[net.sources] tarmail enhancement

mark@hyper.UUCP (Mark Mendel) (02/25/86)

Brief summary of tarmail: 

Part of the compress 4.0 distribution included nifty shell scripts tarmail and
untarmail.  These allow entire directory hierarchies to be tar-ed, compressed,
converted to ascii (more compactly than uuencode) and mailed.


Many mailers will refuse very large mail.  I have added split
into the chain, dividing the mail into  700 line mailings.  Each piece of
mail is about 55K.  

	tarmail "mail subject" path!to!joe files_and_directories...

The receiver must save the mail in part number order to one or more files.
Then it types: (yes, types it does, 'cause it's not sexist...)

	untarmail parts1-2 parts3-7 ...

The compress 4.0 distribution is available from the mod.sources archive, not

#---------------------------- CUT HERE ----------------------------------
# shar:	Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	bin/tarmail
#	bin/untarmail
echo Extracting bin/tarmail
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > bin/tarmail
Xif test $# -lt 3; then
X  echo "Usage: tarmail mailpath \"subject-string\" directory-or-file(s)"
X  exit
X  mailpath=$1
X  echo "mailpath = $mailpath"
X  shift
X  subject="$1"
X  echo "subject-string = $subject"
X  shift
X  echo files = $*
X  tar cvf - $* | compress | btoa | split -700 - /tmp/tm$$
X  n=1
X  set /tmp/tm$$*
X  for f do
X    {
X	echo '---start beef'
X	cat $f
X	echo '---end beef'
X    } | Mail -s "$subject - part $n of $#" $mailpath
X    n=`expr $n + 1`
X  done
X  rm /tmp/tm$$*
echo Extracting bin/untarmail
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > bin/untarmail
Xif test $# -ge 1; then
X   sed '/^---end beef/,/^---start beef/d' $* | atob | uncompress | tar xvpf -
X   mv $1 /usr/tmp/$1.$$
X   echo tarmail file moved to: /usr/tmp/$1.$$
X   sed '/^---end beef/,/^---start beef/d' | atob | uncompress | tar xvpf -