eklhad@ihuxv.UUCP (02/11/87)
< line eater > talkcon.sys: configuration for the talking device driver key/function assignments the possible functions are as follows: 1: read one line at a time 2: clear the buffer 3: retain control characters 4: transparent mode 5: pass next character through 6: read the next character 7: read the previous character 8: read the current character 9: start of buffer 10: end of buffer 11: read the current line 12: read the previous line 13: read the next line 14: read the line after next 15: current column number 16: upper or lower case 17: read the next word 18: read the current word 19: read the previous word 20: up one row 21: down one row 22: read the last cohmplete line 23: announce the function of the next key entered 24: read the current character as a word key assignments begin here consistent with the associated documentation ^A = 0 ^B = 22 ^C = 21 ^D = 8 ^E = 20 ^F = 6 ^G = 0 ^H = 0 ^I = 0 ^J = 19 ^K = 18 ^L = 17 ^M = 0 ^N = 14 ^O = 11 ^P = 23 ^Q = 5 ^R = 16 ^S = 7 ^T = 24 ^U = 0 ^V = 10 ^W = 15 ^X = 0 ^Y = 0 ^Z = 0 F1 = 9 F2 = 12 F3 = 10 F4 = 11 F5 = 22 F6 = 13 F7 = 2 F8 = 14 F9 = 3 F10 = 1 reserve #0 for transparent mode #1 = 7 #2 = 8 #3 = 6 #4 = 20 cannot assign #5 #6 = 21 #7 = 19 #8 = 18 #9 = 17 pronounciations for the punctuation marks + plus - mighnus * star / slash ( of ) right [ sub ] right b { left brace } rite brace . dot ? quess = eequals < less than > grater , comma & and ' single ! bang " quoat # pound $ dollar % percent ; semmy : colen @ at _ dash | pipe \ back ~ not ` back quoat deleet ^ airow reserved words in programming languages goto go too break braik typedef type def static stattic union unien sizeof size of register rehjister define defign char cair Unix commands and functions echo ekoe read reed fprintf f printf cpio c p i o uucp uu c p acronyms cpu c p u ok o k lsi l s i vlsi v l s i computer science terms circuit serkit hardware hardwhere software softwhere readonly reed only compute compeut character karecter routine rooteen library lighbrary tty t t y error airerr require requighr requirement requighrment filename file name sourcefile source file delete deleet cycle sighkal linefeed line feed statement state ment queue kew device devighse other common words you u business bizniss zero 0 two 2 company compinie answer anser active activ minute minnit final fighnal event eivent nuclear nooclier weapon wepon theory thearry window winndow definition deffinition -- You know ... if it ain't patina, it's verdigris. Karl Dahlke ihnp4!ihnet!eklhad