[net.sources] fractal skewed web

hutch@sdcsvax.UUCP (Jim Hutchison) (09/05/86)


Its a 3-d recursive tetrahedron generator.

Here is a program to generate the object on page 143 of B. Mandelbrot's
"Fractal Geometry of Nature".  The program generates both "sun shaded"
format and "J. Blinn" format.  The formats are decribed in greater detail
in the README.  This compiles on atleast a sun (4.2BSD) and a vax (4.3BSD),
but it passed lint -p, so there should be no problem with 7character names

	Jim Hutchison	<hutch@sdcsvax.ucsd.edu>

# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line,
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
# Wrapped by wizard!hutch on Thu Sep  4 11:09:33 PDT 1986
# Contents:  README Makefile tetra.c
echo x - README
sed 's/^@//' > "README" <<'@//E*O*F README//'

    Draw a recursive tetrahedron ala Mandelbrot.
    Produces sun 'shaded' format or ``Blinn'' format:

    Usage: a.out [-l<len> -m<minlen> -x<xcent> -y<ycent> -z<zcent> -f<file>]
	    len		length of an edge
	    minlen	the length of subdivided edge at which to stop
	    xcent	x center of object
	    ycent	y center of object
	    zcent	z center of object
	    file	output file

    Author: Jim Hutchison <hutch@sdcsvax.ucsd.edu>

    Compiler Flags:

	BLINN	-- output in Jim Blinn's format, only author I could find.
	FAT	-- do not free any allocated memory, usually for fat machines.
		   free() is a relatively slow operation.

    Format of output file (compiled with -DBLINN):

	PNT id, x, y, z
	POLY ptnumber1, ptnumber2, ... ptnumberN


	PNT 1, 1.0, 3.5, 9.7
	PNT 2, 1.0, 2.5, 9.7
	PNT 3, 3.0, 3.5, 1.7
	POLY 1, 2, 3
	PNT 4, 5.0, 3.5, 3.7
	POLY 2, 4, 1

    Format of output file (compiled without -DBLINN):

	points polygons
	minx maxx miny maxy minz maxz
	p1x py1 p1z
	Nsides ptnumber1 ptnumber2 ... ptnumberN
	3 1 2 3						<-- for example
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r README
echo x - Makefile
sed 's/^@//' > "Makefile" <<'@//E*O*F Makefile//'
#	Makefile for 'sun shaded format' recursive tetrahedron
DEBUG	= #-DDEBUG /usr/lib/debug/malloc.o
CC	= /bin/cc

tetra: tetra.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) tetra.c -o $@

tetra_sun: tetra.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -UBLINN tetra.c -o $@

tetra_blinn: tetra.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DBLINN tetra.c -o $@
@//E*O*F Makefile//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r Makefile
echo x - tetra.c
sed 's/^@//' > "tetra.c" <<'@//E*O*F tetra.c//'
 *	Draw a recursive tetrahedron ala Mandelbrot (page 142,
 *	"The Fractal Geometry of Nature").
 *	Produces sun 'shaded' format unless compiled with
 *	BLINN defined (I can find little other attribution).
 *	Usage: a.out [-l<len> -m<minlen> -x<xcent> -y<ycent> -z<zcent> -f<file>]
 *		len		length of an edge
 *		minlen		the length of subdivided edge at which to stop
 *		xcent		x center of object
 *		ycent		y center of object
 *		zcent		z center of object
 *		file		output file
 *	Author: Jim Hutchison <hutch@sdcsvax.ucsd.edu>
 *	Feel free to do anything with this code except remove this comment.

/* Informational drawing
 *	[a,d] are the original points, and [0,5] are the
 *	points created for the next generation of tetrahedrons.
 *	'*'ed points are vertically elevated.
 *	      /\c
 *	     /  \
 *	    /    \
 *	   /  *5  \
 *	  /        \
 *       2----------1
 *      /\         /\
 * ^   /  \   *d  /  \
 * |  /    \     /    \
 * | /  *3  \   /  *4  \
 * |/        \ /        \
 * a----------0----------\b--->

#include <stdio.h>

#define DEF_OUTFILE	"./tropicalfish"	/* BM says tropical fish */
#define TEMP_FILE	"/tmp/tetraXXXXXX"	/* temp file name, need 6 X's */

#define SQRT2		1.4142135623731		/* C.R.C. constants */
#define SQRT3		1.7320508075688
#define SQRT3over4	0.4330127018922		/* sqrt(3.0) / 4.0  */
#define SQRT3over8	0.2165063509461		/* sqrt(3.0) / 8.0  */

#define DEF_LEN		160.0			/* default start length */
#define DEF_MIN		40.0			/* default min length */
#define DEF_CX		0.0			/* default x center */
#define DEF_CY		0.0			/* default y center */
#define DEF_CZ		0.0			/* default z center */

#define OUTBUFSIZ	128

typedef struct {		/* a point in space */
    double x, y, z;
    int id;			/* its ordinal number, for vertice definition */

char *malloc(), *strcpy();

static double mindist;		/* minimum distance between vertices */
static int pointcnt = 0;	/* current point count */
static int polycnt = 0;		/* current polygon count */

#ifdef BLINN

static FILE *fout;		/* outfile pointer */


static char *tmppoly;		/* names of temporary files */
static char *tmppoint;

static FILE *fpoint,*fpoly;	/* point and poylgon file pointers */


main(argc, argv)
    int argc;
    char **argv;
    int ch;
    char outfilename[1024];
    double min, cx, cy, cz, len, half_len, projected_len;
    static char options[] = "[-l<len> -m<minlen> -x<xcenter> -y<ycenter> -z<zcenter> -f<outfile>]";

    extern int optind;
    extern char *optarg;

    /* DEFAULTS */

    len = DEF_LEN;		/* length of a side at start */
    min = DEF_MIN;		/* length of a side at which to stop  */
    cx = DEF_CX;		/* Center of mass */ 
    cy = DEF_CY;
    cz = DEF_CZ;
    strcpy(outfilename,DEF_OUTFILE);	/* sun 'shaded' file */

    while((ch = getopt(argc,argv,"l:m:x:y:z:f:HELP")) != EOF)
	switch(ch) {
	    case 'l':
	    case 'm':
		if (min <= 0.0)
		    die("Min can not be less than or equal to 0.");
	    case 'x':
	    case 'y':
	    case 'z':
	    case 'f':
		if (*outfilename == NULL)
		    die("Null output file name.");
	    case 'H':
		fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s %s\n",argv[0],options);

#ifdef BLINN
    if ((fout = fopen(outfilename,"w")) == NULL)
	die("Could not open output file");

    fprintf(fout,"\tFRACTAL SKEWED WEB, HAUSDORFF DIMENSION = 2.0\n");
    fprintf(fout,"\tCX %4.7f, CY %4.7f, CZ %4.7f\n", cx, cy, cz);
    fprintf(fout,"\tLEN %4.7f, MIN %4.7f\n\n", len, min);
    init_scratchfiles();		/* point & polygon scratch files */

    half_len = len / 2.0;		/* half the length of a side */
					/* half a side projected onto y/z */
    projected_len = (half_len / 2.0) * SQRT3;

    cx = cx - half_len;			/* determine a vertex from center */
    cy = cy - projected_len;
    cz = cz - projected_len;

#ifdef sun && DEBUG
    malloc_debug(2);	/* check whole heap on every call */

    tetrahedrons( cx, cy, cz, min, len);

#ifdef BLINN
    end_files(outfilename,cx,cy,cz,len); /* sweep it all together and close */


 *	Create a point structure containing x,y,z and return the pointer.
pcreate(x, y, z)
    double x, y, z;
    POINT *p;

    extern int pointcnt;
    extern FILE *fpoint, *fout;

    p = (POINT *)malloc(sizeof(POINT));
    if (p == NULL)
	die("Out of Core in pcreate()");

    p->x = x;
    p->y = y;
    p->z = z;
    p->id = ++pointcnt;

#ifdef BLINN
    fprintf(fout, "PNT %d, %4.7f, %4.7f, %4.7f\n", p->id, x, y, z);
    fprintf(fpoint, "%4.7f\t%4.7f\t%4.7f\n", x, y, z);


 *	Make the 'prime' points, the points of a new generation.
 *	p[0] is point 0 on the 'sketch', etc.
makeprime(a, p, n)
    POINT *a, *p[6];
    register double n;
    register double ax, ay, az, n1, n2, nhalf, n3fourth, nfourth;

    ax = a->x;
    ay = a->y;
    az = a->z;

    nfourth = n / 4.0;
    nhalf = n / 2.0;
    n3fourth = 1.5 * nhalf;

    n1 = n * SQRT3over4;
    n2 = n * SQRT3over8;

    p[0] = pcreate(ax + nhalf,    ay,      az);
    p[1] = pcreate(ax + n3fourth, ay,      az + n1);
    p[2] = pcreate(ax + nfourth,  ay,      az + n1);
    p[3] = pcreate(ax + nfourth,  ay + n1, az + n2);
    p[4] = pcreate(ax + n3fourth, ay + n1, az + n2);
    p[5] = pcreate(ax + nhalf,    ay + n1, az + 3.0 * n2);

 *	Output a tetrahedron
drawtetra(a, b, c, d)
    POINT *a, *b, *c, *d;
    extern int polycnt;
    extern FILE *fpoly, *fout;

    polycnt += 4;

#ifdef BLINN
    fprintf(fout,"POLY %5d, %5d, %5d\n", a->id, b->id, c->id);
    fprintf(fout,"POLY %5d, %5d, %5d\n", a->id, b->id, d->id);
    fprintf(fout,"POLY %5d, %5d, %5d\n", a->id, c->id, d->id);
    fprintf(fout,"POLY %5d, %5d, %5d\n", b->id, c->id, d->id);
    fprintf(fpoly,"3 %5d %5d %5d\n", a->id, b->id, c->id);
    fprintf(fpoly,"3 %5d %5d %5d\n", a->id, b->id, d->id);
    fprintf(fpoly,"3 %5d %5d %5d\n", a->id, c->id, d->id);
    fprintf(fpoly,"3 %5d %5d %5d\n", b->id, c->id, d->id);

 *	Create the seed and begin the generation cycle.
tetrahedrons(x, y, z, min, n)
    double x, y, z, min, n;
    POINT *a, *b, *c, *d;

    extern double mindist;

    mindist = min;

    a = pcreate(x,           y,                   z);
    b = pcreate(x + n,       y,                   z);
    c = pcreate(x + n / 2.0, y,                   z + n * SQRT3 / 2.0);
    d = pcreate(x + n / 2.0, y + n * SQRT3 / 2.0, z + n * SQRT3 / 4.0);

    tetra(a, b, c, d, n);

 *	Run the generation cycle
tetra(a, b, c, d, n)
    POINT *a, *b, *c, *d;
    double n;
    extern double mindist;

    if (n < mindist)
	drawtetra(a, b, c, d);
    else {
	POINT *p[6];

	makeprime(a, p, n);

	n /= 2.0;

	/* rad! a diagonally symetric recursion matrix!!!
	tetra(   a, p[0], p[2], p[3], n);
	tetra(p[0],    b, p[1], p[4], n);
	tetra(p[2], p[1],    c, p[5], n);
	tetra(p[3], p[4], p[5],    d, n);

#ifndef FAT
	free(p[0]);	/* if have lots of memory, can remove these for speed */

 *	Spew a message on stderr, and die.
    char *message;
    fprintf(stderr,"Error: %s\n",message);

#ifndef BLINN		/* <----- Cut Point */

 *	Open the scratch point and polygon files
 *	Set value of tmppoint and tmppoly so that
 *	we can unlink them later.  Will not do that
 *	now because we are told 4.3 may break that ``technique''.
    extern FILE *fpoint, *fpoly;
    extern char *tmppoint, *tmppoly;
    char *mktemp();

    tmppoint = mktemp(TEMP_FILE);

    fpoint = fopen(tmppoint,"w+");
    if (fpoint == NULL)
	die("Could not open input file for writing");

    tmppoly = mktemp(TEMP_FILE);

    fpoly = fopen(tmppoly,"w+");
    if (fpoly == NULL)
	die("Could not open scratch polygon file for writing");

 *	Open the output file, fill it from the scratch files
 *	and then close them all.  Use the center and length
 *	to generate the bounding box information.
    char *outfile;
    double cx, cy, cz, len;
    int i;
    register FILE *fout;
    char buf[OUTBUFSIZ];
    double projectedlen;

    fout = fopen(outfile,"w");
    if (fout == NULL)
	die("Could not open output file");

    /* Inventory */

    fprintf(fout,"%d %d\n", pointcnt, polycnt);

    /* Bounding box */

    projectedlen = len * SQRT3 / 2.;

    fprintf(fout,"%-4.7f %-4.7f ", cx, cx + len);
    fprintf(fout,"%-4.7f %-4.7f ", cy, cy + projectedlen);
    fprintf(fout,"%-4.7f %-4.7f\n",cz, cz + projectedlen);

    /* Points */

    fflush(fpoint);		/* flush output and rewind */

    for (i = pointcnt; i > 0; i--) {	/* copy scratch file into output file */

    fclose(fpoint);		/* close and unlink the scratch points file */

    /* Polygons */

    fflush(fpoly);		/* flush output and rewind */

    for (i = polycnt; i > 0; i--) {	/* copy scratch file into output file */

    fclose(fpoly);		/* close and unlink the scratch points file */


#endif			/* <----- Cut Point */
@//E*O*F tetra.c//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r tetra.c
exit 0
    Jim Hutchison   UUCP:	{dcdwest,ucbvax}!sdcsvax!hutch
		    ARPA:	Hutch@sdcsvax.ucsd.edu
	"The fog crept in on little cats feet" -CS