[net.sources] PC-LISP part 2 of 3

petera@utcsri.UUCP (Smith) (02/20/86)

    Here is the example .l file. Load it into PC-LISP with the
command (load 'extfunc) from the PC-LISP prompt. Then type
(GraphicsDemo) from the prompt.

---------------------- CUT HERE -----------------------------
; EXTFUNC.L     						
; ~~~~~~~~~     						
;     A small library of functions to help fill in the gap between PC and      
; Franz Lisp. These functions are for learning purposes only are not very
; effectient or very robust. Also included is a set of turtle graphics
; commands that will work on just about any MS-DOS machine via the BIOS.  
;		Peter Ashwood-Smith

(defun member(x y)(cond((null y)nil)((equal x(car y))y)(t(member x(cdr y]  
(defun memq(x y)(cond((null y) nil)((eq x(car y))y)(t(memq x(cdr y]  
(defun tailp(l1 l2)(cond ((null l2) nil)((eq l1 l2) l1)(t(tailp l1(cdr l2]  
(defun arrayp(x) nil)		
(defun bcdp(x) nil)		
(defun bigp(x) nil)		
(defun dtpr(x) (and(listp x)(atom (cdr x)]   	
(defun fixp(n) nil)
(defun hunkp(n) nil)
(defun litatom(n) (and(atom n)(not(floatp n]   
(defun numbp(n) (floatp n))		
(defun numberp(n) (floatp n))
(defun purep(n)(or(eq n t)(eq n nil)(eq n 'lambda)(eq n 'nlambda)]  
(defun stringp(n) nil)        			
(defun symbolp(n) (litatom n))			
(defun valuep(n) nil)
(defun vectorp(n) nil)
(defun typep(n)(type n))
(defun eqstr(a b)(equal a b))
(defun neq(a b)(not(eq a b)))
(defun nequal(a b)(not(equal a b)))
(defun append1(a b)(append a (list b)))
(defun copy(a)(reverse(reverse a)))		
(defun ncons(a)(cons a nil))
(defun xcons(a b)(cons b a))
(defun last(l)(nth (- (length l) 1) l))
(defun nthcdr(n l)(cond((< n 0)(cons nil l))((= n 0)l)(t(nthcdr (- n 1)(cdr l] 
(defun nthelem(n l) (nth (- n 1) l))
(defun add fexpr(l)(eval(cons '+ l]             
(defun add1(n)(+ 1 n))
(defun diff fexpr(l)(eval(cons '- l]
(defun difference fexpr(l)(eval(cons '- l]
(defun minus(n)(- 0 n))
(defun product fexpr(l)(eval(cons '* l]
(defun times fexpr(l)(eval(cons '* l] 
(defun quotient fexpr(l)(eval(cons '/ l]
(defun sub1(n)(- n 1))
(defun evenp(n)(= (mod n 2) 0))
(defun minusp(n)(< n 0))
(defun oddp(n)(= (mod n 2) 1))
(defun onep(n)(= 1 n))
(defun plusp(n)(> n 0))
(defun zerop(n)(= n 0))
(defun infile(f)(fileopen f 'r)) 
(defun character-index(a c)(prog(n)(setq n 1 a(explode a))(cond((floatp c)(setq c(ascii c))))nxt:(cond((null a)(return nil)))(cond((eq(car a)c)(return n)))(setq n(+ n 1)a(cdr a))(go nxt:]  
; Some simple Turtle Graphics Routines to demonstrate PC-LISP. Remember that
; the graphics commands go though the BIOS so they are portable but slow.

(defun TurtleGraphicsUp()   (#scrmde# 6) (#scrsap# 0) (TurtleCenter))	
(defun TurtleGraphicsDown() (#scrmde# 2))
(defun TurtleCenter()       (setq Lastx 100 Lasty 100 Heading 1.570796372))
(defun TurtleRight(n)       (setq Heading (+ Heading (* n 0.01745329))))
(defun TurtleLeft(n)        (setq Heading (- Heading (* n 0.01745329))))

(defun TurtleForward(n) 
      (setq Newx(+ Lastx(*(cos Heading)n))Newy(+ Lasty(*(sin Heading)n)))
      (#scrline#(* Lastx 3.2) Lasty (* Newx 3.2) Newy 1)
      (setq Lastx Newx Lasty Newy)

; end of Turtle Graphics primitives, start of Graphics demonstration code
; you can cut this out if you like and leave the Turtle primitives intact.

(defun Line_T(n)	
	(TurtleForward n) (TurtleRight 180)
	(TurtleForward (/ n 4))	
(defun Square(n)
	(TurtleForward n)  (TurtleRight 90)	
	(TurtleForward n)  (TurtleRight 90)	
	(TurtleForward n)  (TurtleRight 90)	
	(TurtleForward n)			

(defun Triangle(n)
	(TurtleForward n)  (TurtleRight 120)
	(TurtleForward n)  (TurtleRight 120)
	(TurtleForward n)

(defun Make(ObjectFunc Size times skew)	
       TOP:(cond ((= times 0) (return)))
	   (ObjectFunc Size) 
	   (TurtleRight skew)
	   (setq times (- times 1))
	   (go TOP:)	

(defun GraphicsDemo()
	   (Make Square 40 18 5) (Make Square 60 18 5)
	   (gc)							; idle work
	   (Make Triangle 40 18 5) (Make Triangle 60 18 5)
	   (gc)							; idle work
	   (Make Line_T 80 50 10)
	   (gc)							; idle work