[net.sources] code.c - a program to show keyboard codes

kimcm@olamb.UUCP (Kim Chr. Madsen) (10/13/86)

Here is a nice little program for finding out what codes each key on the
keyboard is sending to the system - it is especially handy trying to find
out what some function-keys are sending.

The program is developed under UNIX system V on a 3B2/400.

# shar:	Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	ascii.h
#	code.c
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > ascii.h
X * Defines special characters and their values.
X *
X * (c) 1986 by Kim Chr. Madsen at AmbraSoft A/S.
X */
X#define	NUL	000
X#define	SOH	001
X#define	STX	002
X#define	ETX	003
X#define	EOT	004
X#define	ENQ	005
X#define	ACK	006
X#define	BEL	007
X#define	BS	010
X#define	HT	011
X#define	LF	012
X#define	VT	013
X#define	FF	014
X#define	CR	015
X#define	SO	016
X#define	SI	017
X#define	DLE	020
X#define	DC1	021
X#define	DC2	022
X#define	DC3	023
X#define	DC4	024
X#define	NAK	025
X#define	SYN	026
X#define	ETB	027
X#define	CAN	030
X#define	EM	031
X#define	SUB	032
X#define	ESC	033
X#define	FS	034
X#define	GS	035
X#define	RS	036
X#define	US	037
X#define	SP	040
X#define	DEL	0177
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > code.c
X * code - a program to determine the numerical codes for keys on the
X * keyboard.
X *
X * call:
X *	code
X *
X * instructions:
X * 	Call code, and you will get the prompt ``code> ''
X *	enter the key and and you will see the numerical
X *	codes in decimal, octal and hexadecimal.
X *	Enter DEL twice to escape the program.
X *
X * (c) 1986 by Kim Chr. Madsen @ AmbraSoft A/S
X *     kimcm@olamb.UUCP or ..seismo!mcvax!diku!olamb!kimcm
X *
X */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <sys/types.h>
X#include <termio.h>
X#include <sys/ioctl.h>
X#include "ascii.h"
Xstruct	termio tty, ntty;
Xmain(argc, argv)
Xint  argc;
Xchar *argv[];
X	char		*prompt = "code> ";
X	char		c;
X	int		pos;
X	int		del=0;
X	if (ioctl(0, TCGETA, &tty)) {
X		perror("ioctl");
X		exit(1);
X	}
X	ntty = tty; 
X	ntty.c_iflag &= ~IXON;
X	ntty.c_iflag &= ~IXOFF;
X	ntty.c_lflag &= ~ISIG;
X	ntty.c_lflag &=	~ICANON;
X	ntty.c_lflag &=	~ECHO;
X	ntty.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;
X	ntty.c_cc[VTIME] = 30;
X	ntty.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
X	ioctl(0, TCSETA, &ntty);
X	printf(prompt);
X	pos=3;
X	for (;;) {
X		c=getchar();
X		switch (c) {
X		case NUL : 
X			printf("<NUL>");
X			break;
X		case SOH : 
X			printf("<SOH>");
X			break;
X		case STX : 
X			printf("<STX>");
X			break;
X		case ETX : 
X			printf("<ETX>");
X			break;
X		case EOT : 
X			printf("<EOT>");
X			break;
X		case ENQ : 
X			printf("<ENQ>");
X			break;
X		case ACK : 
X			printf("<ACK>");
X			break;
X		case BEL : 
X			printf("<BEL>");
X			break;
X		case BS : 
X			printf("<BS> ");
X			break;
X		case HT : 
X			printf("<HT> ");
X			break;
X		case LF : 
X			printf("<LF> ");
X			break;
X		case VT : 
X			printf("<VT> ");
X			break;
X		case FF : 
X			printf("<FF> ");
X			break;
X		case CR : 
X			printf("<CR> ");
X			break;
X		case SO : 
X			printf("<SO> ");
X			break;
X		case SI : 
X			printf("<SI> ");
X			break;
X		case DLE : 
X			printf("<DLE>");
X			break;
X		case DC1 : 
X			printf("<DC1>");
X			break;
X		case DC2 : 
X			printf("<DC2>");
X			break;
X		case DC3 : 
X			printf("<DC3>");
X			break;
X		case DC4 : 
X			printf("<DC4>");
X			break;
X		case NAK : 
X			printf("<NAK>");
X			break;
X		case SYN : 
X			printf("<SYN>");
X			break;
X		case ETB : 
X			printf("<ETB>");
X			break;
X		case CAN : 
X			printf("<CAN>");
X			break;
X		case EM : 
X			printf("<EM> ");
X			break;
X		case SUB : 
X			printf("<SUB>");
X			break;
X		case ESC : 
X			printf("<ESC>");
X			break;
X		case FS : 
X			printf("<FS> ");
X			break;
X		case GS : 
X			printf("<GS> ");
X			break;
X		case RS : 
X			printf("<RS> ");
X			break;
X		case US : 
X			printf("<US> ");
X			break;
X		case SP : 
X			printf("<SP> ");
X			break;
X		case DEL :
X			if (del) goto end;
X			del++;
X			printf("<DEL>");
X			break;
X		default :
X			printf("%c    ",c);
X			break;
X		}
X		printf(" %4d 0%-4o 0x%-4x\n\r%s",c,c,c,prompt);
X		if (c != DEL) del=0;
X	}
Xend:	printf("\n\r");
X	ioctl(0, TCSETA, &tty);