[net.sources] PREP: fortran preprocessor, part 2/2

prove@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu (Roger Ove) (12/16/86)

# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line,
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
# Wrapped by newton!ove on Mon Dec 15 21:11:16 CST 1986
# Contents:  flow.c misc.c fix.h macro.h prep.h prepdf.h prepmac.h string.h
#	vecdem.h demo.p sieve.p vecdem.p vecdemo.p
echo x - flow.c
sed 's/^@//' > "flow.c" <<'@//E*O*F flow.c//'
/* Flow control extensions and related routines */

#include "prep.h"

/* Function AGAIN_PROC
 * Process again statements.
 * 3/2/86


/* on missing begin statement, abort */
if ( begin_count <= 0 ) {
	sprintf( errline, "Again: no matching begin: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;

/* construct the goto statement back to begin */
sprintf( out_buff, "      goto %s", blabel[begin_count] ) ;
dump( out_buff ) ;

/* construct label statement */
sprintf( out_buff, "%s continue", alabel[begin_count] ) ;
dump( out_buff ) ;

begin_count-- ;

/* Function BEGIN_PROC.C
 * Process begin statements.  Construct a label for the
 * while, until, and again statements to branch to.  The
 * label for again is created here as well.
 * P. R. OVE  3/2/86

int	count ;
/* keep track of the nesting */
begin_count++ ;
if ( begin_count >= NESTING ) {
	sprintf( errline, "Begin: nesting too deep: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;

/* make up a label (for begin) and store it in blabel[begin_count] */
count = 17500 + blabel_count ;
blabel_count++ ;
if ( count > 19999 ) {
	sprintf( errline, "Begin: too many labels: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;
sprintf( blabel[begin_count], "%d", count ) ;

/* make up a label (for again) and store it in alabel[begin_count] */
count = 15000 + alabel_count ;
alabel_count++ ;
if ( count > 17499 ) {
	sprintf( errline, "Begin: too many labels: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;
sprintf( alabel[begin_count], "%d", count ) ;

/* construct and dump the output record */
sprintf( out_buff, "%s continue", blabel[begin_count] ) ;
dump( out_buff ) ;


/* Function CASE_PROC
 * Process again statements.
 * 11/9/85

int	n, count ;
char	*open_parens, *close_parens ;

/* get the comparison expression */
open_parens = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length ) ;
close_parens = mat_del( open_parens ) ;

/* if char after case is not a blank, tab, or delimeter assume a */
/* variable name beginning with case                             */
if ((close_parens == NULL) & (open_parens == first_nonblank + name_length))
	return ;

/* keep track of the nesting */
case_count++ ;
if ( case_count >= NESTING ) {
	sprintf( errline, "Case: nesting too deep: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;

/* get logical expression, set to NULL if it is missing */
if ( open_parens == NULL ) { 
	case_exp[ case_count ][0] = NULL ;
else {  
	if ( close_parens == NULL ) {
		sprintf( errline, "Case: missing delimeter: %s", in_buff ) ;
		abort( errline ) ;
	n = close_parens - open_parens - 1 ;
	GET_MEM( case_exp[case_count], n+5 ) ;
	case_exp[case_count][0] = '(' ;
	strncpy( case_exp[case_count] + 1, open_parens + 1, n ) ;
	case_exp[case_count][n+1] = ')' ;
	case_exp[case_count][n+2] = NULL ;

/* make label for continue to return to, store it in clabel[case_count] */
count = 20000 + clabel_count ;
clabel_count++ ;
if ( count > 22499 ) {
	sprintf( errline, "Case: too many labels: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;
sprintf( clabel[case_count], "%d", count ) ;

/* construct and dump the output record */
sprintf( out_buff, "%s continue", clabel[case_count] ) ;
dump( out_buff ) ;

/* signal that in_buff is empty */

 * Process continue_case statements (part of case construct).
 * P. R. OVE  10/10/86

int	n, count ;
char	*pntr, *open_parens, *close_parens ;

/* get the comparison expression */
open_parens = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length ) ;
close_parens = mat_del( open_parens ) ;
/* if there is stuff on the line (open_parens != NULL) and no open
 * parens (close_parens == NULL) assume variable name */
if ( (open_parens != NULL) & (close_parens == NULL) ) return ;

/* on missing case statement, abort */
if ( case_count <= 0 ) {
	sprintf( errline, "CONTINUE_CASE: no matching CASE: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;
/* get the logical expression if there is one */
if (open_parens != NULL) {
	n = close_parens - open_parens - 1 ;
	GET_MEM( exp, n+5 ) ;
	exp[0] = '(' ;
	strncpy( exp + 1, open_parens + 1, n ) ;
	exp[n+1] = ')' ;
	exp[n+2] = NULL ;

/* construct and dump the jump back to the case statement */
if (open_parens != NULL) {
	strcpy( out_buff, "      if " ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, exp ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, " goto " ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, clabel[case_count] ) ;
	free( exp ) ;
else {
	strcpy( out_buff, "      goto " ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, clabel[case_count] ) ;

dump( out_buff ) ;


 * Process continue_do statements (part of do/end_do construct).
 * P. R. OVE  11/13/86

int	n, count ;
char	*pntr, *open_parens, *close_parens ;

/* get the comparison expression */
open_parens = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length ) ;
close_parens = mat_del( open_parens ) ;
/* if there is stuff on the line (open_parens != NULL) and no open
 * parens (close_parens == NULL) assume variable name like CONTINUE_DOit */
if ( (open_parens != NULL) & (close_parens == NULL) ) return ;

/* on missing do statement, abort */
if ( do_count <= 0 ) {
	sprintf( errline, "CONTINUE_DO: not in do/end_do loop: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;
/* get the logical expression if there is one */
if (open_parens != NULL) {
	n = close_parens - open_parens - 1 ;
	GET_MEM( exp, n+5 ) ;
	exp[0] = '(' ;
	strncpy( exp + 1, open_parens + 1, n ) ;
	exp[n+1] = ')' ;
	exp[n+2] = NULL ;

/* construct and dump the jump to the end_do label */
if (open_parens != NULL) {
	strcpy( out_buff, "      if " ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, exp ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, " goto " ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, dlabel[do_count] ) ;
	free( exp ) ;
else {
	strcpy( out_buff, "      goto " ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, dlabel[do_count] ) ;

dump( out_buff ) ;


 * Process continue statements (part of begin construct).
 * P. R. OVE  10/10/86

int	n, count ;
char	*pntr, *open_parens, *close_parens ;

/* get the comparison expression */
open_parens = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length ) ;
close_parens = mat_del( open_parens ) ;
/* if there is stuff on the line (open_parens != NULL) and no open
 * parens (close_parens == NULL) assume variable name like CONTINUEit */
if ( (open_parens != NULL) & (close_parens == NULL) ) return ;

/* on missing begin statement, abort */
if ( begin_count <= 0 ) {
	sprintf( errline, "CONTINUE: no matching BEGIN: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;
/* get the logical expression if there is one */
if (open_parens != NULL) {
	n = close_parens - open_parens - 1 ;
	GET_MEM( exp, n+5 ) ;
	exp[0] = '(' ;
	strncpy( exp + 1, open_parens + 1, n ) ;
	exp[n+1] = ')' ;
	exp[n+2] = NULL ;

/* construct and dump the back to the begin statement */
if (open_parens != NULL) {
	strcpy( out_buff, "      if " ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, exp ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, " goto " ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, blabel[begin_count] ) ;
	free( exp ) ;
else {
	strcpy( out_buff, "      goto " ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, blabel[begin_count] ) ;

dump( out_buff ) ;


/* Function DEFAULT_PROC
 * Process default statements.
 * P. R. OVE  11/9/85

char	*pntr ;

if ( case_count <= 0 ) {
	sprintf( errline, "DEFAULT: no matching CASE: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;

dump( "      else" ) ;

/* eliminate "default" from the input buffer */
pntr = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length ) ;
if ( pntr != NULL ) {
	strcpy( in_buff, "\t" ) ;
	strcat( in_buff, pntr ) ;
else { IN_BUFF_DONE }


/* Function DO_PROC
 * Process do statements.  If there is a label (ala
 * fortran) just dump it to the output.  If no label
 * exists make one up in anticipation of an eventual
 * end_do statement.
 * P. R. OVE  11/9/85

char	*after_do, *pntr ;
int	count ;
/* return without processing if the first nonblank char after DO is a label
   or if there is no blank/tab after the DO */
pntr = first_nonblank + name_length ;
after_do = line_end( pntr ) ;
if ( ( strchr( "0123456789", *after_do ) != NULL ) | 
     ( after_do == pntr )                            ) return ;
/* keep track of the nesting */
do_count++ ;
if ( do_count >= NESTING ) {
	sprintf( errline, "DO: nesting too deep: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;

/* make up a label and store it in dlabel[do_count] */
count = 12500 + dlabel_count ;
dlabel_count++ ;
if ( count > 14999 ) {
	sprintf( errline, "DO: too many labels: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;
sprintf( dlabel[do_count], "%d", count ) ;

/* make label for leave_do to jump to and store it in elabel[do_count] */
count = 22500 + elabel_count ;
elabel_count++ ;
if ( count > 24999 ) {
	sprintf( errline, "DO: too many labels: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;
sprintf( elabel[do_count], "%d", count ) ;

/* construct and dump the output record */
sprintf( out_buff, "      do %s %s", dlabel[do_count], after_do ) ;
dump( out_buff ) ;


/* Function END_CASE_PROC
 * Process end_case statements.
 * P. R. OVE  11/9/85

	of_count[ case_count ] = 0 ;
	free( case_exp[ case_count ] ) ;
	case_count-- ;

	if ( case_count < 0 ) { 
		case_count = 0 ;
		return ; }		
	dump( "      end if" ) ;

/* Function END_DO_PROC
 * Process end_do statements.  Use the label indexed
 * by the current value of do_count (the do nesting
 * index).
 * P. R. OVE  11/9/85

/* signal error if no matching do has been found */
if ( do_count <= 0 )  {
	sprintf( errline, "END_DO: no matching do: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;

/* construct and dump the normal do loop continue statement */
sprintf( out_buff, "%s continue", dlabel[do_count] ) ;
dump( out_buff ) ;

/* construct and dump the leave_do label if needed */
if ( leave_do_flag[do_count] == TRUE ) {
	sprintf( out_buff, "%s continue", elabel[do_count] ) ;
	dump( out_buff ) ;
	leave_do_flag[do_count] = FALSE ;

do_count -= 1 ;

/* Function LEAVE_DO_PROC
 * Process leave_do statements.
 * P. R. OVE  3/2/86

int	n, count ;
char	*pntr, *open_parens, *close_parens ;

/* get the comparison expression */
open_parens = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length ) ;
close_parens = mat_del( open_parens ) ;
/* if there is stuff on the line (open_parens != NULL) and no              */
/* open parens (close_parens == NULL) assume variable name like LEAVE_DOit */
if ( (open_parens != NULL) & (close_parens == NULL) ) return ;

/* on missing do statement, abort */
if ( do_count <= 0 ) {
	sprintf( errline, "LEAVE_DO: not in do/end_do loop: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;
/* get the logical expression if there is one */
if (open_parens != NULL) {
	n = close_parens - open_parens - 1 ;
	GET_MEM( exp, n+5 ) ;
	exp[0] = '(' ;
	strncpy( exp + 1, open_parens + 1, n ) ;
	exp[n+1] = ')' ;
	exp[n+2] = NULL ;

/* construct and dump the jump out of the loop */
if (open_parens != NULL) {
	strcpy( out_buff, "      if " ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, exp ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, " goto " ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, elabel[do_count] ) ;
	free( exp ) ;
else {
	strcpy( out_buff, "      goto " ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, elabel[do_count] ) ;

leave_do_flag[do_count] = TRUE ;

dump( out_buff ) ;


/* Function LEAVE_PROC
 * Process leave statements.
 * P. R. OVE  3/2/86

int	n, count ;
char	*pntr, *open_parens, *close_parens ;

/* get the comparison expression */
open_parens = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length ) ;
close_parens = mat_del( open_parens ) ;
/* if there is stuff on the line (open_parens != NULL) and no           */
/* open parens (close_parens == NULL) assume variable name like LEAVEit */
if ( (open_parens != NULL) & (close_parens == NULL) ) return ;

/* on missing begin statement, abort */
if ( begin_count <= 0 ) {
	sprintf( errline, "LEAVE: no matching begin: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;
/* get the logical expression if there is one */
if (open_parens != NULL) {
	n = close_parens - open_parens - 1 ;
	GET_MEM( exp, n+5 ) ;
	exp[0] = '(' ;
	strncpy( exp + 1, open_parens + 1, n ) ;
	exp[n+1] = ')' ;
	exp[n+2] = NULL ;

/* construct and dump the jump to again */
if (open_parens != NULL) {
	strcpy( out_buff, "      if " ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, exp ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, " goto " ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, alabel[begin_count] ) ;
	free( exp ) ;
else {
	strcpy( out_buff, "      goto " ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, alabel[begin_count] ) ;

dump( out_buff ) ;


/* Function OF_PROC
 * Process of statements.
 * P. R. OVE  11/9/85

int	n ;
char	*pntr, *open_parens, *close_parens ;

/* get the comparison expression */
open_parens = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length) ;
close_parens = mat_del( open_parens ) ;
/* if no open parens assume variable name like OFile */
/* (no open parens <==> close_parens will be NULL)   */
if ( close_parens == NULL ) return ;

/* abort on missing case statement */
if ( case_count <= 0 ) {
	sprintf( errline, "OF: missing CASE statement: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;

/* keep track of "of's" for each case level */
of_count[ case_count ] += 1 ;

/* get the logical expression */
n = close_parens - open_parens - 1 ;
GET_MEM( exp, n+5 ) ;
exp[0] = '(' ;
strncpy( exp + 1, open_parens + 1, n ) ;
exp[n+1] = ')' ;
exp[n+2] = NULL ;

/* construct the "if" or "if else" statement.  If there is a case */
/* logical expression us .eq. to determine the result             */
if ( case_exp[ case_count ][0] == NULL ) {
	if ( of_count[ case_count ] != 1 ) {
		strcpy( out_buff, "      else if " ) ; }
     	else {
		strcpy( out_buff, "      if " )      ; }
	strcat( out_buff, exp ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, " then " ) ; }
else {
	if ( of_count[ case_count ] != 1 ) {
		strcpy( out_buff, "      else if (" ) ; }
     	else {
		strcpy( out_buff, "      if (" )      ; }
	strcat( out_buff, case_exp[ case_count ] ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, ".eq." ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, exp ) ;
	strcat( out_buff, ") then " ) ; }
dump( out_buff ) ;

/* eliminate "of stuff" from the input buffer */
pntr = line_end( close_parens + 1 ) ;
if ( pntr != NULL ) {
	strcpy( in_buff, "\t" ) ;
	strcat( in_buff, pntr ) ;
else { IN_BUFF_DONE }

free( exp ) ;

/* Function UNTIL_PROC
 * Process until statements.
 * P. R. OVE  3/2/86

int	n, count ;
char	*pntr, *open_parens, *close_parens ;

/* get the comparison expression */
open_parens = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length ) ;
close_parens = mat_del( open_parens ) ;
/* if no open parens assume variable name like UNTILon */
/* (no open parens <==> close_parens will be NULL)   */
if ( close_parens == NULL ) return ;

/* on missing begin statement, abort */
if ( begin_count <= 0 ) {
	sprintf( errline, "UNTIL: no matching begin: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;
/* get the logical expression */
n = close_parens - open_parens - 1 ;
GET_MEM( exp, n+5 ) ;
exp[0] = '(' ;
strncpy( exp + 1, open_parens + 1, n ) ;
exp[n+1] = ')' ;
exp[n+2] = NULL ;

/* construct and dump the conditional jump to begin */
sprintf( out_buff, "      if (.not.%s) goto %s",
	exp, blabel[begin_count] ) ;
dump( out_buff ) ;

/* construct a label statement (for leave to jump to) */
sprintf( out_buff, "%s continue", alabel[begin_count] ) ;
dump( out_buff ) ;

begin_count-- ;
free( exp ) ;

/* Function WHILE_PROC
 * Process while statements.
 * P. R. OVE  3/2/86

int	n, count ;
char	*pntr, *open_parens, *close_parens ;

/* get the comparison expression */
open_parens = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length ) ;
close_parens = mat_del( open_parens ) ;
/* if no open parens assume variable name like WHILEon */
/* (no open parens <==> close_parens will be NULL)   */
if ( close_parens == NULL ) return ;

/* on missing begin statement, abort */
if ( begin_count <= 0 ) {
	sprintf( errline, "WHILE: no matching begin: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;

/* get the logical expression */
n = close_parens - open_parens - 1 ;
GET_MEM( exp, n+5 ) ;
exp[0] = '(' ;
strncpy( exp + 1, open_parens + 1, n ) ;
exp[n+1] = ')' ;
exp[n+2] = NULL ;

/* construct and dump the output record */
strcpy( out_buff, "      if (.not." ) ;
strcat( out_buff, exp ) ;
strcat( out_buff, ") goto " ) ;
strcat( out_buff, alabel[begin_count] ) ;
dump( out_buff ) ;

free( exp ) ;
@//E*O*F flow.c//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r flow.c
echo x - misc.c
sed 's/^@//' > "misc.c" <<'@//E*O*F misc.c//'
/* misc routines */

#include "prep.h"

/* Function DUMP.C
 *   Send a string to the output stream.  The string is a
 * fortran record constructed by PREP, which may be
 * longer than 72 characters after processing.  It is
 * broken up into pieces before output.  The string
 * must be null terminated.  The string is not affected
 * by this routine, so it is safe to do
 *       dump( "explicit text" ) ;
 *   If inside a vector loop (vec_flag==TRUE) the record is
 * not broken up and is sent to mem_store rather than a file.
 * P. R. OVE  11/9/85

dump( string ) 
char 	*string ;

char	record[73], *pntr ;
int	i_str, i_rec = 0, i, i_tab, quote_flag = 0 ;

/* ignore empty lines sent here */
if ( NULL == line_end( string ) ) return ;

/* if in a vector loop write the string to mem_store */
if ( vec_flag ) {
	push( string ) ;
	return ;

/* loop until end of record */
for ( i_str = 0;; i_str++ ) {

	/* wrap up on end of line */
	if ( line_end( &string[i_str] ) == NULL ) {
       		record[i_rec] = NULL ;
		put_string( record ) ;
		break ; }

	/* break string if necessary */
	if ( i_rec >= 72 ) {                
		record[i_rec] = NULL ;
		put_string( record ) ;
		strcpy( record, "     *" ) ;
		i_str-- ;
		i_rec = 6 ;
		continue ;

	/* toggle quote flag on quotes */
	if ( string[i_str] == '\'' ) quote_flag = ! quote_flag ;
	/* underline filtering */
	if ( (string[i_str]=='_') & (!underline_keep) & (!quote_flag) )
		continue ;

	/* tab handling */
	if ( string[i_str] == TAB ) {
		if (	i_rec >= 70 - tab_size ) {
			record[i_rec] = NULL ;
			put_string( record ) ;
			strcpy( record, "     *" ) ;
			i_rec = 6 ; }

		else {  /* replace tab by blanks */
			i_tab = ( ( i_rec + 1 )/tab_size ) 
			      * tab_size - i_rec + tab_size - 1 ;
			for ( i = 0; i < i_tab; i++ ) {
				record[i_rec] = BLANK ;
		                i_rec++ ; }
		continue ;

	/* default action */
	record[i_rec] = string[i_str] ;
	i_rec++ ;


 * Get a record from the input stream, making sure that the buffer
 * does not overflow by increasing its size as necessary.  The 
 * string in_buff will contain the record on return.  In_buff will
 * always contain about ten percent of its default length in trailing 
 * blanks to play with.  Out_buff will have space allocated for it
 * as well, 4 times that of in_buff.  Returns a pointer to the 
 * terminating NULL character.  On EOF the previous input file
 * (assuming the present one was an include file) will be restored as
 * the input file.  If the filestack is empty return NULL.

char	*get_rec()
int	i, j ;
char	*pntr, *area ;

/* fill the in_put buffer, enlarging it when nearly full in 
 * increments of DEF_BUFFSIZE.  On end of file the previous file
 * handle is popped from the include stack (if present).
pntr = in_buff ;
i = 0 ;
while(1) {

	for (; i < allocation - DEF_BUFFSIZE/10 ; i++, pntr++ ) {
		*pntr = getc(in) ;
		if ( *pntr == EOF ) {
			fclose(in) ;
			if ( NULL == popfile(&in) ) return( NULL ) ;
			pntr = in_buff-1 ;
			i = -1 ;
			continue ;
		if ( *pntr == '\n' ) {
			*pntr = NULL ;
			return( pntr ) ;

	/* if control falls through to here, increase buffer sizes. */
	allocation += DEF_BUFFSIZE ;
	if ( NULL == realloc( in_buff, allocation ) )
		abort( "Reallocation failed" ) ;
	if ( NULL == realloc( out_buff, 4*allocation ) )
		abort( "Reallocation failed" ) ;


/* Include_proc
 * Handle file inclusion
 * P. R. OVE  11/9/85
char	*pntr, *open_parens, *close_parens, *name ;

/* get the file name */
open_parens = line_end( first_nonblank + name_length ) ;
if ( NULL == ( close_parens = mat_del( open_parens ) ) ) {
	sprintf( errline, "INCLUDE: syntax: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;
name = open_parens+1 ;
*close_parens = NULL ;

/* push the old input file handle onto the filestack */
if ( NULL == pushfile(&in) ) {
	sprintf( errline, "INCLUDE: nesting too deep: %s", in_buff ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;

/* open the new file */
if ( NULL == ( in = fopen( name, "r" ) ) ) {
	sprintf( errline, "INCLUDE: can't open file: %s", name ) ;
	abort( errline ) ;


/* push a file handle onto the filestack.  return NULL on error. */
int	pushfile(handleaddress)
FILE	*(*handleaddress) ;
	if ( include_count >= NESTING ) return(NULL) ;
	filestack[include_count] = *handleaddress ;
	include_count++ ;
	return(1) ;

/* pop a file handle from the filestack.  return NULL on error */
int	popfile(handleaddress)
FILE	*(*handleaddress) ;
	if ( include_count <= 0 ) return(NULL) ;
	include_count-- ;
	*handleaddress = filestack[include_count] ;
	return(1) ;

/* Function LINE_END
 * Return a NULL pointer if the string contains only
 * blanks and tabs or if it is a NULL string.  Else
 * return a pointer to the first offending character.
 * P. R. OVE  11/9/85

char	*line_end( string ) 
char 	*string ;

	for (; *string != NULL; string++ )
		if ( (*string != BLANK) && (*string != TAB) ) return(string) ;

	return( NULL ) ;

/* Function MAT_DEL
 * Given pointer to a delimeter this routine finds its
 * partner and returns a pointer to it.  On failure a
 * NULL pointer is returned.  The supported delimeters
 * are:
 *   '  "  ( )  [ ]  { }  < >
 * ' and " are supported only in the forward direction
 * and no nesting is detected.
 * In all cases the search is limited to the current
 * line (bounded by NULLs).
 * P. R. OVE  11/9/85

char *mat_del( pntr )
char	*pntr ;

int	nest_count = 0, i, direction ;
char	target ;

if ( pntr == NULL ) return( NULL ) ;

/* get the target character and direction of search */
	switch( *pntr ) {

		case '(' :	{ target = ')' ;
				  direction = 1 ;
				  break ;          }

		case ')' :	{ target = '(' ;
				  direction = -1 ;
				  break ;          }

		case '[' :	{ target = ']' ;
				  direction = 1 ;
				  break ;          }

		case ']' :	{ target = '[' ;
				  direction = -1 ;
				  break ;          }

		case '{' :	{ target = '}' ;
				  direction = 1 ;
				  break ;          }

		case '}' :	{ target = '{' ;
				  direction = -1 ;
				  break ;          }

		case '<' :	{ target = '>' ;
				  direction = 1 ;
				  break ;          }

		case '>' :	{ target = '<' ;
				  direction = -1 ;
				  break ;          }

		case '\'':	{ target = '\'' ;
				  direction = 1 ;
				  break ;          }

		case '\"':	{ target = '\"' ;
				  direction = 1 ;
				  break ;          }

		default:	  return( NULL ) ;

/* find the match */
	for ( i = direction; pntr[i] != NULL; i += direction ) {
		if ( pntr[i] == target ) {

			if ( nest_count == 0 ) {
				break ;	}
			else {
				nest_count-- ;
				continue ; }
		if ( pntr[i] == pntr[0] ) nest_count++ ;

	if ( &pntr[i] == NULL ) return( NULL ) ;
	return( &pntr[i] ) ;

 * Processes the command line parameters.

int parmer ( argc, argv )
int	argc ;
char	*argv[] ;
int	i ;
/* default io streams */
in = stdin ;
out = stdout ;

/* use in_buff to hold file inclusion command if found */
IN_BUFF_DONE ; 		/* clear the buffer */

for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) {

	/* assume data file name if not a switch */
	if ( argv[i][0] != '-' ) {
		sprintf( dataf, "%s.p", argv[i] ) ;
		if ( NULL != ( in = fopen( dataf, "r" ) ) ) {
			sprintf( dataf, "%s.f", argv[i] ) ;
			out = fopen( dataf, "w" ) ;
		else in = stdin ;
	else {
	/* switches */
		switch ( argv[i][1] ) {

		case 'c' :	com_keep = TRUE ;	break ;

		case 'u' :	underline_keep = TRUE ;	break ;

		case 'U' :	i++ ;
				if ( i < argc ) {
				if ( argv[i][0] == '-' ||
				     NULL==sscanf(argv[i],"%d",&unroll_depth) ){
					unroll_depth = DEF_UNROLL_DEPTH ;
					i-- ;
					break ;
				else	unroll_depth = DEF_UNROLL_DEPTH ;
				break ;

		case 'L' :	i++ ;
				if ( i < argc ) {
				if ( argv[i][0] == '-' ||
				     NULL==sscanf(argv[i],"%d",&line_limit) ){
					line_limit = DEF_LINE_LIMIT ;
					i-- ;
				else	line_limit = DEF_LINE_LIMIT ;
				break ;

		case 'm' :	macro_only = TRUE ;
				underline_keep = TRUE ;
				com_keep = TRUE ;
				break ;
		case 'i' :	i++ ;
				if ( i < argc ) {
					sprintf(in_buff,"#include \"%s\"", argv[i] ) ;
					break ;
default :	fprintf( stderr, "\nUnrecognized switch: %s\n", argv[i]);
		fprintf( stderr, "\nAllowed switches:\n\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s",
		" -c		keep comments",
		" -u		keep underline characters",
		" -m		expand macros only",
		" -i <file>	include <file> before processing",
		" -U n		unroll vector loops to depth n",
		" -L n		unroll loops with n or fewer lines only"
		) ;
		abort( "\n" ) ;

/* process the file include statement if present */
if ( IN_BUFF_FULL ) preproc( rec_type(0) ) ;
return(1) ;

/* Function PREPROCESS.C
 * The guts of the preprocessor PREP.  Variable tipe
 * contains the type of record code:
 *  BEGIN statement
 *  AGAIN statement
 *  WHILE statement
 *  UNTIL statement
 *  CONTINUE statement
 *  LEAVE statement
 *  CASE statement
 *  OF statement
 *  DEFAULT statement
 *  CONTINUE_CASE statement
 *  END_CASE statement
 *  DO_LIMITS statement
 *  UNROLL statement
 *  DO statement
 *  LEAVE_DO statement
 *  CONTINUE_DO statement
 *  END_DO statement
 *  [  (start of clustered vector arithmetic)
 *  ]  (  end  "     "        "       "     )
 *  #  vectored arithmetic statement
 *  normal (normal fortran statement)
 *  INCLUDE files
 *  MACRO expansion
 * P. R. OVE  11/9/85

int tipe ;

switch ( tipe ) {

	case unknown :		break ;
	case normal :		strcpy( out_buff, in_buff ) ;
				dump( out_buff ) ;
				in_buff[0] = NULL ;
				break ;
	case type_begin :	begin_proc() ; break ;
	case type_again :	again_proc() ; break ;
	case type_while :	while_proc() ; break ;
	case type_until :	until_proc() ; break ;
	case type_continue :	continue_proc() ; break ;
	case type_leave :	leave_proc() ; break ;
	case type_case :	case_proc() ; break ;
	case type_of :		of_proc() ; break ;
	case type_default :	default_proc() ; break ;
	case type_continue_case:continue_case_proc() ; break ;
	case type_end_case :	end_case_proc() ; break ;
	case type_do_limits :	do_limits_proc() ; break ;
	case type_unroll :	unroll_proc() ; break ;
	case type_do :		do_proc() ; break ;
	case type_end_do :	end_do_proc() ; break ;
	case type_leave_do :	leave_do_proc() ; break ;
	case type_continue_do :	continue_do_proc() ; break ;
	case type_osqb :	osqb_proc() ; break ;
	case type_vec : 	vec_proc() ; break ;
	case type_csqb :	csqb_proc() ; break ;
	case type_include :	include_proc() ; break ;

 * Push a string onto the MEM_STORE.  Space is allocated for it and
 * a pointer kept in the array mem_store (array of pointers).  The
 * index to mem_store at which the current string is stored is returned.
 * If the input string is a NULL pointer the last entry is removed.
 * Global variable mem_count keeps track of the total number of pointers
 * in use.

int push( string )
char	*string ;
int	i ;

if ( string != NULL ) {
	if ( mem_count >= STORE_SIZE - 1 ) {
		sprintf( errline, "PUSH out of memory pointers: %s", in_buff ) ;
		abort( errline ) ;
	GET_MEM( mem_store[ mem_count ], strlen( string ) ) ;
	strcpy( mem_store[ mem_count ], string ) ;
	mem_count++ ;
	return( mem_count - 1 ) ;

if ( mem_count > 0 ) {
	mem_count-- ;
	free( mem_store[ mem_count ] ) ;
	return( mem_count - 1 ) ;

/* Function REC_TYPE.C
 * Determine the type of a record.
 * P. R. OVE  11/9/85

char	*strchrq() ;

int	rec_type( group )
int	group ;
char	combuff[16], *string ;
int	i ;

if (in_buff[0] == NULL) return(unknown) ;
string = in_buff ;

/* go to first nonblank character, save a pointer to it */
while ( *string != NULL ) {
	if ( *string != TAB & *string != BLANK ) {	
		first_nonblank = string ;
		break ;
	string++ ;

/* copy the initial characters into combuff */
for ( i = 0; (i < 15) & (*string != NULL); i++ ) {
	combuff[i] = string[i] ;
combuff[15] = NULL ;

strupr( combuff ) ;  /* convert to upper case */

/* check for commands by group */
switch ( group ) {

/* group 0 commands: file includes */
case 0 : {
	if ( MATCH( "#INCLUDE" ) ) return(type_include) ;
		                   return(unknown) ;

/* group 1 commands: case's OF and DEFAULT commands are done first so
   that it is legal to have:  of ( 'a' ) leave_do, for instance.
case 1 : {
	if ( MATCH( "OF" ) )        return(type_of) ;
	if ( MATCH( "DEFAULT" ) )   return(type_default) ;
			            return(unknown) ;

/* group 2 commands: flow control extensions and parameter changes */
case 2 : {
	if ( MATCH( "DO_LIMITS" ) ) return(type_do_limits) ;
	if ( MATCH( "DO LIMITS" ) ) return(type_do_limits) ;

	if ( MATCH( "DO" ) )        return(type_do) ;
	if ( MATCH( "END_DO" ) )    return(type_end_do) ;
	if ( MATCH( "END DO" ) )    return(type_end_do) ;
	if ( MATCH( "LEAVE_DO" ) )  return(type_leave_do) ;
	if ( MATCH( "LEAVE DO" ) )  return(type_leave_do) ;
	if ( MATCH( "CONTINUE_DO")) return(type_continue_do) ;
	if ( MATCH( "CONTINUE DO")) return(type_continue_do) ;

	if ( MATCH( "CASE" ) )      return(type_case) ;
	if ( MATCH( "END_CASE" ) )  return(type_end_case) ;
	if ( MATCH( "END CASE" ) )  return(type_end_case) ;
	if (MATCH("CONTINUE_CASE")) return(type_continue_case) ;
	if (MATCH("CONTINUE CASE")) return(type_continue_case) ;

	if ( MATCH( "BEGIN" ) )     return(type_begin) ;
	if ( MATCH( "AGAIN" ) )     return(type_again) ;
	if ( MATCH( "WHILE" ) )     return(type_while) ;
	if ( MATCH( "UNTIL" ) )     return(type_until) ;
	if ( MATCH( "LEAVE" ) )     return(type_leave) ;
	if ( MATCH( "CONTINUE" ) )  return(type_continue) ;

	if ( MATCH( "UNROLL" ) )    return(type_unroll) ;
				    return(unknown) ;

/* group 3 commands: vector processing */
case 3: {
	if ( MATCH( "[" )	)                      return(type_osqb) ;
	if ( strchrq( string, ']' ) != NULL )	       return(type_csqb) ;
	if ( strchrq( string, '#' ) != NULL ) 	       return(type_vec) ;
						       return(normal) ;

} /* end switch case */

/* Look for unquoted character in string, where ' is the fortran quote char.
 * Returns a pointer to the character, or a NULL pointer if not present.

char	*strchrq( string, c )
char	*string, c ;
int	i, quote=1 ;

for ( i = 0; string[i] != NULL; i++ ) {
	if ( string[i] == '\'' ) {
		quote = -quote ;
		continue ;
	if ( string[i] == c && quote == 1 ) return( &string[i] ) ;

return( NULL ) ;	/* not found */

/* strmatch:  find the first occurrence of string2 in string1, return pointer
 * to the first character of the match.  Returns NULL pointer if no match.
#define NULL	0

char	*strmatch( string1, string2 )
char	*string1, *string2 ;
char	*pntr1, *pntr2 ;

 	for ( pntr1 = string1, pntr2 = string2 ; *pntr1 != NULL; pntr1++ ) {
		if ( *pntr1 == *pntr2 ) {
			pntr2++ ;
			if ( *pntr2 == NULL ) return( pntr1 - strlen(string2) + 1 ) ;
		else pntr2 = string2 ;

	/* failure if control reaches this point */
	return( NULL ) ;

/* function STRTOKP

   Like Strtok, except that the original string is preserved (strtok
   puts null in there to terminate the substrings).  This routine
   uses mallocs to allow storage for the token.  The memory is
   reallocated for each new string.  Use just like strtok:
   Successively returns the tokens in string1, using the delimeters
   defined by string2.  If string1 is NULL (a NULL pointer) the 
   routine returns the next token in the string from the previous call.
   Otherwise the first token is returned.  A NULL pointer is returned
   on failure (no more tokens in the current string).

char *strtokp( string1, string2 )
char	*string1, *string2 ;
static char	*spntr, *tpntr, *token ;
static int	called = NULL ;		/* called=NULL ==> initialize */
int	i ;

/* initialize on first call */
	if ( called == NULL ) {
		called = 1 ;
		GET_MEM( token, strlen(string1) ) ;

/* if string1 is not NULL reset the routine */
	if ( string1 != NULL ) {
		spntr = string1 ;
		if ( NULL == ( token = realloc( token, strlen(string1)+1 )))
			abort("STRTOKP: reallocation error") ;
	if ( *spntr == NULL ) return( NULL ) ;	/* end of original string */

/* skip	initial delimeter characters */
	for (; NULL != strchr( string2, *spntr ); spntr++ ) ;

/* copy characters to token until the next delimeter */
	tpntr = &token[0] ;
	for (; *spntr != NULL; spntr++ ) {
		if ( NULL != strchr( string2, *spntr ) ) break ;
		*tpntr = *spntr ;
		tpntr++ ;
	*tpntr = NULL ;

/* return result to caller */
	if ( token[0] == NULL ) return( NULL ) ;
	return( &token[0] ) ;

/* strupr: convert a string to upper case.

char	*strupr( string )
char	*string ;
int	i ;

	for ( i=0; i<strlen( string ); i++ )
		if ( string[i] > 96 & string[i] < 123 ) string[i] -= 32 ;

	return( string ) ;

/* Tokenize
 * Break out arguments from a string.  Pntr is the argument string
 * and tokens is an array of pointers which will be assigned memory and have
 * the arguments returned.  The function returns the number of arguments
 * found.  Pairwise characters are monitored to ensure that expressions
 * are sexually balanced.  Unused parm pointers are returned NULL.
 * MAX_TOKENS determines the dimension of the array of pointers.
 * Commas are the only delimiters allowed to distinquish tokens.
int	tokenize( pntr, tokens )
char	*pntr, *tokens[] ;
int	square = 0, curl = 0, parens = 0, apost = 1, quote = 1 ;
int	i, j, quit ;
char	*text, *txt ;

/* clear the pointers and make a copy of the string */
for ( i=0; i<MAX_TOKENS; i++ ) tokens[i] = NULL ;
GET_MEM( text, strlen(pntr) ) ;
strcpy( text, pntr ) ;

for ( i=0, j=0, quit=FALSE, txt=text; quit==FALSE; j++ ) {

	switch( text[j] ) {

	case '['  :	square += 1 ;	break ;
	case ']'  :	square -= 1 ;	break ;
	case '{'  :	curl   += 1 ;	break ;
	case '}'  :	curl   -= 1 ;	break ;
	case '('  :	parens += 1 ;	break ;
	case ')'  :	parens -= 1 ;	break ;
	case '\'' :	apost = -apost;	break ;
	case '\"' :	quote = -quote;	break ;
	case NULL :	
			GET_MEM( tokens[i], strlen(txt) ) ;
			strcpy( tokens[i], txt ) ;
			quit = TRUE ;
			break ;
	case ','  :	if (!square && !curl && !parens &&(apost==1)&&(quote==1)){
				text[j] = NULL ;
				GET_MEM( tokens[i], strlen(txt) ) ;
				strcpy( tokens[i], txt ) ;
				i += 1 ;
				txt = &text[j+1] ;

free( text ) ;
return( i+1 ) ;
@//E*O*F misc.c//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r misc.c
echo x - fix.h
sed 's/^@//' > "fix.h" <<'@//E*O*F fix.h//'
: .eq.		==;	file for imbedding a few macros in a fortran program
: .ge.		>=;
: .gt.		>;	to use do:  prep -m -i fix.h <file >output
: .lt.		<;
: .le.		<=;
: .ne.		!=;
: **		^;
: .and.		&;
: .or.		|;
: .not.		!;
: .true.	TRUE;
: .false.	FALSE;

@//E*O*F fix.h//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r fix.h
echo x - macro.h
sed 's/^@//' > "macro.h" <<'@//E*O*F macro.h//'
/* macro related stuff */

#include "prep.h"

#define	MAX_MACROS		1000
#define MAX_CALLS		100	/* if exceeded, assume recursive */

/* macro structure */
struct mac {
	char	*name ;
	char	*text ;
	int	parmcount ;
	int	callcount ;
} macro[MAX_MACROS], *macrop ;

int	defined_macros = 0 ;	/* number of defined macros */

/* function types */
char	*expand_macros(), *mac_expand(), *strmatch() ;
int	define_macro() ;

@//E*O*F macro.h//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r macro.h
echo x - prep.h
sed 's/^@//' > "prep.h" <<'@//E*O*F prep.h//'
#ifdef	MAIN
	Included stuff for main routine of program PREP

#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "prepdf.h"

/* global pointers & storage */
char	*in_buff, *out_buff ;		/* text buffer pointers */
char	*phys_ibuff ;			/* physical input buffer */
char	*phys_obuff ;			/* physical output buffer */
char	*mem_store[STORE_SIZE] ;	/* pointers to malloc areas */
char	*initial_name[NESTING] ;	/* do loop initial values */
char	*limit_name[NESTING] ;		/* do loop limits */
char	*increment_name[NESTING] ;	/* do loop increments */
char	*case_exp[NESTING] ;		/* case expression storage */
char	*exp ;				/* general expression storage pointer */
char	*first_nonblank ;		/* first nb char in in_buff */
char	label[NESTING][6] ;		/* label storage (vector loops) */
char	alabel[NESTING][6] ;		/* again label storage */
char	blabel[NESTING][6] ;		/* begin label storage */
char	clabel[NESTING][6] ;		/* case label storage */
char	dlabel[NESTING][6] ;		/* do/end_do label storage */
char	elabel[NESTING][6] ;		/* leave_do label storage */
char	var_name[NESTING][6] ;		/* do counter names */
char	dataf[DEF_BUFFSIZE] ;		/* data file name */
char	errline[2*DEF_BUFFSIZE] ;	/* error message line */

long	allocation ;          /* current size of in_buff */
int	of_count[NESTING] ;   /* counters for of statements */
int	leave_do_flag[NESTING] ;   /* marks if leave_do in current loop */
int	var_count = 0 ;       /* number of variables used in do loops */
int	label_count = 0 ;     /* label = label_count + 10000 */
int	alabel_count = 0 ;    /* alabel = alabel_count + 15000 */
int	blabel_count = 0 ;    /* blabel = blabel_count + 17500 */
int	clabel_count = 0 ;    /* clabel = clabel_count + 20000 */
int	dlabel_count = 0 ;    /* dlabel = dlabel_count + 12500 */
int	elabel_count = 0 ;    /* elabel = elabel_count + 22500 */
int	do_count = 0 ;        /* nesting counter for do/end_do */
int	begin_count = 0 ;     /* nesting counter for begin ... loops */
int	case_count = 0 ;      /* case nesting level */
int	tab_size = 7 ;        /* size of the tab in blanks */
int	unroll_depth = 0 ;    /* do loop unroll depth, 0 for no unrolling */
int	line_limit = 1000 ;   /* unroll loops if # lines <= line_limit */
int	mem_count = 0 ;       /* mem_store external counter */
int	include_count = 0 ;   /* index of filestack (for includes) */
int	name_length = 0 ;     /* current command name length */
int	vec_flag = FALSE ;    /* TRUE if in vector loop */
int	com_keep = FALSE ;    /* TRUE to keep comments */
int	underline_keep=FALSE; /* TRUE to keep underline characters */
int	macro_only = FALSE ;  /* TRUE to do only macro expansion */

FILE	*in, *out, *filestack[NESTING] ;

/* function declarations */
char	*get_rec(), *mac_proc(), *malloc(), *realloc() ;


/* Header file for the functions of program PREP */

#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "prepdf.h"

/* global pointers & storage */
extern char	*in_buff, *out_buff, *phys_ibuff, *phys_obuff,
		*initial_name[], *limit_name[], *increment_name[],
		*case_exp[], *exp, *first_nonblank,
		alabel[][6], blabel[][6], clabel[][6], dlabel[][6], elabel[][6],
		dataf[], errline[] ;

extern int	var_count, tab_size, unroll_depth, line_limit,
		com_keep, vec_flag, label_count,
		alabel_count, blabel_count, clabel_count,
		dlabel_count, elabel_count,
		case_count, of_count[], do_count, begin_count,
		mem_count, underline_keep, include_count, macro_only,
		name_length, leave_do_flag[] ;

extern long	allocation ;

extern	FILE	*in, *out, *filestack[] ;

/* function type declarations */
char		*mat_del(), *line_end(), *get_rec(), get_a_char(),
		*malloc(), *calloc(), *realloc(), *strtokp(),
		*mac_proc(), *strupr() ;


@//E*O*F prep.h//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r prep.h
echo x - prepdf.h
sed 's/^@//' > "prepdf.h" <<'@//E*O*F prepdf.h//'
/* #define CRAY			1 */

#define BLANK			' '
#define TAB			'\t'
#define TRUE			1
#define FALSE			0
#define	NOT			!
#define	DEF_LINE_LIMIT		1
#define DEF_BUFFSIZE		200
#define PHYS_IBUFF_SIZE		10000
#define PHYS_OBUFF_SIZE		0	/* not used, uses sys output buffer */
#define	STORE_SIZE		1000
#define	NESTING			10
#define	MAX_TOKENS		2*NESTING	/* tokens and macro args */
#define exp			expression	/* used exp as a variable */

#define	IN_BUFF_DONE		in_buff[0] = NULL ;

#define IN_BUFF_FULL		line_end( in_buff ) != NULL

#define	UNROLLING		( ( unroll_depth >  1          ) && \
				  ( mem_count    <= line_limit ) && \
				  ( var_count    >  1          ) )

#define	GET_MEM(S,A)\
if ( NULL == (S = malloc(A+1)) ) {\
	abort( "Memory allocation failed") ; }

#define MATCH(S)	( strncmp( combuff, S, (name_length=strlen(S)) ) == 0 )

#define put_string(s)	fputs( s, out ) ; putc( '\n', out ) ;

/* enumeration of command types, by hand because of svs c enum bug */
#define	type_begin	 0
#define	type_again	 1
#define	type_while	 2
#define	type_until	 3
#define	type_leave	 4
#define	type_case	 5
#define	type_of		 6
#define	type_default	 7
#define	type_end_case	 8
#define	type_do_limits	 9
#define	type_do		 10
#define	type_end_do	 11
#define	type_osqb	 12
#define	type_csqb	 13
#define	type_vec	 14
#define	type_unroll	 15
#define	type_continue	 16
#define	type_leave_do	 17
#define	type_continue_do 18
#define type_continue_case 19
#define	normal		 20
#define type_include     21
#define	unknown		 22 

#ifdef CRAY

/* the cray considers characters to be unsigned */
#undef	EOF
#define EOF	255

/* a few macros to adapt to cray namelength limitations */
#define continue_proc		cont_proc
#define continue_do_proc	cont_do_proc
#define leave_do_proc		le_do_proc
#define include_proc		inc_proc

@//E*O*F prepdf.h//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r prepdf.h
echo x - prepmac.h
sed 's/^@//' > "prepmac.h" <<'@//E*O*F prepmac.h//'
c Some standard macros for prep.

c logical stuff
: ==	.eq. ;
: >=	.ge. ;
: >	.gt. ;
: <	.lt. ;
: <=	.le. ;
: !=	.ne. ;
: <>	.ne. ;
: !	.not. ;
: |	.or. ;
: &	.and. ;
: TRUE	.true. ;
: FALSE	.false. ;
: ^	** ;

c flow control redefinitions
: enddo		end_do ;
: ->begin	continue ;
: ->case	continue_case ;
: ->do		continue_do ;
@//E*O*F prepmac.h//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r prepmac.h
echo x - string.h
sed 's/^@//' > "string.h" <<'@//E*O*F string.h//'
/*	@(#)strings.h 1.1 85/12/18 SMI; from UCB 4.1 83/05/26	*/

 * External function definitions
 * for routines described in string(3).
char	*strcat();
char	*strncat();
int	strcmp();
int	strncmp();
char	*strcpy();
char	*strncpy();
int	strlen();
char	*index();
char	*rindex();
char	*strchr();
int	strspn();
int	strcspn();
@//E*O*F string.h//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r string.h
echo x - vecdem.h
sed 's/^@//' > "vecdem.h" <<'@//E*O*F vecdem.h//'
c macros defs for vec demo

#include "prepmac.h"

: XLIM		81 ;		hard dimensions of arrays are from 0 --> ?lim
: YLIM		81 ;

: SCRNX		320 ;		geodesic drawing screen dimensions
: SCRNY		200 ;
: PHOTONS	64 ;		number of photons

: SMALL		1.e-20 ;
: BIG		1.e+20 ;

: include(x)	use x ;		cray specific file include
: PERIODIC(x)	call periodic( mx, my, x ) ;

c default do limits
do_limits = [ (XLIM-1), (YLIM-1) ]
@//E*O*F vecdem.h//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r vecdem.h
echo x - demo.p
sed 's/^@//' > "demo.p" <<'@//E*O*F demo.p//'
c Demo code segment to illustrate some PREP facilities.  This is
c just a preprocessor demo and will not compile without adding
c a lot of variable declarations.

#include "prepmac.h"

c flag to call alternate window filler if window size = array size
: PIXIE_FLAG	(((xpix1-xpix0+1) == nrows) & ((ypix1-ypix0+1) == ncols))) ;

      include 'tencomn'

c open the input data file and initialize the device
      call init

c skip over skip0 data sets
      call skipdat( skip0 )
      if (eoflag) call exodus

c enter the menu
      call menu

c read data tables from the input file and plot until empty
c clear the record numbers
         do j = 1, 10
            record( j ) = 0

         do j = 1, 10

            icount = j
            call getdat
            record( icount ) = first_record
            leave_do (eoflag)

c on first dataset of a group reset background
            if ( icount .eq. 1 ) then
               call vsbcol(dev, backcol)
               call vclrwk(dev)
            end if

c weed the data to make it fit in the window
            call compact

c clear a window and label it
            call windower

c Plot the data table , 1st arg is absolute first dim of buffer
            if ( PIXIE_FLAG ) then
               call pixie( HARD_X_DIM, nrows, ncols,
     *                     xpix0, PHYS_HEIGHT - 1 - ypix1,
     *                     buffer )
               call winfill( HARD_X_DIM, nrows, ncols,
     *                       xpix0, xpix1,
     *                       PHYS_HEIGHT - 1 - ypix1,
     *                       PHYS_HEIGHT - 1 - ypix0,
     *                       buffer )
            end if

c see if the user is tired and wants to quit
            status = vsmstr( dev, ten, zero, echoxy, dummy)
            if ( status .gt. 0 ) then
               case [ upper( dummy(1:1) ) ]
                  of ( 'Q' )   call exodus
                  of ( 'R' )   leave_do
                  of ( 'B' )   leave_do
            end if


c skip over skip data sets
         call skipdat( skip )

c Delay and wait for keystroke.  Quit on Q,q; continue on cr; enlarge
c on keys 1,2,3,...9,0 (0 --> 10); make a dump file on D, d.
c If in movie mode, skip this input section, make a dump, and continue
         if ( movie_mode ) then
            if (eoflag) call exodus
            call dump

c stay in this loop if end of file has been reached.

               case ( last_key )
               last_key = key(dev)

                  of ( 'D' )   call dump
                  of ( 'Q' )   call exodus
                  of ( 'R' )   call restart
                  of ( 'B' )   call pop( recn )
                               recn = max0( recn, 1 )
                               eoflag = .false.
                  default      call push( max0( record(1), 1 ) )

                               call enlarger

            while ( eoflag )

         end if


c Restore the video mode and turn off the device
      call exodus
@//E*O*F demo.p//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r demo.p
echo x - sieve.p
sed 's/^@//' > "sieve.p" <<'@//E*O*F sieve.p//'
c sieve benchmark in fortran

#include "prepmac.h"
: S		8190 ;
: WHILE(l)	begin
		while (l) ;

do limits [ (0, S) ]

	integer f(S+1), i, p, k, c, n

	do n = 1, 10
	   c = 0
	   f(#) = 1
[	   if ( f(#) != 0 ) then
	      p = # + # + 3
	      k = # + p
	      WHILE ( k <= S )
	         f(k) = 0
	         k = k + p
	      c = c + 1
	   end if

	write(*,*) c, ' primes'

@//E*O*F sieve.p//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r sieve.p
echo x - vecdem.p
sed 's/^@//' > "vecdem.p" <<'@//E*O*F vecdem.p//'
c Demo to demonstrate some PREP facilities.  This program is a demo
c only and will not compile without a lot of variable definitions.

#include "vecdem.h"

        subroutine w_accel_l(psi, lin_fac, source, omega)
        include "ellipdim"

        if (w_bypass) return
        w_error = FALSE

c Set up the basis consisting of past iterates
[	basis(#,#,1) = psi(#,#)
	basis(#,#,2) = psi(#,#) - psi_alt(#,#,1)
	basis(#,#,3) = psi(#,#) - 2*psi_alt(#,#,1) + psi_alt(#,#,2)
	basis(#,#,4) = 1      ]
	PERIODIC( basis1 )
	PERIODIC( basis2 )
	PERIODIC( basis3 )
	PERIODIC( basis4 )

c Calculate the matrix and the source vector
        do i = 1, w_dim
	ii = i
	do j = i, w_dim
	jj = j
           call make_mat_l(psi, lin_fac, source, omega, i, j)

	do i = 1, w_dim
           w_source(i) = 0
           w_source(i) = source(#,#)*basis(#,#,i) + w_source(i)

c invert the symmetric matrix
        call linsys(w_matrix, w_dim, w_dim, w_source, w_coeff, ising, lfirst,
     *              lprint, work)
        if (ising == 1) then
           write(*,*) ' WARNING:  W_matrix is singular '
           w_error = TRUE

c calculate the improved solution
        psi(#,#) = 0
        do i = 1, w_dim
           psi(#,#) = psi(#,#) + w_coeff(i)*basis(#,#,i)

c output section for error checking
        do i = 1, w_dim
           write(*,100) i, .5*w_matrix(i,i) - w_source(i),
     *                  i, w_coeff(i)

	do_limits = { w_dim }
        action = 0
        do i = 1, w_dim
           action = action + w_matrix(i,#)*w_coeff(i)*w_coeff(#)
        action = action/2
        action = action - w_source(#)*w_coeff(#)
        write(*,*) ' new action = ',action


100     format(' action(',i1')= ',g16.9,'    w_coeff(',i1,')= ', g16.9)

@//E*O*F vecdem.p//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r vecdem.p
echo x - vecdemo.p
sed 's/^@//' > "vecdemo.p" <<'@//E*O*F vecdemo.p//'

c                                                                      *
c                    subroutine W_ACCEL_LIN                            *
c                                                                      *
c Do the Wachspress accelleration.                                     *
c   The solution is expressed as a linear combination of the previous  *
c iterate and the lowest order fourier modes and the coefficients      *
c are found so as to minimize the error.                               *
c                                                                      *
c P.R.OVE  7/6/85                                                      *

        subroutine w_accel_l(psi, lin_fac, source, omega)
        use ellipdim
        do_limits = { mx, my }

        if (w_bypass) return
        w_error = FALSE

c Set up the basis consisting of past iterates                        *
[	basis(#,#,1) = psi(#,#)
	basis(#,#,2) = psi(#,#) - psi_alt(#,#,1)
	basis(#,#,3) = psi(#,#) - 2*psi_alt(#,#,1) + psi_alt(#,#,2)
	basis(#,#,4) = 1      ]
	call periodic( mx, my, basis1 )
	call periodic( mx, my, basis2 )
	call periodic( mx, my, basis3 )
	call periodic( mx, my, basis4 )

c Calculate the Wachspress matrix and the source vector               *
        do i = 1, w_dim
	ii = i
	do j = i, w_dim
	   jj = j
           call make_mat_l(psi, lin_fac, source, omega, i, j)

	do i = 1, w_dim
           w_source(i) = 0
           w_source(i) = source(#,#)*basis(#,#,i) + w_source(i)

c invert the symmetric matrix and improve the solution psi.           *
        call linsys(w_matrix, w_dim, w_dim, w_source, w_coeff,
     *              ising, lfirst, lprint, work)
        if (ising == 1) then
c          write(*,*) ' WARNING:  W_matrix is singular '
           w_error = TRUE
           goto 99

c calculate the improved solution
        psi(#,#) = 0
        do i = 1, w_dim
           psi(#,#) = psi(#,#) + w_coeff(i)*basis(#,#,i)

c output section for error checking  (optional)                       *
	go to 99
        do i = 1, w_dim
           write(*,100) i, .5*w_matrix(i,i) - w_source(i),
     *                  i, w_coeff(i)
100        format(' action(',i1')= ',g16.9,'    w_coeff(',i1,')= ',
     *               g16.9)

	do_limits = { w_dim }
        action = 0
        do i = 1, w_dim
           action = action + w_matrix(i,#)*w_coeff(i)*w_coeff(#)
        action = action/2
        action = action - w_source(#)*w_coeff(#)
        write(*,*) ' new action = ',action

99      return
@//E*O*F vecdemo.p//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r vecdemo.p
echo Inspecting for damage in transit...
temp=/tmp/shar$$; dtemp=/tmp/.shar$$
trap "rm -f $temp $dtemp; exit" 0 1 2 3 15
cat > $temp <<\!!!
     750    2967   17527 flow.c
     807    3353   18498 misc.c
      13      55     243 fix.h
      23      65     414 macro.h
      97     566    3740 prep.h
      74     268    1826 prepdf.h
      22      81     326 prepmac.h
      18      46     326 string.h
      19      80     408 vecdem.h
     113     441    3190 demo.p
      30      91     402 sieve.p
      71     241    1870 vecdem.p
      87     316    3336 vecdemo.p
    2124    8570   52106 total
wc  flow.c misc.c fix.h macro.h prep.h prepdf.h prepmac.h string.h vecdem.h demo.p sieve.p vecdem.p vecdemo.p | sed 's=[^ ]*/==' | diff -b $temp - >$dtemp
if [ -s $dtemp ]
then echo "Ouch [diff of wc output]:" ; cat $dtemp
else echo "No problems found."
exit 0