[net.sources] shell for MS-DOS

doug@umich.UUCP (Douglas Orr) (08/04/85)

Here is the first part of the Unix-like shell for ms-dos.  This
is just the readme file, which I am posting to both net.sources and
net.micro.pc.  I will be posting the other two files to net.sources only.

Let me know if you find any problems, or have any suggestions for
improvements (or if I have screwed up the posting ... it's happened before).

We don't have much in the way of arpa access around here, so if someone
would like to send this stuff out on the arpa net, feel free.


	{ihnp4,mb2c,pur-ee}!umich!textset!doug  (preferred)

#	This is a shell archive.
#	Remove everything above and including the cut line.
#	Then run the rest of the file through sh.
-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----
# shar:	Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	readme
# This archive created: Sun Aug  4 14:04:18 1985
cat << \SHAR_EOF > readme

Ann Arbor, Michigan
August 3, 1985

The following describes some of the features of the Unix(tm) like shell
for DOS that I have written.  It is intended as a productivity aid, not
an exact duplicate of either the C or Bourne shells.  There are some
features taken from both.  Minor details may vary.  Compatibility flames 
should be routed to /dev/null.

To get started:

The program was written using the Microsoft C compiler.  Most of the code
should be fairly portable (which is easy to say, since I haven't tried to
port any of it).  I compile it using the small memory model.  There has been
only one case where that has proven to be a problem, which I will describe
more in the "limitations" section below.  I set the stack size to be 4096
(the default is 2048).

If you have version 3.0 of the Microsoft C compiler, you should be able
to invoke "compile.bat" which will compile and link everything.  See
the section below entitled "Porting to another compiler" if you don't
have Microsoft version 3.0.  If you don't have it, I would suggest
thinking seriously about getting it.  I have been generally very
favorably impressed with their library support.  I don't currently have
anything to compare it with, in terms of speed (I am sure there are lots
of published benchmarks), but I have as yet to hit a bug.  That counts
for a lot.

I am not sure how much is DOS 3.0 specific.  I think the directory stuff
is.  I suspect Microsoft 3.0 C is.  DOS 3.0 is well worth getting, in any


I tried to keep this program relatively small so that it would work on
the small memory model.

The program:

is invoked by    

	sh [-e]

the -e flag indicates that '\' is not to be used as a literal-next

When invoked it tries to source the file /profile.

When you type a command, the shell first escapes all characters
preceded by a backslash (if not invoked with the -e option) and
all special characters enclosed within quotes.

It then performs history substitutions on expressions beginning
with '!' as follows:

	!!  is replaced with the previous command
	!<num> is replaced with the <num>th command
	!<str> is replaced with the command beginning with <str>

It then breaks the command string into tokens.  Entities enclosed
within quotes form one token.  Space characters are used to delimit
other tokens.

It then performs wildcard substitutions as follows:

Tokens containing wildcard characters (currently, only '*') are assumed
to be file names.  The wildcards are expanded to match file names.

	'*' matches any character

It then performs I/O redirections:

	'>word'  redirects stdout
	'>>word' redirects stdout, appending to the indicated file
	'>&word' redirects stdout and stderr
	'<word'  redirects stdin

It then executes the command as follows:

The shell keeps track of what all of the commands in its path are,
as well as what built-in commands it knows about.  If the first argument
is a pathname, that command is executed.  If not, the shell checks its
internal list of commands within the PATH, and built-in commands.  To
update the list of internal commands, use the "rehash" built-in command.

If the command is not found, it is given to dos, allowing convenient
access to built-in dos functions.  For example, 

	dir '*.c'
	copy 'b:*.*'

do more or less what you would want them to.

Built-in commands -

ls [-lsRa]		performs a directory listing.  If given no arguments,
			ls lists the current directory.  The flags are:
			l - long listing,  s - summary, R - recursive
			directory listing, a - attribute (directory/executable).

cd <dir>		change the current working directory to the indicated

pushd <dir>		cd to the indicated directory, pushing the current 
			directory on the stack.  Invoking this with no arguments
			causes the current directory and the top of the stack to
			be interchanged.  Also known as pd.

popd <dir>		pop the top element off the directory stack, and cd 
			to it.

dirs			print the current directory stack

mkdir <dir> [...]	create directories with the indicated names

rmdir <dir> [...]	remove the indicated directories

set var=val [...]	set the environment variable var to the given value

source file		take commands from the given file

fgrep str file [...]	look for the given string within the given file(s).

Limitations / bugs:

The goddamn dos limitation of 128 bytes of arguments really take a lot
of the utility out of the wildcards.  That is why fgrep is built in.

I spent a little time working on making this the resident SHELL.  I
gave it up when I ran into problems getting a full segment of variable
space.  It seemed to work alright otherwise.  There are some cryptic
references in the manual sections describing the SET and COMMAND
commands, and the section describing the psp about where this problem
comes from.  If anyone who knows more about it would like to enlighten
me, I would be very appreciative.

The implementation of history is pretty limited.  There are no modifiers,
and ^^^ is not implemented.  The parsing is not always consistent with
the c-shell's parsing.

The only wildcard character implemented is '*'.  It is not implemented
in the general case.  It is only matches final destination files or
directories correctly.  Patterns such as /*/* or /*/xxx do not work.

The ls command and wild card characters use the qsort routine which requires 
adequate stack space to sort its arguments.  Very large directories could
cause problems. The largest directory I have has 85 members.  This will
not sort with a 2K stack size.  It has no problems with a 4K stack size.
Unfortunately, I don't know how to trap this stack error, so this is a
fatal error.

The parsing of quoted strings is not quite right.  For example, you
can't say 
		set PROMPT="% "
This may be fairly simple to resolve.  In the mean time, I say
		set PROMPT=%\       (with a trailing blank)

No shell variable substitution.  Not hard to do - I just haven't gotten
around to it.  There are no local variables.

There are no shell scripts or control structures.  Oh well.

Fgrep works, but isn't great.  No useful -i options, etc.  I freely
admit that the algorithm was the one that required the absolute minimum
amount of thought.

Porting to another compiler:

As I say, I haven't tried porting to any other compilers, but here are
my best guesses as to trouble spots:

Data structures -

The dos routines use a union called REGS and a structure called SREGS.
REGS is a union of the byte register names (h.ah, h.al, h.bh, etc.) and
the word register names (x.ax, x.bx, etc.).  SREGS contains the segment
register names.

There is a special directive called "far" that indicates that a pointer
is to have an offset and a segment part, both of which can be assigned
to or from independantly.  For example, char far * x; declares such a
pointer whose type is char *.

Library routines -

	strchr(ptr,ch)		returns char * pointing to ch within ptr or null
	char * ptr;		if not found.  also known as "index"
	int ch;

	strrchr(ptr,ch)		same as above only search backwards (rindex).

	strlwr(ptr)		convert to lower case
	char * ptr;

	strcmpi(a,b)		like strcmp, only ignore case

	char *
	strdup(ptr)		=> strcpy( malloc(strlen(ptr)+1), ptr )
	char * ptr;

	qsort(b,n,w,c)		sort n items at b each of width w using 
	char * b;		compare rtne c
	int n;
	unsigned w;
	int (* c)();

	REGS * ireg, * oreg;	issue a dos interrupt first loading registers 
				from ireg.  after returning, assign oreg the 
				register values.

	intdosx(ireg,oreg,sreg)  same as above, but set the segment registers
	REGS * ireg, * oreg;	 before the call, also.
	SREGS * sreg;

	stat(path,statb)	this is just like the Unix stat.  
	struct stat statb;	I can picture lots of C libraries skipping it.

	spawn*			like a fork/exec combo

Include files -

Microsoft was very complete about declaring the return values of routines
in include files.  They have a whole bunch of include files, and since
they go to all of this trouble, I didn't have to declare much in the
way of include files.  This will be a nusiance if you try to use some
other C compiler.  Specifics include malloc.h, stdlib.h, dos.h, etc.

File handling.

Microsoft scores again with relatively sane file handling.  Slashes
work like backslashes.  Stat works more or less normally.  Binary
files are manageable (although I don't think this actually came up
in this particular program).  A center of compiler dependency is
in the routines that do directory queries - open_dir and nxt_entry.
Look there first if you are going to a new compiler.

Extra programs:

Also included are a cp/mv  and  a more that takes file name arguments
and uses inverse video.  I guess I went a little nuts.
More has some little glitches.

	-Douglas Orr
#	End of shell archive
exit 0

doug@umich.UUCP (Douglas Orr) (08/04/85)

Here is part 2 of the Unix-like shell for DOS.  This part contains
the actual Microsoft C sources for the program.


#	This is a shell archive.
#	Remove everything above and including the cut line.
#	Then run the rest of the file through sh.
-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----
# shar:	Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	sh.c
#	cmds.c
#	builtin.c
#	wildcard.c
#	gen.h
#	sh.h
# This archive created: Sun Aug  4 14:03:53 1985
cat << \SHAR_EOF > sh.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

#include "gen.h"
#include "sh.h"

Public char * * dissect();
Public char * smalloc();

Local bool escflg = True;	/*  interpret \ as "escape" character */

 *	sh:  a Unix(tm) like command interpreter for MS-DOS.
 *  by  Douglas Orr
 *      Textset Inc.
 *      Ann Arbor, Michigan
 *  Copyright (c) 1985 Textset.   All rights reserved.
 *  This program may be freely distributed, but not sold for profit.

int	argc;
char	* argv[];
char	* envp[];

	/*  arguments processing */
	while( --argc )
	if( (*++argv)[0] == '-' )
		switch( (*argv)[1] )
			case 'e':
				escflg = !escflg;
				fprintf( stderr, "sh: invalid argument %s\n", 
					*argv );

	/*  real stuff  */


/*  Environment Stuff  */

 *   for now, just use the uSoft environment stuff.  This could probably
 *  be improved
char *
l_getenv( name )
char * name;
	return( getenv(name) );

l_setenv( name, val )
char * name;
char * val;

	char * str;

	str = smalloc( strlen(name) + strlen(val) + 2 );

	strcpy( str, name );
	strcat( str, "=" );
	strcat( str, val );

	return( putenv( str ) );



	char * * ep;

	putchar( '\n' );
	for( ep=environ; *ep; ep++ )
		printf( "%s\n", *ep );
	putchar( '\n' );

	return( 0 );



	char * path;

	/*  ignore interrupts */
	signal( SIGINT, SIG_IGN );

	/*   default values  */
	if( (path = l_getenv( "PATH" )) == NULL )
		l_setenv( "PATH", "\;\bin" );
		path = l_getenv( "PATH" );

	setbuf( stdin, NULL );
	setbuf( stdout, NULL );
	setbuf( stderr, NULL );

	rehash( path );

	/*   read in the profile  */
	if( access( "/profile", F_ROK ) == 0 )
		source( "/profile" );

	/*  set important variables  */
	if( l_getenv( "PROMPT" ) == NULL )
		l_setenv( "PROMPT", "% " );
	if( l_getenv( "PS1" ) == NULL )
		l_setenv( "PS1", "> " );


 *	iiiiit's SHOWTIME
	char buf[256];
	bool intr;

	while( !feof(stdin) )

		/*  prompt  */
		if( Interactive() )
			fprintf( stderr, "%s", l_getenv("PROMPT") );

		/*  input  */
		if( getbuf( buf, sizeof buf, stdin ) )
			/*  execute  */
			(void)sys( buf, sizeof buf );



 *  Do initial input processing.  Turn the high bit on to
 * prevent escaped characters and special characters within single
 * quotes from being interpreted

#define	ChNorm (0)
#define	ChDquote (1)
#define	ChSquote (2)

#define	Escape(x) (x|0x80)

getbuf( buf, bufsize, fd )
char * buf;
int bufsize;
FILE * fd;
	char * ptr = buf;
	int ch_state;
	Reg int ch;

	ch_state = ChNorm;
	while( (ch = getc(fd)) != EOF )
		if( (ch == '\\') && escflg )
			ch = Escape(getc(fd));
		if( ch == '\'' )
			if( ch_state == ChSquote )
				ch_state = ChNorm;
			if( ch_state == ChNorm )
				ch_state = ChSquote;
			/*  state == dquote */
				ch = Escape(ch);
		if( ch == '"' )
			if( ch_state == ChDquote )
				ch_state = ChNorm;
			if( ch_state == ChNorm )
				ch_state = ChDquote;
			/*  state == squote */
				ch = Escape(ch);

		/* ?!  include other wildcards here, as added  */
		if( ((ch_state == ChSquote) &&  ((ch == '$') || (ch == '*')))
		||  ((ch_state == ChDquote) &&  (ch == '*')) )
			ch = Escape(ch);

		*ptr++ = ch;
		if( ptr-buf >= bufsize-1 ) 
		 *  !! This isn't exactly how Unix does quote processing ...
		 *   my current opinion is that it's not worth the trouble
		if( ch == '\n' )
			if( ch_state == ChNorm )
			if( Interactive() )
				fprintf( stderr, "%s ", l_getenv( "PS1" ) );


	*ptr = '\0';

	/*  eof */
	if( ptr == buf )
		return( False );

	/*  screw up  */
	if( ch_state != ChNorm )
		fprintf( stderr, "error: mismatched quotes\n" );
		return( False );

	return( True );


 *	Keep a stack of fds.  Push our current I/O environment before
 *  executing commands so that we have someplace to go back to after
 *  I/O redirections
#define FMax (20)
Local int fdstk[FMax];
Local int ftop = 0;

int fd;
	if( ftop >= FMax )
		return( -1 );
		fdstk[ftop++] = fd;

	if( ftop == 0 )
		return( -1 );
		return( fdstk[--ftop] );

	push_fd( dup(0) );
	push_fd( dup(1) );
	push_fd( dup(2) );

	int fd;


	dup2( (fd = pop_fd()), 2 );
	dup2( (fd = pop_fd()), 1 );
	dup2( (fd = pop_fd()), 0 );

	setbuf( stdin, NULL );


 *   Use as source input the indicated file
source( file )
char * file;
	int fd;

	if( (fd = open( file, 0 )) >= 0 )

		/*   save current input  */
		if( push_fd( dup(0) ) == -1 )
			fprintf( stderr, "source files nested too deeply\n" );
		dup2( fd, 0 );

		/*  loop on new input  */

		/*  restore old input  */
		dup2( (fd = pop_fd()), 0 );

		perror( file );


 *	execute the given command
sys( pgm, pgmlen )
char * pgm;
int pgmlen;

	int rc;
	char * * argv;

	/*  set up I/O environment  */

	/*  slice into an argv  */
	if( (argv = dissect( pgm, pgmlen )) )
		/*  doit  */
		rc = cmd( argv, environ );

		/*  !! Assertion:  all args are malloc'd */
		while( *argv )
			free( *argv++ );

	/*  restore  */

	return( rc );

cat << \SHAR_EOF > cmds.c
/*  yow  */
#include <dos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <setjmp.h>

#include "gen.h"
#include "sh.h"

 *	sh:  a Unix(tm) like command interpreter for MS-DOS.
 *  by  Douglas Orr
 *      Textset Inc.
 *      Ann Arbor, Michigan
 *  Copyright (c) 1985 Textset.   All rights reserved.
 *  This program may be freely distributed, but not sold for profit.

/*   declare built-in functions  */
Public b_ls(), b_echo(), b_pushd(), b_popd();
Public b_pwd(), b_cd(), b_mkdir(), b_rmdir(), b_rm();
Public b_history(), b_exit(), b_dirs(), b_rehash();
Public b_set(), b_fgrep(), b_source();

Public int fcmp();

/*  disk transfer area  */
typedef	union dta
	struct {
		char dt_dos[21];
#define DosSub (0x10)
#define	DosHid (0x02)
		byte dt_attr;
		short dt_time;
		short dt_date;
		unsigned short dt_size_low;
		unsigned short dt_size_high;
		char  dt_name[13];
		} d;
	short buf[128];
	} Dta;
Local Dta dta;

 *	give us an easily addressable disk transfer area 

	union REGS regs;
	union SREGS segregs;
	Dta far * dta_addr = &dta;

	regs.h.ah = 0x1a;	/* set dta */
	regs.x.dx = FP_OFF(dta_addr);
	segregs.ds = FP_SEG(dta_addr);
	intdosx( &regs, &regs, &segregs );


 *	set our disk transfer area and match the first file in the given
 *  path.  
 *  !! Warning:  uSoft routines that do disk accesses reset the
 *  disk transfer area.  Don't call in between directory reads
 *  examples: open, stat, etc.
 *  ?! add flags to allow optionally getting hidden/volume file names

char *
open_dir( ptr )
char	* ptr;

	char far * fptr;
	union REGS regs;
	union SREGS segregs;


	fptr = ptr;
	regs.h.ah = 0x4e;	/* find first entry */
	regs.x.dx = FP_OFF(fptr);
	segregs.ds = FP_SEG(fptr);
	regs.x.cx = DosSub;	/* look for normal files & subdirectories*/

	intdosx( &regs, &regs, &segregs );

	if( regs.x.cflag )
		return( NULL );
		/*  name of the current file in the dta  */
		return( dta.d.dt_name );


char *
nxt_entry( ptr )
char	* ptr;

	union REGS regs;

	regs.h.ah = 0x4f;	/* find next entry */
	regs.x.cx = DosSub;	/* look for normal files & subdirs */

	intdos( &regs, &regs );

	if( regs.x.cflag )
		return( NULL );
		return( dta.d.dt_name );


/*		extract fields from dta		*/

	char * ptr;
	int	mode = 0;

	if( (ptr = strrchr( dta.d.dt_name, '.' )) )
		if( (strcmpi( ptr, ".bat" ) == 0)
		||  (strcmpi( ptr, ".exe" ) == 0) 
		||  (strcmpi( ptr, ".com" ) == 0) )
			mode |= S_IEXEC;

	if( dta.d.dt_attr & DosSub )
		mode |= S_IFDIR;

	return( mode );


 *	return most of the time info provided in struct tm
struct tm *

	Local struct tm dta_time;

	dta_time.tm_hour = (dta.d.dt_time >> 11) & 0x1f;
	dta_time.tm_min = (dta.d.dt_time >> 5) & 0x3f;
	dta_time.tm_sec = (dta.d.dt_time & 0x1f) * 2;
	dta_time.tm_year = ((dta.d.dt_date >> 9) & 0x7f) + 80;
	dta_time.tm_mon = ((dta.d.dt_date >> 5) & 0xf);
	dta_time.tm_mday = (dta.d.dt_date & 0x1f);

	if( dta_time.tm_mon > 12 || dta_time.tm_mon < 1 )
		dta_time.tm_mon = 0;

	return( &dta_time );


	return( (((long)dta.d.dt_size_high) << 16) + dta.d.dt_size_low );

/*	"disk" operations	*/

 *   change the current disk 
chdsk( disk )
int	disk;

	union REGS regs;

	if( isupper(disk) )
		disk -= 'A';
		disk -= 'a';

	if( disk < 0 || disk > 25 )
		fprintf( stderr, "invalid drive\n" );
		return( -1 );

	regs.h.ah = 0x0e;	/* change disk */
	regs.h.dl = disk;	/* to this value */

	intdos( &regs, &regs );
	return( 0 );


isdev( disk )
char * disk;
	return( (strlen(disk) == 2) && (disk[1] == ':') );


	union REGS regs;

	regs.h.ah = 0x19;	/* get current disk */
	intdos( &regs, &regs );

	return( regs.h.al + 'a' );


#define	MaxCmdLen (15)
#define Cm_Builtin (0x01)
#define Cm_Batch (0x02)

typedef	struct cmds
	char cm_name[MaxCmdLen];
	char * cm_path;
	short cm_flags;
	int (* cm_rtne)();
	} Cmds;

#define	MaxCmds (256)
Local Cmds cmds[MaxCmds];

/*   built-in commands  */
Local struct bi {
	char * bi_name;
	int (* bi_rtne)();
builtins[] =
	"ls", b_ls,
	"echo", b_echo,
	"cd", b_cd,
	"pwd", b_pwd,
	"pushd", b_pushd,
	"pd", b_pushd,
	"popd", b_popd,
	"rm", b_rm,
	"mkdir", b_mkdir,
	"rmdir", b_rmdir,
	"history", b_history,
	"exit", b_exit,
	"dirs", b_dirs,
	"rehash", b_rehash,
	"set", b_set,
	"fgrep", b_fgrep,		/* msdos sucks */
	"source", b_source,		/* just like on MTS */
Local int cmdcnt = 0;

/*	Command Parsing Stuff	*/

add_cmd( cmd, path, flags, rtne )
char * cmd;
char * path;
short flags;
int (* rtne)();

	if( cmdcnt >= MaxCmds )
		fprintf( stderr, "error: hash table overflow\n" );

	/*	?! make this into a real hash table, eventually  */
	strcpy( cmds[cmdcnt].cm_name, cmd );
	if( path )
		cmds[cmdcnt].cm_path = strdup(path);
		cmds[cmdcnt].cm_path = NULL;
	cmds[cmdcnt].cm_flags = flags;
	cmds[cmdcnt].cm_rtne = rtne;


 * ... ok ... so we're not really hashing anything
rehash( path )
char * path;

	char mypath[128];
	char buf[128];
	char cbuf[128];
	Reg char * pptr;
	char * ptr;
	char * extptr;
	char * cur_path;
	int flags;
	int i;

	/*	?! make this into a real hash table, eventually  */
	for( i=0; i<cmdcnt; i++ )
		if( cmds[i].cm_path )
			free( cmds[i].cm_path );
	cmdcnt = 0;

	/*   add "built in" commands  */
	for( i=0; builtins[i].bi_name; i++ )
		add_cmd( builtins[i].bi_name, NULL, Cm_Builtin,
			builtins[i].bi_rtne );

	/*  add the stuff in the path  */
	for( pptr=path; *pptr; )

		if( *pptr == ';' )

		cur_path = pptr++;
		while( (*pptr != ';') && (*pptr != '\0') )

		strncpy( mypath, cur_path, pptr-cur_path );
		mypath[pptr-cur_path] = '\0';

		/*	open the directory	*/
		strcat( mypath, "\\*.*" );
		ptr = open_dir( mypath );
		mypath[ strlen(mypath)-4 ] = '\0';

		/*  find everything that looks executeable  */
		for( ; ptr; ptr = nxt_entry() )

			strlwr( ptr );

			if( !(extptr = strrchr(ptr, '.'))
			||  (strcmp(extptr, ".exe") != 0  
			  && strcmp(extptr, ".bat") != 0
			  && strcmp(extptr, ".com") != 0) )

			flags = 0;

			strncpy( cbuf, ptr, extptr-ptr );
			cbuf[extptr-ptr] = '\0';
			sprintf( buf, "%s\\%s", mypath, ptr );

			if( strcmp( extptr, ".bat" ) == 0 )
				flags |= Cm_Batch;

			add_cmd( cbuf, buf, flags, NULL );




#define MaxArgs (128)
Local char * argv[MaxArgs];

 *	duplicate arg string, turning off all high bits
char *
char * str;
	Reg char * ptr;
	char * val;

	val = ptr = strdup(str);
	while( *ptr )
		*ptr++ &= 0x7f;

	return( val );


 *	dissect breaks the command into arguments
 * !! ASSUME getbuf "escape"s all quotes within quotes, so quote
 *    processing is trivial at this point

char * * 
dissect( buf, bufsize )
char * buf;
int bufsize;

	int	done = False;
	int argc = 0;
	int i;
	char * bufend;
	char * wordend;

	/* ?! it might be better to store history as argv lists, and
	 *        do substitution after initial arg breakup

	i = strlen(buf);
	if( i && buf[i-1] == '\n' )
		buf[i-1] = '\0';

	if( !sub_hist( buf, bufsize ) )
		return( NULL );

	/*  plant this stuff, for batch and mystery commands  */
	argv[argc++] = "\\command";
	argv[argc++] = "/c";

	bufend = buf+bufsize;

	while( !done )

		while( isspace(*buf) )

		if( *buf ) {

		if( argc == MaxArgs )
			fprintf(stderr, "error: too many arguments\n");
			return( NULL );

		if( *buf == '\'' || *buf == '"' )
			/*  word starts on next character */
			i = *buf++;
			wordend = buf;
			while( (*wordend != i) && *wordend )
			/*  normal space delimited word */
			wordend = buf;
			while( (!isspace(*wordend)) && *wordend )

		if( !*wordend )
			done = True;

		/*  !! assuming at least one space between args */
		*wordend = '\0';

		/*  can we do a wildcard substitution on this? */
		if( iswild( buf ) )
			if( (i = do_wildcard( buf, argv, argc )) == 0)
				fprintf( stderr, "couldn't match %s\n",
					buf );
				return( NULL );
				argc += i;
			argv[argc++] = astrdup(buf);

		buf = wordend+1;

			done = True;


	argv[argc] = NULL;

	/*  make with the I/O redirections  */
	if( (argc = do_redirect( argc, argv )) < 0 )
		fprintf( stderr, "redirection error\n" );
		return( NULL );

	if( argc == 2 )
		return( NULL );

	return( argv+2 );


/* ?!  Add []{} eventually  */
iswild( buf )
char * buf;

	while( *buf )
		if( *buf++ == '*' )
			return( True );

	return( False );

/* ?!  Add []{} eventually  */
do_wildcard( pat, argv, argc )
char *  pat;
char *  * argv;
int argc;
	char * * av;
	char * ptr;
	char * cwd;
	char tmp[128];
	char * endpat;
	int tmpch;
	int wargc;
	int dev = -1;

	av = argv + argc;

	cwd = NULL;

	 * ?! currently only handle one level of wildcard  - FIXIT
	if( (ptr = strrchr( pat, '/' )) 
	 || (ptr = strrchr( pat, '\\' )) )

		 * save the directory spec, with which to rebuild file 
		 * names later 
		strncpy( tmp, pat, ptr-pat+1 );
		endpat = tmp + (ptr-pat) + 1;
		tmpch = *ptr;
		*ptr = '\0';

		if( pat[1] == ':' )
			dev = getcdsk();
			if( chdsk( pat[0] ) == -1 )
				goto bad_end;
			pat += 2;

		/*  go to the directory you wish to examine  */
		if( (cwd = getcwd( NULL, 128 )) == NULL )
			goto bad_end;

		if( ptr != pat )
			if( chdir( pat ) == -1 )
				fprintf( "%s: no such directory\n", pat );
				goto bad_end;
			chdir( "/" );

		*ptr = tmpch;	/* back the way they were */
		pat = ptr+1;

		endpat = tmp;

	/*  save the pattern, and delete it from the buffer  */

	for( ptr=open_dir( "*.*" ); ptr; ptr = nxt_entry() )
		if( ismatch( pat, ptr ) )
			if( av-argv >= MaxArgs )
				fprintf( stderr, "%d: too many arguments\n", 
					av-argv );
				goto bad_end;
			if( ptr[0] == '.' && pat[0] != '.' )
			strcpy( endpat, ptr );
			*av++ = strdup(tmp);
	*av = NULL;

	if( cwd )
		chdir( cwd );
		free( cwd );

	/*  sort the wildcarded arguments arguments  */
	/*  !!  this can overflow your stack if you are unlucky  */
	wargc = av - (argv+argc);
	if( wargc > 1 )
		qsort( (char *)(argv+argc), wargc, sizeof(char *), fcmp );

	if( dev != -1 )
	return( wargc );

	/*  he was a bad boy, and he came to a bad end */
	if( dev != -1 )
	return( 0 );


/*	perform I/O redirections  */
do_redirect( argc, argv )
int argc;
char * * argv;

	int i, j;
	int skip;
	char * file;
	char * mode;
	FILE * fd;
	int direct;
	int mod;

	 *  moderate UGLY ALERT
	for( i=2; i<argc; )
		if( ((direct = argv[i][0]) == '>') || (direct == '<') )
			file = argv[i]+1;
			mod = '\0';

			if( (*file == '>') || (*file == '&') )
				mod = *file++;

			/*  is file name in the second argument? */
			if( *file == '\0' )
				if( i == argc-1 )
					return( -1 );
				file = argv[i+1];

			if( direct == '<' )
				mode = "r";
				fd = stdin;
				mode = "w";
				fd = stdout;
				if( mod == '>' )
					mode = "a";

			if( freopen( file, mode, fd ) == NULL )
				return( -1 );

			/*  >& gets stderr & stdout  */
			if( mod == '&' )
				dup2( 1, 2 );

			/*  UGLY part  */
			for( j=i; j+skip <= argc ; j++ )
				argv[j] = argv[j+skip];
			argc -= skip;


	return( argc );


 *	perform history substitutions

/*  ?!  add  :modifiers, and ^^^ substitutions  */
#define HistMax (50)
short	hindex[HistMax];
char	* history[HistMax] = { NULL, };
short	hind = 0;
short	hmax = HistMax;
short	hcount = 0;

sub_hist( buf, bufsize )
char * buf;
int bufsize;

	char * hptr;
	char * hend;
	char * sub = NULL;
	int ind;
	int hval;
	char tmpchr;
	int i;
	char * to, * from;
	int sublen;
	int cmdlen;

	for( hptr=buf; (hptr = strchr( hptr, '!' )); )

		sub = NULL;
		ind = hind-1;
		if( ind < 0 )
			ind = hmax-1;

		if( *(hptr+1) == '!' )
			hend = hptr+2;
			for( hend=hptr+1; 
			     *hend && !(isspace(*hend) || ispunct(*hend)); 
				/* find end of history spec */;

		/*   case !!  */
		if( *(hptr+1) == '!' )
			/* !! -> insert previous command  */
			if( (sub = history[ind]) == NULL )
				goto noevent;
		/*   case !num  */
		if( isdigit(*(hptr+1)) )
			/* !## -> insert command ## */
			tmpchr = *hend;
			*hend = '\0';
			hval = atoi( hptr+1 );
			*hend = tmpchr;

			for( i=0; i<hmax; i++ )
				if( ind < 0 )
					ind = hmax-1;

				if( history[ind] == NULL ) break;

				if( hindex[ind] == hval )
					sub = history[ind];
		/* !str -> insert history string starting with "str" */
			for( i=0; i<hmax; i++ )
				if( ind < 0 )
					ind = hmax-1;

				if( history[ind] == NULL ) break;

				if( strncmp( hptr+1, history[ind], (hend-hptr)-1 ) == 0 )
					sub = history[ind];

		if( sub == NULL )
				fprintf(stderr,"%.*s: event not found\n", 
					hend-hptr-1, hptr+1);
				return( False );

			/*  perform substitution  */
			sublen = strlen(sub);
			cmdlen = strlen(buf);
			if( (cmdlen - (hend-hptr) + sublen) > bufsize )
				fprintf( stderr, "event too large\n" );
				return( False );

			/*  make a null terminated string out of this  */
			tmpchr = *hend;
			*hend = '\0';

			if( cmdlen - (hend-hptr) + sublen > bufsize )
				fprintf( stderr, "substitution too large\n" );
				return( False );

			/*	do the substitution  */

			/*  replace the original character  */
			*(hptr+sublen) = tmpchr;



	/*  retire old buffer if we have wrapped around  */
	if( history[hind] )
		free( history[hind] );

	/*  record this buffer for future histories */
	hindex[hind] = ++hcount;
	history[hind++] = astrdup( buf );
	if( hind >= hmax )
		hind = 0;

	/*  echo substituted string */
	if( sub )
		fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", buf );

	return( True );


/*   UGLY ALERT  */
insert( old, oldlen, totlen, new, newlen )
char * old;	/*  history string  */
int oldlen;	/*  size of history string */
int totlen;	/*  length from start of history to end of command */
char * new;	/*  replacement string  */
int newlen;	/*  size of replacement string */

	Reg char * from, * to;
	int i;

	/*  do the substitution  */

	if( newlen < oldlen )
		/*  shift left  */
		to = old+newlen;
		from = old+oldlen;
		while( (*to++ = *from++) )
			/* shift, shift, shift, shift */;
	if( newlen > oldlen )
		/*  shift right  */
		from = old+totlen;  /* start with trailing null */
		to = from + (newlen - oldlen);
		for( i = (newlen-oldlen); i-- >= 0; )
			*to-- = *from--;

	/*  stick in the new command  */
	from = new;
	to = old;
	for( i=0; i<newlen; i++ )
		*to++ = *from++;


jmp_buf sbuf;
	/*  reset the interrupt signal */
	signal( SIGINT, SIG_IGN );
	/*  bounce back  */
	longjmp( sbuf, True );

/*   locate the appropriate executable command and doit */
cmd( argv, envp )
char	* * argv;
char	* * envp;

	Reg int len;
	Reg int i;
	char * cmdptr;
	char * ptr;
	int rc;
	int batch;
	struct stat statb;

	cmdptr = NULL;
	batch = False;

	/*   is this a specific path reference  */
	if( strchr( argv[0], '/' )  == NULL 
	&&  strchr( argv[0], '\\' ) == NULL )

		len = strlen( argv[0] );

		/*  is this really a drive selection? */
		if( (len == 2) && (argv[0][1] == ':') )
			return( chdsk( argv[0][0] ) );

		 * check . first  ... UGLY ALERT  (a real hashing scheme
		 * could take care of this a little more nicely)
		if( stat( argv[0], &statb ) == -1
		||  (statb.st_mode & S_IEXEC) == 0 )

		/*  not in .  is it in the "hash" table?  */
		for( i=0; i<cmdcnt; i++ )
			if( len == strlen( cmds[i].cm_name )
			&&  (strncmp( cmds[i].cm_name, argv[0], len ) == 0 ))

		if( i < cmdcnt )
			cmdptr = cmds[i].cm_path;

			/*   a built in command? */
			if( cmds[i].cm_flags & Cm_Builtin )

				if( setjmp(sbuf) )
					fprintf( stderr, "SH: interrupt\n" );
					return( -1 );
				signal( SIGINT, sig_handle );

				rc = (*cmds[i].cm_rtne)(argv,envp);

				signal( SIGINT, SIG_IGN );
				return( rc );
				batch = (cmds[i].cm_flags & Cm_Batch);



		/*  some sort of a specific path invocation  */
		cmdptr = argv[0];

		/*  reality check */
		if( (ptr = strrchr( cmdptr, '.' )) )
			if( strcmp( ptr, ".bat" ) == 0 )
				batch = True;


	if( cmdptr && !batch )
		/*  invoke the specific command  */
		if( (rc = spawnve( P_WAIT, cmdptr, argv, envp )) < 0)
			perror( argv[0] );
		return( rc );
		 * let DOS take a crack at it - this is not in the true Unix
		 * tradition, but pragmatically, it works out well for
		 * stuff like "mode," etc.
		 * !! IMPORTANT - argv always has arguments "\command" "/c" 
		 *    as argv[-2,-1]
		if( (rc = spawnve( P_WAIT, "\command", argv-2, envp )) < 0)
			perror( argv[0] );
		return( rc );

cat << \SHAR_EOF > builtin.c
#include <dos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys\types.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <direct.h>

#include "gen.h"
#include "sh.h"

 *	sh:  a Unix(tm) like command interpreter for MS-DOS.
 *  by  Douglas Orr
 *      Textset Inc.
 *      Ann Arbor, Michigan
 *  Copyright (c) 1985 Textset.   All rights reserved.
 *  This program may be freely distributed, but not sold for profit.

Public char * history[];
Public short  hindex[];
Public short hind, hmax;

Local char * mons[] =
	"Jan", "Feb", "Mar",
	"Apr", "May", "Jun",
	"Jul", "Aug", "Sep",
	"Oct", "Nov", "Dec",

char *
smalloc( size )
unsigned size;
	char	* addr;

	if( !(addr = malloc(size)) )
		/*  death with honor */
		fprintf( stderr, "out of space\n" );
		exit( 1 );
	return( addr );


char *
strdup( str )
Reg char * str;
	return( strcpy( smalloc( strlen(str)+1 ), str ) );

fcmp( file1, file2 )
char * * file1;
char * * file2;
	return( strcmp( *file1, *file2 ) );

/*		Built-in  commands		*/

/*	toy ls  */

struct  fs {
	char * fs_name;
	struct tm fs_time;
	unsigned short fs_mode;
	off_t fs_size;

#define	Set(flag) (flags |= (1 << flag))
#define	Reset(flag) (flags &= ~(1 << flag))
#define Test(flag) (flags & (1 << flag))
#define	Recurse (0)
#define	Lflag (1)
#define	Sflag (2)
#define	Rflag (3)
#define	Aflag (4)
#define	Cflag (5)

fscmp( file1, file2 )
struct fs * file1;
struct fs * file2;
	return( strcmp( file1->fs_name, file2->fs_name ) );

Local long ls_size;
Local int ls_cnt;

b_ls( argv, envp )
char * * argv;
char * * envp;
	char * ptr;
	short flags = 0;
	int rc;

#ifdef	correct
	 * !! as near as I can tell, ls is the only built-in that allocates
	 *    storage.  If you interrupt, that storage doesn't get freed,
	 *    currently.  One way around this is the following, which isn't
	 *    very satisfactory.  Another is to just ignore it and hope you
	 *    don't run out of storage.  Yet another would be to set another
	 *    interrupt which frees the storage before leaving which is more
	 *    of a hassle than I have time for today.  Caveat user.
	signal( SIGINT, SIG_IGN );
#endif	correct

	ls_size = 0;
	ls_cnt = 0;

	Set(Recurse);		/* list subdirectories */

	if( !Interactive() )
		Set(Cflag);	/* print out one column */

	while( (*++argv)[0] == '-' )
		for( ptr=(*argv)+1; *ptr; ptr++ )
		switch( *ptr )
			case 'l':
			case 's':
			case 'R':
			case 'a':
				fprintf( stderr, "ls: illegal option %s\n", 
					*argv );
				return( -1 );


	rc = ls( argv, flags );

	if( Test(Sflag) )
		fprintf( stdout, "%ld total.  %d file%s.\n", ls_size, ls_cnt,
		ls_cnt == 1 ? "" : "s" );

	return( rc );

 *   UGLY ALERT  ... since I couldn't find any good way to do what I
 *   would do on Unix, were I to be building a program to recursively
 *   search directories - that being open the damn things like files,
 *   I debased myself (a frequent occurance in dosville) and issue "cd"s
 *   to move around.  My apologies.  I do know better, in the global
 *   sense.

lstatus( file, flags, maxlen, nl )
struct	fs * file;
short flags;
int maxlen;
bool nl;

	/*   UGLY ALERT   recurse on directories if appropriate  */
	/*  (Jaayynnnee ... how do you stop this crazy thing?) */
	if( (file->fs_mode & S_IFDIR) && Test(Recurse) )
		int dev = -1;
		char * auxlist[1];
		char * cwd = NULL;
		char * newd;
		char * dir = file->fs_name;

		/*   cheat   */
		if( !Test(Rflag) )
			Reset(Recurse);	/* only recurse one level, by default  */

		auxlist[0] = NULL;

		if( dir[1] == ':' )
			dev = getcdsk();
			if( chdsk( dir[0] ) == -1)
				fprintf( stderr, "couldn't access %c:\n",  dir[0] );
				return( -1 );
			dir += 2;
			if( dir[0] == '\0' )
				dir = "/";

		cwd = getcwd(NULL,128);
		if( (cwd == NULL) || chdir(dir) == -1)
			fprintf( stderr, "! couldn't cd to %s\n",  file->fs_name );
			return( -1 );

		if( (newd = getcwd(NULL,128)) != NULL )
			fprintf( stdout, "%s\n%s:\n", (nl) ? "" : "\n", strlwr(newd) );

		/*  do a list of the place to which we just attached  */
		ls( auxlist, flags );
		putc( '\n', stdout );

		if( dev != -1 )
			chdsk( dev );
		if( cwd )
			chdir( cwd ); free( cwd );

		nl = True;

		if( Test(Lflag) )
			/* ?! doesn't always line up right  */
			fprintf( stdout, "%-8ld  %2d:%02d   %3s-%02d-%02d    %-13s\n", 
				file->fs_size,  file->fs_time.tm_hour,
				file->fs_time.tm_year, file->fs_name );
			nl = True;
			fprintf( stdout, "%s", file->fs_name );

			if( Test(Aflag) )
				if( file->fs_mode & S_IFDIR )
					fprintf( stdout, "\\" );
				if( file->fs_mode & S_IEXEC )
					fprintf( stdout, "*" );
					printf( " " );

			fprintf( stdout, "%*s", maxlen-strlen(file->fs_name), 
				"" );
			nl = False;

	return( nl );


ls( list, flags )
char * * list;
short flags;

	int argc;
	struct  fs * files;
	char * * filelist;

	int cnt;
	int maxlen;
	Reg int i, j;
	Reg int r;
	int cols;
	char * ptr;

	Local struct stat statb;
	int nl;

	/*  initialize  */

	for( argc=0, filelist=list ; *filelist; filelist++ )

	maxlen = 0;
	files = NULL;
	cnt = 0;

	/*   implicitly ls of current directory  */
	if( argc == 0 )
		int ac;
		files = (struct fs *)smalloc( (ac=20) * sizeof(struct fs) );

		if( !Test(Rflag) )

		for( ptr=open_dir("*.*"); ptr; ptr=nxt_entry() )

			if( cnt == ac )
				ac += 20;
				files = (struct fs *)realloc( files, ac*sizeof(struct fs) );
				if( files == NULL )
					/*  cut your losses */
					fprintf( stderr, "ls: out of space\n" );

			/* degenerate */
			if( strcmp( ptr, "." ) == 0 || strcmp( ptr, ".." ) == 0 )

			files[cnt].fs_mode = dta_mode();
			files[cnt].fs_time = *dta_time();
			files[cnt].fs_size = dta_size();
			files[cnt++].fs_name = strlwr(strdup(ptr));

			if( strlen(ptr) > maxlen )
					maxlen = strlen( ptr );



		files = (struct fs *)smalloc( (argc+1) * sizeof(struct fs) );
		filelist = list;

		while( *filelist )

			if( (stat( *filelist, &statb ) == -1) )
				if( isdev(*filelist)
				|| (strcmp(*filelist, "/")==0 
				||  strcmp(*filelist,"\\")==0))
					statb.st_mode = S_IFDIR;
					statb.st_size = 0;
					statb.st_mtime = 0;
					fprintf( stderr, "%s: no such file\n", 
						*filelist );
					return( -1 );

			files[cnt].fs_name = strlwr(strdup(*filelist));
			files[cnt].fs_mode = statb.st_mode;
			files[cnt].fs_time = *localtime( &statb.st_mtime );
			files[cnt].fs_time.tm_mon += 1;    /* relative to 1 */
			files[cnt++].fs_size = statb.st_size;

			if( strlen(*filelist) > maxlen )
					maxlen = strlen( *filelist );

			filelist++;	  /* very important  */


	/*  !!  this can overflow stack if the list is too large  */
	if( cnt )
		qsort( (char *)files, cnt, sizeof(struct fs), fscmp );

	/*  formatting considerations  */
	if( Test(Aflag) )
		cols = 79 / (maxlen+1);
		cols = 79 / maxlen;

	if( cols < 0 )
		cols = 1;

	if( Test(Lflag) )
		for( i=0; i<cnt; i++ )
			(void)lstatus( &files[i], flags, maxlen, True );
	if( Test(Cflag) )
		for( i=0; i<cnt; i++ )
			fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", files[i].fs_name );
		int ind;

		/* print out by rows */
		nl = True;
		for( r=0; r < ((cnt+cols-1)/cols); r++ )

			for( ind=r, i=0; i<cols; i++ )

				/*  have we seen everything? */
				if( ((r*cols) + i) >= cnt )

				nl = lstatus( &files[ind], flags, maxlen, nl );

				/* add the size of a column */
				ind += cnt/cols;  
				if( i < (cnt % cols) ) 


			/*  nl flag indicates if a new line is desired */
			if( !nl )
				putc( '\n', stdout );
				nl = True;


	/*  free up the storage you have used, run some totals */
	ls_cnt += cnt;

	for( i=0; i<cnt; i++ )
		ls_size += files[i].fs_size;
		free( files[i].fs_name );

	if( files )
		free( files );

	return( 0 );


b_echo( argv, envp )
char * * argv;
char * * envp;

	int	cnt = 0;

	while( *argv )
		if( cnt++ != 0 )
			fprintf( stdout, " " );
		fprintf( stdout, "%s", *argv );

	putc( '\n', stdout );
	return( 0 );


b_cd( argv, envp )
char * * argv;
char * * envp;


	if( strlen(*argv) == 2
	&&  (*argv)[1] == ':' )
		return( chdsk( *argv ) );

	if( chdir( *argv ) == -1 )
		perror( "chdir" );
	return( 0 );


b_pwd( argv, envp )
char * * argv;
char * * envp;

	char * dirp;

	if( (dirp = getcwd(NULL,128)) == NULL )
		perror( "getcwd" );
		return( -1 );
		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", strlwr(dirp) );
		free( dirp );
		return( 0 );


#define	MaxDirs (10)
Local char * dirs[MaxDirs];
Local int dircnt = 0;

b_dirs( argv, envp )
char * * argv;
char * * envp;

	Reg int i;
	char * cwd;

	if( (cwd = getcwd( NULL, 128 )) )
		fprintf( stdout, "%s ", strlwr(cwd) );
		free( cwd );

	for( i=dircnt-1; i >= 0; i-- )
		fprintf( stdout, "%s ", dirs[i] );
	putc( '\n', stdout );

	return( 0 );


b_pushd( argv, envp )
char * * argv;
char * * envp;

	char * dirp;
	char * cwd;

	if( *++argv == NULL )
		if( dircnt == 0 )
			fprintf( stderr, "no directory specified\n" );
			return( -1 );
			dirp = dirs[--dircnt];
		dirp = *argv;

	if( dircnt < MaxDirs )

		if( (cwd = getcwd( NULL, 128 )) == NULL )
			perror( "chdir" );
			return( -1 );

		if( dirp[1] == ':' )
			if( chdsk(dirp[0]) == -1 )
				perror( "chdisk" );
			dirp += 2;
			if( dirp[0] == '\0' )
				dirp = "/";

		if ( chdir( dirp ) == -1 )
			perror( "chdir" );
			dirs[dircnt++] = strlwr(cwd);

		b_dirs( NULL, NULL );
		return( 0 );

		fprintf( stderr, "stack overflow\n" );

	return( -1 );


b_popd( argv, envp )
char * * argv;
char * * envp;

	char * cwd;
	char * dir;

	if( dircnt == 0 )
		fprintf( stderr, "stack empty\n" );
		return( -1 );
		dir = cwd = dirs[--dircnt];
		if( dir[1] == ':' )
			if( chdsk(dir[0]) == -1 )
				perror( "chdisk" );
			dir += 2;

		if( chdir( dir )  == -1)
			perror( "chdir:" );
			b_dirs( NULL, NULL );

		free( cwd );
	return( 0 );


b_mkdir( argv, envp )
char * * argv;
char * * envp;

	int error = 0;
	int rc;

	while( *++argv )
		if( (rc = mkdir( *argv )) != 0 )
			perror( "mkdir" );
		error |= rc;
	return( error );


b_rmdir( argv, envp )
char * * argv;
char * * envp;

	int error = 0;
	int rc;

	while( *++argv )
		if( (rc = rmdir( *argv )) != 0 )
			perror( "rmdir" );
		error |= rc;
	return( error );


b_rm( argv, envp )
char * * argv;
char * * envp;

	int	error = 0;
	int rc;

	while( *++argv )
		if( (rc = unlink( *argv )) != 0 )
			perror( "rm" );
		error |= rc;
	return( error );


b_history( argv, envp )
char * * argv;
char * * envp;

	int count;
	int i;
	int ind;

	if( *++argv == NULL )
		count = hmax;
		count = atoi( *argv );
		if( count > hmax ) count = hmax;

	ind = hind-1;
	for( i=0; i<count; i++ )
		if( ind < 0 )
			ind = hmax-1;

		if( history[ind] == NULL )

		fprintf( stdout, "%d: %s\n", hindex[ind], history[ind] );

	return( 0 );


/* ahhbedee ahhbedee ahhba  That's All Folks  */
b_exit(argv, envp)
char * * argv;
char * * envp;
	if( *++argv )
		exit( atoi(*argv) );

b_rehash( argv, envp )
char * * argv;
char * * envp;

	rehash( l_getenv( "PATH" ) );
	return( 0 );


b_set( argv, envp )
char * * argv;
char * * envp;
	char * vptr;

	if( *++argv == NULL )
		l_printenv( envp );
		while( *argv )
			if( (vptr = strchr( *argv, '=' )) == NULL )
				fprintf( stderr, "set: syntax error\n" );
				return( -1 );

			*vptr++ = '\0';
			if( l_setenv( *argv, vptr ) == -1 )
				perror( "set" );
				return( -1 );
		return( 0 );


b_source( argv, envp )
char * * argv;
char * * envp;
	while( *++argv )
		source( *argv );

 *   If you're wondering what fgrep is doing here, it's because the
 *  goddamn msdos arg list is so small.  Anything that I do frequently
 *  is a builtin command, since you can't adequately wildcard expand
 *  on large file lists.  Every day, in every way, msdos sucks.

fgrep( file, pattern, fd )
char	* file;
char	* pattern;
FILE *	fd;

	char line[BUFSIZ];
	int rc;

	rc = 0;
	while( fgets( line, sizeof(line), fd ) != NULL )
		if( rc = match( pattern, line ) )
			fprintf( stdout, "%s: %s", 
				(file) ? file : "stdin", line );

	return( rc );


match( pattern, line )
char	* pattern;
char	* line;

	/*  !? not a great algorithm  */
	char	* ptr;
	char	* end;
	int	plen = strlen(pattern);
	int llen = strlen(line);

	if( plen > llen )
		return( 0 );

	end = line+(llen-plen);

	for( ptr=line; ptr < end; ptr++ )
		/*   ... actually, pretty mediocre  */
		if( strncmp( pattern, ptr, plen ) == 0 )
			return( 1 );

	return( 0 );


b_fgrep( argv, envp )
char * argv[];
char * * envp;

	FILE *  fd;
	int rc;
	char * pattern;

	pattern = *++argv;

	rc = 0;
	if( *argv == NULL )
		rc = fgrep( NULL, pattern, stdin );
		return( 0 );
	while( *argv )
		if( (fd = fopen( *argv, "r" )) == NULL )
			fprintf( stderr, "couldn't open %s\n", *argv );
			rc |= fgrep( *argv, pattern, fd );
			fclose( fd );

	return( !rc );

cat << \SHAR_EOF > wildcard.c
#include "gen.h"

/*	toy pattern matching ... recognize '*' only, for now */

 *	sh:  a Unix(tm) like command interpreter for MS-DOS.
 *  by  Douglas Orr
 *      Textset Inc.
 *      Ann Arbor, Michigan
 *  Copyright (c) 1985 Textset.   All rights reserved.
 *  This program may be freely distributed, but not sold for profit.

ismatch( pattern, filename )
char * pattern;
char * filename;

	char	* pat;
	char	* fn;

	pat = pattern;
	fn = filename;

	while( *pat ) 

		if( *pat == '*' )

			while( *fn )
				if( ismatch( pat, fn ) )
					return( True );

		if( *pat == *fn )
			return( False );


	return( *pat == *fn );


cat << \SHAR_EOF > gen.h
#define	Reg register
#define	Local static
#define	Public extern

#define	True (1)
#define	False (!True)

/*  access types  */
#define	F_OK (0)
#define	F_ROK (4)

typedef	unsigned char byte;
typedef byte bool;

Public char * l_getenv();
Public l_setenv();

cat << \SHAR_EOF > sh.h

/*	sh definitions	*/

#define	Interactive() (isatty(fileno(stdin)) && isatty(fileno(stdout)))

Public char * open_dir();
Public char * nxt_entry();
Public char * l_getenv();

Public struct tm * dta_time();
Public long dta_size();

#	End of shell archive
exit 0

doug@umich.UUCP (Douglas Orr) (08/04/85)

Here is part 3 of the Unix-like shell for DOS.  This part contains
some DOS utilities.


#	This is a shell archive.
#	Remove everything above and including the cut line.
#	Then run the rest of the file through sh.
-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----
# shar:	Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	cp.c
#	more.c
#	fgrep.c
# This archive created: Sun Aug  4 14:02:56 1985
cat << \SHAR_EOF > cp.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys\types.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>

#define Usage "usage: %s file1 file2\n\tor %s file1 file2 ... [dir|dev:]\n"

main( argc, argv )
int	argc;
char	* argv[];

	struct stat statb;
	int	dir;
	char * dest;
	char	dbuf[256];
	static char	buf[30*BUFSIZ];
	int	ifd, ofd;
	int cnt;
	int mv;
	char * pgm;
	char * ptr;
	int ident;

	pgm = argv[0];
	if( argc < 3 )
			fprintf( stderr, Usage, pgm, pgm );

	/*   is this "mv" or "cp"?  */
	strlwr( pgm );
	if( (ptr = strrchr( pgm, '\\' )) == NULL)
		ptr = pgm;
	mv  =  (strcmp( ptr, "mv.exe" ) == 0)
		|| (strcmp( ptr, "mv" ) == 0);

	/*   is this  cp a b, or cp a b c <dir/dev:>?  */
	dest = argv[--argc];
	if( (stat( dest, &statb ) == -1 
	   || !((statb.st_mode & S_IFDIR) 
	     || (strcmp( dest, "\\" ) == 0)))  /* msdos sucks  */
	   && !((strlen(dest) == 2) && (dest[1] == ':')) )
		dir = 0;
		dir = 1;

	if( strcmp( dest, "." ) == 0 )
		ident  = 1;
		ident = 0;

	if( (argc > 2) && !dir )
		goto usage;

	 *	move or copy all of the files on the arg list 
	while( --argc )

		if( ident )
			/*  I hate ms-dos  */
			if( (ptr = strrchr( *argv, '\\' )) == NULL
			&&  (ptr = strrchr( *argv, '/')) == NULL )
				fprintf( stderr, "can't copy %s onto itself\n", *argv );
				exit( 1 );
			strcpy( dbuf, ptr+1 );
		if( dir )
			sprintf( dbuf, "%s\\%s", dest, *argv );
			strcpy( dbuf, dest );

		if( (ifd = open( *argv, O_RDONLY+O_BINARY )) < 0 )
			perror( pgm );

		if( (ofd = open( dbuf, O_WRONLY+O_CREAT+O_TRUNC+O_BINARY, 0666 )) < 0 )
			perror( pgm );

		while( (cnt = read( ifd, buf, sizeof(buf) )) > 0 )
			if( (cnt = write( ofd, buf, cnt )) < 0 )

		if( cnt < 0 )
			/*  I/O error */
			perror( pgm );
			exit( 1 );

		if( mv )
			unlink( *argv );


cat << \SHAR_EOF > more.c
#include "gen.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

#include <dos.h>

 *	more:  a Unix(tm) like more command for MS-DOS
 *  by  Douglas Orr
 *      Textset Inc.
 *      Ann Arbor, Michigan
 *  Copyright (c) 1985 Textset.   All rights reserved.
 *  This program may be freely distributed, but not sold for profit.

 *	To compile:   msc -Ze more.c
 *  Code in chin must be changed if you go to a large memory model.

Local char  esc = '\033';
Local char	ctl_z = '\032';

Local FILE * con = NULL;

main( argc, argv )
int	argc;
char * argv[];
	int fd;
	struct  stat statb;

	while( --argc )
		if( (*++argv)[0] == '-' )
			switch( (*argv)[1] )
					fprintf( stderr, "invalid argument %s\n", *argv );

	if( argc == 0 )

		more( NULL, fileno(stdin), 0L);
		exit( 0 );

	while( argc-- )

		if( (fd = open( *argv, O_RDONLY+O_BINARY )) < 0 )
			fprintf( stderr, "couldn't open %s\n", *argv );
			statb.st_size = 0;  /* just in case fstat fails */
			fstat( fd, &statb );
			more( *argv, fd, statb.st_size );
			close( fd );
		if( argc )
			printf( "%c[7m  Next file: %s  %c[0m", esc, *argv, esc );
			printf( "\r%c[K", esc );



Local char buffer[BUFSIZ];
Local int bufp = 0;
Local long pos = 0;
Local int cnt = 0;
Local int eof;

	bufp = pos = cnt = 0;
	eof = False;

getline( fd, line, linesize )
int	fd;
char	* line;
int	linesize;

	int	linep;
	bool  eol;

	if( eof )
		return( -1 );

	for( linep=0; linep < linesize; )

		if( bufp >= cnt )
			pos += cnt;
			bufp = 0;
			if( (cnt = read( fd, buffer, sizeof buffer )) == 0 )
				if( linep != 0 )
					eof = True;
				return( -1 );

		/*  newline signals eol  */
		if( buffer[bufp] == '\n' )
		if( buffer[bufp] == ctl_z )
			eof = True;
			/*  ignore crs  */
			if( buffer[bufp] != '\r' )
				line[linep++] = buffer[bufp];


	line[linep] = '\0';
	return( pos + bufp );


more(fname, fd, size)
char * fname;
int fd;
long size;
	int	cnt;
	char buf[80];
	long pos;
	long lineno = 0;


	if( fname )
		printf( "%c[1m  More:  File <%s> %c[0m\n", esc, fname, esc );
		cnt = 1;
		cnt = 0;

	while( (pos = getline( fd, buf, sizeof(buf)-1 )) >= 0 )
		printf( "%s\n", buf );
		if( (++cnt % 24) == 0 )
			bool done;

			if( size )
				printf( "%c[7m  -More(%ld%%)- %c[0m", esc, 
					((pos*100)/size), esc );
				printf( "%c[7m  -More-  %c[0m", esc, esc );

			for( done=False; !done; )
				done = True;
				switch( chin() )
					case ' ':
						cnt = 0; 
					case '\r':
					case '\n':
					case 'q':
						printf( "\n" );
					case 'v':
						sprintf( buf, "v %s", fname );
						system( buf );
					case ':':
						switch( chin() )
							case 'n':
							printf( "\r%c[K", esc );
						done = False;
			printf( "\r%c[K", esc );



 *  !! Today's mystery:  I have tried every way that I can think of
 *     to open con: in binary mode, using uSoft routines, and I just
 *     can't get it.  I open with the right flags, using open or fopen,
 *     and the file descriptor comes up as non-binary when polled via
 *     ioctl.  Even "setmode" doesn't work.  What gives?
 *     the result is what follows:

	Local int confd = -1;

	union REGS regs;
	char far * buf;			/* need -Ze to compile  */
	char buffer[1];

	if( confd < 0 )

		if( (confd = open("con", O_RDONLY)) < 0 )
			fprintf( stderr, "couldn't open con:\n" );

		/*  get the current ioctl bits for con: */
		regs.h.ah = 0x44;
		regs.h.al = 0;
		regs.x.bx = confd;
		intdos( &regs, &regs );

		/* flip on binary mode */
		regs.h.ah = 0x44;
		regs.h.al = 1;
		regs.x.bx = confd;
		regs.x.dx |= 0x20;
		regs.x.dx &= ~(0x8010);
		intdos( &regs, &regs );


	/*  read seems to be a bit problematical, also  */
	buf = buffer;
	regs.h.ah = 0x3f;
	regs.x.bx = confd;
	/*  !! small model - ds is the current ds  */
	regs.x.dx = FP_OFF(buf);
	regs.x.cx = 1;
	intdos( &regs, &regs );

	return( buf[0] );

cat << \SHAR_EOF > fgrep.c
#include "gen.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

Local char  esc = '\033';
Local char	ctl_z = '\032';

main( argc, argv )
int	argc;
char * argv[];
	FILE *  fd;
	int	rc;
	char * pattern;

	while( --argc )
		if( (*++argv)[0] == '-' )
			switch( (*argv)[1] )
					fprintf( stderr, "invalid argument %s\n", *argv );

	if( argc == 0 )
		fprintf( stderr, "usage: fgrep pattern [file ...]\n" );

	pattern = *argv++;

	rc = 0;
	if( argc == 0 )
		rc = fgrep( NULL, pattern, stdin );
		exit( 0 );
	while( argc-- )

		if( (fd = fopen( *argv, "r" )) == NULL )
			fprintf( stderr, "couldn't open %s\n", *argv );
			rc |= fgrep( *argv, pattern, fd );
			close( fd );


	exit( !rc );

fgrep( file, pattern, fd )
char	* file;
char	* pattern;
FILE *	fd;
	char	line[BUFSIZ];
	int		rc;

	rc = 0;
	while( fgets( line, sizeof(line), fd ) != NULL )
		if( rc = match( pattern, line ) )
			printf( "%s: %s", (file) ? file : "stdin", line );

	return( rc );


match( pattern, line )
char	* pattern;
char	* line;
	/*  not a great algorithm  */
	char	* ptr;
	char	* end;
	int	plen = strlen(pattern);
	int llen = strlen(line);

	if( plen > llen )
		return( 0 );

	end = line+(llen-plen);

	for( ptr=line; ptr < end; ptr++ )
		if( strncmp( pattern, ptr, plen ) == 0 )
			return( 1 );

	return( 0 );
#	End of shell archive
exit 0