jons@islenet.UUCP (Jonathan Spangler) (11/15/85)
PRINT is a machine language text processing program for the Model 100 computer. The features in PRINT do not rival commercially available text processing programs, but they are adequate for most printing requirements. The features include margins, line width, page length, single/double space, right justify, font selection, send/suppress line feeds, start at any page, horizontal centering, and hanging indentations. You can also preview your print file on the LCD, display page breaks, and "graph" a page of text on the LCD screen. THIS VERSION CAN BE CONFIGURED TO YOUR SPECIFIC PRINTER! See PRN100.MOD for details. PRINT uses 59900-62959 in your Model 100 RAM. Any machine language programs presently in that area should be saved to RAM or tape before loading PRINT. I strongly encourage you to save ALL your files to tape before loading PRINT or any other machine language program. A bad load could cause a "Cold Start" which will destroy all your files. Now for the program itself. It is going to be loaded as PRINT.CO. If you have a file by that name, then rename it before loading this program. Follow this procedure to obtain PRINT: 1. Download PRN100.OBJ as PRN100.DO 2. Download PRN100.LDR as PRNLDR.DO 3. Using TEXT, inspect both files and delete any garbage from the beginning and end of the files. 4. Go to BASIC 5. Load "PRNLDR" 6. Kill "PRNLDR.DO" 7. Save "PRNLDR.BA" 8. Run After about 4 1/2 minutes, you will either get a "Load Successful" or "Load Failed" message. The error message will indicate a bad load. Inspect PRN100.DO for garbage, or download the file again. After a successful load, you may kill PRNLDR.BA and PRN100.DO. Save a copy of PRINT to tape. In BASIC, type: CSAVEM"PRINT",59900,62959,60503 Push F8 and go to the main menu. NOTE: If you reload from tape, follow this procedure: 1. Go to BASIC 2. CLEAR 256,59900 3. CLOADM"PRINT" 4. SAVEM"PRINT",60503,60503,60503 5. Go to MENU At this point you have successfully loaded PRINT. Your menu should now contain PRINT.CO. If you have a .DO file already created, then you may proceed. Otherwise, create one. Back at the main menu, place the cursor over PRINT.CO and press ENTER. You should see a display of all your .DO files (without the .DO extension). F8 is labeled as Menu. The lower left corner of the screen will say: Select: TEST.DO PRINT saves the last filename that you worked with. If you want to work with that file again, then just press ENTER. Otherwise, enter the name of the program you want to use. The .DO extension is optional. The program won't accept a bad file name. It will give you the chance to enter another program name. You can enter a bad name just to see what the error message looks like. Once you have entered a valid file name, the screen will look like this: [L]eft Margin 10 [R]ight Margin 10 [C]har Printed 60 [J]ustify Right N [T]op Margin 6 [B]ottom Margin 8 [P]age Length 66 [D]ouble Space N [F]ont Code 1 [A]dd Line Feed N [S]tart @ Page 1 [W]ait Btwn Pages Y Select: File Grph PBrk Disp Prnt Menu Also, in the lower left corner, your selected file will be displayed in reverse video. Select an option by pressing the letter in the brackets. Just press the letter, the ENTER key is not needed. The Y/N parameters will simply change their state when you press their letter. The other options will ask you for an input. Only numbers are recognized, other characters are ignored. Press ENTER at the completion of your input. The range for inputs is 0- 255. Going past 255 does no harm, though. The program just "wraps around." A 256 is a 0, a 257 is a 1, etc. PRINT does limit you to 3 characters of input. If you try to enter 1000, it just won't let you do it. Change a few parameters to get the feel of the program. I think it's pretty easy to use. Most of the options are self explanitory. Those you might not understand are: Justify Right: Inserts spaces between words to square up the right margin. Font: Type style used by the printer. Set this up by using PRN100.MOD. Add Line Feed: Some printers require a line feed character to index to the next print line. The Model 100 suppresses the line feeds. If you need the line feeds, this command will add them for you. Start @ Page: Gives you the option to start printing somewhere other than the beginning of the file. If you try to print Page 3 of a two-page file, you will get an error message. Wait Between Pages: This command is used if you want to stop printing between each page. I use it for feeding cut sheets or for printing one or two pages of a long report. After the required pages have been printed, just press ESC to end the printing. NOTE: [C]har Printed is the actual number of characters you want printed on each line. [P]age Length is the total page length. The number of lines printed is Page Length minus the Top and Bottom Margin. FUNCTION KEY DESCRIPTIONS: F3 - File - This key returns you to the file selection menu of the PRINT program. F4 - Grph - This option uses pixel graphics to display a page of text on the LCD screen. The screen only has 64 lines. A 66 line page can be displayed as long as the bottom margin is at least 2. The graph function is limited to total page widths of 189 characters. After that, there is no room left on the LCD. Lines or page lengths longer than these values can be used by PRINT, it just won't graph properly. F5 - PBrk - This function is used to display on the LCD the first and last line of each page. In double space mode, the last line is always a blank line. Occasionally, a blank line within your text file will end a page. Don't be surprised if you see that happen. A line on the screen separates each page. The program waits for a keypress before going to the next page. F6 - Disp - This sends your entire text file to the LCD. It will be formatted as if being sent to the printer. Pages are separated by a line. Like F5, press any key to go to the next page. F7 - Prnt - This is what the program is all about! Your text file will be formatted to your specifications and sent to the printer. PRINT does check to see if your printer is ready. If not, the program will tell you. If you enable your printer, then the program will begin printing. Use ESC if you want to abort the print option. F8 - Menu - Returns to the Model 100 main menu. NOTE: During F4-F7, pressing any key (except the keys listed in the CAUTION below) will Pause the function. Pressing any key again will resume the function. Pressing ESC will abort the function and return to the Select options page. CAUTION: During PRINT or any other machine language program refrain from pressing PASTE, LABEL, PRINT, or PAUSE/BREAK. My program uses several Model 100 ROM subroutines. If you press one of those keys while PRINT is in one of those subroutines, then I have no way of intercepting the keypress. Model 100's ROM will try to take control and you may have difficulty getting back to PRINT. In a case like that, pressing BREAK and typing MENU will usually get you back to the Model 100 menu. PRINT suppresses any blank lines at the beginning of a page. If you need blank lines, just type a space before the first carriage return. The program does not consider the space to be a blank line. Also, the program issues a Form Feed command after each page. This is the same as CHR$(12). I think this command is common to all printers. If you need to disable the form feed, then POKE zeros in 61781, 61782, and 61783. EMBEDDED CONTROL CODES Certain control characters can be embedded in your text file to enable and disable some printing options. These are: ^C - Horizontally center a line ^P - Start a new page ^W - Cancel Hanging Indentations ^X - Hanging Indentation - Left Only ^Y - Hanging Indentation - Left & Right None of these Control Codes depend on your printer. It's done using spaces. ^C - Horizontal Centering - This centers a line by inserting the appropriate number of spaces at the start of the line. If you want to center several lines, put a ^C in each one. The ^C can be anywhere within the line to be centered. ^P - New Page - When PRINT encounters a ^P within the text file, it immediately forces the start of a new page. ^X, ^Y, ^W - Hanging Indentations - This is a feature that I haven't seen in the commercial printing programs. It's actually the reason I wrote this program in the first place. A Hanging Indentation indents all the lines in a paragraph EXCEPT the first one. When I write a report, I frequently have numbered items within that report. I want the 1,2,3 etc against the left margin, but I don't want the text there. For example: 1. I want a Hanging Indentation to line up the text and leave the number against the left margin. 2. PRINT allows me to do that automatically. See what I mean? I allowed two types of indentations. One indents the text only on the left side. The other indents the text on both the right and left side. The left and right indentation is useful to set off a couple of paragraphs of text if you remember to put the right number of spaces at the start of the first line. To use hanging indentations, insert a ^X (left only) or a ^Y (left and right) at the location where you want the indent to be effective. ^Y puts the same indent on the left and the right side - there is no way to specify a different left and right indent. The indent will be effective continuously until a ^W turns it off. Typically, the ^W would occur as the last character in the last paragraph to be indented. To embed a control character in a text file, do this: 1. Hold down the CTRL key. 2. Press P (the display will not change) 3. Continue holding the CTRL key down 4. Press the character to be embedded 5. Release the CTRL key PRINT allows you to embed your own control codes within text files. PRN100.MOD describes how to set up PRINT to your specifications. The program does not do page headers or page numbers. When I need these features, I simply run my paper through the printer twice. I leave a large enough top margin to add the information later. Then I can write a text file or a BASIC program to do the page headers or numbers. That's it! I hope you have fun with the program. For the machine language buffs out there, feel free to disassemble this program. It is difficult to follow because I don't use an assembler. Send any comments to: Jim Irwin 72346,1020 1329 Spruce Brook Road Kalamazoo, MI 49004 -- Jonathan Spangler {ihnp4,vortex,dual}!islenet!jons