[net.sources] Planetary data

rck@ihuxx.UUCP (Kukuk) (01/24/86)

	This program computes all sorts of data concerning the Sun,
	Moon, and planets.  Refer to the README for more details.

# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #!/bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	Makefile
#	conv.c
#	glob.c
#	io.c
#	main.c
#	misc.c
#	p.h
#	sm.c
#	time.c
#	wand.c
# This archive created: Fri Jan 24 13:15:16 1986
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
if test -f 'Makefile'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'Makefile'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'Makefile'
SRC=main.c time.c conv.c wand.c sm.c misc.c glob.c io.c

p:	main.o time.o conv.o wand.o sm.o misc.o glob.o io.o Makefile
	cc main.o time.o conv.o wand.o sm.o misc.o glob.o io.o \
		-o p -lm -lcurses

main.o time.o conv.o wand.o sm.o misc.o glob.o io.o : p.h

	@prdef -args -c82 p.h $(SRC)

	@cf -n -B $(SRC) | pr -l88 -h p

	lint $(SRC) -lm
if test -f 'README'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'README'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'README'

"P" is a program which displays all sorts of astronomical data about
the Sun, Moon, and planets.  The algorithms were taken from Duffet-Smith's
book, "Practical Astronomy with your Calculator".

All of the accuracy limitations described in the book apply, of course,
to this program.  (Positions +- ~1 deg.; rise/set times +- ~5 min.)

The program displays the following data in the upper part of the screen:

	- RA (in hours and minutes) of Sun, Moon, and planets
	- DEC (in degrees) of the same
	- Azimuth and elevation (in degrees) of same
	- Rise and set times of same
	- Distance (in astronomical units) of same
	- Light travel time (in hours and minutes) of same
	- Apparent diameter (in arc seconds) of same
	- Phase of same
	- Apparent magnitude of same

A matrix of angular separation (in degrees) of the planets is displayed
in the lower half of the screen.

A line near the bottom of the screen displays the date and the time.
The time is presented in Local, Greenwich Mean, Greenwich Siderial,
and Local Siderial formats.

The bottom line is used for input when the program is run in
interactive mode.

The Lunar and Solar eclipse calculations are included, the comet
calculations are not.

Here are some examples of running the program:

	$ p

In this mode, "p" will prompt you for the time (HH:MM:SS) and
date (MM/DD/YYYY).  The program will display the values and exit.
Use a negative YYYY for years B. C.

	$ p -n

In this mode, "p" uses the current time and date for the calculations.

	$ p -n -l

The program will use the current time and date for the first
calculation and then repeat the calculations using a default delta
of one day.  The program is running in interactive mode, so you
can vary the delta as you watch.  The interactive commands are:

	>>> r<cr>		for reverse (or negate) the delta value

	>>> <number><X><cr>	where <number> is a floating point
				number, <X> is one of
					NULL	for day (default)
					s	for second
					m	for minute
					h	for hour
					d	for day
					w	for week
					y	for year

	>>> n<cr>		reset the internal date to "now"

	>>> e<cr>		enter elapsed time mode; this only
				works for reasonable values of delta.

	>>> ne<cr>		leave elapsed time mode

	>>> nl<cr>		leave looping mode

	>>> q<cr>		quit the program

If you want printed output instead of displayed output, add "-p"
to the command line.

The default delta of one day in looping mode can be overridden by
adding the desired delta after the "-l" (with no white space)
on the command line.  The format of the delta is that of the
interactive delta described above.

Necessary local mods:

	There are four #define's, HERELONG, HERELAT, HERELEV, and
	HEREZONE, that must be defined to be your longitude,
	latitude, elevation, and timezone, respectively.  Look in
	p.h for more details.

This program has been run only on AT&T versions of UN*X.


					Ron Kukuk
if test -f 'conv.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'conv.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'conv.c'
#include	"p.h"

 *  (Sect. 24; Pg. 39)
REAL	alpha;
	REAL	lsthour;

	lsthour = hmstohr(&now.lst);
	lsthour -= alpha;
	lsthour = tcanon(lsthour);

 *  (Sect. 24; Pg. 39)
	REAL	lsthour;

	lsthour = hmstohr(&now.lst);
	lsthour -= H;
	lsthour = tcanon(lsthour);

 *  (Sect. 25; Pg. 40)
struct	ae *
register struct	equat	*eqp;
	static	struct	ae	ae;
	REAL	a, A, delta, H;

	H = ratoha(eqp->ra);		/* its hour angle */
	H *= 15.0;			/* hour angle to degrees */
	delta = eqp->dec;

	a = (REAL) sin(delta/RAD) * (REAL) sin(HERELAT/RAD)
		+ (REAL)cos(delta/RAD) * (REAL)cos(HERELAT/RAD)
			* (REAL)cos(H/RAD);
	a = (REAL) asin(a) * RAD;

	A = ((REAL) sin(delta/RAD) - (REAL) sin(HERELAT/RAD)
		* (REAL) sin(a/RAD))
			/ ((REAL) cos(HERELAT/RAD) * (REAL) cos(a/RAD));
	A = (REAL) acos(A) * RAD;

	if (sin(H/RAD) > 0.0)
		A = 360.0 - A;

	ae.az = A;
	ae.el = a;

 *  (Sect. 26; Pg. 42)
struct	equat *
register struct	ae	*aep;
	static	struct	equat	equat;
	REAL	a, A, delta, H;

	A = aep->az;
	a = aep->el;

	delta = (REAL) sin(a/RAD) * (REAL) sin(HERELAT/RAD)
		+ (REAL) cos(a/RAD) * (REAL) cos(HERELAT/RAD) * (REAL) cos(A/RAD);
	delta = (REAL) asin(delta) * RAD;

	H = ((REAL) sin(a/RAD) - (REAL) sin(HERELAT/RAD) * (REAL) sin(delta/RAD))
		/ ((REAL) cos(HERELAT/RAD) * (REAL) cos(delta/RAD));
	H = (REAL) acos(H) * RAD;

	if (sin(A/RAD) > 0.0)
		H = 360.0 - H;

	equat.ra = H / 15.0;		/* convert deg to hour angle */
	 *  Then convert hour angle to RA.
	equat.ra = hatora(equat.ra);
	equat.dec = delta;

 *  (Sect. 27; Pg. 44)
struct	equat *
register struct	eclipt	*ecp;
	REAL	alpha, beta, delta, lambda, epsilon, x, y;
	static	struct	equat	equat;

	beta = ecp->lat / RAD;
	lambda = ecp->lon / RAD;

	epsilon = obliq(now.jd) / RAD;

	delta = (REAL) sin(beta) * (REAL) cos(epsilon)
		+ (REAL) cos(beta) * (REAL) sin(epsilon) * (REAL) sin(lambda);

	delta = asin(delta) * RAD;

	y = (REAL) sin(lambda) * (REAL) cos(epsilon)
		- (REAL) tan(beta) * (REAL) sin(epsilon);
	x = (REAL) cos(lambda);

	alpha = atan2a(y, x) * RAD;
	alpha /= 15.0;			/* degrees to RA */
	equat.ra = alpha;
	equat.dec = delta;


 *  (Sect. 28; Pg. 46)
struct	eclipt *
register struct	equat	*eqp;
	REAL	alpha, beta, delta, lambda, epsilon, x, y;
	static	struct	eclipt	eclipt;

	delta = eqp->dec / RAD;
	alpha = (eqp->ra * 15.0) / RAD;

	epsilon = obliq(now.jd) / RAD;

	beta = (REAL) sin(delta) * (REAL) cos(epsilon)
		- (REAL) cos(delta) * (REAL) sin(epsilon) * (REAL) sin(alpha);

	beta = asin(beta) * RAD;

	y = (REAL) sin(alpha) * (REAL) cos(epsilon)
		+ (REAL) tan(delta) * (REAL) sin(epsilon);
	x = (REAL) cos(alpha);

	lambda = atan2a(y, x) * RAD;

	eclipt.lat = beta;
	eclipt.lon = lambda;


REAL	jd;
	REAL	T, de, epsilon;

	jd -= 2415020.0;		/* JD for 1900 */
	T = jd / 36525.0;

	de = 46.845 * T + 0.0059 * T * T - 0.00181 * T * T * T;
	de /= 3600.0;

	epsilon = 23.452294 - de;
if test -f 'glob.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'glob.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'glob.c'
#include	"p.h"

int dmsize[12] = {
	31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31

char	month[12][3] = {
	"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr",
	"May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug",
	"Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"

char	days[7][3] = {
	"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed",
	"Thu", "Fri", "Sat"

 *  Everything worth knowing about Sol.  The ecliptic field must
 *  be kept up to date by calling sunorbit();
struct	sun	sun;

 *  Everything worth knowing about Luna.
struct	moon	moon;

 *  Planetary equatorial coordinates; kept and used for angular
 *  separation calculations.
struct	equat	wandeq[8];

 *  Planetary orbital data.
struct	pod	pod[] =	{

	/*	Mercury		*/
	{	0.24085,	231.2973,	77.1442128,	0.2056306,
			0.3870986,	7.0043579,	48.0941733,
				6.74,		1.918e-6	},

	/*	Venus		*/
	{	0.61521,	355.73352,	131.2895792,	0.0067826,
			0.7233316,	3.394435,	76.4997524,
				16.92,		1.721e-5	},

	/*	Mars		*/
	{	1.88089,	126.30783,	335.6908166,	0.0933865,
			1.5236883,	1.8498011,	49.4032001,
				9.36,		4.539e-6	},

	/*	Jupiter		*/
	{	11.86224,	146.966365,	14.0095493,	0.0484658,
			5.202561,	1.3041819,	100.2520175,
				196.74,		1.994e-4	},

	/*	Saturn		*/
	{	29.45771,	165.322242,	92.6653974,	0.0556155,
			9.554747,	2.4893741,	113.4888341,
				165.60,		1.740e-4	},

	/*	Uranus		*/
	{	84.01247,	228.0708551,	172.7363288,	0.0463232,
			19.21814,	0.7729895,	73.8768642,
				65.80,		7.768e-5	},

	/*	Neptune		*/
	{	164.79558,	260.3578998,	47.8672148,	0.0090021,
			30.10957,	1.7716017,	131.5606494,
				62.20,		7.597e-5	},

	/*	Pluto (osculating elements for 1/2/1980)	*/
	{	250.9,		209.439,	222.972,	0.25387,
			39.78459,	17.137,		109.941,
				8.20,		4.073e-6	}

 *  Keep Earth orbital data separate for ease in subscripting the others.
struct	pod	epod	=	{
	{	1.00004,	98.833540,	102.596403,	0.016718,
			1.0,		0.0,		0.0,
				0.0,		0.0		}

 *  CRT screen coordinates for displaying the results.
struct	pt	pt[] = {
	{ 1, 8 },			/* Mercury */
	{ 2, 8 },			/* Venus */
	{ 3, 8 },			/* Mars */
	{ 4, 8 },			/* Jupiter */
	{ 5, 8 },			/* Saturn */
	{ 6, 8 },			/* Uranus */
	{ 7, 8 },			/* Neptune */
	{ 8, 8 },			/* Pluto */
	{ 10, 8 },			/* Sun */
	{ 11, 8 },			/* Moon */
	{ 13, 0 },			/* Separation matrix */
	{ 22, 0 },			/* Time */

char	*name[]	=	{
	"Mercury", "Venus", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn",
	"Uranus", "Neptune", "Pluto", "Sun", "Moon", "Angsep", ""

 *  This is the now structure.  Its contents should be kept up to date
 *  by calling tempus().
struct	now	now;

 *  Orbital position of Earth (heliocentric coodinates) computed
 *  from the time in the now structure.  Kept up to date by calling
 *  earthorbit().
struct	planpos	earth;

int	iter;		/* iteration count for Keplerian calculations */
int	flags;		/* file control flags */
int	print;		/* hard copy output flag */
int	loop;		/* keep looping */
int	ritenow;	/* compute results for today's date and time */
int	request;	/* user has request pending */
extern	int	daylight;	/* enable DST conversions */
int	eltime;		/* sleep away the actual interval */
REAL	deltat;		/* loop increment in REAL days */
int	donin;		/* input line is complete; parse it */
if test -f 'io.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'io.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'io.c'
#include	"p.h"

 *  Get the requested local time into the local time part of the
 *  now structure.
	char	buf[40];
	int	nitems;

	do {
		fprintf(stderr, "Time (hh:mm:ss):  ");
		nitems = sscanf(buf, "%2d:%2d:%2d", &now.lt.tm_hour,
		    &now.lt.tm_min, &now.lt.tm_sec);
	} while (nitems != 3);
	do {
		fprintf(stderr, "Date (mm/dd/yyyy):  ");
		nitems = sscanf(buf, "%2d/%2d/%5d", &now.lt.tm_mon,
		    &now.lt.tm_mday, &now.lt.tm_year);
	} while (nitems != 3);
	 *  Add day of year.
	 *  Maybe adjust for DST.

struct	equat *
	static	struct	equat	eq;
	struct	deg	deg;
	char	buf[40];
	int	nitems;

	do {
		printf("Hour angle (hh:mm:ss):  ");
		nitems = sscanf(buf, "%2d:%2d:%2d", &deg.deg, &deg.min,
	} while (nitems != 3);
	eq.ra = dmstodeg(&deg);
	do {
		printf("Decl (deg:min:ss):  ");
		nitems = sscanf(buf, "%2d:%2d:%2d", &deg.deg, &deg.min,
	} while (nitems != 3);
	eq.dec = dmstodeg(&deg);

 *  Compute and display angular separation data.
	register p1, p2, p3;
	REAL	seps[8][8];
	REAL	smsep;

	 *  Compute the angular separations.
	for (p1 = MERCURY; p1 <= PLUTO; p1++) {
	    for (p2 = p1 + 1; p2 <= PLUTO; p2++) {
		    seps[p1][p2] = angsep(&wandeq[p1], &wandeq[p2]);
	smsep = angsep(&sun.equat, &moon.equat);

	if ( ! print) {
    	     *  Display the angular separations.
	    for (p1 = MERCURY; p1 <= PLUTO; p1++) {
		for (p2 = p1 + 1; p2 <= PLUTO; p2++) {
			move(pt[SEPMAT].row+p1+1, p2*8);
			if (seps[p1][p2] <= 5.0) {
				printw("%7.3f", seps[p1][p2]);
			} else
				printw("%7.3f", seps[p1][p2]);
	    move(pt[SEPMAT].row+6, 8);
	    printw("%7.3f", smsep);
	} else {		/* hard copy */
	    printf("\n      ");
	     *  Print the labels.
	    for (p1 = VENUS; p1 <= PLUTO; p1++)
		printf("%7.7s ", name[p1]);

	    for (p1 = MERCURY; p1 < PLUTO; p1++) {
	        printf("      ");
		for (p3 = 0; p3 < p1; p3++)
		    printf("        ");
		for (p2 = p1 + 1; p2 <= PLUTO; p2++) {
		    printf("%7.3f ", seps[p1][p2]);
		printf("%s\n", name[p1]);
	    printf("\tSun-Moon: %7.3f\n", smsep);

	register p1;

	if (print)
	 *  Toss the label.
	 *  Print the labels.  (Note the limits.)
	for (p1 = VENUS; p1 <= PLUTO; p1++) {
		move(pt[SEPMAT].row, (p1-1)*8+8);
		printw("%7.7s", name[p1]);
	for (p1 = MERCURY; p1 < PLUTO; p1++) {
		move(pt[SEPMAT].row+p1+1, 1); printw(".");

		move(pt[SEPMAT].row+p1+1, 64);
		printw("%s", name[p1]);

	move(pt[SEPMAT].row+5, 8);
	printw("    Sun");
	move(pt[SEPMAT].row+6, 16);

static	char	*hdrhdr =
"        rh rm dec  azd eld   rise  set       disAU h mn  dias  phse  magnit";

	if (print) {
	} else {
		move(0, 0);


	register i;

	for (i = 0; i < 76; i++)


	if (print) {
		if (plano == MERCURY)
		if (plano >= SUN)
		if (plano != TIME)
	} else {
		move(pt[plano].row, 0);

register struct	tm	*tmp;
	switch (tmp->tm_isdst) {
	case DST:
	case LT:
	case LST:
	case GMT:
	case GST:
		printf("%2dh %2dm %2ds", tmp->tm_hour,
		    tmp->tm_min, tmp->tm_sec);
		switch (tmp->tm_isdst) {
		case DST:
			printf( " DST"); break;
		case LT:
			printf( " LT "); break;
		case LST:
			printf( " LST"); break;
		case GMT:
			printf( " GMT"); break;
		case GST:
			printf( " GST"); break;

		printf("%2dh %2dm %2ds isdst: %d\n", tmp->tm_hour,
		    tmp->tm_min, tmp->tm_sec, tmp->tm_isdst);

register struct	tm	*tmp;
	register int	yr;
	register char	*day;

	day = days[tmp->tm_wday];
	yr = tmp->tm_year;

	printf("%3s %2d/%2d/%4d", day, tmp->tm_mon, tmp->tm_mday, yr);
	printf("   wday: %d yday: %3d\n", tmp->tm_wday, tmp->tm_yday);

register struct	ae	*aep;
	struct	deg	az, el;

	degtodms(&az, aep->az);
	degtodms(&el, aep->el);

	printf("Az: %3dd %2dm %2ds  ", az.deg, az.min, az.sec);
	printf("El: %c%2dd %2dm %2ds     \n", el.sg, el.deg, el.min, el.sec);

register struct	equat	*eqp;
	struct	deg	ra, dec;

	degtodms(&ra, eqp->ra);
	degtodms(&dec, eqp->dec);

	printf("Ra: %2dh %2dm %2ds  ", ra.deg, ra.min, ra.sec);
	printf("Dec: %c%2dd %2dm %2ds\n", dec.sg, dec.deg, dec.min, dec.sec);

static	char	*planfmt =
"%2d %2d %3d  %3d %3d  %02d:%02d %02d:%02d %3s  %5.2f %d %2d  %4.1f  %4.2f  %6.2f";

prtplan(planp, plano)
register struct	planet	*planp;
	struct	tm	tm, *tmp;
	struct	deg	ra, dec, az, el;
	struct	deg	rt, st;
	char	*timek();

	degtodms(&ra, planp->equat.ra);
	degtodms(&dec, planp->equat.dec);
	if (dec.sg == '-')
		dec.deg = -dec.deg;
	degtodms(&az, planp->hzn.az);
	degtodms(&el, planp->hzn.el);
	if (el.sg == '-')
		el.deg = -el.deg;

	hrtohms(&tm, planp->rs.risetime);
	tmp = lsttolt(&tm);
	rt.deg = tmp->tm_hour;
	rt.min = tmp->tm_min;

	hrtohms(&tm, planp->rs.settime);
	tmp = lsttolt(&tm);
	st.deg = tmp->tm_hour;
	st.min = tmp->tm_min;

	if (print) {
		printf(planfmt, ra.deg, ra.min, dec.deg, az.deg, el.deg,
		    rt.deg, rt.min, st.deg, st.min, timek(tmp),
		    planp->rho, planp->ltt.deg, planp->ltt.min,
		    planp->th, planp->F, planp->m);
	} else {
		move(pt[plano].row, pt[plano].col);
		printw(planfmt, ra.deg, ra.min, dec.deg, az.deg, el.deg,
		    rt.deg, rt.min, st.deg, st.min, timek(tmp),
		    planp->rho, planp->ltt.deg, planp->ltt.min,
		    planp->th, planp->F, planp->m);


char *
register struct	tm	*tmp;
	char	*p;

	switch (tmp->tm_isdst) {
	case LT:
		p = "LT "; break;

	case DST:
		p = "DST"; break;

	case GMT:
		p = "GMT"; break;

	case GST:
		p = "GST"; break;

	case LST:
		p = "LST"; break;

		p = "???"; break;

static	char	*sunfmt =
"%2d %2d %3d  %3d %3d  %02d:%02d %02d:%02d %3s %5.4fAU  %2dm %2ds";

	struct	tm	tm, *tmp;
	struct	deg	ra, dec, az, el;
	struct	deg	rt, st;
	struct	deg	adia;
	char	*timek();

	degtodms(&ra, sun.equat.ra);
	degtodms(&dec, sun.equat.dec);
	if (dec.sg == '-')
		dec.deg = -dec.deg;
	degtodms(&az, sun.hzn.az);
	degtodms(&el, sun.hzn.el);
	if (el.sg == '-')
		el.deg = -el.deg;

	hrtohms(&tm, sun.rs.risetime);
	tmp = lsttolt(&tm);
	rt.deg = tmp->tm_hour;
	rt.min = tmp->tm_min;

	hrtohms(&tm, sun.rs.settime);
	tmp = lsttolt(&tm);
	st.deg = tmp->tm_hour;
	st.min = tmp->tm_min;

	degtodms(&adia, sun.th);

	if (print) {
		printf(sunfmt, ra.deg, ra.min, dec.deg, az.deg, el.deg,
		    rt.deg, rt.min, st.deg, st.min, timek(tmp),
		    sun.dist, adia.min, adia.sec);
	} else {
		move(pt[SUN].row, pt[SUN].col);
		printw(sunfmt, ra.deg, ra.min, dec.deg, az.deg, el.deg,
		    rt.deg, rt.min, st.deg, st.min, timek(tmp),
		    sun.dist, adia.min, adia.sec);

static	char	*moonfmt = "%2d %2d %3d  %3d %3d  %02d:%02d %02d:%02d \
%3s %6.0fkm  %2dm %2ds  %4.2f  %4.1fda";

	struct	tm	tm, *tmp;
	struct	deg	ra, dec, az, el;
	struct	deg	rt, st;
	struct	deg	adia;
	char	*timek();

	degtodms(&ra, moon.equat.ra);
	degtodms(&dec, moon.equat.dec);
	if (dec.sg == '-')
		dec.deg = -dec.deg;
	degtodms(&az, moon.hzn.az);
	degtodms(&el, moon.hzn.el);
	if (el.sg == '-')
		el.deg = -el.deg;

	hrtohms(&tm, moon.rs.risetime);
	tmp = lsttolt(&tm);
	rt.deg = tmp->tm_hour;
	rt.min = tmp->tm_min;

	hrtohms(&tm, moon.rs.settime);
	tmp = lsttolt(&tm);
	st.deg = tmp->tm_hour;
	st.min = tmp->tm_min;

	degtodms(&adia, moon.th);

	if (print) {
		printf(moonfmt, ra.deg, ra.min, dec.deg, az.deg, el.deg,
		    rt.deg, rt.min, st.deg, st.min, timek(tmp),
		    moon.dist, adia.min, adia.sec, moon.F, moon.age);
	} else {
		move(pt[MOON].row, pt[MOON].col);
		printw(moonfmt, ra.deg, ra.min, dec.deg, az.deg, el.deg,
		    rt.deg, rt.min, st.deg, st.min, timek(tmp),
		    moon.dist, adia.min, adia.sec, moon.F, moon.age);

	register int	yr;
	register char	*day, *mon, *ab;
	char	*dfmt = "%3.3s, %3.3s %2d, %4d %2.2s";

	day = days[now.lt.tm_wday];
	yr = now.lt.tm_year;
	mon = month[now.lt.tm_mon-1];

	if (yr > 0)
		ab = "AD";
	else {
		ab = "BC";
		yr = -yr;
	if (print)
		printf(dfmt, day, mon, now.lt.tm_mday, yr, ab);
	else {
		move(pt[TIME].row, pt[TIME].col);
		printw(dfmt, day, mon, now.lt.tm_mday, yr, ab);
	if ( ! print)
		move(pt[TIME].row, 22);
		putchar(' ');

	if ( ! print)
		move(pt[TIME].row, 36);
		printf("   ");

	if ( ! print)
		move(pt[TIME].row, 50);
		printf("  ");

	if ( ! print)
		move(pt[TIME].row, 64);
		printf("  ");
	 * For pr page alignment.
	if (print)

register struct	tm	*tmp;
	char	*tfmt = "%02d:%02d:%02d %s";

	if (print)
		printf(tfmt, tmp->tm_hour, tmp->tm_min, tmp->tm_sec,
		printw(tfmt, tmp->tm_hour, tmp->tm_min, tmp->tm_sec,

static	char	inb[30];
static	int	bufsub;
static	char	buf;

 *  Scan stdin for a character.
	if (print)

	while (read(0, &buf, 1) == 1) {
		move(23, bufsub + 4);
		if (buf != ' ' && buf != '\n') {
			inb[bufsub++] = buf;
		} else {
			inb[bufsub] = '\0';
			printw("    ");
			bufsub = 0;

 *  Process the user's request, if it's there.
	REAL	dt;

	if ( ! donin)
		donin = 0;

	switch (inb[0]) {
	case 'e':			/* enable elapsed time mode */
		if ((deltat * 1440.0 * 60.0) < 999.0)

	case 'n':
		if (inb[1]) switch (inb[1]) {
		case 'e':		/* disable elapsed time mode */
			eltime = 0;
			move(pt[SEPMAT].row+7, SECCOL);
			printw("          ");

		case 'l':		/* disable looping */
			loop = 0;
		} else {
			return(0);	/* don't ticktock */

	case 'q':

	case 'r':			/* reverse the flow of time */
		if ( ! eltime)
			deltat = -deltat;

	default:			/* look for a new delta t */
		dt = parsint(inb);
		if (eltime && (dt * 1440.0 * 60.0 > 999.0))
			dt = 0.0;
		if (dt)
			 *  Running in reverse?
			if (deltat < 0.0)
				deltat = -dt;
				deltat = dt;
if test -f 'main.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'main.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'main.c'
#include	<fcntl.h>
#include	<signal.h>
#include	"p.h"

main(argc, argv)
char	**argv;
	register int	wanderer;
	register struct	planet	*planp;
	register int	bump;
	int	die();

	while (argc-- > 1) {
		if (strcmp(argv[1], "-p") == NULL)
			argv++, print++;

		if (strncmp(argv[1], "-l", 2) == NULL) {
			 *  Look for the loop increment.
			deltat = parsint(&argv[1][2]);
			if (deltat == 0.0)
				deltat = 1.0;
			argv++, loop = 1;
		if (strcmp(argv[1], "-n") == NULL)
			argv++, ritenow++;

		if (strcmp(argv[1], "-e") == NULL)
			argv++, eltime++;
	 *  Who want's to sleep this long anyway?
	if (eltime)
		if ((long) (deltat * 1440.0 * 60.0) > 999)
			eltime = 0;

	if (ritenow)

	if ( ! print) {
		signal(SIGINT, die);
		signal(SIGHUP, die);
		signal(SIGBUS, die);
		flags = fcntl(0, F_GETFL, O_NDELAY);
		fcntl(0, F_SETFL, O_NDELAY);
		move(23, 0);
		printw(">>> ");
		for (wanderer = MERCURY; wanderer <= PLUTO; wanderer++)

		move(0, 0);
	do {
		 *  Process user requests only in interactive mode.
		if ( ! print)
			bump = dorequest();

		gestalt();			/* do everything */

		for (wanderer = MERCURY; wanderer <= PLUTO; wanderer++) {
			if ( ! print)
				bump = dorequest();

			if (print)
			 *  Compute everything about a planet.
			planp = plandata(wanderer);
			 *  Save equatorial coordinates for angular
			 *  separation calculations.
			wandeq[wanderer] = planp->equat;
			 *  Print the planetary data.
			prtplan(planp, wanderer);
			 *  Scan for user input.
		if (print)
		sun.equat = *ectoeq(&sun.eclipt);
		sun.hzn = *eqtohzn(&sun.equat);
		sun.rs = *sunriseset();

		if (print)

		if (print)




		if ( ! print) {
			move(pt[SEPMAT].row+7, 0);
			printw("%#-9.3g", deltat);

		if ( ! print) {
			if (bump != 0)
		} else

	} while (loop);

	if (print)
	else {
		move(23, 0);
	if ( ! print)

 *  Parse the interval pointed to by arg.
register char	*sptr;
	register char	chr;
	register indx;
	REAL	dt;

	dt = atof(sptr);
	indx = strlen(sptr) - 1;
	chr = sptr[indx];
	 *  Delta interval is in days; modify based
	 *  on optional units.
	switch (chr) {
	case 's':
		if (dt < 1.0)
			dt = 1.0;
		dt /= 1440.0 * 60.0;

	case 'm':
		dt /= 1440.0; break;

	case 'h':
		dt /= 24.0; break;

	case 'w':
		dt *= 7.0; break;

	case 'y':
		dt *= 365.2422; break;

		dt = 0.0; break;

	signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
	signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
	signal(SIGBUS, SIG_IGN);
	move(COLS - 1, LINES - 1);
	fcntl(0, F_SETFL, flags);
if test -f 'misc.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'misc.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'misc.c'
#include	"p.h"

 *  Do everything necessary to keep everything
 *  up to date.
	tempus();			/* fugit */
	earthorbit();			/* don't loose it */
	sunorbit();			/* or this, either */

 *  Keep the now structure up to date.
	now.gmt = now.lt;		/* copy over local time */
	lttogmt(&now.gmt, HEREZONE);	/* generate GMT */
	now.gst = now.gmt;
	gmttogst(&now.gst);		/* generate GST */
	now.lst = now.gst;
	gsttolst(&now.lst, HERELONG);	/* generate LST */

	now.jd = julianday(&now.lt);
	 *  In case it's not there.
	now.lt.tm_wday = dayofwk(now.jd);

 *  Go through the routines to convert LST to LT using
 *  the now structure.
struct	tm *
register struct	tm	*tmp;
	static	struct	tm	tm;

	tm = now.lt;			/* use the now date */

	tm.tm_hour = tmp->tm_hour;
	tm.tm_min = tmp->tm_min;
	tm.tm_sec = tmp->tm_sec;

	lsttogst(&tm, HERELONG);
	gmttolt(&tm, HEREZONE);

 *  Count the number of days from the epoch, Jan. 0, 1980.
 *  Convert date to Julian day number, then subtract the bias for
 *  Jan. 0, 1980.  Note that the number of days could be negative.
register struct	tm	*tmp;
	REAL	e80;

	 *  First convert to Julian day.
	e80 = julianday(tmp);
	 *  Then subtract the bias for the Jan 0, 1980, epoch.
	e80 -= 2444238.5;


 *  Return the number of days in the year of interest.
	if ((yr % 4) == 0 && yr % 100 && (yr % 400) == 0)

 *  Compute and return a floating remainder.
flrem(a, b)
REAL	a, b;
	REAL	c;
	long	d;

	c = a / b;
	d = (long) c;
	c -= (REAL) d;
	return(c * b);

 *  Compute and return day of the month as a floating number.
register struct	tm	*tmp;
	REAL	day;

	day = hmstohr(tmp) / 24.0;
	day += (REAL) tmp->tm_mday;

 *  Fix the floating argument day into appropriate fields
 *  of the time structure.
fixday(tmp, day)
register struct	tm	*tmp;
REAL	day;
	REAL	hours;

	tmp->tm_mday = (int) day;
	 *  Extract the fraction of day and convert to REAL hours.
	hours = flrem(day, 1.0) * 24.0;
	tmp->tm_hour = (int) hours;

	hrtohms(tmp, hours);

 *  Compute arctan of two arguments resolving the ambiguity
 *  as shown in Fig. 10, pg. 45.
atan2a(y, x)
REAL	y, x;
	REAL	a, lo, hi;

	a = (REAL) atan(y/x);

	if (y >= 0.0 && x >= 0.0) {
		lo = 0.0; hi = 90.0;
	} else if (y < 0.0 && x >= 0.0) {
		lo = 270.0; hi = 360.0;
	} else if (y < 0.0 && x < 0.0) {
		lo = 180.0; hi = 270.0;
	} else {
		lo = 90.0; hi = 180.0;
	 *  Go to degrees.
	a *= RAD;

	if (lo <= a && a < hi)

	if (a < lo)
		while (a < lo)
			a += 90.0;
		while (a >= hi)
			a -= 90.0;


 *  Compute an object's eccentric anomaly using Kepler's method.
 *  This method is valid for e's < 0.1.
kepler(M, e)
REAL	M, e;
	REAL	E, delta, ad;

	iter = 0;
	E = M;
	while (1) {
		if (iter++ > 100)		/* not converging */

		delta = E - e * (REAL) sin(E) - M;
		if (delta < 0.0)
			ad = -delta;
			ad = delta;

		if (ad < 10e-6)

		E -= delta / (1.0 - e * (REAL) cos(E));

 *  Bring the argument angle in to the range 0 - 359.999 ...
 *  This routine works for negative angles.
REAL	angle;
	if (angle > 0.0)
		while (angle >= 360.0)
			angle -= 360.0;
		while (angle < 0.0)
			angle += 360.0;

 *  Make the time argument canonical.
REAL	tim;
	if (tim > 0.0)
		while (tim >= 24.0)
			tim -= 24.0;
		while (tim < 0.0)
			tim += 24.0;
if test -f 'p.h'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'p.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'p.h'
#include	<stdio.h>
#include	<time.h>
#include	<math.h>
#include	<curses.h>

 *	Compute and display various data on the Sun, Moon, and
 *	planets.  The source book for this program is
 *		"Practical astronomy with your calculator"
 *			by
 *			  Peter Duffet-Smith
 *					R. C. Kukuk
 *					11/83

typedef	double	REAL;

extern	int dmsize[];

extern	char	month[12][3];

extern	char	days[7][3];

 *  The time structure, tm, is used as the basic data structure for
 *  holding time and date information.  The following differences
 *  are noted:
 *	tm_year contains the actual year.
 *	tm_mon ranges between 1 and 12.
 *	tm_yday ranges between 1 and 365 (366).
 *	tm_isdst contains more than just a daylight savings time flag.
 *	It also contains an indicator describing what kind of time is
 *	currently being stored in the structure.  The kinds are listed
 *	below.
 *  When conversions are made between the various time formats, not all
 *  of the fields may be valid.  For example, only the fields relating
 *  to the time of day are valid for GMT, GST, and LST.
#define	DST	1		/* Local daylight savings time */
#define	LT	0		/* Local time */
#define	LST	-1		/* Local siderial time */
#define	GST	-2		/* Greenwich siderial time */
#define	GMT	-3		/* Greenwich mean time */

#define	NAPLONG		88.1			/* west long is pos */
#define	NAPLAT		41.7			/* west lat is pos */
#define	NAPELEV		198.0			/* meters */
#define	NAPZONE		6.0			/* Central Standard Timezone */


#define	NORISE	25.0
#define	NOSET	-1.0

#define	PI	3.141592654
#define	RAD	(360.0/(2.0*PI))

#define	NOW	1
#define	NOTNOW	0

 *  Coordinate structures.
struct	equat	{
	REAL	ra;			/* in hours, min, and sec */
	REAL	dec;

struct	ae	{
	REAL	az;
	REAL	el;

struct	eclipt	{
	REAL	lat;
	REAL	lon;

struct	deg	{
	char	sg;			/* sign for neg angles */
	int	deg;			/* or hour angle or ra */
	int	min;
	int	sec;

struct	rs	{
	REAL	risetime;
	REAL	settime;
	REAL	riseaz;
	REAL	setaz;

 *  CRT screen coordinates for displaying the results.
struct	pt	{
	short	row;
	short	col;

extern	struct	pt	pt[];

 *  Planetary orbital position data structure.
struct	planpos	{
	REAL	M;		/* Mean anonaly */
	REAL	v;		/* True anomaly */
	REAL	L;		/* Heliocentric longitude */
	REAL	R;		/* Radius vector (AU) */

 *  Everything you wanted to know about a planet.
struct	planet	{
	struct	equat	equat;	/* Location */
	struct	ae	hzn;	/* Current horizon location */
	struct	rs	rs;	/* Rising & setting times and az's */
	REAL	rho;		/* Distance (AU) */
	struct	deg	ltt;	/* Light travel time (hr, min) */
	REAL	th;		/* Angular diameter */
	REAL	F;		/* Phase */
	REAL	m;		/* Apparent brightness */

 *  Everything worth knowing about Sol.  The ecliptic field must
 *  be kept up to date by calling sunorbit();
struct	sun	{
	struct	equat	equat;	/* Location */
	struct	eclipt	eclipt;	/* "Funny" heliocentric coordinates */
	struct	ae	hzn;	/* If you've lost it */
	struct	rs	rs;	/* "Sunrise, sunset, swiftly go the days ..." */
	REAL	th;		/* Angular diameter */
	REAL	dist;		/* Distance in AU */
	REAL	M;		/* Needed for Lunar calculations */

extern	struct	sun	sun;

 *  Everything worth knowing about Luna.
struct	moon	{
	struct	equat	equat;	/* Location */
	struct	ae	hzn;	/* If you've lost it */
	struct	rs	rs;	/* Moon rise and set */
	REAL	dist;		/* Distance in km */
	REAL	th;		/* Angular diameter */
	REAL	age;		/* Age of phase */
	REAL	F;		/* Phase */
	REAL	lpp;		/* Needed for phase calculations */
	REAL	Mpm;		/* Needed for distance calcs */
	REAL	Ec;		/*   "     "     "       "   */
	REAL	heliolon;	/* Needed for eclipse calculations */
	REAL	Np;		/*   "     "     "         " */

extern	struct	moon	moon;

 *  Planetary equatorial coordinates; kept and used for angular
 *  separation calculations.
extern	struct	equat	wandeq[];

 *  Orbital data for Sol.
 *  (Pg. 82)
#define	S_EPSG		278.83354
#define	S_OMEGG		282.596403
#define	S_E		0.016718
#define	S_R0		1.495985e8
#define	S_TH0		0.533128

 *  Orbital data for Luna.
 *  (Pg. 140)
#define	L_L0		64.975464
#define	L_P0		349.383063
#define	L_N0		151.950429
#define	L_I		5.145396
#define	L_E		0.05490
#define	L_TH0		0.5181
#define	L_A		384401.0
#define	L_PI0		0.9507

 *  Appropriate subscripts.
#define	MERCURY		0
#define	VENUS		1
#define	MARS		2
#define	JUPITER		3
#define	SATURN		4
#define	URANUS		5
#define	NEPTUNE		6
#define	PLUTO		7
#define	SUN		8
#define	MOON		9
#define	SEPMAT		10
#define	TIME		11

#define	SECCOL		9

 *  Planetary orbital data.
struct	pod	{
	REAL	Tp;			/* Period in tropical years */
	REAL	epsilon;		/* Longitude at epoch (1/0/1980) */
	REAL	w;			/* Longitude of perihelion */
	REAL	e;			/* Eccentricity of orbit */
	REAL	a;			/* Semi-major axis (AU) */
	REAL	i;			/* Inclination of orbit */
	REAL	omega;			/* Longitude of ascending node */
	REAL	th0;			/* Angular size at 1 AU */
	REAL	A;			/* Brightness factor */

extern	struct	pod	pod[];

 *  Keep Earth orbital data separate for ease in subscripting the others.
extern	struct	pod	epod;

extern	char	*name[];

REAL	flrem(), flday(), julianday(), hmstohr(), dmstodeg(), epoch80();
REAL	s12b();
REAL	hatora(), ratoha();
REAL	obliq(), kepler(), dcanon(), tcanon();
REAL	angsep(), atan2a(), parsint();
double	atof();

struct	tm	*jdtodate(), *lsttolt();
struct	ae	*eqtohzn();
struct	equat	*getequat(), *hzntoeq(), *ectoeq(), *moonorbit();
struct	eclipt	*eqtoec();
struct	rs	*riseset(), *sunriseset(), *atmref(), *moonriseset();
struct	planpos	*orbit();
struct	planet	*plandata();

 *  This is the now structure.  Its contents should be kept up to date
 *  by calling tempus().
struct	now	{
	struct	tm	lt;
	struct	tm	gmt;
	struct	tm	gst;
	struct	tm	lst;
	REAL	jd;
extern	struct	now	now;

 *  Orbital position of Earth (heliocentric coodinates) computed
 *  from the time in the now structure.  Kept up to date by calling
 *  earthorbit().
extern	struct	planpos	earth;

extern	int	iter;		/* iteration count for Keplerian calculations */
extern	int	flags;		/* file control flags */
extern	int	print;		/* hard copy output flag */
extern	int	loop;		/* keep looping */
extern	int	ritenow;	/* compute results for today's date and time */
extern	int	request;	/* user has request pending */
extern	int	daylight;	/* enable DST conversions */
extern	REAL	deltat;		/* loop increment in REAL days */
extern	int	eltime;		/* sleep away the actual interval */
extern	int	donin;
if test -f 'sm.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'sm.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'sm.c'
#include	"p.h"

 *  (Sect. 42; Pg. 80)
	REAL	E, N, D, M, v;

	D = epoch80(&now.lt);
	N = (360.0 / 365.2422) * D;
	N = dcanon(N);
	M = N + S_EPSG - S_OMEGG;
	M = dcanon(M);
	E = kepler(M/RAD, S_E);
	v = (REAL) sqrt((1.0 + S_E) / (1.0 - S_E)) * (REAL) tan(E/2);
	v = (REAL) atan(v);
	v *= 2 * RAD;
	sun.eclipt.lon = dcanon(v + S_OMEGG);
	sun.eclipt.lat = 0.0;
	sun.M = M;		/* needed for calculating Luna's orbit */
	 *  Do the incidentals.
	sun.dist = (1.0 - S_E * S_E) / (1.0 + S_E * (REAL) cos(v / RAD));
	sun.th = S_TH0 * (1.0 + S_E * (REAL) cos(v/RAD))
		/ (1.0 - S_E * S_E);

 *  (Sect. 45; Pg. 88)
struct	rs *
	static	struct	rs	rs;
	struct	rs	*rsp, rs1, rs2;
	struct	equat	*eqp, eq1, eq2;
	struct	eclipt	eclipt;
	REAL	dayfrac;

	 *  Make a copy of the sun's location.
	eclipt = sun.eclipt;
	 *  Compute the fraction of the current day so the Sun
	 *  can be "moved back" to it's position on the previous
	 *  midnight.
	dayfrac = hmstohr(&now.lt) / 24.0;
	 *  Then move it back.
	eclipt.lon -= dayfrac * 0.985647;

	eqp = ectoeq(&eclipt);
	 *  Copy over first set of equatorial coords.
	eq1 = *eqp;
	 *  Then move the Sun to its position on midnight, tomorrow.
	eclipt.lon += 0.985647;

	eqp = ectoeq(&eclipt);
	 *  Copy over second set of equatorial coords.
	eq2 = *eqp;

	rsp = riseset(&eq1);
	rs1 = *rsp;
	rsp = riseset(&eq2);
	rs2 = *rsp;

	rs.risetime = (24.07 * rs1.risetime)
		/ (24.07 + rs1.risetime - rs2.risetime);
	rs.settime = (24.07 * rs1.settime)
		/ (24.07 + rs1.settime - rs2.settime);

	rs.riseaz = (rs1.riseaz + rs2.riseaz) / 2.0;
	rs.setaz = (rs1.setaz + rs2.setaz) / 2.0;
	 *  Make a rough correction to allow for the Sun's
	 *  finite diameter and refraction.  (+- 5 minutes.)
	rs.risetime -= 5.0/60.0;
	rs.settime += 5.0/60.0;
	 *  The rising and setting times are LST.

 *  (Sect. 61; Pg. 139)
struct	equat *
moonorbit(tmp, nowflag)
register struct	tm	*tmp;
	static	struct	eclipt	eclipt;
	REAL	D, l, Mm, N, Ev, Ae, A3, Mpm, Ec;
	REAL	A4, lp, V, lpp, Np, x, y;
	REAL	t;

	D = epoch80(tmp);

	l = dcanon(13.176396 * D + L_L0);
	Mm = dcanon(l - 0.1114041 * D - L_P0);
	N = dcanon(L_N0 - 0.0529539 * D);

	Ev = 1.2739 * (REAL) sin(2.0 * (l/RAD - sun.eclipt.lon/RAD) - Mm/RAD);

	Ae = 0.1858 * (REAL) sin(sun.M / RAD);
	A3 = 0.37 * (REAL) sin(sun.M / RAD);

	Mpm = Mm + Ev - Ae - A3;

	Ec = 6.2886 * (REAL) sin(Mpm / RAD);

	A4 = 0.214 * (REAL) sin(2.0 * Mpm / RAD);

	lp = l + Ev + Ec - Ae + A4;

	V = 0.6583 * (REAL) sin(2.0 * (lp/RAD - sun.eclipt.lat/RAD));

	lpp = lp + V;

	Np = N - 0.16 * (REAL) sin(sun.M / RAD);

	t = lpp / RAD - Np / RAD;
	y = (REAL) sin(t) * (REAL) cos(L_I/RAD);
	x = (REAL) cos(t);

	eclipt.lon = (REAL) atan2a(y, x) * RAD + Np;

	x = (REAL) sin(t) * (REAL) sin(L_I/RAD);
	eclipt.lat = (REAL) asin(x) * RAD;
	 *  Stash away the other quantities that will be needed
	 *  elsewhere.  Don't stash the quantities computed as a
	 *  result of the moon rise and set calls.
	if (nowflag == NOW) {
		moon.lpp = lpp;
		moon.Mpm = Mpm;
		moon.Np = Np;
		moon.Ec = Ec;
		moon.heliolon = eclipt.lon;
	 *  Return equatorial coords.

 *  (Sect. 63; Pg. 145)
	 *  Compute the Moon's orbit.
	moon.equat = *moonorbit(&now.lt, NOW);
	 *  Apply precession correction.
	 *  And then convert to horizon coords.
	moon.hzn = *eqtohzn(&moon.equat);
	 *  Do age and Fase.
	moon.age = dcanon(moon.lpp - sun.eclipt.lon) / 13.0;
	moon.F = 0.5 * (1.0 - (REAL) cos(moon.age * 13.0 / RAD));
	 *  Find the distance in km.
	moon.dist = L_A * (1.0 - L_E * L_E)
		/ (1.0 + L_E * (REAL) cos((moon.Mpm + moon.Ec)/RAD));
	 *  Now the moon's apparent diameter, in degrees.
	moon.th = L_TH0 * L_A / moon.dist;
	 *  Last, but not least, compute moonrise and moonset.
	moon.rs = *moonriseset();

#define	NOECL		0
#define	LUNAR		1
#define	SOLAR		2
#define	MAYBE		3
#define	MUST		4
 *  Look at the Solar and Lunar coordinates and determine if a
 *  Lunar or Solar eclipse is possible.  If so, display an
 *  appropriate message.  If a message has been displayed, and
 *  the conditions for the eclipse no longer hold, take down
 *  the message.
	static	int	eclmsg;
	static	REAL	svdelta;
	REAL	londiff, nodediff;
	register int	ecltype, echance;

	 *  Make the angles canonical, and make the node angle
	 *  within 0 <= nodediff < 180.
	londiff = dcanon(moon.heliolon - sun.eclipt.lon);
	nodediff = dcanon(moon.lpp - moon.Np);
	if (nodediff >= 180.0)
		nodediff -= 180.0;
	 *  If an eclipse is possible, which one will it be?
	if (londiff >= 353.0 || londiff <= 7.0)
		ecltype = SOLAR;
	else if (londiff >= 173.0 && londiff <= 187.0)
		ecltype = LUNAR;
		ecltype = NOECL;
	 *  Slow down the passage of time in order to take a
	 *  closer look.  Or speed up because the configuration
	 *  is past.
	 *  The nodediff test is needed so we don't slow down
	 *  every opposition or conjunction, in spite of the
	 *  location of the nodes.
	if (ecltype != NOECL && nodediff <= 20.0) {
		if (svdelta == 0.0) {
			svdelta = deltat;
			 *  Back up before slowing down.
			deltat = -(deltat * 0.75);
			deltat = svdelta;
			 *  Then decide how much to slow down.
			if (svdelta < 0.1)
				deltat /= 10.0;
			if (svdelta >= 0.1)
				deltat /= 10.0;
			if (svdelta >= 1.0)
				deltat /= 4.0;
			if (svdelta >= 7.0)
				deltat /= 4.0;
	} else {
		 *  Full speed ahead.
		if (svdelta) {
			 *  If we've reversed directions during the
			 *  slowed interval, carry over the new
			 *  sign.
			if ((svdelta * deltat) < 0.0) /* different signs */
				deltat = -svdelta;
				deltat = svdelta;
			svdelta = 0.0;
	 *  But is one the Moon's orbital nodes in the right place?
	if (ecltype == SOLAR) {
		echance = NOECL;
		if (nodediff <= 18.52)
			echance = MAYBE;
		if (nodediff <= 15.52)
			echance = MUST;
	if (ecltype == LUNAR) {
		echance = NOECL;
		if (nodediff <= 12.25)
			echance = MAYBE;
		if (nodediff <= 9.5)
			echance = MUST;
	 *  Now generate a message based on the flags.
	if ( ! print) {
		if (ecltype != NOECL && echance != NOECL) {
			if (eclmsg == 0) {
				move(pt[SUN].row, 63);
				    ecltype == LUNAR ? "Lunar " : "Solar ");
				move(pt[SUN].row, 69);
				eclmsg = 1;
			move(pt[SUN].row-1, 67);
			if (echance == MAYBE) {
			} else
				printw("     ");
		} else if (eclmsg) {
			move(pt[SUN].row-1, 67);
			printw("     ");
			move(pt[SUN].row, 63);
			printw("      ");
			move(pt[SUN].row, 69);
			printw("       ");
			eclmsg = 0;

 *  (Sect. 66; Pg. 150)
 *  (Oh, by the way, there's something wrong with the algorithm,
 *  or maybe the implementation of it ...)
struct	rs *
	static	struct	rs	mrs;
	struct	equat	eq1, eq2;
	struct	rs	rs1, rs2;
	struct	tm	*tmp;
	REAL	jday;

	 *  If the Moon is very close the the horizon, the
	 *  rising and setting times will be way off; don't
	 *  do the calculations.  Just return the old values.
	 *  But make at least one calculation first time through.
	if (moon.hzn.el > -8.0 && moon.hzn.el < 8.0 && mrs.setaz != 0.0)
	 *  First get today's julian date.
	jday = now.jd;
	 *  Convert it to midnight yesterday.
	jday -= 0.5;
	jday -= flrem(jday, 1.0);
	jday += 0.5;
	 *  Make a date out of it.
	tmp = jdtodate(jday);
	 *  Find the Moon's coords at that time.
	eq1 = *moonorbit(tmp, NOTNOW);
	 *  Advance the clock 12 hours and redo the calc.
	tmp = jdtodate(jday + 0.5);
	eq2 = *moonorbit(tmp, NOTNOW);
	 *  Apply precession correction.
	 *  Correct the coordinates for geocentric parallax.
	 *  Compute the rising and setting times and az's.
	rs1 = *riseset(&eq1);
	rs2 = *riseset(&eq2);
	 *  Interpolate to find the moon rise and set times.
	mrs.risetime = (12.03 * rs1.risetime)
		/ (12.03 + rs1.risetime - rs2.risetime);
	mrs.settime = (12.03 * rs1.settime)
		/ (12.03 + rs1.settime - rs2.settime);
	 *  Just average to find azimuths.
	mrs.riseaz = (rs1.riseaz + rs2.riseaz) / 2.0;
	mrs.setaz = (rs1.setaz + rs2.setaz) / 2.0;
	 *  Make a rough correction to allow for the Moon's
	 *  finite diameter.  (+- 2 minutes.)
	mrs.risetime -= 2.0/60.0;
	mrs.settime += 2.0/60.0;
	 *  The rising and setting times are LST.
if test -f 'time.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'time.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'time.c'
#include	"p.h"

 *  Compute the day of the year.  Put it in the time structure.
 *  And return it.
 *  (Sect. 3; Pg. 6)
register struct	tm	*tmp;
	register int	day, mon;

	day = 1;
	mon = tmp->tm_mon;
	 *  Leap year
	if (dysize(tmp->tm_year) == 366 && mon >= 3)
		day += 1;
		day += dmsize[mon-1];

	tmp->tm_yday = day + tmp->tm_mday;

 *  (Sect. 4; Pg. 9)
register struct	tm	*tmp;
	short	y, m;
	register long	A, B, C, D;
	REAL	day;

	y = tmp->tm_year;
	m = tmp->tm_mon;
	if (m <= 2) {
		m += 12;
	 *  Beware of 1582 Oct 15
	if (tmp->tm_year <= 1582 && tmp->tm_mon <= 10 && tmp->tm_mday <= 15)
		B = 0;
	else {
		A = y / 100;
		B = 2 - A + (A / 4);
	C = (long) (365.25 * (REAL) y);
	D = (long) (30.6001 * ((REAL) m + 1.0));
	 *  Get the floating equivalent of the day of the month.
	day = flday(tmp);
	day += 1720994.5;
	day += (REAL) B + (REAL) C + (REAL) D;


 *  (Sect. 5; Pg. 11)
struct	tm *
REAL	jday;
	static	struct	tm	jtm;
	REAL	F, d;
	register long	A, B, C, D, E, G, H, I;

	jday += 0.5;
	I = (long) jday;
	F = flrem(jday, 1.0);
	if (I > 2299160) {
		A = (long) (((REAL) I - 1867216.25) / 36524.25);
		B = I + 1 + A - (A / 4);
	} else
		B = I;		/* note the misprint in the book */

	C = B + 1524;
	D = (long) (((REAL) C - 122.1) / 365.25);
	E = (long) (365.25 * (REAL) D);
	G = (long) (((REAL) C - (REAL) E) / 30.6001);
	H = (long) ((REAL) G * 30.6001);
	d = (REAL) C - (REAL) E + F - H;

	if (G <= 13)
		jtm.tm_mon = G - 1;
		jtm.tm_mon = G - 13;

	if (jtm.tm_mon <= 2)
		jtm.tm_year = D - 4715;
		jtm.tm_year = D - 4716;

	fixday(&jtm, d);
	 *  Compute the day of the year into the structure.
	 *  Also determine the day of the week.
	jtm.tm_wday = dayofwk(jday);
	 *  Possible adjust for DST.


 *  (Sect. 6; Pg. 12)
REAL	jday;
	register int	wkday;

	A = (jday + 1.5) / 7.0;
	wkday = (int) (flrem(A, 1.0) * 7.0);

 *  (Sect. 7; Pg. 13)
register struct	tm	*tmp;
	REAL	sec, min, hr;

	sec = (REAL) tmp->tm_sec;
	min = (REAL) tmp->tm_min;
	hr = (REAL) tmp->tm_hour;

	sec /= 60.0;
	min += sec;
	min /= 60.0;
	hr += min;

 *  (Sect. 7; Pg. 13)
register struct	deg	*degp;
	REAL	sec, min, hr;

	sec = (REAL) degp->sec;
	min = (REAL) degp->min;
	hr = (REAL) degp->deg;

	sec /= 60.0;
	min += sec;
	min /= 60.0;
	hr += min;

 *  (Sect. 8; Pg. 14)
hrtohms(tmp, hours)
register struct	tm	*tmp;
REAL	hours;

	tmp->tm_hour = (int) hours;

	F = flrem(hours, 1.0);
	F *= 60.0;
	tmp->tm_min = (int) F;

	F = flrem(F, 1.0);
	F *= 60.0;
	tmp->tm_sec = (int) F;

 *  (Sect. 8; Pg. 14)
degtodms(degp, hours)
register struct	deg	*degp;
REAL	hours;

	if (hours < 0.0) {
		hours = -hours;
		degp->sg = '-';
	} else
		degp->sg = ' ';

	degp->deg = (int) hours;

	F = flrem(hours, 1.0);
	F *= 60.0;
	degp->min = (int) F;

	F = flrem(F, 1.0);
	F *= 60.0;
	degp->sec = (int) F;

 *  (Sect. 9; Pg. 16)
lttogmt(tmp, zone)
register struct	tm	*tmp;
REAL	zone;
	REAL	dectime;

	dectime = hmstohr(tmp);
	 *  Correct for DST, if necessary.  Use the dst flag in the
	 *  now structure.
	if (now.lt.tm_isdst > 0)
		zone -= 1.0;
	dectime += zone;

	dectime = tcanon(dectime);

	hrtohms(tmp, dectime);
	tmp->tm_isdst = GMT;

 *  (Sect. 10; Pg. 18)
gmttolt(tmp, zone)
register struct	tm	*tmp;
REAL	zone;
	REAL	dectime;

	dectime = hmstohr(tmp);
	 *  Correct for DST, if necessary.  Use the dst flag in the
	 *  now structure.
	if (now.lt.tm_isdst > 0) {
		zone -= 1.0;
		tmp->tm_isdst = DST;
	} else
		tmp->tm_isdst = LT;

	dectime -= zone;

	dectime = tcanon(dectime);

	hrtohms(tmp, dectime);

 *  (Sect. 12; Pg. 20)
#define	S12A	0.0657098
#define	S12C	1.002738
#define	S12D	0.997270

register struct	tm	*tmp;
	REAL	ydays, gmthours;
	REAL	T0, B;

	ydays = (REAL) dayofyr(tmp);
	ydays *= S12A;

	B = s12b(tmp);
	T0 = ydays - B;

	gmthours = hmstohr(tmp) * S12C;
	T0 += gmthours;
	T0 = tcanon(T0);

	hrtohms(tmp, T0);

	tmp->tm_isdst = GST;

 *  Compute B in section 12.
register struct	tm	*tmp;
	REAL	B, JD, R, S, T, U;
	static	struct	tm	jan0;

	jan0.tm_year = tmp->tm_year;
	jan0.tm_mon = 1;		/* January 0 */
	JD = julianday(&jan0);
	S = JD - 2415020.0;
	T = S / 36525.0;
	R = 6.6460656 + (2400.051262 * T) + (0.00002581 * T * T);
	U = R - (24.0 * (REAL) (tmp->tm_year - 1900));
	B = 24.0 - U;

 *  (Sect. 13; Pg. 22)
register struct	tm	*tmp;
	REAL	gmthours, gsthours, ydays, T0, B;

	ydays = (REAL) dayofyr(tmp);
	ydays *= S12A;

	B = s12b(tmp);
	T0 = ydays - B;
	T0 = tcanon(T0);

	gsthours = hmstohr(tmp);
	gsthours -= T0;

	gsthours = tcanon(gsthours);
	gmthours = gsthours * S12D;

	hrtohms(tmp, gmthours);

	tmp->tm_isdst = GMT;

 *  (Sect. 14; Pg. 24)
gsttolst(tmp, longitude)
register struct	tm	*tmp;
REAL	longitude;
	REAL	dectime, diff;

	dectime = hmstohr(tmp);
	diff = longitude / 15.0;
	dectime -= diff;	/* W long is positive, W is negative */
	dectime = tcanon(dectime);
	hrtohms(tmp, dectime);
	tmp->tm_isdst = LST;

 *  (Sect. 15; Pg. 25)
lsttogst(tmp, longitude)
register struct	tm	*tmp;
REAL	longitude;
	REAL	dectime, diff;

	dectime = hmstohr(tmp);
	diff = longitude / 15.0;
	dectime += diff;	/* W long is positive, W is negative */
	dectime = tcanon(dectime);
	hrtohms(tmp, dectime);
	tmp->tm_isdst = GST;

 *  Update the local time in the now structure.  Or sleep the equivalent
 *  amount if we're running in real time.
	short	tpast, tickint, ticktime;
	long	cursec;
	REAL	jday, dt;
	double	fabs();

	 *  Sleep the interval away.
	if (eltime) {
		 * Convert julian day to seconds.
		jday = julianday(&now.lt) * 1440.0 * 60.0;
		 * Find the number of seconds into the day.
		jday = flrem(jday, 1440.0 * 60.0);
		cursec = (long) (jday + 0.5);

		tickint = (unsigned) ((REAL) fabs(deltat) * 1440.0 * 60.0);
		tpast = cursec % tickint;
		ticktime = tickint - tpast;
		 * Beware!  We don't have one second resolution.
		if (ticktime == 1)
			ticktime += tickint;
		 * Keep the REAL equivalent of the ticktime in deltat
		 * units.
		dt = ((REAL) ticktime) / (1440.0 * 60.0);
		 *  Break up the sleep to look for input.
		while (ticktime > 0) {
			move(pt[SEPMAT].row+7, SECCOL);
			printw("(%d sec)  ", ticktime);
			move(0, 0); refresh();

			if (ticktime > 5) {
				ticktime -= 5;
			} else {
			 *  If a request was processed, break out of the
			 *  sleep loop; this request may affect sleep time.
			if (dorequest() >= 0)
	} else
		dt = deltat;

	jday = julianday(&now.lt) + dt;
	 *  Copy back the entire structure.
	now.lt = *jdtodate(jday);

 *  Generate a new localtime for the now structure.
	struct	tm	*localtime();
	long	tvec;

	now.lt = *localtime(&tvec);
	now.lt.tm_year += 1900;

 * The following table is used for 1974 and 1975 and
 * gives the day number of the first day after the Sunday of the
 * change.
static struct {
	int	daylb;
	int	dayle;
} daytab[] = {
	5,	333,	/* 1974: Jan 6 - last Sun. in Nov */
	58,	303,	/* 1975: Last Sun. in Feb - last Sun in Oct */

 *  Determine if the time pointed to by tmp should be set to DST.
 *  If so, do it.
register struct	tm	*tmp;
	register int dayno, daylbegin, daylend;

	 *  Don't try to convert to DST for times and dates earlier
	 *  than 1/1/1900.
	if (tmp->tm_year < 1900)

	dayno = tmp->tm_yday;
	daylbegin = 119;	/* last Sun in Apr */
	daylend = 303;		/* Last Sun in Oct */
	if(tmp->tm_year == 1974 || tmp->tm_year == 1975) {
		daylbegin = daytab[tmp->tm_year-1974].daylb;
		daylend = daytab[tmp->tm_year-1974].dayle;
	daylbegin = sunday(tmp, daylbegin);
	daylend = sunday(tmp, daylend);
	if(daylight &&
	    (dayno > daylbegin || (dayno == daylbegin && tmp->tm_hour >= 2)) &&
	    (dayno < daylend || (dayno == daylend && tmp->tm_hour < 1))) {
		tmp->tm_isdst = DST;
	} else
		tmp->tm_isdst = LT;

 *  The argument is a 0-origin day number.
 *  The value is the day number of the first
 *  Sunday on or after the day.
static int
sunday(t, d)
register struct tm *t;
register int d;
	if(d >= 58)
		d += dysize(t->tm_year) - 365;
	return(d - (d - t->tm_yday + t->tm_wday + 700) % 7);
if test -f 'wand.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'wand.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'wand.c'
#include	"p.h"

 *  (Sect. 31; Pg. 52)
angsep(eqp1, eqp2)
register struct	equat	*eqp1, *eqp2;
	REAL	alph1, alph2, del1, del2;
	REAL	d;

	 *  Hours to degrees to rads.
	alph1 = eqp1->ra * 15.0 / RAD;
	alph2 = eqp2->ra * 15.0 / RAD;

	del1 = eqp1->dec / RAD;
	del2 = eqp2->dec / RAD;

	d = (REAL) sin(del1) * (REAL) sin(del2)
	     + (REAL) cos(del1) * (REAL) cos(del2) * (REAL) cos(alph1 - alph2);

	d = (REAL) acos(d) * RAD;


 *  (Sect. 32; Pg. 54)
struct	rs *
register struct	equat	*eqp;
	REAL	Ar, As, alpha, delta, H;
	static	struct	rs	rs;
	struct	rs	*drsp;

	delta = eqp->dec;
	alpha = eqp->ra;		/* alpha is in hours */

	Ar = (REAL) sin(delta/RAD) / (REAL) cos(HERELAT/RAD);

	rs.riseaz = rs.setaz = -1.0;

	if (Ar <= -1.0) {
		rs.risetime = rs.settime = NORISE;
	if (Ar >= 1.0) {
		rs.risetime = rs.settime = NOSET;

	Ar = (REAL) acos(Ar) * RAD;
	As = 360.0 - Ar;
	rs.riseaz = Ar;
	rs.setaz = As;

	H = -(REAL) tan(HERELAT/RAD) * (REAL) tan(delta/RAD);
	if (H >= 1.0)
		goto norise;
	if (H <= -1.0)
		goto noset;

	H = (REAL) acos(H) * RAD;
	H /= 15.0;			/* degrees to hour angle */

	 *  Now correct for atmospheric refraction.
	drsp = atmref(eqp);
	rs.riseaz -= drsp->riseaz;
	rs.setaz += drsp->setaz;

	rs.risetime = tcanon(24.0 + alpha - H - drsp->risetime);

	rs.settime = tcanon(alpha + H + drsp->settime);
	 *  The rising and setting times are LST.

 *  Correct equatorial coordinates for precession.
 *  (Sect. 33, Pg. 58)
register struct	equat	*eqp;
	REAL	da, dd;
	REAL	d, a;

	a = eqp->ra / RAD;		/* hours to rads */
	d = eqp->dec / RAD;		/* degrees to rads */
	 *  Use epoch 1950 precession values.
	N = (REAL) now.lt.tm_year - 1950.0;	/* forget fractions */

#define	ATERM	(3.07327 / 3600.0)	/* seconds to hours */
#define	BTERM	(1.33617 / 3600.0)	/* seconds to hours */
#define	CTERM	(20.0426 / 3600.0)	/* arcseconds to degrees */

	 *  Compute the deltas.
	da = (ATERM + BTERM * (REAL) sin(a) * (REAL) tan(d)) * N;
	dd = CTERM * (REAL) cos(a) * N;

	eqp->ra += da;			/* in hours */
	eqp->dec += dd;			/* in degrees */

 *  (Sect. 34; Pg. 60)
struct	rs *
register struct	equat	*eqp;
	static	struct	rs	drs;
	REAL	x, y, psi, dA, dt;
	x = 0.566667;
	psi = (REAL) sin(HERELAT/RAD) / (REAL) cos(eqp->dec/RAD);
	psi = (REAL) acos(psi) * RAD;
	dA = (REAL) tan(x/RAD) / (REAL) tan(psi/RAD);
	dA = (REAL) asin(dA) * RAD;

	y = (REAL) sin(x/RAD) / (REAL) sin(psi/RAD);
	y = (REAL) asin(y) * RAD;
	dt = (240.0 * y) / (REAL) cos(eqp->dec/RAD);
	dt /= 3600.0;

	drs.riseaz = drs.setaz = dA;
	drs.risetime = drs.settime = dt;

 *  Correct the equatorial coordinates of the Moon for geocentric
 *  parallax.
 *  (Sect. 35, 36; Pg. 63, 66)
register struct	equat	*eqp;
	REAL	u, hp, rhosinphi, rhocosphi;
	REAL	dalpha, deltap, r;
	REAL	n, d, H, Hp;

	 *  First find rhosinphi and rhocosphi.
	u = (REAL) tan(HERELAT/RAD);
	u = (REAL) atan(0.996647 * u);

	hp = HERELEV / 6378140.0;

	rhosinphi = 0.996647 * (REAL) sin(u) + hp * (REAL) sin(HERELAT/RAD);

	rhocosphi = (REAL) cos(u) + hp * (REAL) cos(HERELAT/RAD);
	 *  Then use them in the parallax calculations.
	H = ratoha(eqp->ra) * 15.0;
	r = moon.dist / 6378.16;
	n = rhocosphi * (REAL) sin(H/RAD);
	d = r * (REAL) cos(eqp->dec/RAD) * rhocosphi
		* (REAL) cos(H/RAD);
	 *  Delta alpha to degrees, then hours; then apply it.
	dalpha = (REAL) atan(n/d) * RAD;
	eqp->ra -= dalpha / 15.0;

	Hp = H + dalpha;

	n = r * (REAL) sin(eqp->dec/RAD) - rhosinphi;
	d = r * (REAL) cos(eqp->dec/RAD) * (REAL) cos(H/RAD) - rhocosphi;
	deltap = (REAL) atan((REAL) cos(Hp/RAD) * n / d);
	 *  Replace the old declination with the new.
	eqp->dec = deltap;

 *  Compute the planetary position data for Earth.
	earth = *orbit(&epod);

 *  Compute the planetary data for the given planet number.
 *  (Sect. 50, 53, 54, 56; Pp. 98, 113, 115, 118)
struct	planet *
	REAL	a, x, y, psi, lp, rp, A, rho;
	static	struct	planet	planet;
	register struct	planpos	*ppos;
	struct	eclipt	ecl;
	struct	equat	*eqp;

	 *  Compute the heliocentric coordinates for the requested
	 *  planet.  Earth has already been done.
	ppos = orbit(&pod[plano]);

	a = (ppos->L - pod[plano].omega) / RAD;
	psi = (REAL) sin(a) * (REAL) sin(pod[plano].i/RAD);
	psi = (REAL) asin(psi) * RAD;

	y = (REAL) sin(a) * (REAL) cos(pod[plano].i/RAD);

	x = (REAL) cos(a);

	a = (REAL) atan2a(y, x) * RAD;

	lp = a + pod[plano].omega;

	rp = ppos->R * (REAL) cos(psi/RAD);
	 *  Different geometry for inner and outer planets.
	if (plano == MERCURY || plano == VENUS) {
		a = (earth.L - lp) / RAD;
		A = (rp * (REAL) sin(a)) / (earth.R - rp * (REAL) cos(a));
		A = (REAL) atan(A) * RAD;

		ecl.lon = dcanon(180.0 + earth.L + A);

		ecl.lat = (rp * (REAL) tan(psi/RAD)
		    * (REAL) sin((ecl.lon - lp)/RAD))
			/ (earth.R * (REAL) sin((lp - earth.L)/RAD));
		ecl.lat *= RAD;
	} else {
		a = (lp - earth.L) / RAD;

		x = (earth.R * (REAL) sin(a)) / (rp - earth.R * (REAL) cos(a));
		x = (REAL) atan(x) * RAD + lp;
		ecl.lon = dcanon(x);

		x = (rp * (REAL) tan(psi/RAD) * (REAL) sin((ecl.lon - lp)/RAD))
			/ (earth.R * (REAL) sin(a));
		ecl.lat = (REAL) atan(x) * RAD;
	 *  Convert heliocentric (ecliptic) coordinates to
	 *  equatorial ones.
	eqp = ectoeq(&ecl);
	 *  Apply precession correction.
	 *  Stash the equatorial coords.
	planet.equat.ra = eqp->ra;
	planet.equat.dec = eqp->dec;
	 *  Compute the horizon coordinates.
	planet.hzn = *eqtohzn(eqp);
	 *  Compute the rise and set times and azimuths.
	 *  (The times are LST.)
	planet.rs = *riseset(eqp);
	 *  Determine the distance.
	rho = earth.R * earth.R + ppos->R * ppos->R
	      - 2.0 * earth.R * ppos->R * (REAL) cos(ppos->L/RAD - earth.L/RAD);
	rho = (REAL) sqrt(rho);
	planet.rho = rho;
	 *  Do light travel time.
	degtodms(&planet.ltt, rho * 0.1386);
	 *  Do angular diameter.
	planet.th = pod[plano].th0 / rho;
	 *  Determine the phase.
	planet.F = 0.5 * (1.0 + (REAL) cos((ecl.lon - ppos->L) / RAD));
	 *  And last, but not least, determine the apparent
	 *  brightness.
	x = (ppos->R * rho) / (pod[plano].A * (REAL) sqrt(planet.F));
	planet.m = 5.0 * (REAL) log10(x) - 26.7;


struct	planpos *
register struct	pod	*plp;
	static	struct	planpos	scr;
	REAL	e80, N, eps, w, e, a;

	e80 = epoch80(&now.lt);
	eps = plp->epsilon;
	e = plp->e;
	w = plp->w;
	a = plp->a;

	N = (360.0 / 365.2422) * (e80 / plp->Tp);
	N = dcanon(N);

	scr.M = N + eps - w;
	scr.L = N + (360.0/PI) * e * (REAL) sin(scr.M/RAD) + eps;
	scr.L = dcanon(scr.L);

	scr.v = scr.L - w;

	scr.R = a * (1.0 - e * e) / (1.0 + e * (REAL) cos(scr.v/RAD));

#ifdef	KEEPOUT
 * This function is under construction.  Invoke at your own risk.
register struct	pod	*plp;
	REAL	E, N, D, M, v;

	D = epoch80(&now.lt);
	N = (360.0 / 365.2422) * (D / plp->Tp);
	N = dcanon(N);

	M = N + plp->epsilon - plp->w;
	M = dcanon(M);
	E = kepler(M/RAD, plp->e);
	v = (REAL) sqrt((1.0 + plp->e) / (1.0 - plp->e)) * (REAL) tan(E/2);
	v = (REAL) atan(v);
	v *= 2 * RAD;
	eclipt.lon = dcanon(v + plp->epsilon);
	eclipt.lat = 0.0;

#	End of shell archive
exit 0