[net.sources] finding name collisions in PATH

fouts@orville (Marty Fouts) (01/22/87)

Below is a quick and dirty program which finds all executables which occur
more than once in directories in the PATH variable and prints the results.
This version is only good on systems which have the DIR(3) routines.

----    Cut here and pass through bin/sh    ----

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create:
#	makefile
#	findpaths.c
# This archive created: Wed Jan 21 15:20:07 1987
export PATH; PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
if test -f 'README'
	echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'README'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'README'
Findpaths is a simple program which finds all executables which show up
more than once in directories referenced by PATH.  It works on BSD
systems, but requires the DIR(3) library to work on other systems.
if test -f 'makefile'
	echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'makefile'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'makefile'
findpaths:	findpaths.c
		cc -o findpaths findpaths.c
if test -f 'findpaths.c'
	echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'findpaths.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'findpaths.c'
 * Find all executable files of the same name which
 * are in directories reference by the PATH variable:
 * It is assumed that there are only a few executable files.
 * Findpaths could be sped up by changing the linear searches
 * through the data structures.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/dir.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <strings.h>

#define NDIRS 100		/* maximum # of directories in PATH  */
#define VOID void
#define FESIZE (sizeof (struct file_entry))
#define DESIZE (sizeof (struct dir_entry))

char *getenv();
VOID exit();
DIR *opendir();
struct direct * readdir();
char *strcat();
char *strcpy();
char *malloc();

struct dir_entry {
    char * where;		/* Pointer to directory name */
    struct dir_entry *next;	/* Pointer to other entries */

struct file_entry {
    struct file_entry *before;	/* Who comes before me */
    struct file_entry *after;	/* Who comes after me */
    char * name;		/* Who I am */
    struct dir_entry *firstdir;	/* Where I am */
} *file_table = NULL;

struct file_entry *last_entry = NULL;

 * addentry adds an entry to the file table for the given file
 * pointing to the given directory.
 * A new file will cause an entry to be added to the file table
 * If a file is in the file table then the directory will be
 * added to the list of directories.
 * The file table is maintained in sorted order.
 * Since the directories are searched in PATH order, the first
 * directory entry is the one which will be found by execp

void addentry(dir,file)
char *dir;
char *file;
    struct file_entry *ftp;	/* Search the table */
    struct file_entry *newftp;	/* Used for insertions */
    int cmpval;			/* value returned by strcmp */
    if (file_table == NULL) {	/* First call to addentry */
        file_table = (struct file_entry *)malloc(FESIZE);
	file_table->before = NULL;
	file_table->after = NULL;
	file_table->name = malloc(strlen(file)+1);
	file_table->firstdir = (struct dir_entry *) malloc(DESIZE);
	file_table->firstdir->where = dir;
	file_table->firstdir->next = NULL;
	last_entry = file_table;
      } else {			/* Search the table for this file */
	for (ftp = file_table; ftp != NULL; ftp = ftp->after) {
	    cmpval = strcmp(ftp->name,file);
	    if (cmpval > 0) {	/* Have passed file, so not in table */
	        newftp = (struct file_entry *) malloc(FESIZE);
		newftp->before = ftp->before;
		newftp->after = ftp;
		if (ftp == file_table) {
		    file_table = newftp;
		} else {
		    (newftp->before)->after = newftp;
		ftp->before = newftp;
		newftp->name = malloc(strlen(file)+1);
		newftp->firstdir = (struct dir_entry *) malloc(DESIZE);
		newftp->firstdir->where = dir;
		newftp->firstdir->next = NULL;
	    if (cmpval == 0) {	/* Found a match, update the directory */
	        struct dir_entry *dp = ftp->firstdir;
		while (dp->next != NULL) dp = dp->next;
		dp->next = (struct dir_entry *) malloc(DESIZE);
		dp->next->where = dir;
		dp->next->next = NULL;
	/* Fell off the end, so need a new entry */
	newftp = (struct file_entry *) malloc(FESIZE);
	newftp->before = last_entry;
	last_entry->after = newftp;
	last_entry = newftp;
	newftp->after = NULL;
	newftp->name = malloc(sizeof(file)+1);
	newftp->firstdir = (struct dir_entry *) malloc(DESIZE);
	newftp->firstdir->where = dir;
	newftp->firstdir->next = NULL;

#define S_GEXEC (S_IEXEC >> 3)		/* Group execute bit */
#define S_WEXEC (S_IEXEC >> 6)		/* World exeucte bit */

 * CanExec checks to see if the file can be executed by a user
 * with the given uid or gid
int CanExec(uid,gid,filestat)
int uid;
int gid;
struct stat *filestat;
    if ((filestat->st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFREG)
        return(0);		/* Only regular files are executable */
    if (uid == 0) return(1);	/* Root can execute anything */
    if ((uid == filestat->st_uid)   /* If I'm owner and owner can execute */
        && ((filestat->st_mode & S_IEXEC) == S_IEXEC)) return(1);
    if ((gid == filestat->st_gid)   /* If I'm in group and group can */
	&& ((filestat->st_mode & S_GEXEC) == S_GEXEC)) return(1);
    if ((filestat->st_mode & S_WEXEC) == S_WEXEC) return(1); /* If world can */
    return(0);			/* you lose */

int argc;
char *argv[];
    char filename[MAXNAMLEN];	/* path to file to examine */
    char *p;			/* pointer into path for directory checking */
    char *path;			/* pointer to PATH environment value */
    char *dirs[NDIRS];		/* array of pointers to individual paths */
    int i;			/* Good ole i */
    int myuid;			/* real uid of invoker */
    int mygid;			/* real gid of invoker */
    int ndirs;			/* number of directory entries + 1 */
    int verbose = 0;		/* True to print progress (-v option) */
    int printdir = 0;		/* True to print directories (-d option) */
    DIR *thisdir;		/* Current checkout directory */
    struct direct *entry;	/* File to examine */
    struct stat mystat;		/* stat for the file being examined */
    struct file_entry *ftp;	/* Index through filetable */

 * Crack the arguments
    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
      if (argv[i][0] != '-') goto usage;
      for (p = &argv[i][1]; *p != '\0'; p++) {
	switch (*p) {
	case 'v': verbose++; break;
	case 'd': printdir++; break;
	default: goto usage;

 * Get information about the user for later reference

    myuid = getuid();
    mygid = getgid();

    if ((path = getenv("PATH")) == NULL) {
	(void) fprintf(stderr,"No PATH environment variable.\n");

 * Convert the path variable into a collection of strings, with
 * one string per path directory

    p = path;
    i = 0;
    dirs[i++]  = p;
    while (*p != '\0') {	/* look at each character in path */
	if (*p == ':') {	/* If it's a colon then */
	    *p++ = '\0';	/* make in a null */
	    dirs[i++] = p;	/* and set the next entry to point past it */
	    if (i >= NDIRS) {	/* check for overflow */
	        (void) fprintf(stderr,"More than %d directories.\n", i);
	} else {		/* Not a colon, so just skip */

 * Go through the directories and find the executable files

    ndirs = i;
    for (i = 0; i < ndirs; i++) {
      if (verbose)
	(void) fprintf(stdout,"processing %s\n", dirs[i]);
	if ((thisdir = opendir(dirs[i])) == NULL) {
	    (void) fprintf(stderr,"Directory %s:  ", dirs[i]);
	    perror("Can't open");
	} else {
	    for (entry = readdir(thisdir); entry != NULL;
	    	 entry = readdir(thisdir)) {
		(void) strcpy(filename,dirs[i]);
		(void) strcat(filename,"/");
		(void) strcat(filename,entry->d_name);
		if (stat(filename,&mystat) < 0) {
		    (void) fprintf(stderr,"%s:  ", filename);
		    perror("Can't stat");
		} else {
		    if (CanExec(myuid,mygid,&mystat)) {

 * Now look through the table and find entries with duplicates

    for (ftp = file_table; ftp != NULL; ftp = ftp->after) {
	if (ftp->firstdir->next != NULL) {
	    struct dir_entry * dp;
	    (void) fprintf(stdout,"%s:\n", ftp->name);
	    if (printdir)
	      for (dp = ftp->firstdir; dp != NULL; dp = dp->next) {
		(void) fprintf(stdout,"    %s\n", dp->where);

    (void) fprintf(stderr,"Usage:  %s [-v] [-d]", argv[0]);
exit 0
#	End of shell archive

----    Cut Here    ----
