[net.sources] Esperanto->English translator and enough info to learn the world interlanguage

neal@druny.UUCP (Neal D. McBurnett) (12/10/84)

This package contains:
	An introduction to Esperanto
	All the rules of grammar (all 16 of them :-))
	A Franz Lisp program which will do a simple word for word
		translation of Esperanto into English (it's only about a 150 line
		program, so if you have a different version of lisp, or no lisp
		at all, it shouldn't be too hard to patch something together.)
	A 2500 word dictionary

-Neal McBurnett, ihnp4!druny!neal, 303-538-4852 (303-494-6495 at home)

#                                                       #
# This is a shell archive file.  To extract files:      #
#                                                       #
#    1)	Make a directory for the files.                 #
#    2) Write a file, such as "file.shar", containing   #
#       this archive file into the directory.           #
#    3) Type "sh file.shar".  Do not use csh.           #
#                                                       #
echo Extracting intro:
sed 's/^Z//' >intro <<\STUNKYFLUFF
ZFirst "what is this Esperanto thing, anyway?"  That's a hard question.
ZThe pat answer is "the international language, used by millions of people
Zin over a hundred countries.  It was specifically designed to be
Zeasy to use and politically neutral."
ZOne recent development which should interest computer scientists is that
Zthe European Economic Community has funded a large effort to try to use
ZEsperanto to help them deal with translating official documents among the
Zseven languages they use.  This should result in computer programs to translate
Zfrom Esperanto into each of the seven languages.  I think this capability
Zcould provide a powerful incentive for people and organizations all over
Zthe world to pay more attention to Esperanto.
ZEsperanto is much more popular in Europe than it is in the US, chiefly because
Zpeople there deal with "the language problem" every time they travel more than
Za few hundred miles in any direction.  It is also gaining popularity in
Zthe far east.  There are more than a million speakers in the world.  This may
Zseem like a small number in relation to the number of English speakers, but
ZI like to think of it this way: a much higher percentage of Esperanto speakers
Zin foreign lands are the sort of people I would like to be able to converse with.
ZI expect Esperanto to do me the most good when I travel, especially to
Zthe eastern european countries (where English is less popular....)
ZI would LOVE IT if I could converse via electronic mail with esperantists
Zin other countries (or here in the US).
ZIn August of 1985 there will be a meeting of the Universal Esperanto Association
Zin Augsberg where I will be able to meet several thousand esperantists from
Zscores of countries.  Where else could you do that?
ZThere are hundreds of regular publications in Esperanto, and 
Zhundreds of regular radio programs worldwide.
ZHow easy is it to learn?  Some say between 4 and 10 times easier than other
Znatural languages, with all their exceptions, special cases, and idioms.
ZIn a month of studying it during the evening in my spare time (on my own)
ZI have gotten to the point where I can frequently (slowly...) understand the gist
Zof articles from a Chinese magazine without referring to a dictionary.
ZWell, I hope the lisp program below can be of use to you!  I think future
Zdiscussion of Esperanto should occur in net.nlang.
ZFor further information, send mail to me or to one of these groups:
Z	Esperanto League of North America, Box 1129 El Cerrito, CA 94530
Z	Free Postal Course, Esperanto Information Center, 410 Darrell Road,
Z		Hillsborough, CA 94010 (send a self-addressed, stamped envelope).
Z	various local organizations (especially in CA): ask me for one near you.
set `sum intro`
if test 50490 != $1
echo intro: Checksum error. Is: $1, should be: 50490.
echo Extracting grammar:
sed 's/^Z//' >grammar <<\STUNKYFLUFF
ZThe following guide defines, in a technical sense, most of what you need
Zto know about Esperanto, as I currently understand it.  It is very succinct,
Zand I would certainly urge you to take, for instance, the Free Postal Course
Zin order to get a better introduction, but this should at least demonstrate
Zhow simple the rules are.
Z(Disclaimer: I am relatively new to this stuff, so I may have missed a few
Zthings or explained them badly, but this is the best I could do.  Most of
Zthe material is adapted from the "Esperanto Dictionary", by J. C. Wells).
Z		The Alphabet
Za b c ^c d e f g ^g h ^h i j ^j k l m n o p r s ^s t u ^u v z
ZNote that, e.g., the letter ^c should appear with the ^ above the c.
Z	A filter for line-printer output to do this is included below.  Actually,
Z	the character above the u should be an upside-down ^.  As per the ASCII
Z	standard, the circumflex appears before the character in ASCII text.
Z	I won't go into the details of pronunciation, but each letter has
Z	one unique sound.
Z			The Original 16 rules of Esperanto Grammar
Z		Parts of Speech
Z1. There is no indefinite article; there is only one definite article, la,
Z	which is invariable.
Z2. Nouns (substantives) are formed by adding o to the root.  To form the plural,
Z	j is added.  There are two cases, nominative and accusative; the accusative
Z	is formed by adding n to the nominative.  Equivalents of other cases
Z	are formed by the use of prepositions (e.g. de mia patro == my father's).
Z3. Adjectives are formed by adding a to the root.  They agree in case and number
Z	with the noun they qualify, forming plural and accusative in the same way.
Z	The comparative is formed by the word pli, the superlative by plej.
Z	"Than" is rendered by ol.
Z4. The basic cardinal numerals, which do not vary for case, are
Z	unu, du, tri, kvar, kvin, ses, sep, ok, na^u, dek, cent, mil.
Z	Tens and hundreds are formed by simple junction of the numerals,
Z	e.g. 583 == kvincent okdek tri.  Ordinals are formed by the addition of a,
Z	e.g. 4th == kvara.  Multiples, fractions and collective numerals are
Z	formed by the use of the suffixes -obl-, -on-, and -op-, respectively.
Z	Distributives are expressed with the help of the preposition po.
Z	Adverbials add e, e.g. firstly == unue.
Z5. The personal pronouns me, you, he, she, it, thou (rare), we, they, one are
Z	mi, vi, li, ^si, ^gi, si, ni, ili, oni.  Possessive pronouns are formed
Z	by adding a to these.  Declension is as for nouns.
Z6. Verbs do not vary for person or number.  Verb endings and participial
Z	formatives are described in the summary below.
Z7. Adverbs are formed by adding e to the root; comparison is as for adjectives.
Z8. All prepositions are followed by the nominative case.
Z		General Rules
Z9. Every word is pronounced as it is spelt.
Z10. The accent is on the second-to-last syllable.
Z11. Compound words are formed by simple junction of roots (the chief word coming
Z	at the end).  Grammatical endings count for this purpose as separate words
Z	(i.e. morphemes).
Z12. There isno multiple negation: if a clause contains another negative word it
Z	does not need "ne" (== not).
Z13. To show motion towards, words take the accusative ending.
Z14. Each preposition has a definite fixed meaning; but if the sense does not
Z	indicate which should be used, recourse may be had to the preposition
Z	je, which has no meaning of its own.  Alternatively, the accusative
Z	without a preposition may be used.
Z15. The so-called foreign words, which the majority of languages have taken
Z	from one source, undergo no change in the International Language beyond
Z	conforming to its orthography.  Derivatives, however, are preferably
Z	formed from one basic root according to the rules of Esperanto grammar.
Z16. The a of the definite article and the final o of nouns may be dropped
Z	and replaced by an apostrophe ("poetical license").
Z		Grammatical Summary
Z  -a	adjective: ama = of love, loving; telefona telephonic
Z  -as	verb, present tense: mi amas = I love; li telefonas = he telephones
Z  -e	adverb: ame = lovingly; telefone = by telephone, telephonically
Z  -i	verb, infinitive: ami = to love; telefoni = to telephone
Z  -is	verb, past tense: mi amis = I loved; li telefonis = he telephoned
Z  -j	plural: novaj telefonoj = new telephones
Z  -n	accusative: mi amas lin = I love him; li amas mian filon = he loves my son;
Z		kien? = where to?
Z  -o	noun: amo love; telefono = a telephone
Z  -os	verb, future tense: mi amos = I shal love, I'll love;
Z		li telefonos = he will telephone, he'll be telephoning
Z  -u	verb, imperative: amu! = love!;  li telefonu = let him telephone
Z  -us	verb, conditional: mi amus = I would love (if ...);
Z		li telefonus = he would telephone
Z		Participial Formatives
Z  -ant-	present active: konstruanta = building
Z  -at-	present passive: konstruata = being built
Z  -int-	past active: konstruinta = having built
Z  -it-	past passive: konstruita = built
Z  -ont-	future active: konstruonta = going to build
Z  -ot-	future passive: konstruota = going to be built
Z		Correlatives
ZThe correlative nouns, adjectives, adverbs and pronouns are much more systematic in
Z	Esperanto than in English.  They are based on combinations of five initial
Z	elements with nine final elements, as follows:
Z  ti-	demonstrative: that
Z  ki-	interrogative and relative: which
Z  i-	indefinite: some
Z  ^ci	universal: every
Z  neni-	negative: no
Z  -o	pronoun: thing
Z  -u	pronoun and adjective: individual, one
Z  -a	adjective: kind of
Z  -es	possessive: one's
Z  -e	locative adverb: place
Z  -el	adverb of manner: way
Z  -om	adverb of quantity: amount
Z  -al	adverb of motive: reason
Z  -am	tempotal adverb: time
Z	The meaning of any correlative may be deduced from its composition.
Z	Thus io = some+thing = something; tiam = that+time = then;
Z	kiom = which+amount = how much;  ^cie = every+place = everywhere;
Z	neniam = no+time = never.
ZOther quick notes:
Z	word order is almost arbitrary 
Z	questions usually begin with ^cu (= whether) or a ki- correlative.
Z	all Esperanto verbs are either transitive or intransitive, unlike
Z	  English.  "ig" will make an intransitive verb transitive, and
Z	  "i^g, will make a transitive verb intransitive.  Thus:
Z	  we walked in the park (intransitive) = ni promenis en la parko
Z	  we walked a dog in the park	       = ni promenigis hundon en la parko
Z	  we sold a lot of books (transitive) = ne vendis multajn librojn
Z	  the books sold well		      = la libroj bone vendi^gis
ZGood luck!
set `sum grammar`
if test 39093 != $1
echo grammar: Checksum error. Is: $1, should be: 39093.
echo Extracting README:
ZThis package is an Esperanto->English translation program.  At this point
Zit is quite crude, but a lot faster than looking stuff up in a dictionary.
ZThe translation is morpheme for morpheme, and it is handy to have a real
Zdictionary at hand to assist with some of the strange cases.
Z	esperanto.l	a Franz Lisp program
Z	esp.root	2500 of the most important roots
Z	esp.pref	the prefixes
Z	esp.suf		the suffixes
Z	esp.nroot	additional roots, created with the '=' command
Z				during (interpret)
ZComments, improvements, and correspondants are desired!
Z-Neal McBurnett, ihnp4!druny!neal, 303-538-4852 (303-494-6495 at home)
Z Boulder, CO.
set `sum README`
if test 55846 != $1
echo README: Checksum error. Is: $1, should be: 55846.
echo Extracting esperanto.l:
sed 's/^Z//' >esperanto.l <<\STUNKYFLUFF
Z; Do a simple word-for-word translation of Esperanto into English
Z; Neal McBurnett, 9/84, ihnp4!druny!neal
Z; Usage:
Z; 	lisp
Z;	(load 'esperanto)
Z;	(readdict) 			;takes a few minutes....
Z;	(xlate 'amiko)			;translate one word
Z;	(interpret)			;continuous translation
Z;	saluton, KARLO.  kiel vi sanas?
Z;	tre bone, dankon.  kio estas tio?
Z;	^d		;the terminator (or 'Q')
Z;	(setio 'sample)	;input file will be sample.esp, output will go to sample.trans
Z;	(interpret)
Z; Only lower case words are recognized.  Proper names should appear in CAPITALS.
Z; Obvious improvements:
Z;	treat accented letters (^c, etc) as one letter when cdring down list
Z;	add categories to the dictionary to avoid conflicts like 'kaj' (and)
Z;	   vs 'kaj/o' (quay):
Z;		roots (must have grammatical ending)
Z;		suffixes (also must have grammatical ending)
Z;		grammatical endings (only 'o' allowed in middle of word)
Z;		other (preps, conjunctions, pronouns, etc): ending optional
Z;	try to quickly identify common cases, e.g. <root><grammitical ending>
Z; xlate works by repeatedly peeling off the largest prefix or suffix of the word which
Z;  it can find until nothing is left, or it can't peel anything else off.
Z;  Sometimes this doesn't work, e.g. 'sendependa' = sen-depend-a, not send-e-pend-a.
Z; bug: purigado: tries to figure 'ig' as prefix, finds 'i'....
Z; tests: mi kion samtempo samtempe mal o  kantodoj
Z(defun xlate (word)
Z	(setq word (explode word))
Z	(setq root nil)
Z	(setq suffixes nil)
Z	(setq prefixes nil)
Z	(checkroot)
Z	(loop while (let ((result (checksuffix nil word)))
Z			 (or (checkprefix nil (reverse word)) result) ))
Z	(checkroot)
Z	(cond (word
Z		(concatl (append (reverse prefixes) (append '(|(|) word '(|)|) ) suffixes)) )
Z	      (t
Z		(concatl (append (reverse prefixes) root suffixes)) )
Z	)
Z(defun checkroot ()
Z	(cond (word 
Z	       (setq root (get (implode word) 'esp-root))
Z	       (cond (root	(setq root (list root))  (setq word nil)))
Z	      )
Z	)
Z(defun checksuffix (notw w)
Z	(prog ()
Z	loop
Z		(cond	((null w)	(return nil))
Z			((looksuffix w)	(setq word (reverse notw)) (return w))
Z			(t		(push (pop w) notw)	(go loop)) ) ) )
Z(defun checkprefix (notw w)
Z	(prog ()
Z	loop
Z		(cond	((null w)	(return nil))
Z			((lookprefix w)	(setq word notw) (return w))
Z			(t		(push (pop w) notw)	(go loop)) ) ) )
Z(defun looksuffix (fix)
Z	(cond	((or (setq prop (get (implode fix) 'esp-sfix))
Z		     ; rely on checkprefix to find a root in the original word
Z		     (and suffixes
Z		     	(setq prop (get (implode fix) 'esp-root)) ) )
Z		 (setq suffixes (cons prop suffixes))
Z		)) )
Z(defun lookprefix (fix)
Z	(setq fix (reverse fix))
Z	(cond	((or (setq prop (get (implode fix) 'esp-pfix))
Z		     (setq prop (get (implode fix) 'esp-root)) )
Z		 (setq prefixes (cons prop prefixes))
Z		)) )
Z; continuous interpretation
Z(defun interpret ()
Z	(setq readtable espreadtable)
Z	(loop while (not (eq (setq input (read inport 'Q)) 'Q))
Z	  do
Z		; "=newword def" will define newword in the nrootlist
Z		(cond	((eq input '=)	(setq newword (read inport))
Z					(read inport)	;skip space
Z					(setq def (read inport))
Z					(putprop newword def 'esp-root)
Z					(setq nrootlist (cons newword
Z							(cons def nrootlist)) ) )
Z			((member input (explode punct))	(patom input outport))
Z			(t		(patom (xlate input) outport))
Z		)
Z	)
Z	(drain outport)
Z	(setq readtable dreadtable)
Z; auxiliary routines
Z; read the dictionary in
Z(defun readdict ()
Z	(setq nrootlist (readfile 'esp.nroot))
Z	(loadprops nrootlist 'esp-root)
Z	(setq suflist (readfile 'esp.suf))
Z	(loadprops suflist 'esp-sfix)
Z	(setq preflist (readfile 'esp.pref))
Z	(loadprops preflist 'esp-pfix)
Z	(setq rootlist (readfile 'esp.root))
Z	(loadprops rootlist 'esp-root)
Z(defun setio (file)
Z	(setq inport (infile (concat file '.esp)))
Z	(setq outport (outfile (concat file '.trans))) )
Z(defun readfile (file)
Z	(setq fd (infile file))
Z	(setq list (read fd))
Z	(close fd)
Z	list
Z(defun writefile (l file)
Z	(setq fd (outfile file))
Z	(print l fd)
Z	(print '|
Z| fd)
Z	(close fd)
Z	l
Z(defun saveroots ()
Z	(length (writefile nrootlist 'esp.nroot))
Z(defun loadprops (l prop)
Z	(loop while l
Z		(putprop (car l) (cadr l) prop)
Z		(setq l (cddr l)) ) )
Z(defun resetreadtable ()
Z	(setq readtable dreadtable) )
Z; don't do these separately: have one read get them all
Z(progn	(setq punct '|	 !@#$%&*();:"'=-`~.,<>/?
Z	(setq espreadtable (makereadtable))
Z	(setq dreadtable readtable)
Z	(setq readtable espreadtable)
Z	(mapcar '(lambda (c) (setsyntax c 'vsingle-character-symbol))
Z		(explode punct) )
Z	(setsyntax '\\ 'vmacro 'resetreadtable)
Z	(setq readtable dreadtable) )
Z(setq inport piport)
Z(setq outport poport)
set `sum esperanto.l`
if test 52310 != $1
echo esperanto.l: Checksum error. Is: $1, should be: 52310.
echo Extracting esp.root:
sed 's/^Z//' >esp.root <<\STUNKYFLUFF
Z;	esperanto roots
Z; tests: kaj	kajo	ninj nijn	pasigis...
Z; problems words for this parser.
Z; 'in' ending = feminine...
Z	cin	thou_obj
Z	^gin	it_obj
Z	ilin	they_obj
Z	lin	he_obj
Z	min	me_obj
Z	nin	we_obj
Z	sin	self_obj
Z	^sin	she_obj
Z	vin	you_obj
Z; 'uj' ending = "container"
Z	tiuj	these
Z	kiuj	whichPl
Z	iuj	somePl
Z	^ciuj	all
Z	neniuj	nonePl
Z; regular roots
Z	abel	bee
Z	abism	abyss
Z	abomen	abomination
Z	abon	subscribe
Z	abrikot	apricot
Z	abrupt	abrupt
Z	absolut	absolute
Z	absurd	absurd
Z	abund	abundant
Z	a^cet	buy
Z	acid	acid
Z	adapt	adapt
Z	adia^u	goodbye
Z	adici	addition
Z	adjektiv	adjective
Z	administr	administer
Z	admir	admire
Z	admon	admonish
Z	ador	adore
Z	adres	address
Z	adverb	adverb
Z	advokat	advocate
Z	aer	air
Z	aeroplan	airplane
Z	afabl	affable
Z	afer	affair
Z	afi^s	poster
Z	aflikt	afflict
Z	afrank	prepay_postage
Z	ag	act
Z	a^g	age
Z	agarik	mushroom
Z	agend	agenda
Z	agent	agent
Z	agit	agitate
Z	agl	eagle
Z	agondi	agony
Z	agrabl	agreeable
Z	agraf	clasp
Z	ajl	garlic
Z	ajn	atAll
Z	akademi	academy
Z	akcel	accelerate
Z	akcent	accentuate
Z	akcept	accept
Z	akci	share
Z	akcident	accident
Z	akciz	excise
Z	akir	acquire
Z	aklam	acclaim
Z	akompan	accompany
Z	akord	chord
Z	akr	acrid
Z	akre	acre
Z	aks	axis
Z	aksel	armpit
Z	akt	act
Z	aktiv	active
Z	aktor	actor
Z	aktual	present
Z	akurat	punctual
Z	akuz	accuse
Z	akuzativ	accusative
Z	akv	water
Z	al	to
Z	ale	alley
Z	alfabet	alphabet
Z	algebr	algebra
Z	ali	other
Z	alkohol	alcohol
Z	almena^u	anyhow
Z	almoz	alms
Z	alt	high
Z	altar	altar
Z	alud	allude
Z	alumet	match
Z	alumini	aluminum
Z	alven	arrive
Z	am	love
Z	amar	bitter
Z	amas	mass
Z	amator	amateur
Z	ambasador	ambassador
Z	amba^u	both
Z	ambici	ambition
Z	ambulanc	ambulance
Z	amerik	America
Z	amik	friend
Z	amor	Amor
Z	ampleks	amplitude
Z	amuz	funny
Z	analiz	analyse
Z	ananas	pineapple
Z	anas	duck
Z	anekdot	anecdote
Z	an^gel	angel
Z	angl	english
Z	angor	agony
Z	angul	angle
Z	anim	soul
Z	anka^u	also
Z	ankora^u	still
Z	ankr	anchor
Z	anonc	announce
Z	anonim	anonymous
Z	anser	goose
Z	anstatau	insteadOf
Z	anstata^u	insteadOf
Z	antarkt	antarctic
Z	anta^u	before
Z	anten	antenna
Z	anticip	anticipate
Z	antikv	ancient
Z	antilop	antelope
Z	antologi	anthology
Z	antropolog	anthropologist
Z	anus	anus
Z	aparat	apparatus
Z	apart	apart
Z	aparten	belong
Z	apelaci	appeal
Z	apena^u	scarcely
Z	aper	appear
Z	apla^ud	applaud
Z	aplik	apply
Z	apog	lean
Z	apostol	apostle
Z	apotek	drugStore
Z	april	April
Z	aprob	approve
Z	apud	beside
Z	arakis	peanut
Z	arane	spider
Z	aran^gi	arrange
Z	arb	tree
Z	arbitr	arbitrary
Z	ard	glow
Z	are	area
Z	aren	arena
Z	arest	arrest
Z	ar^gent	silver
Z	argument	argument
Z	aristokrat	aristocrat
Z	aritmetik	arighmetic
Z	ark	arc
Z	arkitekt	architect
Z	arkt	arctic
Z	arm	arm
Z	arme	army
Z	arom	aroma
Z	art	art
Z	arteri	artery
Z	artik	joint
Z	artikol	article
Z	artileri	artillery
Z	asekur	insure
Z	asert	assert
Z	asign	assign
Z	asoci	association
Z	aspekt	appear
Z	astr	heavenlyBody
Z	astrolog	astrologer
Z	astronom	astronomer
Z	atak	attack
Z	ateism	atheism
Z	atend	await
Z	atent	attentive
Z	atest	testify
Z	ating	attain
Z	atlet	athelee
Z	atmosfer	atmosphere
Z	atom	atom
Z	a^u	or
Z	a^ud	hear
Z	a^ugust	August
Z	a^uskult	listen
Z	a^utentik	authentic
Z	a^utobiografi	autobiography
Z	a^utobus	autobus
Z	a^utomat	automaton
Z	a^utomobil	automobile
Z	a^utonom	autonomous
Z	a^utor	author
Z	a^utoritat	authority
Z	a^utun	autumn
Z	av	grandfather
Z	avanta^g	advantage
Z	avar	avaricious
Z	aven	oate
Z	aventur	adventure
Z	avert	warn
Z	avid	avid
Z	aviz	notice
Z	azen	ass
Z	azi	Asia
Z	babil	chat
Z	bagatel	trifle
Z	bajonet	bayonet
Z	bak	bake
Z	bakteri	bacteria
Z	bal	ball
Z	bala	sweep
Z	balanc	swing
Z	balbut	stammer
Z	balda^u	soon
Z	balen	whale
Z	balet	ballet
Z	balkon	balcony
Z	balon	balloon
Z	balot	ballot
Z	ban	bathe
Z	banan	banana
Z	band	band
Z	banda^g	bandage
Z	bank	bank
Z	bankrot	bankrupt
Z	bapt	baptize
Z	bar	obstruct
Z	barakt	struggle
Z	barb	beard
Z	barbir	barber
Z	barel	barrel
Z	barometr	barometer
Z	basbal	baseball
Z	baston	stick
Z	bat	beat
Z	batal	fight
Z	bateri	battery
Z	baz	base
Z	beb	baby
Z	bed	bed
Z	beda^ur	regret
Z	bek	beak
Z	bel	beautiful
Z	belg	Belgian
Z	ben	bless
Z	bend	tape
Z	benk	bench
Z	benzin	gasoline
Z	ber	berry
Z	best	animal
Z	bet	beet
Z	bezon	need
Z	bibli	Bible
Z	bibliografi	bibliography
Z	bibliotek	library
Z	bicikl	bicycle
Z	bien	estate
Z	bier	beer
Z	bifstek	beefsteak
Z	bilanc	balanceSheet
Z	bild	picture
Z	bilet	ticket
Z	bind	bind
Z	biograf	biographer
Z	biolog	biologist
Z	bird	bird
Z	biskvit	biscuit
Z	bizon	bison
Z	blank	white
Z	blat	cockroach
Z	blek	bleat
Z	blind	blind
Z	blok	block
Z	blond	blonde
Z	blov	blow
Z	blu	blue
Z	boat	boat
Z	boben	reel
Z	boj	bark
Z	boks	box
Z	bol	boil
Z	bomb	bomb
Z	bombard	bombard
Z	bon	good
Z	bor	bore
Z	bord	shore
Z	border	border
Z	bors	bourse
Z	bot	boot
Z	botanik	botany
Z	botel	bottle
Z	bov	cattle
Z	brajl	braille
Z	brak	arm
Z	bran^c	branch
Z	brand	brandy
Z	brasik	cabbage
Z	brav	brave
Z	brazil	Brazil
Z	bre^c	breach
Z	brems	brake
Z	bret	shelf
Z	bri^g	bridge
Z	brigad	brigade
Z	brik	brick
Z	bril	bright
Z	brit	Briton
Z	bro^c	brooch
Z	brod	embroider
Z	bros	brush
Z	bro^sur	pamphlet
Z	brov	eyebrow
Z	bru	noisy
Z	brul	burn
Z	brun	brown
Z	brust	breast
Z	brut	brute
Z	bub	boy
Z	bubal	buffalo
Z	bu^c	slaughter
Z	bud	stand
Z	bud^get	budget
Z	buf	toad
Z	bu^get	budget
Z	buked	bouquet
Z	bukl	curl
Z	bul	clod
Z	bulb	bulb
Z	bulgar	Bulgarian
Z	buljon	bouillon
Z	bulk	roll
Z	bulten	bulletin
Z	bulvard	boulevard
Z	burd	bumblebee
Z	bur^g	bourgeois
Z	bur^gon	bud
Z	bu^s	mouth
Z	buter	butter
Z	butik	shop
Z	buton	button
Z	^cagren	vex
Z	^cambr	room
Z	^campan	champagne
Z	^cap	cap
Z	^capel	hat
Z	^capitr	chapter
Z	^car	because
Z;	^car	chariot
Z	^carlatan	charltan
Z	^carm	charm
Z	^carnir	hinge
Z	^carpentr	build
Z	^cart	charter
Z	^cas	hunt
Z	^cast	chaste
Z	^ce	beside
Z	^cef	chief
Z	^cek	check
Z	^cemiz	shirt
Z	^cen	chain
Z	^ceriz	cherry
Z	^cerk	coffin
Z	^cerp	withdraw
Z	^ces	cease
Z	^ceval	horse
Z	^ci	near
Z	^ciel	sky
Z	^cif	curmble
Z	^cifon	rag
Z	^cikan	quibble
Z	^cimpanz	chimpanzee
Z	^cin	Chinese
Z	^cirka^u	around
Z	^ciu	every
Z	^ciz	chisel
Z	^cokolad	chocolate
Z	^cu	isIt
Z	car	czar
Z	ced	cede
Z	cel	aim
Z	celeri	celery
Z	cement	cement
Z	cend	cent
Z	cent	hundred
Z	centimetr	centimeter
Z	centr	center
Z	cenzur	censor
Z	cep	onion
Z	cerb	brain
Z	cert	certain
Z	cerv	stag
Z	ceter	remainder
Z	cetera	else
Z	c^he^hoslovak	checkoslovakia
Z	ci	thou
Z	cidr	cider
Z	cifer	cipher
Z	cigan	gypsy
Z	cigar	cigar
Z	cigared	cigarette
Z	cign	swan
Z	ciklon	cyclone
Z	cikoni	stork
Z	cilindr	cylinder
Z	cim	bug
Z	cindr	cinder
Z	cirk	circus
Z	cirkl	circle
Z	cirkonstanc	circumstance
Z	cirkuler	circular
Z	cit	quote
Z	citron	lemon
Z	civil	civil
Z	civiliz	civilize
Z	col	inch
Z	da	of
Z	daktil	date
Z	dali	dahlia
Z	danc	dance
Z	dan^ger	danger
Z	dank	thank
Z	dankon	thanks
Z	dat	date
Z	da^ur	continue
Z	de	of
Z	debet	debit
Z	dec	fitting
Z	decembr	December
Z	deci^c	didicate
Z	decid	decide
Z	defend	defend
Z	deficit	deficit
Z	degel	thaw
Z	de^jor	serve
Z	dek	ten
Z	deklam	declaim
Z	deklar	declare
Z	dekliv	declivity
Z	dekret	decree
Z	dekstr	right
Z	deleg	delegate
Z	delikat	dedicate
Z	delir	delirious
Z	demand	ask
Z	demokrat	democrat
Z	dens	dense
Z	dent	tooth
Z	denunc	denounce
Z	depend	depend
Z	depe^s	dispatch
Z	depon	deposit
Z	deput	depute
Z	deriv	derive
Z	des	the
Z	desegn	design
Z	desert	dessert
Z	despot	despot
Z	destin	destine
Z	detal	detail
Z	determin	determine
Z	detru	destroy
Z	dev	must
Z	deviz	motto
Z	dezert	desert
Z	dezir	desire
Z	di	god
Z	diabl	devil
Z	diagonoz	diagnosis
Z	dialekt	dialect
Z	dialog	dialogue
Z	diamant	diamond
Z	diametr	diameter
Z	diant	carnation
Z	dibo^c	debauch
Z	diet	diet
Z	difekt	defect
Z	diferenc	differ
Z	difin	define
Z	dig	dike
Z	digest	digest
Z	dign	dignity
Z	dik	thick
Z	dikt	dictate
Z	diktator	dictator
Z	diligent	diligent
Z	diluv	deluge
Z	diman^c	Sunday
Z	dinamit	dynamite
Z	diplom	diploma
Z	diplomat	diplomat
Z	dir	say
Z	direkt	guide
Z	direktor	director
Z	dis^cipl	disciple
Z	disciplin	discipline
Z	disk	disk
Z	diskont	discount
Z	diskret	discreet
Z	diskut	discuss
Z	dispon	dispose
Z	disput	dispute
Z	distanc	distance
Z	disting	distinguish
Z	distr	distract
Z	diven	guess
Z	divers	diverse
Z	divid	divide
Z	do	therefore
Z	dogan	customs
Z	dok	dock
Z	doktor	doctor
Z	dokument	document
Z	dolar	dollar
Z	dol^c	sweet
Z	dolor	ache
Z	dom	house
Z	doma^g	pity
Z	don	give
Z	donac	donate
Z	dorlot	pamper
Z	dorm	sleep
Z	dorn	thorn
Z	dors	back
Z	dosier	dossier
Z	dot	dowry
Z	dram	drama
Z	drap	woolen
Z	dra^s	thresh
Z	dres	train
Z	drink	drink
Z	drog	durg
Z	dron	drown
Z	du	two
Z	dub	doubt
Z	dum	during
Z	dung	hire
Z	du^so	shower
Z	eben	even
Z	ebri	intoxicated
Z	ebur	ivory
Z	e^c	even
Z	edif	edify
Z	eduk	educate
Z	edz	matrimony
Z	efektiv	real
Z	efik	effect
Z	egal	equal
Z	eh	echo
Z	ekip	equip
Z	eklezi	church
Z	ekonomi	economy
Z	ekscit	excite
Z	ekskurs	excursion
Z	eksped	expedite
Z	eksperiment	experiment
Z	eksplod	explode
Z	eksport	export
Z	ekspozici	exposision
Z	ekspres	express
Z	ekster	outside
Z	eksterm	exterminate
Z	ekstr	extra
Z	ekstrakt	extract
Z	ekstrem	extreme
Z	ekvator	equator
Z	ekzamen	examine
Z	ekzempl	example
Z	ekzempler	eopy
Z	ekzerc	exercise
Z	ekzil	exile
Z	ekzist	exist
Z	el	from
Z	elast	elastic
Z	elefant	elephant
Z	elegant	elegant
Z	elekt	elect
Z	elektr	electricity
Z	elektron	electron
Z	element	element
Z	emajl	enamel
Z	embaras	embarrassment
Z	emblem	emblem
Z	emfaz	emphasis
Z	eminent	eminent
Z	emoci	stir
Z	en	in
Z	enciklopedi	encyclopedia
Z	energi	energy
Z	enket	inquiry
Z	entrepren	undertake
Z	entuziasm	enthusiasm
Z	enu	weary
Z	envi	enby
Z	episkop	bishop
Z	epizod	episode
Z	epok	epoch
Z	erar	err
Z	ermit	hermit
Z	erp	harrow
Z	e^safod	scaffold
Z	escept	except
Z	esenc	essence
Z	eskort	escort
Z	esper	hope
Z	esperant	esperanto
Z	esplor	explore
Z	esprim	express
Z	est	is
Z	establ	establish
Z	estim	esteem
Z	esting	extinguish
Z	estr	leader
Z	eta^go	floor
Z	etend	extend
Z	etern	eternal
Z	etik	ethics
Z	etiket	etiquette
Z	e^urop	Europe
Z	eventual	eventual
Z	evit	avoid
Z	evolu	evolve
Z	fab	bean
Z	fabel	story
Z	fabl	fable
Z	fabrik	factory
Z	facil	easy
Z	faden	thread
Z	fajf	whistle
Z	fajl	file
Z	fajr	fire
Z	fak	section
Z	fakt	fact
Z	faktur	invoice
Z	fal	fall
Z	fal^c	mow
Z	fald	fold
Z	fals	falsify
Z	fam	fame
Z	famili	family
Z	fand	melt
Z	fanfaron	boast
Z	fantazi	fantasy
Z	fantom	phantom
Z	far	make
Z	farm	lease
Z	farmaci	pharmacy
Z	fart	fare
Z	farun	flour
Z	fask	bundle
Z	fason	cut
Z	fast	fast
Z	fatal	fateful
Z	fa^uk	jaws
Z	favor	favorable
Z	faz	phase
Z	fe	fairy
Z	febr	fever
Z	februar	February
Z	federaci	federation
Z	fel	hide
Z	feli^c	happy
Z	felieton	serial
Z	felt	felt
Z	femur	thigh
Z	fend	split
Z	fenestr	window
Z	fer	iron
Z	ferdek	deck
Z	feri	holiday
Z	ferm	shut
Z	fervor	fervor
Z	fest	festival
Z	festen	banquet
Z	fi	shame
Z	fiakr	cab
Z	fian^c	betrothed
Z	fiask	fiasco
Z	fibr	fibre
Z	fid	trust
Z	fidel	faithful
Z	fier	proud
Z	figur	figure
Z	fiks	fix
Z	fil	son
Z	filatel	philately
Z	fili	affiliate
Z	film	film
Z	filozof	phiclsopher
Z	filtr	filter
Z	fin	finish
Z	financ	finance
Z	fingr	finger
Z	firm	firm
Z	fi^s	fish
Z	fizik	physics
Z	flag	flag
Z	flam	flame
Z	flan	pancake
Z	flanel	flannel
Z	flank	side
Z	flar	smell
Z	flat	flatter
Z	flav	yellow
Z	fleg	attend
Z	fleks	bend
Z	flik	patch
Z	flir	flutter
Z	flor	flower
Z	flos	raft
Z	flu	flow
Z	flug	fly
Z	fluid	fluid
Z	flustr	whisper
Z	flut	flute
Z	foiro	fair
Z	foj	occasion
Z	fojn	hay
Z	foli	leaf
Z	fond	establish
Z	fonetik	phonetics
Z	font	spring
Z	fontan	fountain
Z	for	away
Z	for^g	forge
Z	forges	forget
Z	fork	fork
Z	form	form
Z	formik	ant
Z	forn	stove
Z	fort	strong
Z	fortik	sturdy
Z	fos	dig
Z	fosfor	phosphorus
Z	fosili	fossil
Z	fost	post
Z	fot	photograph
Z	frag	strawberry
Z	frak	dressCoat
Z	frakas	shatter
Z	frakci	fraction
Z	framason	freemason
Z	framb	rasberry
Z	franc	Frenchman
Z	frand	relish
Z	fran^g	fringe
Z	frap	strike
Z	frat	brother
Z	fra^ul	bachelor
Z	fraz	sentence
Z	fremd	strange
Z	frenez	insane
Z	fre^s	fresh
Z	fripon	rogue
Z	frit	fry
Z	frivol	frivolous
Z	friz	curl
Z	froma^g	cheese
Z	front	front
Z	frost	frost
Z	frot	rub
Z	fru	early
Z	frukt	fruit
Z	frunt	forehead
Z	ftiz	consumption
Z	fulg	soot
Z	fulgor	firefly
Z	fulm	lightning
Z	fum	smoke
Z	fund	bottom
Z	fundament	foundation
Z	funebr	mourning
Z	funel	funnel
Z	fung	fungus
Z	funkci	function
Z	funt	pound
Z	furioz	furious
Z	fu^s	bungle
Z	fut	foot
Z	futbal	bootball
Z	^garden	garden
Z	^gem	groan
Z	^gemel	twin
Z	^gen	bother
Z	^general	general
Z	^gentil	polite
Z	^germ	germ
Z	^gi	it
Z	^gib	bump
Z	^gin	gin
Z	^giraf	giraffe
Z	^gis	until
Z	^goj	rejoice
Z	^gu	enjoy
Z	^gust	correct
Z	gaj	gay
Z	gajn	gain
Z	gal	gall
Z	galeri	gallery
Z	galop	gallop
Z	galo^s	galosh
Z	gama^s	gaiter
Z	gant	glove
Z	garanti	guarantee
Z	garb	sheaf
Z	gard	guard
Z	gardeni	gardenia
Z	gargar	gargle
Z	garn	garnish
Z	gas	gas
Z	gast	guest
Z	gaz	gauze
Z	gazet	gazette
Z	gem	gem
Z	generaci	generation
Z	general	general
Z	geni	genius
Z	gent	tribe
Z	genu	knee
Z	geograf	geographer
Z	geolog	gelogist
Z	geometri	geometry
Z	gerani	geranium
Z	german	German
Z	gest	gesture
Z	gigant	giant
Z	gimnastik	gymnastics
Z	gimnazi	highSchool
Z	gips	gypsum
Z	giroskop	gyroscope
Z	gitar	guitar
Z	glaci	ice
Z	glad	iron
Z	glan	acorn
Z	glas	glass
Z	glat	smoth
Z	glav	sword
Z	glim	mica
Z	glit	glide
Z	glob	globe
Z	glor	glorify
Z	glut	swallow
Z	golf	gulf
Z	golflud	golf
Z	gor^g	throat
Z	goril	gorilla
Z	graci	graceful
Z	grad	degree
Z	graf	earl
Z	grajn	grain
Z	gram	gram
Z	gramatik	grammar
Z	granat	pomegranate
Z	grand	big
Z	grandioz	grandiose
Z	granit	granite
Z	gras	grease
Z	grat	scratch
Z	gratul	congratulate
Z	grav	important
Z	graved	pregnant
Z	gravur	engrave
Z	grek	Greek
Z	gren	grain
Z	gri	meal
Z	grifel	stylus
Z	gril	cricket
Z	grimac	grimace
Z	grimp	climb
Z	grinc	grind
Z	grip	grippe
Z	griz	gray
Z	grumbl	grumble
Z	grund	ground
Z	grup	group
Z	gudr	tar
Z	gulden	gulden
Z	gum	gum
Z	gurd	hurdyGurdy
Z	gust	taste
Z	gut	drop
Z	guvern	tutor
Z	gvardi	guard
Z	gvid	guide
Z	ha	aha
Z	hajl	hail
Z	hak	hack
Z	hal	hall
Z	haladz	fume
Z	halt	halt
Z	har	hair
Z	hard	harden
Z	haring	herring
Z	harmoni	harmony
Z	harmonik	harmonica
Z	harp	harp
Z	ha^ut	skin
Z	hav	have
Z	haven	harbor
Z	hazard	hazard
Z	hebre	Hebrew
Z	hejm	home
Z	hejt	heat
Z	hel	bright
Z	heliant	sunflower
Z	helic	propeller
Z	helik	snail
Z	help	help
Z	hepat	liver
Z	herb	grass
Z	hered	inherit
Z	herez	heresy
Z	hero	hero
Z	hezit	hesitate
Z	hiera^u	yesterday
Z	higien	gygiene
Z	himn	hymn
Z	hind	Hindu
Z	hipnet	hypnosis
Z	hipopotam	hippotomous
Z	hipotek	mortgage
Z	hirt	bristly
Z	hirund	swallow
Z	histori	history
Z	ho	oh
Z	hodia^u	today
Z	hok	hook
Z	hold	hold
Z	hom	man
Z	honest	honest
Z	honor	honor
Z	hont	ashamed
Z	hor	hour
Z	horde	barley
Z	horlo^g	clock
Z	hospital	hospital
Z	hotel	hotel
Z	huf	hoof
Z	humil	humbel
Z	humor	mood
Z	humur	humor
Z	hund	dog
Z	ide	idea
Z	ideal	ideal
Z	ident	identical
Z	idili	idyll
Z	idiom	language
Z	idiot	idiot
Z	idiotism	idiom
Z	ignor	ignore
Z	ilumin	illuminate
Z	ilustr	illustrate
Z	iluzi	illusion
Z	imag	imagine
Z	imit	imitate
Z	imperi	empire
Z	implik	entangle
Z	impon	impress
Z	import	import
Z	impost	tax
Z	impres	impression
Z	incit	incite
Z	indian	Indian
Z	indiferent	indifferent
Z	indi^gen	native
Z	indign	indignant
Z	indik	indicate
Z	individu	individual
Z	indulg	lenient
Z	industri	indistry
Z	infan	child
Z	infekt	infect
Z	infer	hell
Z	inflam	inflammation
Z	influ	influence
Z	inform	inform
Z	in^gerier	engineer
Z	iniciat	initiate
Z	ink	ink
Z	inklin	inclined
Z	inkluziv	inclusive
Z	insekt	insect
Z	insid	insidious
Z	insign	insignia
Z	insist	insit
Z	inspekt	inspect
Z	inspir	inspire
Z	instal	install
Z	instanc	authoritativeSource
Z	instig	instigate
Z	instinkt	instinct
Z	instituci	institution
Z	institut	institute
Z	instru	teach
Z	instrukci	instrictions
Z	insturment	instrument
Z	insul	island
Z	insult	insult
Z	inteligent	intelligent
Z	intenc	intend
Z	inter	between
Z	interepret	interpret
Z	interes	intrest
Z	intern	internal
Z	intervju	interview
Z	intest	intestine
Z	intim	intimate
Z	intrig	intrigue
Z	inund	flood
Z	invad	invade
Z	invent	invent
Z	invit	invite
Z	iran	Iran
Z	irland	Ireland
Z	ironi	irony
Z	ital	Italian
Z	iu	someone
Z	izol	isolate
Z	^jaluz	jealous
Z	^jargon	jargon
Z	^jau^d	Thursday
Z	^jet	throw
Z	^jongl	juggle
Z	^jur	swear
Z	^jurnal	journal
Z	^jus	just
Z	jak	jacket
Z	jakt	yacht
Z	jam	already
Z	januar	January
Z	japan	Japanese
Z	jar	year
Z	jen	look
Z	jes	yes
Z	jod	iodine
Z	ju	the
Z	jud	Jew
Z	jug	joke
Z	ju^g	judge
Z	jugland	walnut
Z	juk	itch
Z	juli	July
Z	jun	young
Z	jung	harness
Z	juni	June
Z	jup	skirt
Z	jur	law
Z	just	just
Z	juvel	juwel
Z	kaban	cabin
Z	kabl	cable
Z	ka^c	gruel
Z	kadavr	corpse
Z	kadr	frame
Z	kaduk	rickety
Z	kaf	coffee
Z	ka^g	cage
Z	kaj	and
Z;	kaj	quay
Z	kajer	notebook
Z	kajut	cabin
Z	kaka	cocoa
Z	kakt	cactus
Z	kal	corn
Z	kaldron	kettle
Z	kalendar	calendar
Z	kale^s	carriage
Z	kali	potassium
Z	kalk	lime
Z	kalkan	heel
Z	kalkul	calculate
Z	kalson	underwear
Z	kalumni	slander
Z	kalv	bald
Z	kamarad	comrade
Z	kambi	draft
Z	kamel	camek
Z	kameleon	chameleon
Z	kamen	fireplace
Z	kamp	field
Z	kampanj	campaign
Z	kan	cane
Z	kanad	Canada
Z	kanajl	scouncrel
Z	kanal	canal
Z	kanap	sofa
Z	kanari	canary
Z	kancer	cancer
Z	kandel	candle
Z	kandidat	candidate
Z	kanjon	canyon
Z	kankr	craffish
Z	kanon	cannon
Z	kanot	canoe
Z	kant	sing
Z	kaos	chaos
Z	kap	head
Z	kapabl	capable
Z	kapel	chapel
Z	kapital	capatal
Z	kapitan	captain
Z	kapitul	capitulate
Z	kaporal	corporal
Z	kapr	goad
Z	kapric	caprice
Z	kapt	catch
Z	kar	dear
Z	karaf	decanter
Z	karakter	character
Z	karavan	caravan
Z	karb	coal
Z	karcer	cell
Z	kares	caress
Z	karier	career
Z	karn	flesh
Z	karot	carrot
Z	kart	card
Z	karto^c	cartridge
Z	karton	carbooard
Z	karusel	carousel
Z	kas	moneyBox
Z; which one?
Z	kased	cassette
Z	kaset	cassette
Z	ka^s	hide
Z	kaserol	saucepan
Z	kask	helmet
Z	kastel	castle
Z	kat	cat
Z	katalog	catalog
Z	katar	catarrh
Z	katedral	cathedral
Z	katen	fetter
Z	katolik	Catholic
Z	katun	cottonCloth
Z	ka^u^cuk	rubber
Z	ka^ur	cower
Z	ka^uz	cause
Z	kav	cave
Z	kavalir	knight
Z	kavern	cavern
Z	kaz	case
Z	kazern	barracks
Z	ke	that
Z	kel	cellar
Z	kelk	some
Z	kelner	waiter
Z	kemi	chemistry
Z	kern	kernel
Z	kest	chest
Z	kilogram	kilogram
Z	kilometr	kilometer
Z	kinin	quinine
Z	kinofilm	movie
Z	kio	what
Z	kis	kiss
Z	kiu	whichOne
Z	klap	valve
Z	klar	clear
Z	klas	class
Z	klasik	classical
Z	klav	key
Z	kler	educated
Z	klient	client
Z	klimat	climate
Z	klin	bend
Z	kling	blade
Z	klopod	undertake
Z	klub	club
Z	knab	boy
Z	knar	creak
Z	kned	knead
Z	kod	code
Z	kofr	trunk
Z	kojn	wedge
Z	kojot	coyote
Z	kok	chicken
Z	kokos	coconut
Z	koks	hip
Z	kol	neck
Z	kolbas	sausage
Z	koleck	collect
Z	koleg	colleague
Z	kolegi	college
Z	kolekt	collect
Z	koler	angry
Z	kolibr	hummingbird
Z	kolizi	collide
Z	kolomb	pigeon
Z	kolon	column
Z	kolonel	colonel
Z	koloni	colony
Z	kolor	color
Z	kolport	peddle
Z	kom	comma
Z	komb	comb
Z	komedi	comedy
Z	komenc	begin
Z	komerc	trade
Z	komfort	comfortable
Z	komik	fonny
Z	komisi	entrust
Z	komision	commission
Z	komitat	committee
Z	komiz	clerk
Z	komod	chest
Z	kompani	company
Z	kompar	compare
Z	kompas	compass
Z	kompat	pity
Z	kompens	compensate
Z	kompil	compile
Z	komplet	complete
Z	komplez	favor
Z	kompon	compose
Z	kompost	typeset
Z	kompren	understand
Z	komput	compute
Z	komputer	computer
Z	komun	common
Z	komunik	communicate
Z	kon	know
Z	koncern	concern
Z	koncert	concert
Z	konciz	concise
Z	kondamn	condemn
Z	kondi^c	terms
Z	konduk	lead
Z	kondur	compete
Z	kondut	behave
Z	konfederaci	confederation
Z	konferenc	conference
Z	konfes	confess
Z	konfid	entrust
Z	konfirm	confirm
Z	konfisk	confiscate
Z	konfit	perserve
Z	konfuz	confuse
Z	kongres	congress
Z	konjak	cognac
Z	konjeck	conjecture
Z	konklud	infer
Z	konkurs	contest
Z	konsci	recognize
Z	konscienc	conscience
Z	konsent	consent
Z	konserv	conserve
Z	konservativ	conservative
Z	konsider	consider
Z	konsil	counsel
Z	konsist	consist
Z	konsol	console
Z	konspir	conspire
Z	konstant	constant
Z	konstat	establish
Z	konstern	dismay
Z	konstituci	consittution
Z	konstru	construct
Z	konsul	consul
Z	konsult	consult
Z	konsum	consume
Z	kont	account
Z	kontakt	contact
Z	kontant	cash
Z	kontent	content
Z	kontinent	continent
Z	kontor	office
Z	kontrakt	contract
Z	kontra^u	against
Z	kontribu	contribute
Z	kontrol	check
Z	konven	suit
Z	konversaci	conversation
Z	konvink	convince
Z	kopi	copy
Z	kor	heart
Z	korb	basket
Z	kord	string
Z	korekt	correct
Z	korespond	correspond
Z	kork	cork
Z	korn	horn
Z	korp	body
Z	korporaci	corporation
Z	korpus	corps
Z	kort	court
Z	kost	cost
Z	kostum	costume
Z	kot	mud
Z	kotiz	subscription
Z	kotlet	cultet
Z	koton	cotton
Z	kov	brood
Z	kovert	envelope
Z	kovr	cover
Z	kra^c	split
Z	krad	grate
Z	krajon	pencil
Z	krak	crack
Z	kramp	clamp
Z	kran	faucet
Z	krani	skull
Z	kravat	necktie
Z	kre	create
Z	kred	believe
Z	kredit	credit
Z	krem	cream
Z	krepusk	twilight
Z	kresk	grow
Z	krestomati	chrestomathy
Z	kret	chalk
Z	krev	burst
Z	kri	shout
Z	kribr	sift
Z	krim	crime
Z	kripl	crippled
Z	kristnask	Yule
Z	kritik	criticize
Z	kriz	crisis
Z	kro^c	hook
Z	krokodil	crocodile
Z	krom	besides
Z	kron	crown
Z	kroz	cruise
Z	kruc	corss
Z	kru^c	pitcher
Z	krud	crude
Z	kruel	cruel
Z	krur	leg
Z	krut	steep
Z	kubut	elbow
Z	kudr	sew
Z	kugl	bullet
Z	kuir	cook
Z	kuk	cake
Z	kukum	cucumber
Z	kukurb	pumpkin
Z	kul	gnat
Z	kuler	spoon
Z	kulp	guilty
Z	kult	cult
Z	kultur	cultivate
Z	kun	with
Z	kunikl	rabbit
Z	kupe	compartment
Z	kupon	coupon
Z	kupr	copper
Z	kur	run
Z	kurac	doctor
Z	kura^g	courageous
Z	kurb	curved
Z	kurioz	curious
Z	kurs	course
Z	kurten	curtain
Z	kurz	exchangeRate
Z	ku^s	recline
Z	kusen	pillow
Z	kutim	accustomed
Z	kuv	tub
Z	kuz	cousin
Z	kvadrat	square
Z	kvalit	quality
Z	kvankam	although
Z	kvant	quantity
Z	kvar	four
Z	kvartal	quarter
Z	kvaza^u	asIf
Z	kverel	quarrel
Z	kverk	oak
Z	kviet	quiet
Z	kvin	five
Z	kvit	quit
Z	kvitanc	receipt
Z	la	the
Z	labor	labor
Z	lac	tired
Z	la^co	shoelace
Z	lad	plateMetal
Z	lag	lake
Z	laik	layman
Z	lak	varnish
Z	lake	lackey
Z	laks	diarrhea
Z	lakt	milk
Z	laktuk	lettuce
Z	lam	lame
Z	lament	lament
Z	lamp	lamp
Z	lan	wool
Z	land	land
Z	lang	tongue
Z	lantern	lantern
Z	lanug	fluff
Z	lard	bacon
Z	lar^g	wide
Z	larm	tear
Z	las	allow
Z	last	last
Z	latin	Latin
Z	latun	brass
Z	la^u	accordingTo
Z	la^ub	arbor
Z	la^ud	praise
Z	la^ut	loud
Z	lav	wash
Z	lecion	lesson
Z	led	leather
Z	leg	read
Z	le^g	law
Z	legend	legend
Z	legitim	legitimize
Z	legom	vegetable
Z	lek	lick
Z	lens	lens
Z	lentug	freckle
Z	leon	lion
Z	leopard	leopard
Z	lepr	leprosy
Z	lern	learn
Z	lert	skillful
Z	leter	letter
Z	le^utenant	lieutenant
Z	lev	leift
Z	li	he
Z	liber	free
Z	libr	book
Z	lice	lyceum
Z	lift	elvator
Z	lig	tie
Z	lign	wood
Z	likvid	liquidate
Z	likvor	liqueur
Z	lili	lily
Z	lim	limits
Z	limonad	lemonade
Z	lin	flax
Z	lingv	language
Z	lini	line
Z	lip	lip
Z	list	list
Z	lit	bed
Z	liter	letter
Z	literatur	literature
Z	litov	Lithuanian
Z	litr	liter
Z	liver	deliver
Z	log	lure
Z	lo^g	dwell
Z	lojal	layal
Z	lok	place
Z	long	long
Z	lorn	binocular
Z	lot	drawLots
Z	lu	hire
Z	lud	play
Z	luks	luxurious
Z	lukt	wrestle
Z	lul	lull
Z	lum	shine
Z	lumb	loin
Z	lun	moon
Z	lund	Monday
Z	lup	wolf
Z	lustr	chandelier
Z	ma^c	chew
Z	magazen	departmentStore
Z	maiz	corn
Z	maj	May
Z	majest	majestic
Z	major	major
Z	majstr	maestro
Z	makaroni	macarone
Z	makler	broker
Z	makul	spot
Z	makzel	jaw
Z	maleol	ankle
Z	malgra^u	notwithstanding
Z	malic	malicious
Z	mam	brast
Z	man	hand
Z	mandat	mandate
Z	man^g	eat
Z	manier	manner
Z	manik	sleve
Z	maniok	cassava
Z	mank	lack
Z	mantel	mantle
Z	mar	sea
Z	mar^c	marsh
Z	mar^cand	bargain
Z	mard	Tuesday
Z	margarit	daisy
Z	mark	mark
Z	marmor	marble
Z	mars	Mars
Z	mar^s	walk
Z	mart	March
Z	martel	hammer
Z	mas	mass
Z	ma^s	mesh
Z	ma^sin	machine
Z	masa^g	massage
Z	mason	build
Z	mast	mast
Z	mastr	master
Z	mat	mat
Z	matematik	mathematics
Z	maten	morning
Z	materi	matter
Z	material	material
Z	matrac	mattress
Z	matur	mature
Z	mebl	furniture
Z	me^c	wick
Z	medi	environment
Z	medicin	medicine
Z	medikament	medicine
Z	mejl	mile
Z	mekanik	mechanics
Z	melagr	turkey
Z	melk	milk
Z	melodi	melody
Z	melon	melon
Z	mem	-self
Z	membr	limb
Z	memor	remember
Z	menci	mention
Z	mend	order
Z	mens	mind
Z	mensog	lie
Z	menton	chin
Z	menu	menu
Z	merit	merit
Z	merkred	Wednesday
Z	mes	mass
Z	met	place
Z	metal	metal
Z	metamorfoz	metamorphosis
Z	meti	trade
Z	metod	method
Z	metr	meter
Z	mev	seagull
Z	mez	middle
Z	mezur	measure
Z	mi	I
Z	miel	honey
Z	mien	expression
Z	migr	migrate
Z	mikrob	microbe
Z	mikrofon	micorpone
Z	miks	mix
Z	mil	thousand
Z	milion	million
Z	milit	war
Z	min	mine
Z	minac	threaten
Z	mineral	mineral
Z	ministr	minister
Z	minut	minute
Z	miop	shortSighted
Z	mir	marvel
Z	mirakl	miracle
Z	misi	mission
Z	mister	mystery
Z	mizer	misery
Z	mod	fashion
Z	moder	moderate
Z	modern	modern
Z	modest	modest
Z	modif	modify
Z	mok	mock
Z	mol	soft
Z	molekul	molecule
Z	moment	moment
Z	mon	money
Z	monak	monk
Z	monark	monarch
Z	monat	monty
Z	mond	world
Z	monopol	monopoly
Z	monstr	monster
Z	mont	mountain
Z	montr	show
Z	mor	custom
Z	mord	bite
Z	morga^u	tomorrow
Z	mort	die
Z	mo^st	honorary
Z	moskit	mosquito
Z	motiv	motive
Z	motor	motor
Z	mov	move
Z	muel	grind
Z	mu^g	howl
Z	muk	mucus
Z	mul	mule
Z	muld	mold
Z	mult	much
Z	munici	ammunition
Z	mur	wall
Z	murd	murder
Z	murmur	murmur
Z	mus	mouse
Z	mu^s	housefly
Z	musk	moss
Z	muskol	muscle
Z	mustard	mustard
Z	mut	mute
Z	muze	museum
Z	muzik	music
Z	naci	nation
Z	na^g	swim
Z	naiv	naive
Z	najbar	neighbor
Z	najl	nail
Z	najtingal	nightingale
Z	nap	turnip
Z	nask	birth
Z	natur	nature
Z	na^u	nine
Z	na^uz	nauseate
Z	naz	nose
Z	ne	no
Z	nebul	fog
Z	neces	necessary
Z	ne^g	snow
Z	negoc	buisiness
Z	negr	negro
Z	nek	neither
Z	nekrolog	obituary
Z	nektar	nectar
Z	neniu	noone
Z	nep	grandson
Z	nepr	certain
Z	nerv	nerve
Z	nest	nest
Z	net	precise
Z	ne^utral	neutral
Z	nev	nephew
Z	ni	we
Z	nigr	black
Z	nivel	level
Z	nobel	nobelman
Z	nobl	noble
Z	nod	know
Z	nokt	night
Z	nom	name
Z	nombr	number
Z	nord	north
Z	norm	norm
Z	normal	normal
Z	not	note
Z	notari	notary
Z	nov	new
Z	novel	shortStory
Z	novembr	November
Z	nu	well
Z	nuanc	nuance
Z	nub	cloud
Z	nud	nude
Z	nuk	nape
Z	nuks	nut
Z	nul	zero
Z	numer	number
Z	nun	now
Z	nur	only
Z	nutr	nourish
Z	obe	obey
Z	objekt	object
Z	obligaci	bond
Z	observ	observe
Z	obstin	obstinate
Z	ocean	ocean
Z	odor	smell
Z	ofend	offend
Z	ofer	sacrifice
Z	ofert	offer
Z	ofic	office
Z	oficir	officer
Z	oft	often
Z	ok	eight
Z	okaz	happen
Z	okcident	west
Z	oktobr	October
Z	okul	eye
Z	okup	occupy
Z	ol	than
Z	ole	oil
Z	oliv	olive
Z	ombr	shadow
Z	ombrel	umbrella
Z	omnibus	omnibus
Z	ond	wave
Z	oni	one
Z	onkl	uncle
Z	operaci	operate
Z	opin	think
Z	oportun	opportune
Z	or	gold
Z	oran^g	orange
Z	ord	order
Z	orden	order
Z	ordinar	ordinary
Z	ordon	command
Z	orel	ear
Z	orf	orphan
Z	organ	organ
Z	organiz	organize
Z	orgen	organ
Z	orient	east
Z	origin	origin
Z	orkestr	orchestra
Z	orkide	orchid
Z	ornam	adorn
Z	osced	yawn
Z	ost	bone
Z	ostr	oyster
Z	ov	egg
Z	pac	peace
Z	pacienc	patience
Z	pacient	patient
Z	pacifism	pacifism
Z	paf	shoot
Z	pag	pay
Z	pa^g	page
Z	pa^gi	page
Z	pajl	straw
Z	pak	pack
Z	pal	pale
Z	palac	palace
Z	palis	stake
Z	palm	palm
Z	palp	feel
Z	palpebr	eyelid
Z	palt	overcoat
Z	pampelm	grapefruit
Z	pan	bread
Z	panik	panic
Z	pantalon	pants
Z	panter	panther
Z	pantofl	slipper
Z	pap	pope
Z	papag	parrot
Z	papav	poppy
Z	paper	paper
Z	papili	butterfly
Z	par	pair
Z	paraliz	paralyze
Z	para^sut	parachute
Z	pardon	pardon
Z	parenc	relative
Z	parfum	perfume
Z	park	park
Z	parker	memorize
Z	parlament	parliament
Z	parol	speak
Z	part	part
Z	parti	party
Z	pas	pass
Z	pa^s	step
Z	pa^st	pasture
Z	pa^stel	pastel
Z	pasa^ger	passenger
Z	paser	sparrow
Z;	pasi	passion
Z	pask	Easter
Z	pasport	passport
Z	past	dough
Z	paste^c	pie
Z	pastr	pastor
Z	pat	fryingPan
Z	patr	father
Z	patrol	patrol
Z	pa^uz	pause
Z	pavim	pavement
Z	pec	piece
Z	pedik	louse
Z	pejza^g	landscape
Z	pek	sin
Z	peki	pickle
Z	pel	chase
Z	pelt	fur
Z	pelv	basin
Z	pen	try
Z	penc	penny
Z	pend	hang
Z	pens	think
Z	pension	boardingHouse
Z	pent	repent
Z	pentr	paint
Z	pep	chirp
Z	per	by
Z	perd	lose
Z;	pere	perish
Z	perfekt	perfect
Z	perfid	betray
Z	perl	pearl
Z	permes	permit
Z	persekut	persecute
Z	persik	peach
Z	person	person
Z	peruk	wig
Z	pes	weigh
Z	pest	plague
Z	pet	ask
Z	petal	petal
Z	petol	frolic
Z	petrol	petroleum
Z	pez	weigh
Z	pi	pious
Z	pian	piano
Z	pied	foot
Z	pigme	pigmy
Z	pik	pick
Z	piknik	picnic
Z	pilk	ball
Z	pilol	pill
Z	pilot	pilot
Z	pin	pine
Z	pin^c	pinch
Z	pingl	pin
Z	pint	point
Z	pip	pipe
Z	pipr	pepper
Z	pir	pear
Z	pi^st	piston
Z	pist	pound
Z	pistol	pistol
Z	piz	pea
Z	plac	publicSquare
Z	pla^c	please
Z	plad	platter
Z	plafon	ceiling
Z	plan	plan
Z	pland	sole
Z	planed	planet
Z	plank	floor
Z	plant	plant
Z	plat	flat
Z	pla^ud	splash
Z	pled	plea
Z	plej	most
Z	plekt	braid
Z	plen	full
Z	plend	complain
Z	plet	tray
Z	plezur	pleasure
Z	pli	more
Z	plor	weep
Z	plu	further
Z	plum	pen
Z	plumb	lead
Z	plur	more
Z	pluv	rain
Z	po	atRateOf
Z	podi	platform
Z	poem	poem
Z	poet	poet
Z	poezi	poetry
Z	pokal	goblet
Z	polic	police
Z	polis	policy
Z	politik	politics
Z	polur	posish
Z	polus	pole
Z	polv	dust
Z	pom	apple
Z	ponard	dagger
Z	pont	bridge
Z	popol	people
Z	por	for
Z	pord	door
Z	pork	pig
Z	port	carry
Z	po^s	pocket
Z	po^st	mail
Z	posed	posses
Z	post	after
Z	posten	post
Z	postul	demand
Z	pot	pot
Z	potenc	power
Z	pov	ableTo
Z	pozici	position
Z	praktic	putIntoPractice
Z	pram	ferry
Z	prav	true
Z	precip	principally
Z	preciz	precise
Z	predik	perach
Z	prefer	prefer
Z	pre^g	pray
Z	prem	press
Z	premi	prize
Z	pren	take
Z	prepar	prepare
Z	pres	print
Z	preska^u	almost
Z	pret	ready
Z	pretekst	excuse
Z	preter	past
Z	prez	prince
Z	prezent	present
Z	prezid	preside
Z	prezidant	president
Z	pri	about
Z	princ	prince
Z	princip	principle
Z	printemp	spring
Z	privat	private
Z	pro	because
Z	proced	preceed
Z	procent	percentage
Z	proces	lawsuit
Z	produkt	produce
Z	profesi	prefession
Z	profesor	professor
Z	profit	profit
Z	profund	deep
Z	program	program
Z	progres	progress
Z	projekt	project
Z	prokrast	procrastinate
Z	proksim	near
Z	promen	promenade
Z	promes	promise
Z	propon	propose
Z	propr	onesOwn
Z	prospekt	prospectus
Z	prosper	prosper
Z	protekt	proteck
Z	protest	protest
Z	prov	attempt
Z	provinc	province
Z	proviz	provide
Z	proz	prose
Z	prun	plum
Z	prunt	loan
Z	prus	Prussion
Z	pruv	prove
Z	psalm	psalm
Z	psikolog	psychologist
Z	publik	public
Z	puding	pudding
Z	pudr	powder
Z	pugn	fist
Z	pul	flea
Z	pulm	lung
Z	pulv	gunpowder
Z	pump	pump
Z	pun	punish
Z	punkt	period
Z	punt	lace
Z	pup	doll
Z	pupitr	desk
Z	pur	pure
Z	purpur	purple
Z	pus	pus
Z	pu^s	push
Z	put	well
Z	putr	prtrefy
Z	rab	rob
Z	rabat	rebate
Z	raben	rappi
Z	rabot	plane
Z	raci	reason
Z	rad	wheel
Z	radar	radar
Z	radi	radio
Z	radik	root
Z	rafin	refine
Z	rajd	ride
Z	rajt	right
Z	rakont	relate
Z	ramp	crawl
Z	ran	frog
Z	ranc	rancid
Z	ran^c	ranch
Z	rand	edge
Z	rang	rank
Z	rapid	rapid
Z	raport	report
Z	ras	breed
Z	rast	rake
Z	rat	rat
Z	ra^uk	hoarse
Z	ra^up	caterpillar
Z	rav	delight
Z	raz	shave
Z	reakci	reaction
Z	real	actual
Z	recenz	review
Z	reciprok	reciprocal
Z	redakci	editorialOffice
Z	redakt	edit
Z	redukt	reduce
Z	reg	govern
Z	re^g	king
Z	re^gim	regime
Z	regal	entertain
Z	region	region
Z	registr	retister
Z	regn	realm
Z	regul	rule
Z	reklam	advertisement
Z	rekomand	recommend
Z	rekompenc	reward
Z	rekt	straight
Z	rel	rail
Z	relig	religion
Z	rem	row
Z	rembur	stuff
Z	ren	kidney
Z	rendevu	rendezvous
Z	renkont	encounter
Z	rent	income
Z	renvers	upset
Z	respekt	respect
Z	respond	answer
Z	respublik	republic
Z	rest	stay
Z	restoraci	restaurant
Z	ret	net
Z	re^umatism	rheumatism
Z	rev	fancy
Z	revoluci	revolution
Z	revu	review
Z	rezerv	reserve
Z	rezign	resign
Z	rezist	resist
Z	rezult	result
Z	ribel	rebel
Z	ri^c	rich
Z	ricev	receive
Z	rid	laugh
Z	rifu^g	refuge
Z	rifuz	refuse
Z	rigard	look
Z	rigi	fasten
Z	rikolt	harvest
Z	rilat	relate
Z	rim	rhyme
Z	rimark	notice
Z	rimed	resources
Z	rimen	strap
Z	ring	ring
Z	rip	rib
Z	ripar	repare
Z	ripet	repeat
Z	ripoz	rest
Z	ripro^c	reproach
Z	risk	risk
Z	risort	spring
Z	ritm	rhythm
Z	river	river
Z	riz	rice
Z	rok	rock
Z	rol	role
Z	roman	novel
Z	romanc	romance
Z	romp	break
Z	rond	circle
Z	ronk	snore
Z	ros	dew
Z	rost	rost
Z	roz	rose
Z	rub	rubbish
Z	ruband	ribbon
Z	ru^g	red
Z	ruin	ruin
Z	rukt	belch
Z	rul	roll
Z	rus	Russian
Z	rust	rust
Z	ruz	cunning
Z	^saf	sheep
Z	^sajn	appear
Z	^sak	chess
Z	^sakal	jackal
Z	^sal	shawl
Z	^sanc	chance
Z	^sancel	shake
Z	^san^g	change
Z	^sar^g	burden
Z	^sat	appreciate
Z	^sa^um	foam
Z	^sel	shell
Z	^selk	suspenders
Z	^serc	joke
Z	^si	she
Z	^sild	shield
Z	^siling	shilling
Z	^sim	mould
Z	^sink	ham
Z	^sip	ship
Z	^sir	tear
Z	^sirm	shelter
Z	^slim	slime
Z	^slos	lock
Z	^smac	smack
Z	^smir	smear
Z	^snur	rope
Z	^sose	highway
Z	^sov	shove
Z	^sovel	shovel
Z	^spar	spare
Z	^spin	spin
Z	^spruc	gush
Z	^srank	cupboard
Z	^sra^ub	screw
Z	^stal	steel
Z	^stat	state
Z	^stel	steal
Z	^stip	block
Z	^stof	material
Z	^ston	stone
Z	^stop	plug
Z	^strump	stocking
Z	^stup	step
Z	^su	shoe
Z	^suld	owe
Z	^sultr	shoulder
Z	^sut	pour
Z	^sveb	hover
Z	^svel	swell
Z	^svit	sweat
Z	sabat	Saturday
Z	sabi	sand
Z	sag	arrow
Z	sa^g	wise
Z	sak	sack
Z	sal	salt
Z	salajr	salary
Z	salat	salad
Z	sald	settle
Z	salik	willow
Z	salm	salmon
Z	salon	sittingRoom
Z	salt	jump
Z	salut	salute
Z	saluton	hi
Z	sam	same
Z	san	healthy
Z	sang	blood
Z	sankt	sacred
Z	sap	soap
Z	sardin	sardine
Z	sark	weed
Z	sat	satisfied
Z	sa^uc	sauce
Z	sav	save
Z	scen	scene
Z	sci	know
Z	scienc	science
Z	sciur	squirrel
Z	se	if
Z	sed	but
Z	seg	saw
Z	se^g	chair
Z	sek	dry
Z	sekal	rye
Z	sekc	dissect
Z	sekci	section
Z	sekret	secret
Z	sekretari	secretary
Z	seks	sex
Z	sekund	second
Z	sekur	safe
Z	sekv	follow
Z	sel	saddle
Z	sem	sow
Z	semajn	week
Z	sen	without
Z	senc	sense
Z	send	send
Z	sent	feel
Z	sep	seven
Z	septembr	September
Z	ser^c	search
Z	ser^gent	sergeant
Z	seri	series
Z	serioz	serious
Z	serpent	snake
Z	seruv	lock
Z	serv	serve
Z	ses	six
Z	sezon	season
Z	si	self
Z	sibl	hiss
Z	sid	sit
Z	sie^g	besiege
Z	sigel	seal
Z	sign	sign
Z	signal	signal
Z	signif	signify
Z	silab	syllable
Z	silent	silent
Z	silk	silk
Z	simbol	symbol
Z	simi	monkey
Z	simil	similar
Z	simpati	sympathy
Z	simpl	simpl
Z;	sin	bosom
Z	sincer	sincere
Z	sindikat	syndicate
Z	sinjor	M.
Z	sirop	syrup
Z	sistem	system
Z	sitel	bucket
Z	situaci	situation
Z	skal	scale
Z	skandal	scandal
Z	skapol	shoulderBlade
Z	skatol	box
Z	skelet	skeleton
Z	skiz	sketch
Z	sklav	slave
Z	skolt	scout
Z	skrap	scrape
Z	skrib	write
Z	sku	shake
Z	skulpt	sculpture
Z	smerald	emarald
Z	sobr	sober
Z	soci	society
Z	sociolog	sociologist
Z	sof	sofa
Z	soif	thirst
Z	sojl	sill
Z	sol	alone
Z	soldat	soldier
Z	solen	solemn
Z	solid	solid
Z	solv	dissolve
Z	somer	summer
Z	son	sound
Z	son^g	dream
Z	sonor	ring
Z	sopir	yearn
Z	sopran	soprano
Z	sorb	absorb
Z	sor^c	bewitch
Z	sort	fate
Z	sova^g	savage
Z	spac	space
Z	spec	species
Z	special	special
Z	specimen	specimen
Z	spegul	mirror
Z	spert	experienced
Z	spez	moneyTurnover
Z	spic	spice
Z	spin	spine
Z	spinac	spinach
Z	spion	spy
Z	spir	breath
Z	spirit	spirit
Z	spit	spite
Z	spong	sponge
Z	sport	sport
Z	sprit	witty
Z	spron	spur
Z	sput	spit
Z	stab	staff
Z	staci	station
Z	stal	stable
Z	stamp	stamp
Z	stan	tin
Z	standard	standard
Z	stang	pole
Z	star	stand
Z	starig	establish
Z	stat	condition
Z	statut	statute
Z	stau	statue
Z	steb	stitch
Z	stel	star
Z	sten	shorthand
Z	step	steppe
Z	sterk	manure
Z	stern	spread
Z	stil	style
Z	stok	stock
Z	stomak	stomach
Z	strab	squint
Z	strang	strange
Z	strat	street
Z	strategi	strategy
Z	streb	seek
Z	stre^c	strech
Z	strek	streak
Z	stri	stripe
Z	strik	strike
Z	strof	strophe
Z	struktur	structure
Z	stud	study
Z	student	student
Z	stuk	plaster
Z	stult	stupid
Z	sub	under
Z	subit	sudden
Z	subjekt	subject
Z	subten	support
Z	su^c	suck
Z	sud	south
Z	sufer	suffer
Z	sufi^c	enough
Z	sufok	suffocate
Z	sugest	suggest
Z	suk	juice
Z	sukces	succeed
Z	suker	sugar
Z	sulk	furrow
Z	sum	sum
Z	sun	sun
Z	sup	soup
Z	super	above
Z	supersti^c	superstiotion
Z	supoz	suppose
Z	supr	above
Z	sur	on
Z	surd	deaf
Z	surpriz	surprise
Z	surtut	overcoad
Z	suspekt	suspect
Z	sven	faint
Z	sving	swing
Z	svis	Swiss
Z	tabak	tobacco
Z	tabel	index
Z	tabl	table
Z	tabul	plank
Z	ta^cment	detachment
Z	tag	day
Z	tajlor	tailor
Z	taks	estimate
Z	tali	wiast
Z	tambur	drum
Z	tamen	however
Z	tank	tank
Z	tapet	tapestry
Z	tapi^s	carpet
Z	tas	cup
Z	task	task
Z	ta^ug	suitable
Z	tavol	layer
Z	te	tea
Z	teatr	theatre
Z	ted	bore
Z	teg	overlay
Z	tegment	roof
Z	teknik	technics
Z	teks	weaver
Z	tekst	text
Z	telefon	telephone
Z	telegraf	telegraph
Z	telegram	telegram
Z	teler	plate
Z	teleskop	telescope
Z	televid	television
Z	tem	theme
Z	temp	time
Z	ten	hold
Z	tend	tent
Z	tendenc	tencency
Z	tenis	tennis
Z	tent	tempt
Z	teori	theory
Z	ter	earth
Z	teritori	territory
Z	termin	term
Z	tern	sneeze
Z	terpom	potato
Z	terur	terror
Z	testament	will
Z	testud	tortoise
Z	tigr	tiger
Z	tikl	tickle
Z	tim	fear
Z	tine	moth
Z	tint	tinkle
Z	tio	that
Z	tip	type
Z	tir	pull
Z	tiran	tyrant
Z	titol	title
Z	tiu	thatOne
Z	tol	linen
Z	toler	tolerate
Z	tomat	tomato
Z	tomb	tomb
Z	tond	shear
Z	tondr	thunder
Z	tor^c	torch
Z	tord	twist
Z	torn	turn
Z	tornistr	knapsack
Z	tors	trunk
Z	tort	tart
Z	tost	toast
Z	trab	beam
Z	traduk	translate
Z	traf	strike
Z	trafik	traffic
Z	tragedi	tragedy
Z	trajt	trait
Z	trake	windpipe
Z	trakt	treat
Z	tram	tram
Z	tran^c	cut
Z	tran^ce	trench
Z	trankvil	tranquil
Z	trans	across
Z	tre	very
Z	trem	tremble
Z	tremp	dip
Z	tren	drag
Z	trezor	treasure
Z	tri	three
Z	trik	knit
Z	trink	drink
Z	tritik	wheat
Z	triumf	triumph
Z	tro	too
Z	tromp	decive
Z	tron	throne
Z	trot	trot
Z	trotuar	sidewald
Z	trov	find
Z	tru	hole
Z	trun	turn
Z	trunk	trunk
Z	trup	troop
Z	tub	tube
Z	tuberkuloz	tuberculosis
Z	tuf	tuft
Z	tuj	immediately
Z	tuk	cloth
Z	tun	ton
Z	tur	tower
Z	turd	impose
Z	turism	tourism
Z	turment	torment
Z	tus	cough
Z	tu^s	touch
Z	tut	entire
Z	umbilik	navel
Z	unc	ounce
Z	ung	nail
Z	uniform	uniform
Z	univers	universe
Z	universal	universal
Z	universitat	university
Z	unu	one
Z	uragan	hurricane
Z	urani	uranium
Z	urb	city
Z	ur^g	urge
Z	urin	urine
Z	urs	bear
Z	uson	UnitedStates
Z	uter	uterus
Z	util	useful
Z	uz	use
Z	vad	wade
Z	vafl	waffle
Z	vag	wander
Z	vagon	coach
Z	vak	vacant
Z	vaker	cowboy
Z	vaks	wax
Z	val	valley
Z	valid	valid
Z	valiz	valise
Z	valor	worth
Z	vals	waltz
Z	van	futile
Z	vang	cheek
Z	vant	frivolous
Z	vapor	vapor
Z	var	commodity
Z	varb	enlist
Z	varm	warm
Z	vart	lookAfter
Z	vast	vast
Z	vaz	vase
Z	ve	woe
Z	veget	vegetate
Z	vejn	vein
Z	vek	awaken
Z	vel	sail
Z	velk	fade
Z	velur	velvet
Z	ven	come
Z	vend	sell
Z	vendred	Friday
Z	venen	poison
Z	ven^g	avenge
Z	venk	conquer
Z	vent	wind
Z	ventol	ventilate
Z	ventr	abdomen
Z	ver	true
Z	verand	veranda
Z	verb	verb
Z	verd	green
Z	verg	rod
Z	verk	compose
Z	verm	worm
Z	vers	verse
Z	ver^s	pour
Z	veruk	wart
Z	ve^st	waistcoat
Z	vesp	wasp
Z	vesper	evening
Z	vespert	bat
Z	vest	clothes
Z	vet	bet
Z	veter	weather
Z	veteran	veteran
Z	vetur	ride
Z	vezik	bladder
Z	vi	you
Z	viand	meat
Z	vibr	vibrate
Z	vic	row
Z	vid	see
Z	vidv	widower
Z	vigl	alert
Z	viktim	victim
Z	vil	shaggy
Z	vila^g	village
Z	vin	wine
Z	vinagr	vinegar
Z	vind	wind
Z	vintr	winter
Z	violon	violin
Z	vip	whip
Z	vir	male
Z	virg	virginal
Z	virt	virtue
Z	vi^s	wipe
Z	viski	whiskey
Z	vist	whist
Z	vitamen	vitamin
Z	vitr	glass
Z	viv	live
Z	viz	visa
Z	viza^g	face
Z	vizi	vision
Z	vizit	visit
Z	vo^c	voice
Z	voj	way
Z	voja^g	travel
Z	vok	call
Z	vol	will
Z	volont	willingly
Z	volv	roll
Z	vom	vomit
Z	vort	word
Z	vost	tail
Z	vual	veial
Z	vulp	fox
Z	vund	wound
Z	zebr	zebra
Z	zigzag	zigzag
Z	zingibr	ginger
Z	zink	zinc
Z	zon	belt
Z	zoolog	zoologist
Z	zorg	care
Z	zum	humm
set `sum esp.root`
if test 50904 != $1
echo esp.root: Checksum error. Is: $1, should be: 50904.
echo Extracting esp.pref:
sed 's/^Z//' >esp.pref <<\STUNKYFLUFF
Z;	esperanto prefixes
Z; correletatives
Z	i	some_
Z	ki	what_
Z	^ci	every
Z	ti	suchA_
Z	neni	no_
Z; normal prefixes (very similar to roots)
Z	bo	inLaw_
Z	de	from_
Z	dis	dispersal_
Z	ek	commencement_
Z	eks	ex_
Z	ge	bothSex_
Z	mal	opposite_
Z	mis	mis_
Z	pra	primordiality_
Z	re	again_
set `sum esp.pref`
if test 22633 != $1
echo esp.pref: Checksum error. Is: $1, should be: 22633.
echo Extracting esp.suf:
sed 's/^Z//' >esp.suf <<\STUNKYFLUFF
Z;	esperanto suffixes
Z; for conflicts, grep for '^;<tab>'
Z; grammatical endings.  should only be allowed at very end (except o)
Z	o	_noun
Z	on	_nounObject
Z	oj	_plNoun
Z	ojn	_plNounObj
Z	a	_adj
Z	aj	_plAdj
Z	an	_adjObj
Z	ajn	_plAdjObj
Z	e	_adv
Z	as	_presVerb
Z	is	_pastVerb
Z	os	_futVerb
Z	u	_verbImperitive
Z	us	_politeVerb
Z	i	_infinitive
Z	j	_plural
Z	n	_object
Z; special correlative endings.  should only be allowed with correlative prefix
Z	om	_quantity
Z	el	_manner
Z	es	_personPossesive
Z	al	_reason
Z	am	_time
Z;	u	_person		;conflicts with verb imperitive
Z; normal suffixes.  Should only be allowed before grammatical ending.
Z	a^c	_disparagment
Z	ad	_continued
Z	a^j	_thing
Z;	an	_person		;conflicts with adjective object.
Z	ant	_presPartic
Z	ar	_collection
Z	at	_passivePresPartic
Z	ator	_machinery
Z	^cj	_diminutive
Z	ebl	_ableToBe
Z	ec	_abstractQuality
Z	eg	_augment
Z	ej	_place
Z	em	_tendency
Z	en	_motionTo
Z	end	_passiveObligation
Z	er	_fragment
Z	et	_diminish
Z;	ia	_inhabitant	;conflicts with, e.g., lia
Z	id	_young
Z	ig	_toCause
Z	i^g	_become
Z	il	_effector
Z	in	_feminine
Z	ind	_deserving
Z	ing	_holder
Z	int	_pastPartic
Z	io	_country
Z	ism	_theory
Z	ist	_occupation
Z	it	_passivePastPartic
Z	nj	_diminutive
Z	obl	_multiple
Z;	on	_fraction	;conflicts with noun object
Z	ont	_futPartic
Z	op	_collectiveNumeral
Z	ot	_passiveFutPartic
Z	uj	_container
Z	ul	_person
set `sum esp.suf`
if test 50298 != $1
echo esp.suf: Checksum error. Is: $1, should be: 50298.
echo Extracting esp.nroot:
sed 's/^Z//' >esp.nroot <<\STUNKYFLUFF
set `sum esp.nroot`
if test 91 != $1
echo esp.nroot: Checksum error. Is: $1, should be: 91.
exit 0