msp@ukc.UUCP (07/14/86)
# This is a shell archive. # Remove everything above and including the cut line. # Then run the rest of the file through sh. #-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here----- #!/bin/sh # shar: Shell Archiver # Run the following text with /bin/sh to create: # README # fish.m # graphics.m # line.m # This archive created: Fri Jul 11 10:26:31 1986 cat << \SHAR_EOF > README SQUARE LIMIT PICTURE The 3 following files are all you need to generate the M.C.Escher "Square Limit" picture (apart from a Miranda interpreter!). To actually create a picture file, compile the code using mira fish.m and type pri (fish k) &> ofile where k is in the range 0-2 and ofile is an output file. The output format is line specifications, 1 line per physical file line. I would appreciate it if the general graphics routines were not incorporated in any published work, as I will need to include them in my thesis! The specific "Square Limit" functions were originally developed by Peter Henderson and have already been published by him. Have fun! --Mike Parsons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mike Parsons UUCP: ..!seismo!mcvax!ukc!msp JANET: MAIL: Computing Lab, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, UK. SHAR_EOF cat << \SHAR_EOF > fish.m %insert "graphics.m" || All the graphics primitives. %list || || The following are all the functions required to produce the famous || "Square Limit" drawing by M. C. Escher. These functions were derived by || Peter Henderson. See his paper in 1982 Conf. on LISP and Func. Prog. || (C) Miranda coding by Michael Parsons, September 1985 || %nolist || quartet combines 4 images, one image in each quadrant, to produce one image. quartet :: image -> image -> image -> image -> image quartet a b c d = col [row [a,b], row [c,d]] || nonet arranges 9 images in equal sized squares to form 1 image. nonet :: image -> image -> image -> image -> image -> image -> image -> image -> image -> image nonet a b c d e f g h i = col [row [a,b,c], row [d,e,f], row [g,h,i]] || cycle combines 4 smaller copies of an image, each rotated by a different || multiple of 90 degrees. cycle :: image -> image cycle i = quartet i (rot threepibytwo i) (rot pibytwo i) (rot pi i) || t is one of the basic fish rearrangements. t :: image t = quartet p q r s || u is another of the basic fish rearrangements. u :: image u = cycle (rot pibytwo q) || side defines one side of the picture at level n. side :: num -> image side 0 = quartet [] [] rt t where || This where due to compiler bug? rt = rot pibytwo t side n = quartet sn sn rt t where rt = rot pibytwo t sn = side (n-1) || corner defines one corner of the picture at level n. corner :: num -> image corner 0 = quartet [] [] [] u corner n = quartet (corner (n-1)) sn (rot pibytwo sn) u where sn = side (n-1) || quadcorner forms one quarter of the image at level n; quadcorner :: num -> image quadcorner n = nonet (corner n) sn sn rsn u rt rsn rt (rot pibytwo q) where sn = side n rsn = rot pibytwo sn rt = rot pibytwo t || squarelimit produces the fish drawing. squarelimit :: num -> image squarelimit n = cycle (quadcorner n) || fish gives a border to produce the final drawing. fish :: num -> image fish n = (squarelimit n) ++ border || All the data needed to draw the fish. p :: image p = [Ln (Pt 0 0.8125) (Pt 0 0.5), Ln (Pt 0 0.8125) (Pt 0.1875 0.75), Ln (Pt 0.75 0) (Pt 0.8125 6.25e-2), Ln (Pt 0.1875 0.75) (Pt 0 0.5), Ln (Pt 0.375 1) (Pt 0.25 0.75), Ln (Pt 0.25 0.6875) (Pt 0.4375 0.625), Ln (Pt 0.25 0.6875) (Pt 0.25 0.375), Ln (Pt 0.4375 0.625) (Pt 0.25 0.375), Ln (Pt 0.6875 1) (Pt 0.625 0.75), Ln (Pt 0.6875 1) (Pt 0.875 0.875), Ln (Pt 0.875 0.875) (Pt 1 0.875), Ln (Pt 0.625 0.75) (Pt 0.8125 0.6875), Ln (Pt 0.8125 0.6875) (Pt 1 0.75), Ln (Pt 0.625 0.75) (Pt 0.5 0.5), Ln (Pt 0.5625 0.625) (Pt 0.75 0.5625), Ln (Pt 0.75 0.5625) (Pt 1 0.625), Ln (Pt 0.5 0.5) (Pt 0.75 0.4375), Ln (Pt 0.75 0.4375) (Pt 1 0.5), Ln (Pt 0.5 0.5) (Pt 0.25 0.1875), Ln (Pt 0.25 0.1875) (Pt 0 0), Ln (Pt 0.5 0.25) (Pt 1 0.375), Ln (Pt 1 0.25) (Pt 0.75 0.25), Ln (Pt 0.75 0.25) (Pt 0.5 0), Ln (Pt 0.5 0) (Pt 0.375 6.25e-2), Ln (Pt 0.375 6.25e-2) (Pt 0 0), Ln (Pt 0.625 0) (Pt 0.75 0.125), Ln (Pt 0.75 0.125) (Pt 1 0.1875), Ln (Pt 1 0.125) (Pt 0.8125 6.25e-2), Ln (Pt 1 6.25e-2) (Pt 0.875 0)] q :: image q = [Ln (Pt 0 0) (Pt 0 0.25), Ln (Pt 0 0.5) (Pt 0 1), Ln (Pt 0 1) (Pt 0.5 1), Ln (Pt 0.75 1) (Pt 1 1), Ln (Pt 0.125 1) (Pt 0.25 0.6875), Ln (Pt 0.25 1) (Pt 0.375 0.6875), Ln (Pt 0.375 1) (Pt 0.5 0.6875), Ln (Pt 0.5 1) (Pt 0.625 0.625), Ln (Pt 0.25 0.6875) (Pt 0.25 0.5625), Ln (Pt 0.375 0.6875) (Pt 0.375 0.5625), Ln (Pt 0.5 0.6875) (Pt 0.5 0.5), Ln (Pt 0.625 0.625) (Pt 0.625 0.4375), Ln (Pt 0.625 1) (Pt 0.875 0.3125), Ln (Pt 0.75 1) (Pt 0.8125 0.75), Ln (Pt 0.8125 1) (Pt 1 0.625), Ln (Pt 0.875 1) (Pt 1 0.75), Ln (Pt 0.9375 1) (Pt 1 0.875), Ln (Pt 0 0.25) (Pt 0.1875 0.1875), Ln (Pt 0 0.375) (Pt 0.4375 0.3125), Ln (Pt 0 0.5) (Pt 0.25 0.5625), Ln (Pt 0.125 0) (Pt 0.1875 0.1875), Ln (Pt 0.1875 0.1875) (Pt 0.3125 0.125), Ln (Pt 0.3125 0.125) (Pt 0.25 0), Ln (Pt 0.3125 0.125) (Pt 0.4375 6.25e-2), Ln (Pt 0.4375 6.25e-2) (Pt 0.5 0), Ln (Pt 0.5 6.25e-2) (Pt 0.6875 6.25e-2), Ln (Pt 0.6875 6.25e-2) (Pt 0.5625 0.1875), Ln (Pt 0.5625 0.1875) (Pt 0.5 6.25e-2), Ln (Pt 0.5625 0.25) (Pt 0.75 0.25), Ln (Pt 0.75 0.25) (Pt 0.625 0.375), Ln (Pt 0.625 0.375) (Pt 0.5625 0.25), Ln (Pt 1 0) (Pt 0.75 0.375), Ln (Pt 0.375 0) (Pt 0.4375 6.25e-2), Ln (Pt 0.75 0.375) (Pt 0.375 0.5625), Ln (Pt 0.375 0.5625) (Pt 0.25 0.5625), Ln (Pt 1 0) (Pt 0.9375 0.375), Ln (Pt 0.9375 0.375) (Pt 1 0.5), Ln (Pt 1 0.5) (Pt 0.8125 0.75)] r :: image r = [Ln (Pt 0.5 0.5) (Pt 0.125 0.25), Ln (Pt 0.125 0.25) (Pt 0 0), Ln (Pt 0 0.5) (Pt 0.125 0.25), Ln (Pt 0 0.25) (Pt 6.25e-2 0.125), Ln (Pt 0 1) (Pt 0.5 0.5), Ln (Pt 0 0.75) (Pt 0.3125 0.375), Ln (Pt 6.25e-2 0.9375) (Pt 0.25 1), Ln (Pt 0.125 0.875) (Pt 0.5 1), Ln (Pt 0.1875 0.8125) (Pt 0.5 0.875), Ln (Pt 0.3125 0.6875) (Pt 0.75 0.8125), Ln (Pt 0.5 0.875) (Pt 0.75 1), Ln (Pt 0.75 0.8125) (Pt 1 1), Ln (Pt 0.5 0.5) (Pt 0.875 0.625), Ln (Pt 1 0.625) (Pt 0.6875 0.375), Ln (Pt 0.6875 0.375) (Pt 0.375 0), Ln (Pt 1 0.5) (Pt 0.75 0.25), Ln (Pt 1 0.75) (Pt 0.875 0.625), Ln (Pt 0.75 0.25) (Pt 0.6875 0), Ln (Pt 0.75 0.25) (Pt 1 0), Ln (Pt 1 0.375) (Pt 0.8125 0.1875), Ln (Pt 1 0.25) (Pt 0.875 0.125), Ln (Pt 1 0.125) (Pt 0.9375 6.25e-2)] s :: image s = [Ln (Pt 0 1) (Pt 0.25 0.875), Ln (Pt 0.125 0.9375) (Pt 0 0.75), Ln (Pt 0.25 0.875) (Pt 0.5 0.875), Ln (Pt 0.5 0.875) (Pt 1 1), Ln (Pt 1 1) (Pt 0.625 0.75), Ln (Pt 0.625 0.75) (Pt 0.5 0.625), Ln (Pt 0 0.625) (Pt 0.4375 0.75), Ln (Pt 0 0.5) (Pt 0.5 0.625), Ln (Pt 0 0.375) (Pt 0.4375 0.5), Ln (Pt 0 0.25) (Pt 0.4375 0.375), Ln (Pt 0 0.125) (Pt 0.4375 0.1875), Ln (Pt 0.5 0.625) (Pt 0.4375 0.5), Ln (Pt 0.4375 0.5) (Pt 0.4375 0.1875), Ln (Pt 0.4375 0.1875) (Pt 0.5 0), Ln (Pt 0.625 0) (Pt 0.6875 0.375), Ln (Pt 0.75 0) (Pt 0.8125 0.1875), Ln (Pt 0.8125 0.1875) (Pt 0.9375 0.4375), Ln (Pt 0.9375 0.4375) (Pt 1 0.5), Ln (Pt 1 0.125) (Pt 0.8125 0.1875), Ln (Pt 1 0.25) (Pt 0.875 0.3125), Ln (Pt 1 0.375) (Pt 0.9375 0.4375), Ln (Pt 0.75 0.5625) (Pt 0.75 0.75), Ln (Pt 0.75 0.75) (Pt 0.625 0.625), Ln (Pt 0.625 0.625) (Pt 0.75 0.5625), Ln (Pt 0.8125 0.5625) (Pt 0.9375 0.5), Ln (Pt 0.9375 0.5) (Pt 0.9375 0.6875), Ln (Pt 0.9375 0.6875) (Pt 0.8125 0.5625)] SHAR_EOF cat << \SHAR_EOF > graphics.m %list || || graphics.m: Copyright Michael S. Parsons, September 1985 || || A collection of functions performing the primitive vector operations. || All these functions work on line end points. Each point has coordinates || which are real values 0 <= x,y <= 1. || %nolist || || The algebraic data types. || %insert "line.m" || The point and line algebraic data types. || polar is the same in a polar coordinate format. Angle then length. polar ::= Po num num || || A couple of type synonyms for brevity. || || string is the normal string type. string == [char] || An image is a one-level list of lines. image == [line] || || Assorted constants. || twopi = 2 * pi pibytwo = pi / 2 threepibytwo = 3 * pi / 2 || imsize is the multiplier for writing out the coordinates as integers. imsize :: num imsize = 1024 || The top left corner of the picture. topleft :: point topleft = Pt 0 0 || The top right of the picture. topright :: point topright = Pt 1 0 || The middle of the picture. middle = Pt 0.5 0.5 || border is the square round the perimeter of the picture. border :: image border = square topleft 1 || || Some useful functions. || || sqr is the normal square function. sqr :: num -> num sqr x = x * x || ctop converts the cartesian coords to polar coords. ctop :: point -> polar ctop (Pt x y) = Po (a x y) l where a 0 0 = 0 a 0 y = pi/2, y >= 0 a 0 y = -pi/2 a x y = arctan(y / x), x >= 0 & y >= 0 a x y = pi + arctan(y / x), x < 0 a x y = 2 * pi + arctan(y / x) l = sqrt(sqr x + sqr y) || pri prints out the image as line endpoints: 4 numbers to a line. pri :: image -> string pri = concat.(map prl) where prl (Ln p1 p2) = concat [prp p1, " ", prp p2, "\n"] where prp (Pt x y) = concat [ip x, " ", ip y] where ip p = show(entier(p * imsize)) || imap maps the given function onto each point of the image. imap :: (point -> point) -> image -> image imap f i = map imap' i where imap' (Ln p1 p2) = Ln (f p1) (f p2) || join produces a list of lines connecting the points given. join :: [point] -> image join pts = join' (hd pts) pts where join' h [x] = [Ln h x] join' h (a:b:x) = (Ln a b):join' h (b:x) || square produces a square given top left hand corner and size. square :: point -> num -> image square (Pt x y) s = join [Pt x y, Pt (x+s) y, Pt (x+s) (y+s), Pt x (y+s)] || || Start of graphics primitives. || || tr translates an image by amount t. tr :: point -> image -> image tr t = imap (trp t) where trp (Pt x y) (Pt p q) = Pt (p+x) (q+y) || rot rotates an image by th radians anti-clockwise, about the image centre. rot :: num -> image -> image rot th i = tr middle (imap rotp (tr (negpoint middle) i)) where rotp p = Pt (coord cos) (coord sin) where coord f = l * (f (a + th)) where (Po a l) = ctop p || ref90 reflects everything about the line x = 0.5 ref90 :: image -> image ref90 = imap ref90p where ref90p (Pt x y) = Pt (1-x) y || negpoint changes the sign of the point coordinates. negpoint :: point -> point negpoint (Pt x y) = Pt (-x) (-y) || scale scales an image up or down in x or y directions with one fixed point. scale :: point -> point -> image -> image scale s t i = tr t (imap (scalep s) (tr (negpoint t) i)) where scalep (Pt sx sy) (Pt x y) = Pt (x * sx) (y * sy) || beside squashes one image against the other in the ratio r1:r2 beside :: num -> num -> image -> image -> image beside r1 r2 i1 i2 = scale (sfac r1) topleft i1 ++ scale (sfac r2) topright i2 where sfac r = Pt (r / (r1 + r2)) 1 || above squashes one image above the other in the ratio r1:r2 above :: num -> num -> image -> image -> image above r1 r2 i1 i2 = rot threepibytwo (beside r1 r2 (rot pibytwo i1) (rot pibytwo i2)) || seq produces a sequence of images from a list of images. seq :: (num -> num -> image -> image -> image) -> [image] -> image seq f [i] = i seq f (a:x) = f 1 (#x) a (seq f x) || row produces a row of (different) images. row :: [image] -> image row = seq beside || likewise col col :: [image] -> image col = seq above || sameseq produces a sequence of images all the same. sameseq :: (num -> num -> image -> image -> image) -> num -> image -> image sameseq f 0 i = [] sameseq f n i = f 1 (n-1) i (sameseq f (n-1) i) || samerow uses sameseq to give a row of identical images. samerow :: num -> image -> image samerow = sameseq beside || likewise samecol. samecol :: num -> image -> image samecol = sameseq above || samegrid produces a grid of images, all the same. samegrid :: num -> num -> image -> image samegrid x y = (samecol y).(samerow x) || mirror90 combines an image with its reflection about the line x = 0.5 mirror90 :: image -> image mirror90 i = i ++ ref90 i || squashes produces a sequence of squashed images, getting more squashed. squashes :: num -> image -> image squashes 0 i = [] squashes n i = above 1 (n-1) (samerow n i) (squashes (n-1) i) || star merges a sequence of rotations of the same object. star :: num -> image -> image star n i = star' 0 where incth = twopi/n star' th = [], th >= twopi star' th = rot th i ++ star' (th+incth) SHAR_EOF cat << \SHAR_EOF > line.m %list || || Line and point as algebraic types. || %nolist || point is the coordinate structure. x then y. point ::= Pt num num || line is a specification of a line by its end points. line ::= Ln point point SHAR_EOF # End of shell archive exit 0