[net.music] Measuring pianists

macrakis@harvard.UUCP (Stavros Macrakis) (01/21/86)

Some years ago, I heard that a researcher in New Zealand was measuring
piano performances in order better to understand the relationship
between music as notated and music as played.  

Can anyone point me to a reference to this work?  (Mail, not post, please.)



tim@fisher.UUCP (Tim Snyder) (01/23/86)

> Some years ago, I heard that a researcher in New Zealand was measuring...

...Surely you're aware that the size of the pianist has nothing to do
with performance.

			  Sorry folks, I couldn't resist this one.
			  (Send net.jokes flames to princeton!fisher!tim)
			  Tim Snyder

macrakis@harvard.UUCP (Stavros Macrakis) (01/29/86)

I asked for references on the measurement of actual piano
performances.  Since there was some interest in the results, I am
posting them.  I have not yet read any of these articles.

Dick Cooper of U Canterbury (NZ) -- currently at U Kent (UK) --
(remc@ukc.uucp) answered my original question: the New Zealand
researcher was his colleague MR Lamb then of the U Canterbury (NZ)
(now CSRG, Toronto?), and the paper was `Tchaikovsky Meets the
Computer' IJMMS 10:5:593 '78.

Michael Hauser of U Texas (hi.hauser@mcc.arpa, hauser@sally.utexas.edu)
drew my attention to an article by LH Shaffer, `Performances of
Chopin...: Studies in Motor Programming' Cognitive Psy 13:327 '81.
Hauser is working on Intelligent CAI of Musical Keyboard Skills.

Based on these two references, I did a quick citation search in the
Arts and Humanities ('80-) and Social Sciences ('76-) Citation
Indices.  I have only included those results that seem relevant.  Note
that I have not by any means done an exhaustive search; for instance,
I have not used the Science Citation Index or other indices.

Shaffer appears to be the major contributor to this field, with a long
string of publications, the most recent of which appears to be `Timing
in Solo and Duet Piano Performances' Quart. J Experiment. Psy.-A
36:4:577 '84.  Also, `Timing in Musical Performance', Ann. NY Acad.

Lamb has published little, but see J. Computer-Based Instruction 5:30
'78.  Another worker at Canterbury, WH Tucker et al. published
`Interactive Aid for Musicians' IJMMS 9(6)635 '77.

Another contributor to the field is JA Sloboda of the Univ. of Keele,
UK : `Communication of Musical Meter in Piano Performance' Quart. J
Experiment. Psy.-A 35(May)377 '83.  S has written a review article,
`Experimental Studies of Music Reading' Music Percept. 2(2)222 '84,
which should be very useful, and a book, <<The Musical Mind: The
Cognitive Psychology of Music>> '85, reviewed in Nature 315(6021)696.
See also S's `Music Performance' in <<Psychology of Music>> Academic
Press '82; `Some Aspects of Rhetoric and Exposition in ... Satie...'
Music Percept. 2(3)299 '85(?).

Finally, D. Gross wrote `Computer Projects in Musical Analysis' and
`A Computer-Assisted Music Course' in <<Computing in the Humanities>>
Lexington Books '81.

It appears that most of the researchers, except for Shaffer, started
with instructional goals, but became interested in analysis along the
way.  Gross, Tucker, and Hauser (unpublished) all seem to be basically
interested in instruction; Shaffer in cognitive psychology.


Stavros Macrakis
Center for Research in Computing Technology
Harvard University

IJMMS = Intl. J. Man-Machine Systems