[net.sources] Parallel Addition of the New Groups

weemba@brahms (Matthew P Wiener) (10/27/86)






Apparently some parts of the net have not really started converting, so
this script may still be of use.  To use, save everything below the "Cut
here" line in a file, and run sh on the file.

ucbvax!brahms!weemba	Matthew P Wiener/UCB Math Dept/Berkeley CA 94720
------------------------------Cut here----------------------------------
#	Easy addition of the forthcoming groups, exactly right after
#	where your old ones used to be.  Multiple newsgroups folded
#	to one will cause duplications in your .newsrc.  Rn ignores
#	unsubscribed bogus groups, so they will sit there harmlessly
#	until needed.  Groups not on the list of change overs (local,
#	talk, junk and bogus etc) will merely be copied.

#	No groups will be removed from your .newsrc.

#	One should not subscribe to the new groups until they arrive,
#	or else rn will move ALL the groups to the end of your .newsrc.
#	Very bad.  Don't panic, just hit x instead of q when you are
#	done.

#	Your original .newsrc file will become .newsrc.orig, unless
#	you supply an explicit suffix as an argument.

#	Usage: sh <this file> <optional suffix>

#	Bug: Blank lines are removed from your .newsrc

#File containing list of changeovers.  Originally this referred to a
#local copy of Rick Adams announcement in mod.announce, but some sites
#have expired it already.


#Create the awk2 file.
cp /dev/null $awk1
ed - $awk1 << 'EOFawk'
BEGIN	{printf("BEGIN{")}
END	{printf("}\n\t{print}\n\t{print newg[${d}1]}\n")}
egrep '^net|^mod|^na' $list | awk -f $awk1 > $awk2

#The actual adjustment
mv $newsrc $newsrc.${1-orig}
awk -f $awk2 $newsrc.${1-orig} | grep -v '^$' > $newsrc
rm $awk1 $awk2

Here are the newsgroups.

mod.ai				comp.ai.digest		(Moderated)
mod.amiga			comp.sys.amiga		(Moderated)
mod.amiga.binaries		comp.sources.amiga	(Moderated)
mod.amiga.sources		comp.sources.amiga	(Moderated)
mod.announce			news.announce		(Moderated)
mod.announce.newusers		news.announce.newusers	(Moderated)
mod.comp-soc			soc.comp		(Moderated)
mod.compilers			comp.compilers		(Moderated)
mod.computers.68k		comp.sys.m68k.digest	(Moderated)
mod.computers.apollo		comp.sys.apollo		(Moderated)
mod.computers.ibm-pc		comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	(Moderated)
mod.computers.laser-printers	comp.laser-printers	(Moderated)
mod.computers.masscomp		comp.sys.masscomp	(Moderated)
mod.computers.pyramid		comp.sys.pyramid	(Moderated)
mod.computers.ridge		comp.sys.ridge		(Moderated)
mod.computers.sequent		comp.sys.sequent	(Moderated)
mod.computers.sun		comp.sys.sun		(Moderated)
mod.computers.vax		comp.os.vms		(Moderated)
mod.computers.workstations	comp.sys.workstations	(Moderated)
mod.conferences			news.announce.conferences (Moderated)
mod.graphics			comp.graphics.digest	(Moderated)
mod.human-nets			soc.human-nets		(Moderated)
mod.legal			misc.legal
mod.mac				comp.sys.mac.digest	(Moderated)
mod.mac.binaries		comp.sources.mac	(Moderated)
mod.mac.sources			comp.sources.mac	(Moderated)
mod.mag				rec.mag
mod.mag.otherrealms		rec.mag.otherrealms	(Moderated)
mod.map				comp.mail.maps		(Moderated)
mod.motss			soc.motss
mod.movies			rec.arts.movies
mod.music			rec.music		(Moderated)
mod.music.gaffa			rec.music.gaffa		(Moderated)
mod.newprod			comp.newprod		(Moderated)
mod.newslists			news.lists		(Moderated)
mod.os				comp.os			(Moderated)
mod.os.os9			comp.os.os9		(Moderated)
mod.os.unix			comp.unix		(Moderated)
mod.philosophy			talk.philosophy		(Moderated)
mod.philosophy.tech		talk.philosophy.tech	(Moderated)
mod.politics			talk.politics		(Moderated)
mod.politics.arms-d		talk.politics.arms-d	(Moderated)
mod.protocols			comp.protocols		(Moderated)
mod.protocols.appletalk		comp.protocols.appletalk (Moderated)
mod.protocols.kermit		comp.protocols.kermit	(Moderated)
mod.protocols.tcp-ip		comp.protocols.tcp-ip	(Moderated)
mod.psi				misc.psi		(Moderated)
mod.rec.guns			rec.guns		(Moderated)
mod.recipes			rec.food.recipes	(Moderated)
mod.risks			soc.risks		(Moderated)
mod.sources			comp.sources.unix	(Moderated)
mod.sources.doc			comp.doc		(Moderated)
mod.std				comp.std		(Moderated)
mod.std.c			comp.std.c		(Moderated)
mod.std.mumps			comp.std.mumps		(Moderated)
mod.std.unix			comp.std.unix		(Moderated)
mod.techreports			comp.doc.techreports	(Moderated)
mod.telecom			comp.dcom.telecom	(Moderated)
mod.test			misc.test
mod.vlsi 			comp.lsi
na.forsale			misc.forsale
net.abortion			talk.abortion
net.ai				comp.ai
net.analog			sci.electronics
net.announce			news.announce		(Moderated)
net.announce.arpa-internet 	none
net.announce.newusers		news.announce.newusers	(Moderated)
net.arch			comp.arch
net.astro			sci.astro
net.astro.expert		sci.astro
net.audio			rec.audio
net.auto			rec.autos
net.auto.tech			rec.autos.tech
net.aviation			rec.aviation
net.bicycle			rec.bicycles
net.bio				sci.bio
net.bizarre			talk.bizarre
net.books			rec.arts.books
net.bugs			comp.bugs.misc
net.bugs.2bsd			comp.bugs.2bsd
net.bugs.4bsd			comp.bugs.4bsd
net.bugs.usg			comp.bugs.sys5
net.bugs.uucp			comp.bugs.misc
net.bugs.v7			comp.bugs.misc
net.cog-eng			comp.cog-eng
net.college			soc.college
net.columbia			sci.space.shuttle
net.comics			rec.arts.comics
net.consumers			misc.consumers
net.consumers.house		misc.consumers.house
net.cooks			rec.food.cooking
net.crypt			sci.crypt
net.cse				comp.edu
net.cycle			rec.motorcycles
net.database			comp.databases
net.dcom			comp.dcom.modems
net.decus			comp.org.decus
net.emacs			comp.emacs
net.eunice			comp.os.eunice
net.followup			misc.misc
net.games			rec.games.misc
net.games.board			rec.games.board
net.games.chess			rec.games.chess
net.games.emp			rec.games.empire
net.games.frp			rec.games.frp
net.games.go			rec.games.go
net.games.hack			rec.games.hack
net.games.pbm			rec.games.pbm
net.games.rogue			rec.games.rogue
net.games.trivia		rec.games.trivia
net.games.video			rec.games.video
net.garden			rec.gardens
net.general			misc.misc
net.graphics			comp.graphics
net.ham-radio			rec.ham-radio
net.ham-radio.packet		rec.ham-radio.packet
net.info-terms			comp.terminals
net.internat			comp.std.internat
net.invest			misc.invest
net.jobs			misc.jobs
net.jokes			rec.humor
net.jokes.d			rec.humor.d
net.kids			misc.kids
net.lan				comp.dcom.lans
net.lang			comp.lang.misc
net.lang.ada			comp.lang.ada
net.lang.apl			comp.lang.apl
net.lang.c			comp.lang.c
net.lang.c++			comp.lang.c++
net.lang.f77			comp.lang.fortran
net.lang.forth			comp.lang.forth
net.lang.lisp			comp.lang.lisp
net.lang.mod2			comp.lang.modula2
net.lang.pascal			comp.lang.pascal
net.lang.prolog			comp.lang.prolog
net.lang.st80			comp.lang.smalltalk
net.legal			misc.legal
net.lsi				comp.lsi
net.mag				rec.mag
net.mail			comp.mail.uucp
net.mail.headers		comp.mail.headers
net.math			sci.math
net.math.stat			sci.math.stat
net.math.symbolic		sci.math.symbolic
net.med				sci.med
net.micro			comp.sys.misc
net.micro.6809			comp.sys.m6809
net.micro.68k			comp.sys.m68k
net.micro.amiga			comp.sys.amiga		(Moderated)
net.micro.apple			comp.sys.apple
net.micro.atari16		comp.sys.atari.st
net.micro.atari8		comp.sys.atari.8bit
net.micro.att			comp.sys.att
net.micro.cbm			comp.sys.cbm
net.micro.cpm			comp.os.cpm
net.micro.hp			comp.sys.hp
net.micro.mac			comp.sys.mac
net.micro.ns32k			comp.sys.nsc
net.micro.pc			comp.sys.ibm.pc
net.micro.ti			comp.sys.ti
net.micro.trs-80		comp.sys.tandy
net.misc			misc.misc
net.motss			soc.motss
net.movies			rec.arts.movies
net.music			rec.music.misc
net.music.classical		rec.music.classical
net.music.folk			rec.music.folk
net.music.gdead			rec.music.gdead
net.music.synth			rec.music.synth
net.net-people			soc.net-people
net.news			news.misc
net.news.adm			news.admin
net.news.b			news.software.b
net.news.config			news.config
net.news.group			news.groups
net.news.newsite		news.newsites
net.news.notes			news.software.notes
net.news.sa			news.sysadmin
net.news.stargate		news.stargate
net.nlang			sci.lang
net.nlang.africa		soc.culture.african
net.nlang.celts			soc.culture.celtic
net.nlang.greek			soc.culture.greek
net.nlang.india			soc.culture.indian
net.origins			talk.origins
net.periphs			comp.periphs
net.pets			rec.pets
net.philosophy			talk.philosophy.misc
net.physics			sci.physics
net.poems			rec.arts.poems
net.politics			talk.politics.misc
net.politics.terror		talk.politics.misc
net.politics.theory		talk.politics.theory
net.puzzle			rec.puzzles
net.railroad			rec.railroad
net.rec				rec.misc
net.rec.birds			rec.birds
net.rec.boat			rec.boats
net.rec.bridge			rec.games.bridge
net.rec.nude			rec.nude
net.rec.photo			rec.photo
net.rec.scuba			rec.scuba
net.rec.ski			rec.skiing
net.rec.skydive			rec.misc
net.rec.wood			rec.woodworking
net.religion			talk.religion.misc
net.religion.christian		talk.religion.christian	(Moderated)
net.religion.jewish		soc.culture.jewish
net.research			sci.research
net.roots			soc.roots
net.rumor			talk.rumors
net.sci				sci.misc
net.sf-lovers			rec.arts.sf-lovers
net.singles			soc.singles
net.social			soc.misc
net.sources			comp.sources.unix	(Moderated)
net.sources.bugs		comp.sources.bugs	(Moderated)
net.sources.d			comp.sources.d
net.sources.games		comp.sources.games	(Moderated)
net.sources.mac			comp.sources.mac	(Moderated)
net.space			sci.space
net.sport			rec.sport.misc
net.sport.baseball		rec.sport.baseball
net.sport.football		rec.sport.football
net.sport.hockey		rec.sport.hockey
net.sport.hoops			rec.sport.basketball
net.startrek			rec.arts.startrek
net.suicide			misc.misc
net.taxes			misc.taxes
net.test			misc.test
net.text			comp.text
net.travel			rec.travel
net.tv				rec.arts.tv
net.tv.drwho			rec.arts.drwho
net.tv.soaps			rec.arts.tv.soaps
net.unix			comp.unix.questions
net.unix-wizards		comp.unix.wizards
net.usenix			comp.org.usenix
net.veg				rec.food.veg
net.video			rec.video
net.wanted			misc.wanted
net.wanted.sources		comp.sources.wanted
net.wines			rec.food.drink
net.wobegon			rec.arts.misc
net.women			soc.women

weemba@brahms (Matthew P Wiener) (10/31/86)






It worked for me when my friends and I used it, but it doesn't anymore.

Change the ${d}1 and ${d}2 to $1 and $2 respectively, in the awk script.

ucbvax!brahms!weemba	Matthew P Wiener/UCB Math Dept/Berkeley CA 94720