[net.sources] Ogre Under System 5

perry@heurikon.UUCP (Perry Kivolowitz) (11/14/84)

Kudos to Mike Caplinger for a fine implementation. Following is a modified
version of termcap.c which is the  only file requiring changes for running
the distributed version  of  OGRE  under  system 5. One thing of note, our
System 5 implementation  (from  Unisoft)  does  not have a working [sg]tty
system subroutine. This is of no importance since the sgttyb structure  is
not really the thing that must change under System 5 but rather the termio

At the suggestion of a friend, I  have added a feature (probably not found
in the original game). That is, if an Infantry unit doesn't  move  for two
turns it can increase its defensive strength by one to a maximum of three.
If an Infantry unit (whose    defensinve   strength has been so increased)
moves, its defensive  strength   reduces   to that of an ordinary Infantry
unit. This is meant to simulate the ability of dog-faces to ``dig in.''  I
have not found this new feature to make the game less challenging.

The changes to implement this feature are a few lines in move.c.

Also, I have added self-propelled guns which are similar to moving H's.

In addition to the modified termcap.c I have also included a modified ext.h
to resolve name-length problems.

#include <termio.h>

    Interface to termcap library.

char    PC;
char    *BC, *UP;
char    *eeolseq, *cmseq;
char    *clearseq;
int     putchar();

tc_setup() {

    static  char    bp[1024];
    static  char    buffer[1024];
    char    *area = buffer;
    char    *getenv();
    char    *tgetstr();
    char    *name;
    int     retcode;

    name = getenv("TERM");

    retcode = tgetent(bp, name);

    switch(retcode) {

        case -1:
            printf("can't open termcap file.\n");

        case 0:
            printf("No termcap entry for %s.\n", name);


    eeolseq = tgetstr("ce", &area);
    cmseq   = tgetstr("cm", &area);
    clearseq = tgetstr("cl", &area);
    BC   = tgetstr("bc", &area);
    UP   = tgetstr("up", &area);


eeol() {

    tputs(eeolseq, 0, putchar);


clear_screen() {

    tputs(clearseq, 0, putchar);


movecur(row, col)
int row, col;

    tputs(tgoto(cmseq, col, row), 0, putchar);


/*	system 5 mods begin here (psk) */

struct termio old_term;
struct termio new_term;

    Set terminal to CBREAK and NOECHO.
set_term() {
    static int  first = 1;

    if(first) {
	ioctl(0 , TCGETA , &new_term);
	ioctl(0 , TCGETA , &old_term);

        new_term.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHOE | ICANON);
	new_term.c_lflag |= ISIG;
	new_term.c_cc[4] = 1;
	new_term.c_cc[5] = 0;
        first = 0;

    ioctl(0, TCSETA , &new_term);


    Reset the terminal to normal mode.
reset_term() {

    ioctl(0, TCSETA , &old_term);



The following is a new ext.h for  Mike  Caplinger's OGRE implemenation. By
using this version one can avoid nasty duplicate definition messages under
System 5.
#include "ogre.h"

#ifdef MAIN

OGRE ogre;
int n_units;


extern UNIT unit[N_UNITS];
extern OGRE ogre;
extern int n_units;


**	gets rid of variable/routine name length problems. (psk)

#define	display			DSP1
#define	display_xy		DSP2
#define	display_range		DSP3
#define	disp_ogre		DSP4
#define	disp_ogre_status	DSP5
#define	init_ogre		INIT1
#define	init_ogre_attack	INIT2
#define	movecur_hex		MV1
#define	movecur_unit		MV2
#define	move_ogre		MVOGR1
#define	move_ogre1		MVOGR2
#define	update_odds		UPDT1
#define	update_hex		UPDT2