[net.sources] MAKE for the IBM PC

brownc@utah-cs.UUCP (Eric C. Brown) (05/08/85)

# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then
# unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".  (Files
# unpacked will be owned by you and have default permissions.)
# This archive contains:
# lar.c lar.h lwtol.c make.man readme makefile

echo x - lar.c
cat > "lar.c" << '//E*O*F lar.c//'
 * Lar - LAR format library file maintainer
 * by Stephen C. Hemminger
 *	linus!sch	or	sch@Mitre-Bedford
 * Heavily hacked for MS-DOS by Eric C. Brown
 *      utah-cs!brownc	or	brownc@utah-cs
 *  Usage: lar key library [files] ...
 *  Key functions are:
 *	u - Update, add files to library
 *	t - Table of contents
 *	e - Extract files from library
 *      a - extract All files from library
 *	p - Print files in library
 *	d - Delete files in library
 *	r - Reorganize library
 *  Other keys:
 *	v - Verbose
 *  This program is public domain software, no warranty intended or
 *  implied.
 *	Lar is a MS-DOS program to manipulate program libraries.
 *	The primary use of lar is to combine several files together
 *	to reduce disk space used.
 *	Lar maintains the date and time of files in the library, so
 *	that Make can extract the date/time for rebuilding a file.
 *	When files are restored, the file has the original date/time
 *	rather than the date/time when the file was extracted.
 *     The original CP/M library program LU is the product
 *     of Gary P. Novosielski. 
 *     The code is modeled after the Software tools archive program,
 *     and is setup for Version 7 Unix.  It does not make any assumptions
 *     about byte ordering, explict and's and shift's are used.
 *     If you have a dumber C compiler, you may have to recode new features
 *     like structure assignment, typedef's and enumerated types.
 *  * Unix is a trademark of Bell Labs.
 *  ** CP/M is a trademark of Digital Research.
#include "lar.h"

/* Globals */
char   *fname[MAXFILES];
bool ftouched[MAXFILES];

struct ludir ldir[MAXFILES];
int     errcnt, nfiles, nslots;
bool	verbose = false;

char   *getname(), *malloc(), *fgets();
long	fcopy(), lseek(), rlwtol();
int	update(), reorg(), table(), extract(), print(), delete(), getall();

typedef int (*PFI)();

main (argc, argv)
int	argc;
char  **argv;
	register char *flagp;
	char   *aname;			/* name of library file */
	PFI function = (PFI) NULL;	/* function to do on library */
	/* set the function to be performed, but detect conflicts */
#define setfunc(val)	if(function != (PFI) NULL) conflict(); else function = val

	if (argc < 3)
	help ();

	aname = argv[2];
	filenames (argc, argv);

	for(flagp = argv[1]; *flagp; flagp++)
	switch (*flagp) {
		case 'u': 
		case 't': 
		case 'e': 
		case 'a': 
		case 'p': 
		case 'd': 
		case 'r': 
		case 'v':
		    verbose = true;
		    help ();

	if(function == (PFI) NULL) {
	   fputs("No function key letter specified\n", stderr);


/* print error message and exit */
help () {
fputs ("Usage: lar {uteapdr}[v] library [files] ...\n", stderr);
fputs ("Functions are:\n\tu - Update, add files to library\n", stderr);
fputs ("\tt - Table of contents\n", stderr);
fputs ("\te - Extract files from library\n", stderr);
fputs ("\ta - extract All files from library\n", stderr);
fputs ("\tp - Print files in library\n", stderr);
fputs ("\td - Delete files in library\n", stderr);
fputs ("\tr - Reorganize library\n", stderr);

fputs ("Flags are:\n\tv - Verbose\n", stderr);
exit (1);

conflict() {
fputs ("Conficting keys\n", stderr);

 * This ltoa doesn't call in the floating point library:
 *   CI C86 does an sprintf!
ltoa(val, buf)
long val;
register char *buf;
	register int i;
	int j;
	char tbuf[20];

	if (val == 0) {
		buf[0] = '0';
		buf[1] = '\0';

	i = 19;
	while (val != 0) {
		tbuf[i--] = (val % 10) + '0';
		val /= 10;

	for (j = 0; i <= 19; i++, j++)
		buf[j] = tbuf[i];

	buf[j] = '\0';

/* Get file names, check for dups, and initialize */
filenames (ac, av)
int ac;
char  **av;
	register int i, j=0;
	int k, loop;
	struct ffblk ff;
	bool iswild();

	errcnt = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < ac - 3; i++) {
	    if (iswild(av[i + 3])) {
	        k = findfirst(av[i + 3], &ff, 0);
		while (k == 0) {
	            fname[j] = malloc(strlen(ff.ff_name)+1);
	            if (fname[j] == NULL)
                        error("Out of core..");
		    strcpy(fname[j], ff.ff_name);
		    for (loop = 0; ff.ff_name[loop] != 0; loop++)
		        fname[j][loop] = tolower(ff.ff_name[loop]);
	            ftouched[j] = false;
	            if (j == MAXFILES)
	                error ("Too many file names.");
	            k = findnext(&ff);
	        }				/* while */
	    }				/* if-then */
	    else {		/* not a wildcard */
	        fname[j] = av[i+3];
	        ftouched[j] = false;
	        if (j == MAXFILES)
	            error ("Too many file names.");
	    }				/* else */
	}					/* for */

bool iswild(str)
register char *str;
	while (*str != '\0') {
            if (*str == '*' || *str == '?')
                return true;
            else str++;
	return false;

register int i;
	register int j;

	fname[i] = NULL;
	nfiles = i;
	for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
            for (j = i + 1; j < nfiles; j++)
	        if (equal (fname[i], fname[j])) {
	            fputs (fname[i], stderr);
	            error (": duplicate file name");

table (lib)
char   *lib;
	fildesc lfd;
	register int i;
	register struct ludir *lptr;
	long total, offset, size;
	int active = 0, unused = 0, deleted = 0, k;
	char *uname, buf[20];

	if ((lfd = _open (lib, O_RDWR)) == ERROR)
	    cant (lib);

	getdir (lfd);
	total = lwtol(ldir[0].l_len);
	if (verbose) {
	    puts("Name             Index          Length");
	   fputs("Directory                       ", stdout);
	    ltoa(total, buf);

	for (i = 1, lptr = &ldir[1]; i < nslots; i++,lptr++)
	    switch(lptr->l_stat) {
		case ACTIVE:
 		    uname = getname(lptr->l_name, lptr->l_ext);
	            if (filarg (uname))
            		if(verbose) {
		            offset = lwtol(lptr->l_off);
                	    size = lwtol(lptr->l_len);
			    fputs(uname, stdout);
			    for (k = 1; k < 18 - strlen(uname); k++)
			       fputc(' ', stdout);
			    ltoa(offset, buf);
			    fputs(buf, stdout);
			    for (k = 1; k < 16 - strlen(buf); k++)
			       fputc(' ', stdout);
			    ltoa(size, buf);
			    puts(buf, stdout);
		    total += lwtol(lptr->l_len);
	case UNUSED:
	if(verbose) {
	    fputs("Total bytes      ", stdout);
	    ltoa(total, buf);
	    fputs("\nLibrary ", stdout);
	    fputs(lib, stdout);
	    fputs(" has ", stdout);
	    itoa(nslots, buf);
	    fputs(buf, stdout);
	    fputs(" slots, ", stdout);
	    itoa(deleted, buf);
	    fputs(buf, stdout);
	    fputs(" deleted ", stdout);
	    itoa(active, buf);
	    fputs(buf, stdout);
	    fputs(" active, ", stdout);
	    itoa(unused, buf);
	    fputs(buf, stdout);
	    puts(" unused");

    VOID _close (lfd);
    not_found ();

putdir (f)
fildesc f;

    lseek(f, 0L, 0);		/* rewind f */
    if (_write (f, (char *) ldir, DSIZE * nslots) != nslots * DSIZE)
	error ("Can't write directory - library may be botched");

initdir (f)
fildesc f;
    register int    i;
    long    numbytes;
    char    line[80];
    static struct ludir blankentry = {
	{ ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' },
	{ ' ', ' ', ' ' },
    static struct ludir nameentry = {
	{ 'l', 'a', 'r', 'f', 'o', 'r', 'm', 't' },
	{ 'a', 'r', 'c' },

    for (;;) {
	fputs ("Number of slots to allocate (1-255): ", stdout);
	if (fgets (line, 80, stdin) == NULL)
	    error ("Eof when reading input");
	nslots = atoi (line);
	if (nslots < 1)
	    puts ("Must have at least one!");
	else if (nslots > MAXFILES)
	    puts ("Too many slots");

    numbytes = nslots * DSIZE;

    for (i = 1; i < nslots; i++)
	ldir[i] = blankentry;
    ldir[0] = nameentry;
    ltolw (ldir[0].l_len, numbytes);
    ltolw (ldir[0].l_datetime, -1L);	/* make funny date field */

    putdir (f);

putname (cpmname, unixname)
char   *cpmname, *unixname;
    register char  *p1, *p2;

    for (p1 = unixname, p2 = cpmname; *p1; p1++, p2++) {
	while (*p1 == '.') {
	    p2 = cpmname + 8;
	if (p2 - cpmname < 11)
	    *p2 = islower(*p1) ? toupper(*p1) : *p1;
	else {
	    fputs (unixname, stderr);
	    fputs (": name truncated\n", stderr);
    while (p2 - cpmname < 11)
	*p2++ = ' ';

/* filarg - check if name matches argument list */
filarg (name)
char   *name;
    register int    i;

    if (nfiles <= 0)
	return 1;

    for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
	if (equal (name, fname[i])) {
	    ftouched[i] = true;
	    return 1;

    return 0;

not_found () {
    register int    i;

    for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
	if (!ftouched[i]) {
	    fputs(fname[i], stderr);
	    fputs(": not in library.\n", stderr);

char *name;
	getfiles(name, false);

char *name;
	getfiles(name, true);

getall (libname)
char   *libname;
    fildesc lfd, ofd;
    register int    i;
    register struct ludir *lptr;
    union timer timeunion;
    extern int errno;
    char   *unixname;

    if ((lfd = _open (libname, O_RDWR)) == ERROR)
	cant (libname);

    getdir (lfd);

    for (i = 1, lptr = &ldir[1]; i < nslots; i++, lptr++) {
	if(lptr->l_stat != ACTIVE)
	unixname = getname (lptr->l_name, lptr->l_ext);
	fputs(unixname, stderr);
	ofd = _creat(unixname, 0);
	if (ofd == ERROR) {
	    fputs ("  - can't create", stderr);
	else {
	    VOID lseek (lfd, (long) lwtol (lptr->l_off), 0);
	    acopy (lfd, ofd, lwtol (lptr->l_len));
	    timeunion.realtime = lwtol(lptr->l_datetime);
            VOID setftime(ofd, &(timeunion.ftimep));
	    VOID _close (ofd);
	putc('\n', stderr);
    VOID _close (lfd);
    not_found ();

getfiles (name, pflag)
char   *name;
bool	pflag;
    fildesc lfd, ofd;
    register int    i;
    register struct ludir *lptr;
    union timer timeunion;
    extern int errno;
    char   *unixname;

    if ((lfd = _open (name, O_RDWR)) == ERROR)
	cant (name);

    ofd = pflag ? fileno(stdout) : ERROR;
    getdir (lfd);

    for (i = 1, lptr = &ldir[1]; i < nslots; i++, lptr++) {
	if(lptr->l_stat != ACTIVE)
	unixname = getname (lptr->l_name, lptr->l_ext);
	if (!filarg (unixname))
	fputs(unixname, stderr);
	if (ofd != fileno(stdout))
	    ofd = _creat(unixname, 0);
	if (ofd == ERROR) {
	    fputs ("  - can't create", stderr);
	else {
	    VOID lseek (lfd, (long) lwtol (lptr->l_off), 0);
	    acopy (lfd, ofd, lwtol (lptr->l_len));
	    timeunion.realtime = lwtol(lptr->l_datetime);
	    if (ofd != fileno(stdout)) {
                VOID setftime(ofd, &(timeunion.ftimep));
		VOID _close (ofd);
	putc('\n', stderr);
    VOID _close (lfd);
    not_found ();

acopy (fdi, fdo, nbytes)		/* copy nbytes from fdi to fdo */
fildesc fdi, fdo;
long nbytes;
    register int btr, retval;
    char blockbuf[BLOCK];
    for (btr = (nbytes > BLOCK) ? BLOCK : (int) nbytes; btr > 0; 
    	 nbytes -= BLOCK, btr = (nbytes > BLOCK) ? BLOCK : (int) nbytes)  {
        if ((retval = _read(fdi, blockbuf, btr)) != btr) {
	    if( retval == 0 ) {
		error("Premature EOF\n");
	     if( retval == ERROR)
	        error ("Can't read");
	if ((retval = _write(fdo, blockbuf, btr)) != btr) {
	     if( retval == ERROR )
	        error ("Write Error");

update (name)
char   *name;
    fildesc lfd;
    register int    i;

    if ((lfd = _open(name, O_RDWR)) == ERROR) {
	if ((lfd = _creat (name, 0)) == ERROR) {
	    cant (name);
	    initdir (lfd);
	getdir (lfd);		/* read old directory */

	    fputs ("Updating files:\n", stderr);
    for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
	addfil (fname[i], lfd);
    if (errcnt == 0)
	putdir (lfd);
	fputs("fatal errors - library not changed\n", stderr);
    VOID _close (lfd);

addfil (name, lfd)
char   *name;
fildesc lfd;
    fildesc ifd;
    register int i;
    register struct ludir *lptr;
    long byteoffs, numbytes;
    union timer timeunion;

    if ((ifd = _open(name, O_RDWR)) == ERROR) {
        fputs("LAR: can't find ", stderr);
	fputs(name, stderr);
	fputs(" to add\n", stderr);
    if(verbose) {
	fputs(name, stderr);
	fputs("\n", stderr);
    for (i = 1, lptr = ldir+1; i < nslots; i++, lptr++) {
	if (equal( getname (lptr->l_name, lptr->l_ext), name) ) /* update */
	if (lptr->l_stat != ACTIVE)
    if (i >= nslots) {
	fputs(name, stderr);
	fputs(": can't add library is full\n",stderr);

    lptr->l_stat = ACTIVE;
    putname (lptr->l_name, name);
    byteoffs = lseek(lfd, 0L, 2);	/* append to end; return byte offset */

    ltolw (lptr->l_off, byteoffs);
    numbytes = fcopy (ifd, lfd);
    ltolw (lptr->l_len, numbytes);
    getftime(ifd, &(timeunion.ftimep));
    ltolw (lptr->l_datetime, timeunion.realtime);
    VOID _close (ifd);

long fcopy (ifd, ofd)		/*  copy file ifd (file) to ofd (library) */
fildesc ifd, ofd;
    long total = 0L;
    register int n;
    char blockbuf[BLOCK];

    while ( (n = _read(ifd, blockbuf, BLOCK)) > 0) {
	if (_write(ofd, blockbuf, n) != n)
		error("write error");
	total += (long) n;
    return total;

delete (lname)
char   *lname;
    fildesc f;
    register int    i;
    register struct ludir *lptr;

    if ((f = _open(lname, O_RDWR)) == ERROR)
	cant (lname);

    if (nfiles <= 0)
	error("delete by name only");

    getdir (f);
    for (i = 0, lptr = ldir; i < nslots; i++, lptr++) {
	if (!filarg ( getname (lptr->l_name, lptr->l_ext)))
	lptr->l_stat = DELETED;

    if (errcnt > 0)
	fputs ("errors - library not updated\n", stderr);
	putdir (f);
    VOID _close (f);

reorg (name)
char  *name;
    fildesc olib, nlib;
    int oldsize, k;
    register struct ludir *optr;
    register int i, j;
    struct ludir odir[MAXFILES], *nptr;
    char tmpname[80], buf[10];
    char *mktemp();

    strcpy(tmpname, mktemp("libXXXXXX"));

    if( (olib = _open(name, O_RDWR)) == ERROR)

    if( (nlib = _creat(tmpname, 0)) == ERROR)

    fputs("Old library has ", stdout);
    itoa(oldsize = nslots, buf);
    fputs(buf, stdout);
    puts(" slots.");
/* copy ldir into odir */
    for(i = 0, optr = ldir, nptr = odir ; i < nslots ; i++, optr++, nptr++)
	movmem((char *) optr, (char *) nptr, sizeof(struct ludir));
/* reinit ldir */
    errcnt = 0;

/* copy odir's files into ldir */
    for (i = j = 1, optr = odir+1; i < oldsize; i++, optr++) {
	if( optr->l_stat == ACTIVE ) {
	    if(verbose) {
	        fputs("Copying: ", stderr);
		for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) 
		    fputc(optr->l_name[k], stderr);
		fputc('.', stderr);
		for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
		    fputc(optr->l_ext[k], stderr);
		fputc('\n', stderr);
	    copyentry( optr, olib,  &ldir[j], nlib);
	    if (++j >= nslots) {
		fputs("Not enough room in new library\n", stderr);

    VOID _close(olib);
    VOID _close (nlib);

    if(errcnt == 0) {
	if (unlink(name) < 0 || rename(tmpname, name) < 0) {
	fputs("Errors, library not updated\n", stderr);
    VOID unlink(tmpname);

copyentry( old, of, new, nf )
struct ludir *old, *new;
fildesc of, nf;
    long byteoffs, numbytes;
    register int btr;
    char blockbuf[BLOCK];
    new->l_stat = ACTIVE;
    movmem(old->l_name, new->l_name, 8);		/* copy name */
    movmem(old->l_ext, new->l_ext, 3);			/* copy extension */
    numbytes = lwtol(old->l_datetime);			/* copy date & time */
    ltolw(new->l_datetime, numbytes);
    VOID lseek(of, (long) lwtol(old->l_off), 0);
    byteoffs = lseek(nf, 0L, 2);	/* append to end; return new pos. */

    ltolw (new->l_off, byteoffs);
    numbytes = lwtol(old->l_len);
    ltolw (new->l_len, numbytes);

    for (btr = (numbytes > BLOCK) ? BLOCK : (int) numbytes; btr > 0; 
    	 numbytes -= BLOCK, btr = (numbytes > BLOCK) ? BLOCK : (int) numbytes
        )  {
        if (_read(of, blockbuf, btr) != btr) {
	    error ("Read Error in CopyEntry");
	if (_write(nf, blockbuf, btr) != btr) {
	    error ("Write Error in CopyEntry");
//E*O*F lar.c//

echo x - lar.h
cat > "lar.h" << '//E*O*F lar.h//'
/* LAR Version 2.0 */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <findfirs.h>
#include <bdos.h>

#define ACTIVE	00
#define UNUSED	0xff
#define DELETED 0xfe

#define MAXFILES 256
#define BLOCK	8192
#define DSIZE	( sizeof(struct ludir) )

#define equal(s1, s2) ( strcmp(s1,s2) == 0 )
/* if you don't have void type just define as blank */
#define VOID	(void)

#define false 0
#define true (char) 0xff
typedef unsigned char bool;
typedef unsigned char byte;

typedef struct {
	byte	hibyte;
	byte	mbyte2;
	byte	mbyte1;
	byte	lobyte;
} lword;

typedef struct {
	byte	hibyte;
	byte	lobyte;
} word;

/* convert word to int */
#define wtoi(w) ((w.hibyte<<8) + w.lobyte)

/* convert int to word */
#define itow(dst, src) (dst.hibyte = ((src & 0xff00) >> 8), dst.lobyte = (src & 0x00ff))

/* convert lword to long */
/* works, but is much slower than stupid assembler routine
#define lwtol(lw) ( ((long) lw.hibyte<<24) + ((long) lw.mbyte2<<16) + ((long) lw.mbyte1<<8) + (long) lw.lobyte)

/* cheap hack */
long rlwtol();
#define lwtol(lw) rlwtol(&lw)

#define ltolw(dst, src) dst.hibyte = ((src & 0xff000000L) >> 24);\
                dst.mbyte2 = ((src & 0x00ff0000L) >> 16);\
                dst.mbyte1 = ((src & 0x0000ff00L) >> 8);\
                dst.lobyte = (src & 0x000000ffL);

union timer {
    struct ftime ftimep;
    long realtime;

typedef int fildesc;

struct ludir {			/* Internal library ldir structure */
	byte    l_stat;		/*  status of file */
	byte    l_name[8];      /*  name */
	byte    l_ext[3];       /*  extension */
	lword   l_off;		/*  offset in library */
	lword   l_len;		/*  length of file */
	lword	l_datetime;	/*  date and time of file. */
	byte    l_attrib;	/* attributes of file */
	byte	l_startvol;	/* starting disk number */
	byte	l_endvol;	/* ending volume number */
	word	l_cksum;	/* crc checksum */
	char    l_fill[3];	/*  pad to 32 bytes */

#define ERROR -1
//E*O*F lar.h//

echo x - lwtol.c
cat > "lwtol.c" << '//E*O*F lwtol.c//'
#include "lar.h"
/* cheap hack */

long rlwtol(lwa)
register lword *lwa;
	asm	mov	dh, [lwa]		/* hibyte */
	asm	mov	dl, [lwa+1]		/* mbyte1 */
	asm	mov	ah, [lwa+2]		/* mbyte2 */
	asm	mov	al, [lwa+3]		/* lobyte */
//E*O*F lwtol.c//

echo x - make.man
cat > "make.man" << '//E*O*F make.man//'
MAKE(I)				3/10/84					MAKE(I)

	MAKE - maintain multiple source files (VAX/VMS and MSDOS 2.0)

	MAKE [-N] [-A] [-D] [-I] [-K] [-F makefile] [name ...]

	MAKE is a utility inspired by the Unix(tm) command of the same
	name.  MAKE helps maintain programs that are constructed from
	many files.  MAKE processes a "makefile", a file which describes
	how to build a program from its source files, and produces a
	script file containing the commands necessary to recompile the

	Be careful: this MAKE is NOT compatible with Unix(tm) MAKE!

	The 'N' option causes MAKE to print out the steps it would follow
	in order to rebuild the program.  The 'A' option tells MAKE to
	assume that all files are obsolete, and that everything should be
	recompiled.  The 'I' option tells MAKE to ignore any error statuses
	returned when MAKE executes a program.  The 'K' option tells MAKE
	to continue compiling anything that does not depend on an entry
	that had an error during the compilation.  The 'F' option, followed
	by a filename, can be used to specify a makefile other than the
	default one.

	If no names are specified in the commandline, the first dependency
	in the makefile is examined.  Otherwise, the specified root names
	are brought up to date.

	The default makefiles are:



	If the first makefile cannot be found, MAKE attempts to use the
	next one.  If no makefile is ever found, MAKE prints a diagnostic
	and aborts.

	Comments begin with '#' and extend to the end of the line.  A
	'#' (or almost any other character) may be escaped with the escape
	character (backslash (\) on VMS, backquote (`) on MSDOS).  An escape
	character may be typed by doubling it (\\ or ``).  The standard
	Unix escape codes are recognized (\n, \r, \t, \b, \f, `n, `r, `t,
	`b and `f).

	A makefile is a list of dependencies and library definitions.  A 
	dependency consists of a root name, a colon, and zero or more names
	of dependent files.  (The colon MUST be preceeded by whitespace.)
	For instance, in:

		make.exe : make.obj parsedir.obj file.obj macro.obj mk.h

	the file 'make.exe' depends on five other files.  A library definition 
	consists of a root name, a vertical bar (|), and zero or more names of
	library entry points.  (The vertical bar MUST be preceded by 
	whitespace.)  For instance, in:

		ibm.lib | ibmtext ibmsound ibmkeys ibmser ibm_com

	the file 'ibm.lib' has five entry points.  Library definitions are
	useful for updating libraries without maintaining copies of the object
	files for the source files.  The library entry points have the same
	date and time as the library itself, and so if the entry depend on the
	proper source files, all modified source files will be recompiled
	whenever necessary.

	A dependent file may be a member of an ARCHIVE.  An ARCHIVE is a
        collection of files with date and time stamps.  An example of an
        archive definition is:
	make.obj : make.lar ( make.c make.h )
	In this definition, make.c and make.h are members of the archive
        make.lar.  If make.obj must be rebuilt and either make.c or make.h
        is not found in the current directory, they will be copied out of
        the archive, compiled, and deleted at the end of the make session.
	Archive definitions are meaningless in a library definition, and so
        should not be used.	

	A root name with an empty dependency, as in:

		print :

	is assumed NEVER up to date, and will always be recompiled.

	The dependency list or library definition may be continued on
	successive lines:

		bigfile.exe : one.obj two.obj three.obj four.obj
		five.obj six.obj gronk.obj freeple.obj scuzzy.lnk
		frog.txt greeble.out


		msdos.lib | alloc char_io disk_io file_io exec filesize
		freedisk freemem insert mouse port_io randg syscall 
		sysclock sysint textsf timer ttime ucsd ucsdhelp unix

	Any number of 'method' lines may follow a dependency.  Method lines
	begin with an ascii tab.  When a file is to be rebuilt, MAKE
	executes these method lines (minus the tab).  
	For example, in:

		make.exe : make.obj parsedir.obj file.obj macro.obj mk.h
			$link make, parsedir, file, macro
			$write sys$output "Just another version of MAKE ..."

	the three lines following the dependency make up the method for
	recompiling (or in this case, re-linking) the file 'make.exe'.

	Library definitions may have method lines.  These methods will 
	*always* be executed, since the entry points have the same date
	as the library.

	If the macro "~INIT" is defined, its text will be executed first. 
	If the macro "~DEINIT" is defined, its text will be executed last.
	By defining these two macros, it is possible to configure the shell 

		~INIT = $set term/nowrap\n$on error then goto err_handler
		~DEINIT = $set term/wrap\n$exit\$err_handler:\n
		~DEINIT = #(~DEINIT)$type err.log\n$exit

	will be executed as:

		$set term/nowrap
		$on error then goto err_handler
		$set term/wrap
		$type err.log

	When a root's method is defined, the value of the macro "~BEFORE"
	is prefixed to the method, and the value of the macro "~AFTER" is
	appended to it.

	Frequently one wants to maintain more than one program with a single
	makefile.  In this case, a "master dependency" can appear first in
	the file:

		allOfMyToolsAndHorribleHacks : cat peek poke.exe grunge
		cat : cat.exe
		cat.exe : ....
			(stuff for CAT.EXE)
		peek : peek.exe
		peek.exe : (stuff for PEEK.EXE)
		poke.exe : (stuff for POKE.EXE)
		grunge : grunge.com
		grunge.com : (stuff for grung)

	In other words, make will bring everything up to date that is somehow
	connected to the first dependency (its assumed that the incredibly
	lengthy filename specified in this example won't actually exist).

	A macro is defined by a line of the form (the '=' MUST be surrounded
	by whitespace):

		<macro-name> = <macro-body>

	A macro may be deleted by assigning an empty value to it.  Macros
	may be redefined, but old definitions stay around.  If a macro is
	redefined, and the redefinition is later deleted, the first definition
	will take effect:

		MAC = first			! MAC = "first"
		MAC = second			! MAC = "second"
		MAC = #(MAC) third		! MAC = "second third"
		MAC =				! MAC = "second"
		MAC =				! MAC = "first"
		MAC =				! MAC has no definition

	A macro may be referenced in two ways:

			#<char>	  or	#(macro-name)

	The first way only works if the macro's name is a single character.
	If the macro's name is longer than one character, it must be
	enclosed in parenthesis.  ['#' may be escaped by doubling it ("##".)]
	For example, in:

		G = mk.h mk1.h
		OBJS = make.obj file.obj parsedir.obj macro.obj
		BOTH = #(OBJS) #G
		make.exe : #(OBJS) #G
		make.exe : #(BOTH)
		make.exe : mk.h mk1.h make.obj file.obj parsedir.obj macro.obj
			$write sys$output "This is a number sign --> ##"

	after macro expansion, the three dependencies will appear identical
	and the two '#'s in the last line will turn into one '#'.

	They are NOT the same.  Do not expect Unix makefiles to work with
	this MAKE, even if you change the pathnames.  There are some major
	differences between this version and the standard Unix(tm) MAKE:

	1. The Unix(tm) comment character is '#', VAX/VMS's is '!'.

	2. The Unix(tm) macro-expansion character is '$'.  While this would
	   have been easy to leave the same, the '$' character is used so
	   often in VAX/VMS command-lines that I thought it best to change
	   it to '#'.

	3. Multiple root names are not allowed.  Unix(tm) MAKE accepts lines
	   of the form:

		name1 name2 : depend1 depend2

	   but this one doesn't.

	4. There is no equivalent of double-colon ("::".)

	5. There is no equivalent of .SUFFIXES, or the corresponding special

	! Landon Dyer
	H = make.h
	FILES = #H, make.c, macro.c, token.c, parsedir.c, file.c
	DOCUMENTATION = distr.mem make.man makefile. make.com
	make.exe : make.obj macro.obj token.obj parsedir.obj file.obj
		$link make.obj, macro, token, parsedir, file
	make.obj : make.c #H
		$cc make.c
	macro.obj : macro.c #H
		$cc macro
	token.obj : token.c #H
		$cc token
	parsedir.obj : parsedir.c #H
		$cc parsedir
	file.obj : file.c
		$cc file
	! Print files associated with MAKE
	print :
		$print make.man, #(FILES), make.com, makefile.
	! Type out source to MAKE
	type :
		$type #(FILES), make.com, makefile.
	! Make backup of source files.
	BACKUP = [.bak]
	backup :
		$copy #(FILES) #(BACKUP)
		$copy make.man, make.com, makefile. #(BACKUP)
	! Collect MAKE into a distribution file.
	collect :
		$collect collect distr.mem make.man makefile make.com make.h -
			make.c macro.c token.c parsedir.c file.c

	175 Calvert Dr. #F-211		BASHFL::DYER (Atari Coinop)
	Cupertino, CA 95014

	Eric C. Brown			brownc@utah-cs.arpa
	1302 Austin Hall		...!harpo!utah-cs!brownc
	University of Utah, SLC, UT 84112
 //E*O*F make.man//

echo x - readme
cat > "readme" << '//E*O*F readme//'

Last month I wrote a version of the Unix(tm) utility MAKE.  It runs under
VAX/VMS and MSDOS 2.0.  I am placing it in the public domain, and it is yours
for the asking.  You may copy it, or give it away.  You can make any changes
you like to it.  All I ask is that you DO NOT TRY TO SELL IT.

Anyway, there is now a MAKE for MSDOS.  It is free, and it works pretty well.
I'm giving it away because it might do the world some good.  Who knows?

Caveat: this version of MAKE is NOT compatible with the Unix(tm) version.
Some differences are explained in the documentation.  Most of the problem stems
from the fact that I've never had a chance to use the original version of MAKE,
and the documentation I've seen on it has been poor.  My idea of what a make
program should do is almost certainly different from what you Unix(tm) hackers
are used to.  Well, hell -- the software is worth what you paid for it.  Have

In order to get MAKE running on your system, you need to:

	1.  Read the documentation file MAKE.MAN.  (Yes, read the

	2.  Edit the file MAKE.H to represent your system (VAX/VMS or
	    MSDOS 2.0.)

	3.  Recompile the source code by following the script file
	    CMAKE.COM (for VAX/VMS) or CMAKE.BAT (for MSDOS 2.0.)

	    VAX/VMS requires the DEC C compiler; MSDOS 2.0 requires
	    Lattice C (or another C compiler of comparable quality)
	    and the Macro Assembler.

	4.  Test out MAKE by running it on itself.  (Make a backup

			Good luck,

			Landon Dyer (G.DYER @ SU-SCORE)

 //E*O*F readme//

echo x - makefile
cat > "makefile" << '//E*O*F makefile//'
# MSDOS Make utility
# (compile with Wizard C version 2.0)

CLIB = c:\wcc\clib.lib
COBJ = c:\wcc\c0.obj
H = make.h

FILES = $H make.c macro.c token.c parsedir.c file.c osdate.c execute.c
OBJS = make.obj macro.obj token.obj parsedir.obj file.obj osdate.obj getdir.obj lwtol.obj execute.obj
ONAME = make+macro+token+parsedir+file+osdate+getdir+lwtol+execute
DOCUMENTATION = readme make.man makefile

make : makemake.exe

lar : lar.exe

makemake.exe : $(OBJS) $(COBJ) $(CLIB)
	link $(COBJ)+$(ONAME),makemake,make/map,$(CLIB)

make.obj : make.lar ( make.c $H )
	cc -c make.c

macro.obj : make.lar ( macro.c $H ) 
	cc -c macro.c

token.obj : make.lar ( token.c $H )
	cc -c token.c

parsedir.obj : make.lar ( parsedir.c $H )
	cc -c parsedir.c

file.obj : make.lar ( file.c $H )
	cc -c file.c

execute.obj : make.lar ( execute.c $H )
	cc -c execute.c

osdate.obj : make.lar ( osdate.c $H ) lar.lar ( lar.h )
	cc -c osdate.c

#	Makefile for lar.

lar.exe : lwtol.obj getdir.obj lar.obj $(COBJ) $(CLIB)
	link $(COBJ)+lar+lwtol+getdir,lar,lar/map,$(CLIB)

lar.obj : lar.lar ( lar.c lar.h )
	cc -c lar.c

# Files shared by lar and make.

getdir.obj : lar.lar ( getdir.c lar.h )
	cc -c getdir.c

lwtol.obj : lar.lar ( lwtol.c lar.h )
	cc -A -c lwtol.c

# Print files associated with MAKE

print :
	print make.man $(FILES) makefile

# collect source and documentation files

collect :
	lar uv make.lar $(FILES) $(DOCUMENTATION)
	lar uv lar.lar lar.c lar.h lwtol.c getdir.c
	lar rv make.lar
	lar rv lar.lar

# copy to distribution disk (on A:)
distribution :
	copy readme a:
	copy make.man a:
	copy makefile a:
	copy make.c a:
	copy macro.c a:
	copy token.c a:
	copy parsedir.c a:
	copy file.c a:
	copy osdate.c a:
	copy execute.c a:
	copy lar.h a:
	copy lar.c a:
	copy getdir.c a:
	copy lwtol.c a:
	copy makemake.exe a:
  //E*O*F makefile//

exit 0