[net.sources] lock-up for lunch

sparker@aero.ARPA (Steve Parker) (09/16/85)

The posted lock-up programs are fine, but it would be really nice if
there were some modification that would ignore hangups, i.e. turn the
terminal off, then back on, and you are still logged in running the
security script.  Would be fantastic for crowded public terminal rooms.
Anybody have ideas?

S. Parker

ARPA: sparker@aerospace

myke@gitpyr.UUCP (Myke Reynolds) (09/25/85)

In article <437@aero.ARPA> sparker@aero.UUCP (Steve Parker) writes:
>The posted lock-up programs are fine, but it would be really nice if
>there were some modification that would ignore hangups, i.e. turn the
>terminal off, then back on, and you are still logged in running the
>security script.

System V: stty clocal
Berkely: stty nohang
Myke Reynolds
Office of Telecommunications and Networking
Georgia Insitute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332

Where we are going and from whence we came are completly unknown to us...
and personaly, I have no idea where I am now.

dave@circadia.UUCP (David Messer) (09/28/85)

How about a new newsgroup -- net.sources.lock-up?  :->

Dave Messer   ...ihnp4!stolaf!umn-cs!circadia!dave

jeq@laidbak.UUCP (Jonathan E. Quist) (10/02/85)

In article <166@circadia.UUCP> dave@circadia.UUCP (David Messer) writes:
>How about a new newsgroup -- net.sources.lock-up?  :->

Exothermic reaction follows.

Kind of amazing, actually.  A mere 6 weeks ago, somebody posted
a request for a program to log off idle users.

Also kind of amazing seeing people bragging about being able
to lock up a terminal at a crowded comp. center while
they wander off to go shopping for a few hours.
When I was in school (no, this is not a good ol' days
reverie, this was 2 years ago) terminals were in such
demand that we had to sign up for them, and anyone who
intentionally left a terminal unusable was subject
to weeks of verbal abuse.

Of course, anyone *clever* enough to lock up a terminal
need not concern themselves with someone less clever
who is struggling to meet a deadline.

Afterburner off.

Jonathan E. Quist