[net.sources] Mandelbrot Set computations

minow@decvax.UUCP (Martin Minow) (08/06/85)

This is a shar archive containing programs to compute and display
the Mandelbrot Set.

To unpack, remove everything before the line beginning with # and
feed to sh (not csh).
cat >readme.txt <<'------ EOF ------'
This is a very quick hack to compute the Mandelbrot Set as described
in Scientific American, August 1985.  The program is presented only
as a stepping-stone for your own improvements.

There are four source files:

mancomp.c	Compute the Mandelbrot Set, writing a "pixel"
		and "histogram" file.

mandisp.c	Read the files produced by mancomp.c, displaying the
		computed values.  This program is -- hopefully --
		independent of the display hardware/firmware.

manscreen.c	Screen I/O for operator interaction.  Assumes a
		VT100 or similar terminal (with ANSI display controls),
		but should be easy to adapt to other uses.  Used only
		to get parameters and display program status.

manregis.c	Display output routines for Regis terminals, such as
		the VT125, VT241, and PRO-350.  Tested only on the


The programs have had only minimal testing.  They are quite slow.
You should redo the display routine (and adjust the size of the
Mandelbrot set) to take best advantage of your display hardware.
For example, you should compute an image that fills the screen.

You can generate spectacular color images on the PRO if you do
a little work.

Someone with better graphics and numerical analysis skills should
redo the computation in terms of scaled fixed-point arithmetic.

Exploration of the Mandelbrot Set and its effective display would
make a nice project for an introductory computer programming course.

Martin Minow

------ EOF ------
ls -l readme.txt
cat >Makefile <<'------ EOF ------'
# Make mancomp and mandisp
# The redefinition of strchr() and strrchr() is needed for
# Ultrix-32, Unix 4.2 bsd (and maybe some other Unices).
BSDDEFINES = -Dstrchr=index -Dstrrchr=rindex
# On certain systems, such as Unix System III, you may need to define
# $(LINTFLAGS) in the make command line to set system-specific lint flags.


all	: mancomp mandisp

# ** Compile mancomp and mandisp
MANCOMP_SRCS	=	mancomp.c manscreen.c
MANCOMP_OBJS	=	mancomp.o manscreen.o
mancomp:	$(MANCOMP_OBJS)
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(MANCOMP_OBJS) -o mancomp

MANDISP_SRCS	=	mandisp.c manscreen.c manregis.c
MANDISP_OBJS	=	mandisp.o manscreen.o manregis.o
mandisp:	$(MANDISP_OBJS)
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(MANDISP_OBJS) -o mandisp

# ** Lint the code

mancomp.o	:	mancomp.c

mandisp.o	:	mandisp.c

manscreen.o	:	manscreen.c

manregis.o	:	manregis.c

------ EOF ------
ls -l Makefile
cat >mancomp.c <<'------ EOF ------'

 * Mandelzoom (from Scientific American, August 1985).
 * Recommended places for exploration (according to the article):
 *	 real  imaginary	side
 *	-2.00	 -1.25		2.50	Entire Mandelbrot set
 *	  .26	  0.00		 .01
 *	 -.76	  0.01		 .02
 *	-1.26	  0.01		 .02
 * This program computes the Mandelbrot set, writing the pixels
 * to xxx.pix and the parameters (origin, size, and a pixel density
 * histogram to xxx.his).
 * Option command line (for spawning):
 * 	mandel origin_real origin_imag size npixel niter filename
 * or	mandel xxx.cmd			read commands from a file.
 * or	mandel				interactive
 * Values are:
 *  orig_real	(double) lower-left hand corner of the picture (real part)
 *  orig_imag	(double) lower-left hand corner of the picture (imag part)
 *  size	(double) size of a side (defines the view into the set
 *  npixel	(int)    number of pixels on each side (max == 512)
 *				default = 100
 *  niter	(int)    number of iterations per point.
 *				default = 100
 *  file	(string) name of output file (no type)
 *				default = mandel
 * In "mandel file" format, each line generates a separate picture.
 * Each picture causes two files to be written:
 *   file.his	(readable text format) contains picture definition parameters
 *		and a histogram of pixel values:
 *	orig_real orig_imag side npixel niter \n
 *	bottom top sum	(first non-zero histogram, last non-zero,
 *			  sum of histogram values).
 *	hist[bottom]	(number of pixels with count == bottom)
 *	...		(etc.)
 *	hist[top]	(number of pixels with specified count)
 *  file.pix	(binary format) contains npixel rows, each containing npixel
 *		integers, defining the count at each pixel location.
 * Note: this program is very cpu intensive.  There are a maximum of
 *	4 * niter * (npixel**2) floating-point multiplies
 *     10 * niter * (npixel**2) other floating-point (add, compare, store)
 * per picture.
 * Decus C bug note:
 *   all printf's that format floats must have only one floating-point
 *   parameter, and it must be the last parameter in the argument list.
 *   Also, Decus C doesn't support (double) x++.

#include	<stdio.h>
#include	<ctype.h>
#ifdef decus
#define W_BIN_MODE	"wn"		/* Write binary file in Decus C	*/
#define W_BIN_MODE	"w"
#ifdef vms
#include		errno
#define	IO_ERROR	errno
#define	IO_SUCCESS	1		/* SS$_NORMAL			*/
#define FALSE	0
#define TRUE	1
#define	EOS	'\0'
#ifndef	IO_ERROR
#define	IO_SUCCESS	0		/* Unix definitions		*/
#define	IO_ERROR	1

#ifdef decus
int		$$narg = 1;		/* Don't prompt for commands	*/
#define	MAX_NPIXEL	400		/* Forced by display format	*/
#define	MAX_NITER	1000		/* Max. number of iterations	*/
#define DEF_FILENAME	"mandel"	/* Default output filename	*/
#define	DEF_NITER	100		/* Default number of iterations	*/
#define	DEF_NPIXEL	100		/* Default number of pixels	*/
#define	MAX_ARGS	8		/* Command line arguments	*/

 * These values may be reset by the user.
int		niter = DEF_NITER;	/* Number of iterations		*/
int		npixel = DEF_NPIXEL;	/* Number of pixels/side	*/
double		orig_real = -2.0;	/* South-West (i.e. lower-left)	*/
double		orig_imag = -1.25;	/* corner of the picture	*/
double		side = 2.5;

int		pixel[MAX_NPIXEL];	/* Stores one pixel row		*/
double		gap[MAX_NPIXEL];	/* Real axis position		*/
double		hist[MAX_NITER];	/* Pixel density histogram	*/
char		line[256];		/* General text work area	*/
char		filename[81];		/* Output file name work area	*/
char		*myargv[MAX_ARGS];	/* To build command arguments	*/
int		myargc;			/* Index into myargv[]		*/
FILE		*pixfd;			/* Pixel file (binary)		*/
FILE		*hisfd;			/* Pixel histogram (text)	*/

extern double	atof();
extern char	*strchr();
main(argc, argv)
int		argc;
char		*argv[];
	if (argc <= 1) {
	    while (interactive()) {
	else if (argc == 2 && !isdigit(argv[1][0])) {
	    if (freopen(argv[1], "r", stdin) == NULL) {
	    while (comfile()) {
		getarguments(myargc, myargv);
	else {
	    getarguments(argc, argv);

	if (setup()) {
 * Compute the Mandelbrot set.
	register double	z_real, z_imag;	/* Pixel accumulator		*/
	register double	z2_real;	/* z_real ** 2			*/
	register double z2_imag;	/* z_imag ** 2			*/
	register int	count;		/* Inner-loop counter		*/
	register int	j;		/* Column counter		*/
	register int	i;		/* Row counter			*/
	register double	c_real, c_imag;	/* Pixel position (constant)	*/
	register double	float_pixels;	/* To computer pixel position	*/
	register double	total;		/* For progress log		*/

	 * Precompute the position of each pixel on the real axis.
	 * This loop should not be "unrolled" to a succession of
	 * additions as that would lose accuracy.  Given what
	 * follows, the cost isn't excessive.
	total = 0.0;			/* Progress log counter		*/
	float_pixels = npixel;
	for (j = 0; j < npixel; j++)	/* Precompute column (real) gap	*/
	    gap[j] = orig_real + (side * ((double) j) / float_pixels);
	for (i = 0; i < npixel; i++) {
	    c_imag = orig_imag + (side * ((double) i) / float_pixels);
	    for (j = 0; j < npixel; j++) {
	 	 * Compute one point (pixel) of the Mandelbrot set:
		 * 1. Set z to 0 + 0i and
		 *    set c to the pixel location (real, imag)
		 * 2. Perform step 3 until either
		 *    1. count reaches the selected number of iterations or
		 *    2. the "size" of z exceeds 2.0, where size is
		 *       defined as sqrt(z_real**2 + z_imag**2)
		 *       (we don't bother with the square root.)
		 * 3. z = z**2 + c;
		 *    count = count + 1;
		 *    size = size of z as defined above.
		 * 4. Set pixel[i,j] to the number of iterations (count).
		c_real = gap[j];
		z_real = c_real;
		z_imag = c_imag;
		for (count = 0; count < niter; count++) {
		    if (((z2_real = (z_real * z_real))
		       + (z2_imag = (z_imag * z_imag))) > 4.0)
		    z_imag = (z_real * z_imag * 2.0) + c_imag;
		    z_real = z2_real - z2_imag + c_real;
		pixel[j] = count;		/* Store the pixel	*/
		hist[count] += 1.0;		/* Gray-scale histogram	*/
		total += (double) count;	/* For progress log	*/
		if (i == j && isatty(fileno(stdout))) {
		    scr_move(7, 1);		/* Log progress @ diag.	*/
		    printf("%3d %3d %4d %8.0f", i, j, count, total);
	    }					/* All columns this row	*/
	    fwrite(pixel, npixel * sizeof (pixel[0]), 1, pixfd);
	    if (ferror(pixfd)) {
		perror("pixel file write error");
	}					/* All rows in picture	*/
 * Open the .pix and .his files.  Zero the vectors.
	register int		i;
	extern FILE		*fcreate();

	sprintf(line, "%s.pix", filename);
	if ((pixfd = fopen(line, W_BIN_MODE)) == NULL) {
	    return (FALSE);
	sprintf(line, "%s.his", filename);
	if ((hisfd = fcreate(line)) == NULL) {
	    return (FALSE);
	fprintf(hisfd, "%f", orig_real);
	fprintf(hisfd, " %f", orig_imag);
	fprintf(hisfd, " %f", side);
	fprintf(hisfd, " %d", npixel);
	fprintf(hisfd, " %d\n", niter);
	for (i = 0; i < niter; i++)
	    hist[i] = 0.0;
	return (TRUE);
 * Compute a histogram of the counts.
	register int		bottom, top, i;
	register double		sum;

	for (bottom = 0; bottom < niter && hist[bottom] == 0.0; bottom++)
	for (top = niter - 1; top > bottom  && hist[top] == 0.0; top--)
	for (sum = 0.0, i = bottom; i <= top; i++)
	    sum = sum + hist[i];
	fprintf(hisfd, "%d %d %f\n", bottom, top, sum);
	for (i = bottom; i <= top; i++)
	    fprintf(hisfd, "%10.2f\n", hist[i]);
getarguments(argcount, argstring)
int		argcount;
char		*argstring[];
 * Process argv[] from command line or pseudo argv[] from a file.
	register int		i;

	if (argcount < 5) {
	    printf("Missing arguments, need at least\n");
	    printf("orig_real, orig_imaginary, side\n");
	else {
	    orig_real	= atof(argstring[1]);
	    orig_imag	= atof(argstring[2]);
	    side	= atof(argstring[3]);
	    strcpy(filename, DEF_FILENAME);
	    niter	= DEF_NITER;
	    npixel	= DEF_NPIXEL;
	    switch (argcount) {
		printf("Extra arguments ignored:\n");
		for (i = 7; i < argcount; i++)
		    printf(" arg[%d] = \"%s\"\n", i, argstring[i]);
	    case 7:
		strcpy(filename, argstring[6]);
	    case 6:
		if ((niter = atoi(argstring[5])) > MAX_NITER) {
		    printf("%d iterations max.\n", MAX_NITER);
		    niter = MAX_NITER;
	    case 5:
		npixel = atoi(argstring[4]);
	    if (npixel > MAX_NPIXEL)
		npixel = MAX_NPIXEL;
	    printf("corner = [%f,",	orig_real);
	    printf("%f], ",		orig_imag);
	    printf("side = %f, ",	side);
	    printf("%d pixels, %d iterations\n", npixel, niter);
 * Read commands from the terminal -- assumed to be a VT100 or similar.
	if (isatty(fileno(stdin)))
	if (!getcomplex(1, "Lower-left Corner (real, imaginary)",
		&orig_real, &orig_imag)
	 || !getdouble(2,  "Side Length", &side)
	 || !getint(3,"Number of pixels on a side",
	 || !getint(4,	"Iterations",
	 || !getstring(5, "Output filename", filename, DEF_FILENAME))
	    return (FALSE);
#if 0
/* Debug */
	scr_move(2, 1);
	printf("corner = [%f,",	orig_real);
	printf("%f], ",		orig_imag);
	printf("side = %f, ",	side);
	printf("%d pixels, %d iterations\n", npixel, niter);
	return (TRUE);
 * Read commands from an indirect command file.
	register char	*lp;

	if (gets(line) == NULL)
	    return (FALSE);
	myargv[0] = "";
	for (myargc = 1, lp = line; *lp != EOS && myargc < MAX_ARGS;) {
	    while (isspace(*lp))
	    myargv[myargc++] = lp;
	    if (*lp != EOS)
		*lp++ = EOS;
	return (TRUE);
------ EOF ------
ls -l mancomp.c
cat >mandisp.c <<'------ EOF ------'
 * Display Mandelbrot set pixels.  (Gidis format)
 * This version uses the Gidis display protocol (for DEC PRO/350)
 * It should be "fairly" easy to adapt it for other displays.

#include		<stdio.h>
#include		<ctype.h>
#ifdef vms
#include		errno
#define	IO_ERROR	errno
#define FALSE	0
#define TRUE	1
#define	EOS	'\0'
#ifdef decus
int		$$narg = 1;		/* Don't prompt for commands	*/
#define R_BIN_MODE	"rn"		/* Read binary file in Decus C	*/
#define R_BIN_MODE	"r"
#define	MAX_NITER	1000		/* Max. number of iterations	*/
#define MAX_NPIXEL	 400
#define DEF_FILENAME	"mandel"

 * Screen coordinates (set by mangidis.c, manregis.c)
extern int	max_npixel;
extern int	smaxx;
extern int	smaxy;
extern int	xorigin;
extern int	yorigin;
extern int	gray_scale;
extern int	tick;
extern int	cxsize;
extern int	cysize;

 * These values are read from the .his file
int		niter;			/* Number of iterations		*/
int		npixel;			/* Number of pixels/side	*/
double		orig_real;
double		orig_imag;
double		side;

int		pixel[MAX_NPIXEL];	/* Holds one row		*/
int		factor;			/* Scan lines per pixel		*/
double		hist[MAX_NITER];	/* Pixel density histogram	*/
int		density[MAX_NITER];	/* Initialization fills this in	*/
double		hist_sum;		/* Sum of histogram values	*/
char		line[81];
char		filename[81];
extern double	atof();
extern char	*strchr();
FILE		*pixfd;
FILE		*hisfd;
main(argc, argv)
int		argc;
char		*argv[];
	register int		i;

/*	show_gray();			-- no longer needed		*/
	if (argc <= 1) {
	    while (interactive()) {
	else {
	    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		strcpy(filename, argv[i]);

	if (setup()) {
	register int		i, j;
	int			value;
	int			new_density, old_density;
	int			oldx, newx;

	factor = max_npixel / npixel;		/* Scan lines/pixel	*/
	for (i = 0; i < npixel; i++) {
	    j = fread(pixel, npixel * sizeof (pixel[0]), 1, pixfd);
	    if (feof(pixfd)) {
		perror("pixel file");
		scr_move(5, 1);
		printf("read error at scan row %d, expected %d, read %d\n",
		    i, npixel, j);
	     * Position to Left edge of this scan line
	    dsp_move(xorigin, yorigin - (i * factor));
	    old_density = -1;
	    oldx = xorigin;;
	    for (j = 0; j < npixel; j++) {
		value = pixel[j];
		new_density = density[value];
		if (new_density != old_density) {
		    newx = xorigin + (j * factor);
		     * If the luminance has just changed,
		     * write the vector from "old" to "new"
		    if (old_density >= 0) {
			dsp_draw(old_density, newx - oldx);
		    old_density = new_density;
		    oldx = newx;
	     * Write the last vector and reset display.
	    dsp_draw(old_density, xorigin + ((npixel - 1) * factor) - oldx);
 * Used to debug the gray scale, this routine prints each gray scale
 * value in turn.
	register int		i;
	register int		j;
	register int		y;
	int			lines_per_gray;

	y = yorigin;
	lines_per_gray = max_npixel / gray_scale;
	for (i = 0; i < gray_scale; i++) {
	    sprintf(line, "%2d", i);
	    dsp_text(xorigin - (cxsize * 3), y - cysize, line);
	    for (j = 0; j < lines_per_gray; j++, y--) {
		dsp_move(xorigin, y);
		dsp_draw(i, max_npixel);
	    y -= 2;			/* Spacing		*/
 * This is crude and should be replaced by something suitable to
 * your (hopefully) color display.
static int gray_select[] = {
	0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
#define	NGRAY	(sizeof gray_select / sizeof (gray_select[0]))

 * Take the density histogram and turn it into a gray scale.
 * (should this be interactive or make better use of the
 * histogram prepared by mancomp?)
	register int		i;

	for (i = niter; i >= 0; --i) {
	    density[i] = gray_select[i % NGRAY];
 * Draw a pretty boarder
	register int	i;
	int		xleft, xright, ytop, ybottom;
	int		tick_gap;
	int		do_value;
	double		temp;
	double		offset;
	double		gap;

	xleft = xorigin - 2;
	xright = xorigin + max_npixel + 2;
	ytop = yorigin - max_npixel - 2;
	ybottom = yorigin + 2;
	tick_gap = max_npixel / 10;
	gap = side / ((double) max_npixel);
	dsp_draw(gray_scale - 1, 0);			/* White line	*/
	dsp_line(xleft, ytop, xright, ytop);
	dsp_line(xright, ytop, xright, ybottom);
	dsp_line(xright, ybottom, xleft, ybottom);
	dsp_line(xleft, ybottom, xleft, ytop);
	do_value = TRUE;
	offset = 0.0;
	for (i = xorigin; i < xright; i += tick_gap) {
	    dsp_line(i, ybottom, i, ybottom + tick);
	    dsp_line(i, ytop,    i, ytop    - tick);
	    if (do_value) {
		temp = orig_real + (offset * gap);
		sprintf(line, "%7.4f", temp);
		dsp_text(i - (3 * cxsize), ybottom + (tick * 2), line);
	    do_value = !do_value;
	    offset += ((double) tick_gap);
	do_value = TRUE;
	offset = 0.0;
	for (i = yorigin; i > ytop; i -= tick_gap) {
	    dsp_line(xleft,  i, xleft  - tick, i);
	    dsp_line(xright, i, xright + tick, i);
	    if (do_value) {
		temp = orig_imag + (offset * gap);
		sprintf(line, "%7.4f", temp);
		dsp_text(xleft - (10 * cxsize), i - (cysize / 2), line);
	    do_value = !do_value;
	    offset += ((double) tick_gap);

 * Open the .pix and .his files.  Zero the vectors.
	register int		i;
	auto int		bottom, top;

	sprintf(line, "%s.pix", filename);
	if ((pixfd = fopen(line, R_BIN_MODE)) == NULL) {
	    goto nogood;
	sprintf(line, "%s.his", filename);
	if ((hisfd = fopen(line, "r")) == NULL) {
	    goto close_pix;
	if (fgets(line, sizeof line, hisfd) == NULL) {
	    perror("histogram file -- first line");
	    goto close_both;
	if (sscanf(line,
#ifdef decus
		"%lf %lf %lf %d %d",
		"%f %f %f %d %d",
		&orig_real, &orig_imag, &side, &npixel, &niter) != 5) {
	    printf("First hist line didn't scan\n\"%s\"\n",
	    goto close_both;
	scr_move(2, 1);
	printf("Origin %f", orig_real); printf(", %f\n", orig_imag);
	printf("side   %f\n", side);
	printf("npixel %d\n", npixel);
	printf("niter  %d\n", niter);
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_NITER; i++)
	    hist[i] = 0.0;
	if (fgets(line, sizeof line, hisfd) == NULL) {
	    perror("histogram file -- second line");
	    goto close_both;
	if (sscanf(line,
#ifdef decus
		"%d %d %lf",
		"%d %d %f",
		&bottom, &top, &hist_sum) != 3) {
	    printf("Second line didn't scan\n\"%s\"\n", line);
	    goto close_both;
	for (i = bottom; i <= top; i++) {
	    if (fgets(line, sizeof line, hisfd) == NULL) {
		perror("histogram file -- data");
		goto close_both;
	    if (sscanf(line,
#ifdef decus
			&hist[i]) != 1) {
		printf("Histogram[%d] didn't scan\n\"%s\"",
		    i, line);
		goto close_both;
	return (TRUE);

 * Error exits
	if (isatty(fileno(stdin))) {
	    printf("Press return to continue.\n");
	return (FALSE);
	hisfd = NULL;
	pixfd = NULL;

	if (isatty(fileno(stdin)))
	if (!getstring(1, "Input filename", filename, DEF_FILENAME))
	    return (FALSE);
	return (TRUE);

	dsp_draw(gray_scale - 1, 0);			/* Force white */
	dsp_text(0, 0, "Press return to continue");
------ EOF ------
ls -l mandisp.c
cat >manregis.c <<'------ EOF ------'
 * Display Mandelbrot set pixels.
 * This version uses the Regis display protocol (for Dec VT125,
 * VT240, and PRO-350).  It should be "fairly" easy to adapt
 * it for other displays.

#include	<stdio.h>
#include	<ctype.h>
#ifdef vms
#include	errno
#define	IO_ERROR	errno
#define FALSE	0
#define TRUE	1
#define	EOS	'\0'

 * The Regis screen is fixed at 767 horizontal by 479 vertical pixels.
 * Although there is are relative coordinate system commands, we don't bother.
 * XORIGIN and YORIGIN define the lower-left corner of the Mandelbrot display.

#define	MAX_NPIXEL	400
#define	SMAXX		768
#define SMAXY		480
#define XORIGIN		300
#define YORIGIN		425
#define GRAY_SCALE	13		/* Density ranges from 0 to 12	*/
#define	TICK		8		/* Length of boarder tick-marks	*/
#define	CXSIZE		8		/* Character width		*/
#define	CYSIZE		10		/* Character height		*/
 * Globalize these values for the main display code.
int	max_npixel = MAX_NPIXEL;
int	smaxx = SMAXX;
int	smaxy = SMAXY;
int	xorigin = XORIGIN;
int	yorigin = YORIGIN;
int	gray_scale = GRAY_SCALE;	/* Make known to mandisp.c	*/
int	tick = TICK;
int	cxsize = CXSIZE;
int	cysize = CYSIZE;

 * Display routines for the bit-map display.
 *	dsp_init()		Initialize for bit-map writing, clear screen.
 *	dsp_done()		Done writing to the bit-map (don't clear)
 *	dsp_finis()		All done (about to exit to o.s., clear screen)
 *	dsp_move(r,c)		Move bitmap cursor to to this row-column
 *	dsp_endline()		Finish off a scanline
 *	dsp_draw(d,len)		Draw a horizontal line of the selected density
 *	dsp_text(r,c,t)		Write text string from this position
 *	dsp_line(x,yf,xt,yt)	Draw line from [xf,yf] to [xt,yt]

 * Start writing to the bitmap display.
	printf("\33P1pS[0,0]S(E)S(C0)");	/* Regis initialize	*/
	printf("S(M0(L0)1(L25)2(L50)3(L75))");	/* Regis Luminance	*/

 * Stop writing to the bitmap (don't clear it).

 * Exiting, clear display.

dsp_move(row, col)
int		row, col;
 * Move bitmap cursor to this position.
	printf("P[%d,%d]", row, col);

 * Executed at the end of a scan line.
	printf("W(I3)W(P1)");		/* Reset density to known state	*/

char	*dens_command[GRAY_SCALE] = {	/* Regis display controls	*/
	"W(I0)",			/*  0 == black			*/
	"W(I1)W(P6)",			/*  1 == dim,  sparse dots	*/
	"W(I1)W(P4)",			/*  2 == dim,  half-dense dots	*/
	"W(I1)W(P5)",			/*  3 == dim,  dense dots	*/
	"W(I1)W(P1)",			/*  4 == dim,  full line	*/
	"W(I2)W(P6)",			/*  5 == mid,  sparse dots	*/
	"W(I2)W(P4)",			/*  6 == mid,  half-dense dots	*/
	"W(I2)W(P5)",			/*  7 == mid,  dense dots	*/
	"W(I2)W(P1)",			/*  8 == mid,  full line	*/
	"W(I3)W(P6)",			/*  9 == full, sparse dots	*/
	"W(I3)W(P4)",			/* 10 == full, half-dense dots	*/
	"W(I3)W(P5)",			/* 11 == full, dense dots	*/
	"W(I3)W(P1)",			/* 12 == full, full line	*/

dsp_draw(density, length)
int		density;
int		length;
 * Draw a line of this density.
 * On entrance, cursor is at the left edge of the line.
 * Leave the cursor at the end of the line.
	if (density < 0)
	    density = 0;
	else if (density >= GRAY_SCALE)
	    density = GRAY_SCALE - 1;
	printf("%sV[+%d]", dens_command[density], length);

dsp_text(row, col, text)
int		row, col;
char		*text;		/* Must not contain a single quote "'"	*/
	dsp_move(row, col);
	printf("T'%s'", text);

dsp_line(xfrom, yfrom, xto, yto)
int		xfrom, yfrom;
int		xto,   yto;
 * Draw a line
	dsp_move(xfrom, yfrom);
	printf("V[%d,%d]", xto, yto);
------ EOF ------
ls -l manregis.c
cat >manscreen.c <<'------ EOF ------'
 * (Textual) screen handling for Mandelbrot programs.
 * Also prompt/input routines and some other junk.

#include		<stdio.h>
#include		<ctype.h>
#ifdef vms
#include		errno
#define	IO_ERROR	errno
#define FALSE	0
#define TRUE	1
#define	EOS	'\0'

extern char		line[];		/* General scratch (input line)	*/
extern double		atof();
extern char		*strchr();

 * Prompt and read (integer/real/complex/string)

getint(row, prompt, result, def_value, max_value)
int		row;
char		*prompt;
int		*result;
int		def_value;
int		max_value;
again:	*result = def_value;
	if (isatty(fileno(stdin))) {
	    scr_move(row, 1);
	    printf("%s (0:%d) <%d>: ",
		prompt, max_value, def_value);
	if (gets(line) == NULL)
	    return (FALSE);
	if (line[0] != EOS)
	    *result = atoi(line);
	if (*result < 0 || *result > max_value) {
	    printf("\nvalue %d out of range 0 .. %d, try again",
		*result, max_value);
	    goto again;
	return (TRUE);

getdouble(row, prompt, result)
int		row;
char		*prompt;
double		*result;
again:	if (isatty(fileno(stdin))) {
	    scr_move(row, 1);
	    printf("%s: ", prompt);
	if (gets(line) == NULL)
	    return (FALSE);
	if (line[0] == EOS) {
	    printf("No default permitted, try again\n");
	    goto again;
	*result = atof(line);
	return (TRUE);

getcomplex(row, prompt, real, imag)
int		row;
char		*prompt;
double		*real, *imag;
	register char	*lp;

again:	if (isatty(fileno(stdin))) {
	    scr_move(row, 1);
	    printf("%s: ", prompt);
	if (gets(line) == NULL)
	    return (FALSE);
	else if (line[0] == EOS) {
	    printf("No default permitted, try again\n");
	    goto again;
	else if ((lp = strchr(line, ',')) == NULL) {
	    printf("Need two values, separated by a comma\n");
	    goto again;
	*lp = EOS;
	*real = atof(line);
	*imag = atof(lp + 1);
	return (TRUE);

getstring(row, prompt, result, def_value)
int		row;
char		*prompt;
char		*result;
char		*def_value;
	strcpy(result, def_value);
	if (isatty(fileno(stdin))) {
	    scr_move(row, 1);
	    printf("%s <%s>: ", prompt, result);
	if (gets(line) == NULL)
	    return (FALSE);
	if (line[0] != EOS)
	    strcpy(result, line);
	return (TRUE);
 * Display routines (text -- for commands)  These assume ANSI controls:
 *	scr_clear()	Clear screen, Home cursor
 *	scr_home()	Home cursor
 *	scr_move(r,c)	Move to row r, column c (upper-left == 1,1)
 *	scr_eol()	Clear to end of line

	printf("\033[2J");			/* ANSI Erase display	*/
	printf("\033[?25h");			/* DEC force cursor on	*/

	scr_move(1, 1);

scr_move(row, col)
	printf("\033[%d;%dH", row, col);	/* ANSI Cursor Position	*/

	printf("\033[K");			/* ANSI Erase Line	*/
char		*fname;
 * Create a text file
	register FILE	*fd;
#ifdef vms
	 * This creates files in vanilla RMS on VMS V2
	int		channel;
	extern FILE *fdopen();

	if ((channel = creat(fname, 0, "rat=cr", "rfm=var")) == -1
	 || (fd = fdopen(channel, "w")) == NULL) {
	    return (NULL);
	if ((fd = fopen(fname, "w")) == NULL) {
	    return (NULL);
	return (fd);

------ EOF ------
ls -l manscreen.c