cim1@pyuxv.UUCP (G. Bogatko) (02/06/86)
In music_land, there exists the "Max Reger Society". Once a year, they gather together and give out an award to the person who can write the most
revolting chord progression while still maintaining even the smallest link
to the syntax of tonal music.
Why don't we do the same thing, and have a "Most Disgusting Code"
award. The rules are simple. Just produce your favorite bit of
un-maintainable, or un-readable code. (something that would be too much for
the puzzle book). Obviously, it must compile.
Besides being a goof, all of us might also learn some more of the
inner workings of C.
Here, to start the ball rolling, is my entry.
/* nasty.c */
int a;
printf("%s me\n",(a=getchar()-48)<4?&(a["\0\005\015\022"]["help\0abandon\0save\0lose"]):"wrong");
George Bogatko
bart@reed.UUCP (Bart Massey) (02/09/86)
IN Article <168@pyuxv.UUCP>, George Bogatko says: > ... > Why don't we ... have a "Most Disgusting Code" award? > ... > Here, to start the ball rolling, is my entry. > ... > printf("%s me\n",(a=getchar()-48)<4?&(a["\0\005\015\022"]["help\0abandon\0save\0lose"]):"wrong"); Sorry to pick your article to pick on, but (strike match, open valve, FLAME ON) I CAN'T STAND IT ANY MORE!!!!!! It's not just that we archive net.sources here (although we do, and it's filling up even faster than one would expect). It's not even just that I'm sick and tired of three of four net.sources articles being something other than useful sources (although I am). It's the fact that no one even bothers to complain any more! The legitimate users of this group (the people who want to post and receive useful sources) seem to have given up altogether. But it's not strictly anyone's fault. My Followup-To line should indicate one major problem. NET.SOURCES.D is needed badly!! Then those of us who want to see just the new sources can -- the only purpose of newsgroups! By the way, Mr Bogatko, your "idea" happens about every six months in net.unix-wizards and other groups. This is one of the reasons I don't subscribe to them. Nothing personal -- I guess your site doesn't keep news archives. But I just thought you should know... (cover eyes, step forward, close valve, flame off...) My apologies for posting this diatribe to net.sources. I guess I just thought I'd make one last-ditch attempt at heading back toward "all sources" in this group. Please move discussion at least to net.sources.bugs at this point (at least it's a discussion group, although clearly not the right one. Is there any right one in existence? Am I missing something?) Wearing out the 'n' key... Bart Massey ..tektronix!reed!bart
boykin@datagen.UUCP (02/09/86)
Seeing how easy it is to produce "disgusting code" the last thing we need is a "Most Disgusting Code" award. With good code (defined as portable, readable and maintainable) being much rarer, much more valuable to look at (and learn from), and (unfortunately) alot harder to find. Perhaps what we need is a "Best Code I've ever seen" award. Learning the "tricks" from code which is admittedly "disgusting" (and which won't compile under most compilers) isn't the kind of trick that you should be striving to learn. Joe Boykin Sr. Project Leader Data General Corp. Distributed Systems Group {allegra, ihnp4, decvax}!datagen!boykin
goldste@uthub.UUCP (Jack Goldstein) (02/10/86)
> > Why don't we do the same thing, and have a "Most Disgusting Code" > award. The rules are simple. Just produce your favorite bit of > un-maintainable, or un-readable code. (something that would be too much for > the puzzle book). Obviously, it must compile. > Such a contest was held in net.lang.c during the summer. I don't know if people in that group want to see it again but PLEASE keep it out of net.sources. That is certainly not the type of article that belongs in this newsgroup. People who wish to submit entries to this 'contest': Please remove net.sources from the Newsgroups list. Jack Goldstein {decvax,allegra,ihnp4,linus,utzoo,uw-beaver}!utcsri!uthub!goldste
chongo@nsc.UUCP (Landon Noll) (02/11/86)
In article <168@pyuxv.UUCP> cim1@pyuxv.UUCP (G. Bogatko) writes: > > Why don't we do the same thing, and have a "Most Disgusting Code" >award. The rules are simple. Just produce your favorite bit of >un-maintainable, or un-readable code. (something that would be too much for >the puzzle book). Obviously, it must compile. Such a thing already exists. It is called the International Obfuscated C Code Contest already in its 3rd year. Rules and winners of the contest will be posted to this newsgroup and will be published in a computer mag. as well. Watch this space for the 1986 contest rules in the comming weeks. chongo <..> /\oo/\
cim1@pyuxv.UUCP (G. Bogatko) (02/11/86)
I apologize for having insulted so many people. Consider the article canceled. George M. Bogatko
chinn@butler.UUCP (David Chinn) (02/11/86)
>Why don't we do the same thing, ... a "Most Disgusting Code" award....
A trade (Info-world? DecWorld?, DecProfessional?) published the
results of the second annual "Obfuscated C-Code Contest"a couple of
months ago.
At one time I had a copy of the article, and the first, second,
third and honorably mentioned entries. They were pretty disgusting.
I can't seem to find my copy of the article, but posting the results
would stimulate the creative flow of juices in us all.
... uw-beaver david m chinn
!{tikal,teltone} box 639
!dataio!butler!chinn redmond, wash 98073
(I can't think of a clever quote right now because I've a headache)
boyd@inset.UUCP (02/13/86)
But we have net.sources? Seriously, there's enough bad code already. Boyd Roberts +++ + ..!mcvax!ukc!inset!boyd + + boyd@basser.oz + +++ "Isn't that kind of severe?"