[net.sources] Environment Manipulators, uses PUTDENV and MSLIBRARY

broehl@watale.UUCP (Bernie Roehl) (09/04/86)

These programs will allow you to manipulate PATH and Dpath for a PC etc etc.

PUSHENV - push something on the start of the variable
POPENV - pop something off the start of the variable
ADDENV - add something to the end of the variable
REMENV - remove something from the end of the variable

# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line,
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
# Wrapped by watale!broehl on Thu Sep  4 14:36:25 EDT 1986
# Contents:  addenv.c popenv.c pushenv.c remenv.c
echo x - addenv.c
sed 's/^@//' > "addenv.c" <<'@//E*O*F addenv.c//'
#include	<stdio.h>
#include	<stdlib.h>
#include	<direct.h>
#include	"getargs.h"
#include	"masdos.h"

int     Arg_Debug = 0;

ARG Argtab[] =
        { 'z', ARG_FBOOLEAN,	&Arg_Debug,			"Debug Mode" }

#define ARG_TABSIZE ( sizeof(Argtab) / sizeof(ARG) )

void usage()
	fprintf( stderr, "Usage: AddEnv [%cZ] env_var string_to_add\n", ARG_Switch );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n");
	fprintf( stderr, "Set the environment variable SWITCHAR to the character\n");
	fprintf( stderr, "you wish to use for the Switch Character\n");
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fprintf( stderr, "Case of the command line switches %s important\n",
		 ARG_ICase ? "is not" : "is" );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fprintf( stderr, "(C) 1986 Michael A. Shiels\n");
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

main( argc, argv )
int argc;
char *argv[];
	char	ndir[1000], *ndirs = ndir;
	char	*dirs;

	argc = getargs( argc, argv, Argtab, ARG_TABSIZE );

	if( argc != 3 )

	dirs = getenv(argv[1]);

	if( Arg_Debug )
		fprintf( stderr, "Current %s=%s\n", argv[1], getenv(argv[1]) );
	sprintf( ndirs, "%s=", argv[1] );
	if( dirs )
		strcat( ndirs, dirs );
		strcat( ndirs, ";" );
	strcat( ndirs, argv[2] );

@//E*O*F addenv.c//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r addenv.c
echo x - popenv.c
sed 's/^@//' > "popenv.c" <<'@//E*O*F popenv.c//'
#include	<stdio.h>
#include	<stdlib.h>
#include	<direct.h>
#include	"getargs.h"
#include	"masdos.h"

int     Arg_Debug = 0;

ARG Argtab[] =
        { 'z', ARG_FBOOLEAN,	&Arg_Debug,			"Debug Mode" }

#define ARG_TABSIZE ( sizeof(Argtab) / sizeof(ARG) )

void usage()
	fprintf( stderr, "Usage: Popenv [%cZ] env_var\n", ARG_Switch );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n");
	fprintf( stderr, "Set the environment variable SWITCHAR to the character\n");
	fprintf( stderr, "you wish to use for the Switch Character\n");
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fprintf( stderr, "Case of the command line switches %s important\n",
		 ARG_ICase ? "is not" : "is" );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fprintf( stderr, "(C) 1986 Michael A. Shiels\n");
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

main( argc, argv )
int argc;
char *argv[];
	char	ndir[1000], *ndirs = ndir;
	char	dir[1000], *dirs, *p, *dira, *dirb;

	argc = getargs( argc, argv, Argtab, ARG_TABSIZE );

	if( argc != 2 )

	p = getenv( argv[1] );
	strcpy( (dirs = dir), p );

	if( Arg_Debug )
		fprintf( stderr, "Current %s=%s\n", argv[1], dirs );

	dira = next( &dirs, ';', -1 );

	if( dira == '\0' )
		fprintf( stderr, "PopEnv: Nothing to Pop.\n" );
	dirb = next( &dirs, '\0', -1 );
	if( dirb )
		sprintf( ndirs, "%s=", argv[1] );
		strcat( ndirs, dirb );
		sprintf( ndirs, "%s", argv[1] );
@//E*O*F popenv.c//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r popenv.c
echo x - pushenv.c
sed 's/^@//' > "pushenv.c" <<'@//E*O*F pushenv.c//'
#include	<stdio.h>
#include	<stdlib.h>
#include	<direct.h>
#include	"getargs.h"
#include	"masdos.h"

int     Arg_Debug = 0;

ARG Argtab[] =
        { 'z', ARG_FBOOLEAN,	&Arg_Debug,			"Debug Mode" }

#define ARG_TABSIZE ( sizeof(Argtab) / sizeof(ARG) )

void usage()
	fprintf( stderr, "Usage: PushEnv [%cZ] env_var string_to_add\n", ARG_Switch );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n");
	fprintf( stderr, "Set the environment variable SWITCHAR to the character\n");
	fprintf( stderr, "you wish to use for the Switch Character\n");
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fprintf( stderr, "Case of the command line switches %s important\n",
		 ARG_ICase ? "is not" : "is" );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fprintf( stderr, "(C) 1986 Michael A. Shiels\n");
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

main( argc, argv )
int argc;
char *argv[];
	char	ndir[1000], *ndirs = ndir;
	char	*dirs;

	argc = getargs( argc, argv, Argtab, ARG_TABSIZE );

	if( argc != 3 )

	dirs = getenv(argv[1]);

	if( Arg_Debug )
		fprintf( stderr, "Current %s=%s\n", argv[1], getenv(argv[1]) );
	sprintf( ndirs, "%s=", argv[1] );
	strcat( ndirs, argv[2] );
	if( dirs )
		strcat( ndirs, ";" );
		strcat( ndirs, dirs );

@//E*O*F pushenv.c//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r pushenv.c
echo x - remenv.c
sed 's/^@//' > "remenv.c" <<'@//E*O*F remenv.c//'
#include	<stdio.h>
#include	<stdlib.h>
#include	<direct.h>
#include	"getargs.h"
#include	"masdos.h"

int     Arg_Debug = 0;

ARG Argtab[] =
        { 'z', ARG_FBOOLEAN,	&Arg_Debug,			"Debug Mode" }

#define ARG_TABSIZE ( sizeof(Argtab) / sizeof(ARG) )

void usage()
	fprintf( stderr, "Usage: RemEnv [%cZ] env_var\n", ARG_Switch );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n");
	fprintf( stderr, "Set the environment variable SWITCHAR to the character\n");
	fprintf( stderr, "you wish to use for the Switch Character\n");
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fprintf( stderr, "Case of the command line switches %s important\n",
		 ARG_ICase ? "is not" : "is" );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fprintf( stderr, "(C) 1986 Michael A. Shiels\n");
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

main( argc, argv )
int argc;
char *argv[];
	char	ndir[1000], *ndirs = ndir;
	char	dir[1000], *dirs, *p, *dira, *dirb;

	argc = getargs( argc, argv, Argtab, ARG_TABSIZE );

	if( argc != 2 )

	p = getenv( argv[1] );
	strcpy( (dirs = dir), p );

	if( Arg_Debug )
		fprintf( stderr, "Current %s=%s\n", argv[1], dirs );

	dirs = strrev( dirs );
	dira = next( &dirs, ';', -1 );
	if( dira )
		dira = strrev( dira );

	if( dira == '\0' )
		fprintf( stderr, "RemEnv: Nothing to Pop.\n" );
	dirb = next( &dirs, '\0', -1 );
	if( dirb) 
		dirb = strrev( dirb );
	if( dirb )
		sprintf( ndirs, "%s=", argv[1] );
		strcat( ndirs, dirb );
		sprintf( ndirs, "%s", argv[1] );
@//E*O*F remenv.c//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r remenv.c
echo Inspecting for damage in transit...
temp=/tmp/shar$$; dtemp=/tmp/.shar$$
trap "rm -f $temp $dtemp; exit" 0 1 2 3 15
cat > $temp <<\!!!
      61     177    1225 addenv.c
      70     215    1400 popenv.c
      61     177    1226 pushenv.c
      75     235    1498 remenv.c
     267     804    5349 total
wc  addenv.c popenv.c pushenv.c remenv.c | sed 's=[^ ]*/==' | diff -b $temp - >$dtemp
if [ -s $dtemp ]
then echo "Ouch [diff of wc output]:" ; cat $dtemp
else echo "No problems found."
exit 0
  Michael A. Shiels

                    +++-----> watmath!watale!broehl