[net.sources] Stress test questionnaire 1 part

mlm@cmu-cs-cad.ARPA (Michael Mauldin) (02/07/85)

Hackers!  Test your stress level quickly and painlessly.
use "cc -o stress stress.c" to compile this program.

Michael L. Mauldin (Fuzzy)		Department of Computer Science
Mauldin@CMU-CS-CAD.ARPA			Carnegie-Mellon University
(412) 578-3065				Pittsburgh, PA  15213

-------- cut here ---------------- cut here ---------------- cut here -------
echo 'Start of Stress Test Distribution:'
echo 'x - stress.c'
sed 's/^X//' > stress.c << '/'
X * stress.c: Stress questionaire from Time, June 6, 1983.
X */
X# include <stdio.h>
Xchar *quest[] = {
X  "You eat at least one hot, balanced meal a day",
X  "You get seven to eight hours of sleep at least four nights a week",
X  "You give and receive affection regularly",
X  "You have at least one relative within 50 miles on whom you can rely",
X  "You exercise to the point of perspiration at least twice a week",
X  "You smoke less than half a pack of cigarettes a day",
X  "You take fewer than five alcoholic drinks a week",
X  "You are the appropriate weight for your height",
X  "You have an income adequate to meet basic expenses",
X  "You get strength from your religious beliefs",
X  "You regularly attend club or social activities",
X  "You have a network of friends and acquaintances",
X  "You have one or more friends to confide in about personal matters",
X  "You are in good health (including eyesight, hearing, teeth)",
X  "You are able to speak openly about your feelings when angry or worried",
X  "You have regular conversations with the people you live with\n  about domestic problems (e.g. chores, money and daily living issues)",
X  "You do something for fun at least once a week",
X  "You are able to organize your time effectively",
X  "You drink fewer than three cups of coffee (or tea or cola) a day",
X  "You take quiet time for yourself during the day",
Xmain ()
X{ int score = 0, answer;
X  char **q = quest;
X  printf ("******************************************************\n");
X  printf ("*   Stress test from TIME Magazine, June 6, 1983.    *\n");
X  printf ("*   Answer each question with a number from 1 to 5.  *\n");
X  printf ("*   1 = almost always, 5 = never.                    *\n");
X  printf ("******************************************************\n\n");
X  while (*q)
X  { printf ("%s: ", *q++);
X    scanf ("%d", &answer);
X    while (answer < 1 || answer > 5)
X    { printf ("Please enter a number from 1 (always) to 5 (never): ");
X      scanf ("%d", &answer);
X    }
X    score += answer;
X  }
X  score -= 20;
X  printf ("\nYour stress quotient is %d (range is 0 to 80).\n", score);
X  if      (score <=  0) printf
X    ("People who cheat on stress tests are highly susceptible to stress.\n");
X  else if (score <= 10) printf
X    ("You are probably from California.\n");
X  else if (score <= 30) printf
X    ("You are reasonably well adjusted.\n");
X  else if (score <= 50) printf
X    ("You are vulnerable to stress.\n");
X  else if (score <= 75) printf
X    ("You are seriously vulnerable to stress.\n");
X  else if (score <= 78) printf
X    ("You are extremely vulnerable to stress.\n");
X  else if (score >= 79) printf
X    ("You should buy lots of life insurance soon.\n");
echo 'Stress Test Distribution complete.'