[net.sources] Repost of TVX #1

mingione@acf4.UUCP (mingione) (01/23/86)

     Here is a reposting of part 1.

---------------------cut here---------------------------
#                                                       #
# This is a shell archive file.  To extract files:      #
#                                                       #
#    1)	Make a directory (like tvx) for the files.      #
#    2) Write a file, such as "filen.shar", containing  #
#       this archive file into the directory.           #
#    3) Type "sh file.shar".  Do not use csh.           #
#                                                       #
echo Extracting readme:
sed 's/^X//' >readme <<\SHAR_EOF
X	TVX - A full screen editor in C
X**************************** RELEASE NOTES ********************************
XVersion 1/10/86
X	This is the USENET public domain distribution of TVX.
X	Developed by:
X		Dr. Bruce E. Wampler
X		University of New Mexico
X		Department of Computer Science
X		Farris Engineering Center
X		Albuquerque, NM 87131
X	Description of files included in distribution (unix versions use
X	lower case file names):
X	QUICKREF.TVX - text quick refernece charts for TVX
X	TVX_REF.DOC - documentation for TVX - it is ready for
X			80 col, 10 cpi, 66 line printer
X	Makefile    - File to make TVX on unix
X	TVX_MAKE.BAT - batch file to compile tvx + utilities with cii c-86
X			on IBM-PC or MS-DOS
X	TVX_1.C	   - main part of code (part 1), mostly os/terminal independent
X	TVX_2.C	   - main part of code (part 2), mostly os/terminal independent
X	TVX_LEX.C  - defaults, some os dependent stuff in here.  Major
X		     changes in defaults can be fixed by recompiling this file.
X	TVX_IO.C   - almost all I/O, including screen, confined to this file.
X	TVX_LIB.C  - misc library routines needed by TVX.
X	TVX_IBM.C  - IBM-PC screen driver
X	TVX_UNIX.C  - contains unix specific code, including termcap driver
X	TVX_DEFS.IC - #define's for version, os, terminal, defaults
X	TVX_GLBL.IC - global data structures
X	TVX_TERM.IC - definitions for various terminals and systems
X	TVX_CFG.C   - program used to build CONFIG.TVX file for -c switch
X	TVX_PTCH.C  - program used to patch TVX executable with CONFIG.TVX
X		      this is NOT a very polished program!
echo Extracting quickref.tvx:
sed 's/^X//' >quickref.tvx <<\SHAR_EOF
X		*** Quick Reference Summary ***
X  Usage: tvx filename [-b -i -l -o=f -r -s -t -w -# {-z -c=f}]
X    -[no]b : backup file           -[no]i : autoindent
X    -[no]l : make command log file -t : tty mode
X    -o=outputfile                  -r : read only
X    -s : big save buff             -[no]w : word processing mode
X    -# : set virtual window lines to #
X  On MS-DOS versions:
X    -[no]z : use control-z for end of file
X    -c=configfile                  -c : use /bin/config.tvx
X               TVX Commands (n => count allowed)
X    nA Append lines to save buffer (previous contents retained)
X     B Buffer beginning - move cursor to top of current buffer
X    ^B File beginning - move cursor to beginning of file
X    nC Change chars - delete n characters, enter insert mode
X    nD Down line - move cursor to beginning of next nth line
X   n^D Down column - move to same column in nth line down.
X     E Buffer end - move cursor to end of current buffer
X   n^E Insert repeat buffer n into current text for Editing
X    nF Find pattern - terminated with Escape - wild cards possible
X    ^F Find across buffs - searches across file buffers
X     G Get save buffer - insert contents of save buffer into text
X    ^G Unkill last line - get back the last single line killed
X    nH Half page - move cursor down (+n) or up (-n) half screen
X    nI Insert (till $) - If n supplied, then single char inserted
X     J Jump back to line cursor was on before previous command
X    nK Kill character - deletes starting at char cursor is over
X   n^K Kill line - deletes n lines
X    nL Left - move cursor n characters left
X     M Memory status - show basic status
X    nN Note current location, up to 9 different places remembered
X   n^N Reset location - return cursor to location n
X    nO Open blank line - new line in front of cursor
X    ^O Operating system - allows operating system commands
X    nP Page - move cursor up (-n) or down (+n) screenfuls
X    ^P Print screen - only on PCs
X    nR Right - move cursor right n characters
X    ^R Restore edited buffer - Used with ^E command
X    nS Save n consecutive lines in save buffer - deletes old contents
X    nT Tidy (fill text) - uses margin set by :w
X    ^T Abort session - edits are lost!
X    nU Up - move cursor up n lines to line beginning
X   n^U Up column - retains column
X     V Verify - repaints the screen
X   n^W Write buff, get next part of large file, -n writes to cursor
X    ^X Exit, end session - save edits
X   n^Y Yank to(-n)/from(+n) file - prompt for filename will follow
X   nBS Delete character before the cursor
X    n; Find again - re-uses last find pattern
X     / Delete "last thing" - following g, s, a, f, ^f commands
X     = Change "last thing" - like /, but enters insert mode
X     ' Delete to line beginning - deletes before cursor
X     " Delete to line end - cursor onward to end of line
X     , Line beginning - move cursor to beginning of line
X     . Line end - move to end of current line
X  nTAB Word right - move to begining of word to right
X    n{ Word left - left a word. n=0 move to beg of current word.
X n<>$$ Repeat loop - execute commands between <>'s n times
X    n& Repeat again - execute current repeat buffer again
X   n#k Execute repeat buffer k n times
X     ? Help - gives a help screen
X     @ Invoke cmd file - execute file of TVX commands
X     * Insert pattern found last - leaves in command mode
X     $ Escape - end insert, find, repeat
X   n:p Set parameter p -  Possible parameters:
X        A - Autoindent (1=y,0=n)     D - display line
X        E - Expand tabs to n spaces  F - find case (0=exact,1=any)
X        M - Match wild cards         O - set output file name
X        S - scroll window            R - repeat buffer to use
X        T - tty mode                 U - define user wild card set
X        V - virtual window           W - autowrap width
X  Wild card matching - when wild card matching (:M) is enabled (default),
X  the following wild cards (control characters) are supported
X  ^A - alphanumeric character (a-z,0-9)   ^D - a digit (0-9)
X  ^L - any letter (a-z) ^O - Other - not ^A  ^P - Punctuation
X  ^X - any single character  ^U - a character from user set (:U to set)
X  Any of the above preceded by ^W matches a "word" of the wild card.
X  A ^N will match a "word" of characters NOT in the wild card set.
echo ALL DONE!
exit 0