whatlist
ls -l whatlist
exit 0