[net.sources] awk program for investments

swifty@fluke.UUCP (steve swift) (01/07/86)

Below is an awk program for keeping track of stock investments,
although it can be used for others.  The program was originally
written by Gary Anderson.  I modified it for 80 column output
and added the code for reinvestment and cash distributions.

To use it, strip off everything outside the dotted lines,
make the file executable and

	roi < financial_record  | more

I would like to see a version written in C, so it would be more
portable.  The file financial_record is constructed as desribed
in the comments include in the program.

If you have any improvements or bug reports contact:

Steven Swift       (206) 356-5278
John Fluke Mfg. Co.
P.O. Box C9090  Everett WA  98206  

#! /bin/awk -f
# program:	roi
# authors:	gary s. anderson
#		steve swift mod 12/85
#		steve swift mod 9/85
# date:		14 february 1984
# purpose:	to analyze stock and mutual fund investments
#		This version shortens the output for 80 column
#		terminals and keeps track of distributions
#		of cash and reinvested distributions.
# description:	tbc
# input file format:
#		the first record of the input must indicate today's date
#		in the form
#			date	mm	dd	yy
#		where date is literally 'date' and mm, dd, and yy are as you 
#		would expect.
#		the second record is of the form
#			price	xxx.xx
#		where price is literally 'price' and xxx.xx is today's market
#		value of the stock.
#		a purchase transaction has the form
#			buy  mm  dd  yy  bbb.bb  ppp.pp  nnn.nn
#		where buy is literally 'buy', mm, dd, and yy are the date of
#		the purchase transaction, bbb.bb is the amount of dollars
#		invested, ppp.pp is the per share price, and nnn.nn is the
#		number of shares purchased.
#		a stock dividend transaction has the form
#			div  mm  dd  yy  ppp.pp
#		where div is literally 'div' and ppp.pp is the percentage of
#		dividend awarded.
#		A reinvested cash distribution has the form
#			rein  mm  dd  yy  bbb.bb  ppp.pp  nnn.nn
#		where rein is literally "rein' and the rest are treated
#		the same as a buy transaction.  Any reinvested gain
#		must also be recorded in a buy record for basis to be
#		correctly calculated.
#		A cash distribution (that is not reinvested) has the form
#			cash  mm  dd  yy  bbb.bb
#		where cash is literally 'cash' and bbb.bb is the amount of
#		cash received.
# initialize the transaction array index
	printf ("Stock Investment Program ");
	printf ("\n");
	purchase = 0;
	#set the processing flag to enable processing of buy transactions
	processing = 1;
	#clear the selling data flag to disable selling output data
	selling = 0;

#ignore commented lines
/#/ \
	print "comment--- ", $0;

# process a purchase transaction
/buy/	\
	if (processing == 1)
	    purchase = purchase +1;
	    transactiontype [purchase] = "purchase";
	    date [purchase] = $4*12+$2;
	    heldmonths [purchase] = currentdate - date[purchase];
	    if (heldmonths [purchase] == 0) heldmonths [purchase] = 1;
	    basis [purchase] = $5;
	    pricepershare [purchase] = $6;
	    initshares [purchase] = $7;
	    currentshares [purchase] = $7;
	    month [purchase] = $2;
	    year [purchase] = $4;

# process a reinvested distribution transaction
/rein/	\
	if (processing == 1)
	    dist = dist +1;
	    disttranstype [dist] = "dist";
	    distbasis [dist] = $5;
	    distinitshares [dist] = $7;
	    distcurshares [dist] = $7;

/cash/	\
	    coin = coin +1;
	    cointranstype [coin] = "coin";
	    coinbasis [coin] = $5;
# process a dividend transaction
/div/	\
	dividendpercent = $5;
	for (i=1; i<=purchase; i=i+1)
	    currentshares [i] = currentshares[i]  \
		+ currentshares[i]*dividendpercent/100;

# process the sold start or end record
/sold/ 	\
	print $0
	print $2
	if ($2 == "start")
	    # disable further processing of buy transactions
	    processing = 0;
	if ($2 == "end")
	    # enable processing of buy transactions
	    processing = 1;

# process the selling data output traction
/selling/ \
	# enable the data output of selling data
	selling = 1;
	sharessold = $2;

# process the date record
/date/	\
	currentdate = $4*12+$2;
	todaymonth = $2;
	todayday = $3;
	todayyear = $4;;

# process the price record
/price/	\
	currentprice = $2;

# all the data is now collected, output the reports
	cumulativeshares = 0;
	cumulativebasis = 0;
	for (i=1; i<=purchase; i=i+1)
	    if ((i % 40) == 1)
		printf ("");
		printf ("\n\n");
		printf ("Investment Analysis Program\n");
		printf ("Todays Date - %2d/%2d/%2d\n", todaymonth, todayday, \
		printf ("Today's Stock Price - %6.3f\n", currentprice);
		printf ("\n");
		printf ("%5s", "date");
		printf ("%10s", "#share");
		printf ("%10s", "$pershare");
		printf ("%10s", "$value");
		printf ("%10s", "%compound");
		printf ("%8s", "#months");
		printf ("%12s", "cumulative");
		printf ("%12s", "cumulative");
		printf ("\n");
		printf ("%5s", "");
		printf ("%10s", "initial");
		printf ("%10s", "");
		printf ("%10s", "current");
		printf ("%10s", "roi");
		printf ("%8s", "held");
		printf ("%12s", "basis");
		printf ("%12s", "#shares");
		printf ("\n");
		printf ("\n");
	    currentvalue [i] = currentshares[i] * currentprice;
	    # the following uses the fact that x^y = exp(y*log(x))
	    roi [i]  = (exp ((1.0 / heldmonths [i]) * \
		log (currentvalue [i] / basis [i])) - 1) * 100 * 12;
	    cumulativeshares = cumulativeshares + currentshares [i];
	    cumulativebasis = cumulativebasis + basis [i];
	    printf ("%2d/%2d ", month [i], year [i]);
	    printf ("%10.4f", initshares [i]);
	    printf ("%10.4f", pricepershare [i]);
	    printf ("%10.2f", currentvalue [i]);
	    printf ("%10.4f", roi [i]);
	    printf ("%8d", heldmonths [i]);
	    printf ("%12.2f", cumulativebasis);
	    printf ("%12.4f", cumulativeshares);
	    if (selling == 1)
		printf ("(-%5d = %12.4f)",  sharessold, cumulativeshares-sharessold);
	    printf ("\n");
        printf ("\n");
        printf ("\n");

#	all the cash dividend data is collected

	cumcoinbasis = 0;
	for (i=1; i<=coin; i=i+1)
	    cumcoinbasis = cumcoinbasis + coinbasis [i];

# all the dist  data is now collected, output the reports
	cumdistshares = 0;
	cumdistbasis = 0;
	for (i=1; i<=dist; i=i+1)
	    cumdistshares = cumdistshares + distcurshares [i];
	    cumdistbasis = cumdistbasis + distbasis [i];
            printf ("distribution dollars -  %12.2f", cumdistbasis);
	    printf ("\n");
            printf ("distribution shares  -  %14.4f", cumdistshares);
	    printf ("\n");
	    printf ("\n");
            printf ("total investment dollars -  %8.2f", cumulativebasis - \
	    printf ("\n");
	    printf ("total investment shares  -  %10.4f", cumulativeshares - \
	    printf ("\n");
	    printf ("\n");
	    printf ("total value - %22.2f", currentprice * cumulativeshares);
	    printf ("\n");
            printf ("accumulated shares - %17.4f", cumulativeshares);
	    printf ("\n");
	    printf ("\n");
            printf ("total cash received  -  %12.2f", cumcoinbasis);
	    printf ("\n");
	    printf ("Today's Total Return - %13.2f\n", 100*( currentprice * \
	            cumulativeshares + cumcoinbasis) / (cumulativebasis - cumdistbasis));
	    printf ("\n");



Steven Swift       (206) 356-5278
John Fluke Mfg. Co.
P.O. Box C9090  Everett WA  98206  