[net.sources] Updates to SPS to Sun Release 2.0 to 3.0, Ultrix1.2 and 4.3BSD

robert@hslrswi.UUCP (02/12/87)

[ I originally posted this to mod.sources in December. Since then I have
  received neither reply nor any statement saying it will or will not be
  posted.  Because I think this program is of general interest -- and
  because of lack of response from mod.sources -- I am now posting it to
  Perhaps now it will actually get out on to the net. ]

Hello Net,

I have made a few fixes to the source of SPS since it was last posted
to mod.sources (Vol.3. Issues 55 and 56).  The advantages of the new
version include :

1. The new SPS has been tested and is believed to work on Vaxen running
4.2BSD, 4.3BSD and Ultrix1.2 as well as Suns running Release 2.0, 2.2
and 3.0. (I don't know about later Sun releases but I know no reason
why it should not work on these).

2. SPS now checks that the info file `/etc/spsinfo' is newer than both
`/vmunix' and `/etc/passwd'. It gives an appropriate warning message if
such is not the case.

3. Devices specific to the VAX are now "#ifdef'ed" out on the Sun version.

4. SPS now handles negative uid's properly on those systems that still
have them.

5. The Makefiles have been updated to install SPS so that it runs setgid
to `kmem', in accordance with other programs that read from `/dev/kmem'.

6. Additional code has been put in so that SPS now distinguishes when a
process is hung in the connect(2) or accept(2) system calls.  It now
prints "connct" or "accept" respectively, as opposed to just printing
"socket" as the old version did.

7. Additional code has been put in so that SPS running on 4.3BSD
systems now distinguishes more accurately when a process is hung
waiting to read from an empty socket connection or from an empty pipe
(which is, of course, masquerading as a socket). Running the old 4.2BSD
code does not distinguish correctly between the two cases on 4.3BSD.

The changes come in two parts: a new file called `Makefile.4.3' and
a set of patches to apply to the old sources. Cut out `Makefile.4.3'
from this article and then invoke patch to apply the context diffs
to the old sources. Finally, remake SPS as before.

Here, then, is the file `Makefile.4.3' ...

----------------------------- C U T   H E R E --------------------------------
# Makefile for SPS (Vax 4.3BSD Version)

PROG    =       sps
OBJS    =       filecount.o findtty.o flagdecode.o flagsetup.o \
		getcmd.o getupage.o globals1.o globals2.o hashuid.o \
		initialise.o initsymbols.o inittty.o main.o mktree.o \
		needed.o openfiles.o percentmem.o prcmd.o prcpu.o \
		prheader.o printall.o printproc.o prsummary.o readstatus.o \
		selectproc.o selecttty.o termwidth.o ttystatus.o waitingfor.o
INCS    =       sps.h
CC      =       cc
CFLAGS  =       -DBSD42 -DBSD43 -I/sys
LIBS    =       -ltermlib

all:		    $(PROG)
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -O -R $<
globals1.o waitingfor.o:
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -O $<

$(OBJS):		$(INCS)

$(PROG):		$(OBJS)
		$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS)

install:		$(PROG)
		strip $(PROG)
		/etc/chown root $(DIRINSTALL)/$(PROG)
		chgrp kmem $(DIRINSTALL)/$(PROG)
		chmod 2755 $(DIRINSTALL)/$(PROG)

		lint -x -b $(CFLAGS) *.c
		rm -f $(OBJS) $(PROG)
----------------------------- C U T   H E R E --------------------------------

And here are the patches to apply to the existing files ...

----------------------------- C U T   H E R E --------------------------------
diff -b -c sps/Makefile.4.2 sps.old/Makefile.4.2
*** sps/Makefile.4.2	Fri Dec  5 09:22:35 1986
--- sps.old/Makefile.4.2	Wed Dec 17 13:57:20 1986
*** 1,4 ****
! # Makefile for SPS (Vax 4.2BSD and Ultrix1.2 UNIX Version)
  PROG    =       sps
  OBJS    =       filecount.o findtty.o flagdecode.o flagsetup.o \
--- 1,4 ----
! # Makefile for SPS (4.2BSD UNIX Version)
  PROG    =       sps
  OBJS    =       filecount.o findtty.o flagdecode.o flagsetup.o \
*** 11,17 ****
  CC      =       cc
  CFLAGS  =       -DBSD42 -I/sys
  LIBS    =       -ltermlib
  all:		    $(PROG)
--- 11,16 ----
*** 27,36 ****
  install:		$(PROG)
  		strip $(PROG)
! 		mv $(PROG) $(DIRINSTALL)/$(PROG)
! 		/etc/chown root $(DIRINSTALL)/$(PROG)
! 		chgrp kmem $(DIRINSTALL)/$(PROG)
! 		chmod 2755 $(DIRINSTALL)/$(PROG)
  		lint -x -b $(CFLAGS) *.c
--- 26,33 ----
  install:		$(PROG)
  		strip $(PROG)
! 		mv $(PROG) /bin/$(PROG)
! 		/etc/chown root /bin/$(PROG)
  		lint -x -b $(CFLAGS) *.c
Only in sps: Makefile.4.3
diff -b -c sps/Makefile.sun sps.old/Makefile.sun
*** sps/Makefile.sun	Tue Nov 25 11:34:08 1986
--- sps.old/Makefile.sun	Wed Dec 17 13:57:25 1986
*** 1,4 ****
! # Makefile for SPS (Sun-2 and Sun-3, 4.2BSD UNIX Version)
  PROG    =       sps
  OBJS    =       filecount.o findtty.o flagdecode.o flagsetup.o \
--- 1,4 ----
! # Makefile for SPS (Sun 4.2BSD UNIX Version)
  PROG    =       sps
  OBJS    =       filecount.o findtty.o flagdecode.o flagsetup.o \
*** 11,17 ****
  CC      =       cc
  CFLAGS  =       -DSUN -DBSD42 -I/sys
  LIBS    =       -ltermlib
  all:		    $(PROG)
--- 11,16 ----
*** 27,36 ****
  install:		$(PROG)
  		strip $(PROG)
! 		mv $(PROG) $(DIRINSTALL)/$(PROG)
! 		/etc/chown root $(DIRINSTALL)/$(PROG)
! 		chgrp kmem $(DIRINSTALL)/$(PROG)
! 		chmod 2755 $(DIRINSTALL)/$(PROG)
  		lint -x -b $(CFLAGS) *.c
--- 26,33 ----
  install:		$(PROG)
  		strip $(PROG)
! 		mv $(PROG) /bin/$(PROG)
! 		/etc/chown root /bin/$(PROG)
  		lint -x -b $(CFLAGS) *.c
diff -b -c sps/findtty.c sps.old/findtty.c
*** sps/findtty.c	Tue Nov 25 11:34:10 1986
--- sps.old/findtty.c	Wed Dec 17 13:57:30 1986
*** 1,5 ****
  # include       "sps.h"
- # include       <h/ioctl.h>
  # include       <h/tty.h>
  /* FINDTTY - Attempts to determine to which tty a process is connected */
--- 1,4 ----
diff -b -c sps/flagsetup.c sps.old/flagsetup.c
*** sps/flagsetup.c	Tue Nov 25 11:34:12 1986
--- sps.old/flagsetup.c	Wed Dec 17 13:57:49 1986
*** 1,6 ****
  # include       "sps.h"
  # include       "flags.h"
- # include       <h/ioctl.h>
  # include       <h/tty.h>
--- 1,5 ----
diff -b -c sps/globals2.c sps.old/globals2.c
*** sps/globals2.c	Tue Nov 25 11:34:15 1986
--- sps.old/globals2.c	Wed Dec 17 13:58:26 1986
*** 40,67 ****
  	{ "_usrpt",     0,  (caddr_t*)&Info.i_usrpt,    (char*)0        },
  	{ "_cdevsw",    0,  (caddr_t*)&Info.i_cdevsw,   (char*)0        },
  # ifdef BSD42
- # ifndef SUN
  	{ "_quota",     1,  (caddr_t*)&Info.i_quota0,   (char*)0        },
  	{ "_nquota",    1,  (caddr_t*)&Info.i_nquota,   (char*)0        },
- # endif SUN
  	{ "_dmmin",     1,  (caddr_t*)&Info.i_dmmin,    (char*)0        },
  	{ "_dmmax",     1,  (caddr_t*)&Info.i_dmmax,    (char*)0        },
  	{ "_mbutl",     0,  (caddr_t*)&Info.i_mbutl,    (char*)0        },
  # else
  	{ "_hz",        1,  (caddr_t*)&Info.i_hz,       (char*)0        },
! # endif BSD42
  # ifdef CHAOS
  	{ "_Chconntab", 0,  &Info.i_Chconntab,          (char*)0        },
! # endif CHAOS
  	/* Kernel addresses associated with process wait states.
  	   It is not important if some of these addresses are unresolved
  	   at initialisation. */
- # ifndef SUN
  	{ "_fltab",     0,  &Info.i_waitstate[0],       "floppy"        },
  	{ "_tu",        0,  &Info.i_waitstate[1],       "tu58"          },
- 	{ "_lp_softc",  0,  &Info.i_waitstate[3],       "printr"        },
- # endif SUN
  	{ "_bfreelist", 0,  &Info.i_waitstate[2],       "buffer"        },
  	{ "_lbolt",     0,  &Info.i_waitstate[4],       "lbolt"         },
  	{ "_runin",     0,  &Info.i_waitstate[5],       "runin"         },
  	{ "_runout",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[6],       "runout"        },
--- 40,63 ----
  	{ "_usrpt",     0,  (caddr_t*)&Info.i_usrpt,    (char*)0        },
  	{ "_cdevsw",    0,  (caddr_t*)&Info.i_cdevsw,   (char*)0        },
  # ifdef BSD42
  	{ "_quota",     1,  (caddr_t*)&Info.i_quota0,   (char*)0        },
  	{ "_nquota",    1,  (caddr_t*)&Info.i_nquota,   (char*)0        },
  	{ "_dmmin",     1,  (caddr_t*)&Info.i_dmmin,    (char*)0        },
  	{ "_dmmax",     1,  (caddr_t*)&Info.i_dmmax,    (char*)0        },
  	{ "_mbutl",     0,  (caddr_t*)&Info.i_mbutl,    (char*)0        },
  # else
  	{ "_hz",        1,  (caddr_t*)&Info.i_hz,       (char*)0        },
! # endif
  # ifdef CHAOS
  	{ "_Chconntab", 0,  &Info.i_Chconntab,          (char*)0        },
! # endif
  	/* Kernel addresses associated with process wait states.
  	   It is not important if some of these addresses are unresolved
  	   at initialisation. */
  	{ "_fltab",     0,  &Info.i_waitstate[0],       "floppy"        },
  	{ "_tu",        0,  &Info.i_waitstate[1],       "tu58"          },
  	{ "_bfreelist", 0,  &Info.i_waitstate[2],       "buffer"        },
+ 	{ "_lp_softc",  0,  &Info.i_waitstate[3],       "printr"        },
  	{ "_lbolt",     0,  &Info.i_waitstate[4],       "lbolt"         },
  	{ "_runin",     0,  &Info.i_waitstate[5],       "runin"         },
  	{ "_runout",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[6],       "runout"        },
*** 70,106 ****
  	{ "_freemem",   0,  &Info.i_waitstate[9],       "freemm"        },
  	{ "_kernelmap", 0,  &Info.i_waitstate[10],      "kermap"        },
  	{ "_cwaiting",  0,  &Info.i_waitstate[11],      "cwait"         },
  # ifdef BSD42
! 	{ "_selwait",   0,  &Info.i_waitstate[12],      "select"        },
! # endif BSD42
  # ifdef CHAOS
! 	{ "_Chrfclist", 0,  &Info.i_waitstate[13],      "chrfc"         },
  # endif
! # ifndef SUN
! 	{ "_rhpbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[14],      "rhpbuf"        },
! 	{ "_rhtbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[15],      "rhtbuf"        },
! 	{ "_ridcbuf",   0,  &Info.i_waitstate[16],      "ridcbf"        },
! 	{ "_rikbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[17],      "rikbuf"        },
! 	{ "_rmtbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[18],      "rmtbuf"        },
! 	{ "_rrkbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[19],      "rrkbuf"        },
! 	{ "_rrlbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[20],      "rrlbuf"        },
! 	{ "_rrxbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[21],      "rrxbuf"        },
! 	{ "_rswbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[22],      "rswbuf"        },
! 	{ "_rtmbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[23],      "rtmbuf"        },
! 	{ "_rtsbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[24],      "rtsbuf"        },
! 	{ "_rudbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[25],      "rudbuf"        },
! 	{ "_rupbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[26],      "rupbuf"        },
! 	{ "_rutbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[27],      "rutbuf"        },
! 	{ "_rvabuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[28],      "rvabuf"        },
! 	{ "_rvpbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[29],      "rvpbuf"        },
! 	{ "_chtbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[30],      "chtbuf"        },
! 	{ "_cmtbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[31],      "cmtbuf"        },
! 	{ "_ctmbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[32],      "ctmbuf"        },
! 	{ "_ctsbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[33],      "ctsbuf"        },
! 	{ "_cutbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[34],      "cutbuf"        },
! # else
! 	{ "_async_bufhead", 0,  &Info.i_waitstate[14],  "async"		},
! 	{ "_desktops",	0,  &Info.i_waitstate[15],	"dtops"		},
! # endif SUN
  	{ (char*)0,     0,  (caddr_t*)0,                (char*)0        }
  } ;
--- 66,100 ----
  	{ "_freemem",   0,  &Info.i_waitstate[9],       "freemm"        },
  	{ "_kernelmap", 0,  &Info.i_waitstate[10],      "kermap"        },
  	{ "_cwaiting",  0,  &Info.i_waitstate[11],      "cwait"         },
+ 	{ "_rhpbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[12],      "rhpbuf"        },
+ 	{ "_rhtbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[13],      "rhtbuf"        },
+ 	{ "_ridcbuf",   0,  &Info.i_waitstate[14],      "ridcbf"        },
+ 	{ "_rikbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[15],      "rikbuf"        },
+ 	{ "_rmtbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[16],      "rmtbuf"        },
+ 	{ "_rrkbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[17],      "rrkbuf"        },
+ 	{ "_rrlbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[18],      "rrlbuf"        },
+ 	{ "_rrxbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[19],      "rrxbuf"        },
+ 	{ "_rswbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[20],      "rswbuf"        },
+ 	{ "_rtmbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[21],      "rtmbuf"        },
+ 	{ "_rtsbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[22],      "rtsbuf"        },
+ 	{ "_rudbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[23],      "rudbuf"        },
+ 	{ "_rupbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[24],      "rupbuf"        },
+ 	{ "_rutbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[25],      "rutbuf"        },
+ 	{ "_rvabuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[26],      "rvabuf"        },
+ 	{ "_rvpbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[27],      "rvpbuf"        },
+ 	{ "_chtbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[28],      "chtbuf"        },
+ 	{ "_cmtbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[29],      "cmtbuf"        },
+ 	{ "_ctmbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[30],      "ctmbuf"        },
+ 	{ "_ctsbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[31],      "ctsbuf"        },
+ 	{ "_cutbuf",    0,  &Info.i_waitstate[32],      "cutbuf"        },
  # ifdef BSD42
! 	{ "_selwait",   0,  &Info.i_waitstate[33],      "select"        },
! # endif
  # ifdef CHAOS
! 	{ "_Chrfclist", 0,  &Info.i_waitstate[34],      "chrfc"         },
  # endif
! # ifdef SUN
! 	{ "_async_bufhead", 0,  &Info.i_waitstate[35],  "async"		},
! # endif
  	{ (char*)0,     0,  (caddr_t*)0,                (char*)0        }
  } ;
diff -b -c sps/hashuid.c sps.old/hashuid.c
*** sps/hashuid.c	Tue Nov 25 11:34:16 1986
--- sps.old/hashuid.c	Wed Dec 17 13:58:30 1986
*** 1,8 ****
  # include       "sps.h"
  /* The hashing functions themselves ... */
! # define        HASHFN1( a )            (((unsigned)(a)*91 + 17) % MAXUSERID)
! # define        HASHFN2( a )            (((unsigned)(a) + 47) % MAXUSERID)
  ** HASHUID - Returns a pointer to a slot in the hash table that corresponds
--- 1,8 ----
  # include       "sps.h"
  /* The hashing functions themselves ... */
! # define        HASHFN1( a )            (((a)*91 + 17) % MAXUSERID)
! # define        HASHFN2( a )            (((a) + 47) % MAXUSERID)
  ** HASHUID - Returns a pointer to a slot in the hash table that corresponds
diff -b -c sps/initsymbols.c sps.old/initsymbols.c
*** sps/initsymbols.c	Fri Dec  5 09:47:23 1986
--- sps.old/initsymbols.c	Wed Dec 17 13:58:38 1986
*** 48,54 ****
  		sysperror() ;
  	/* Get kernel addresses */
! 	(void)nlist( filesymbol, np0 ) ;              
  	if ( np0[0].n_value == -1 )
  		fprintf( stderr, "sps - Can't read symbol file %s", filesymbol);
--- 48,54 ----
  		sysperror() ;
  	/* Get kernel addresses */
! 	nlist( filesymbol, np0 ) ;              
  	if ( np0[0].n_value == -1 )
  		fprintf( stderr, "sps - Can't read symbol file %s", filesymbol);
diff -b -c sps/inittty.c sps.old/inittty.c
*** sps/inittty.c	Tue Nov 25 11:34:17 1986
--- sps.old/inittty.c	Wed Dec 17 13:58:48 1986
*** 1,6 ****
  # include       "sps.h"
  # include       <h/conf.h>
- # include       <h/ioctl.h>
  # include       <h/tty.h>
  # include       <sys/stat.h>
  # include       <stdio.h>
--- 1,5 ----
diff -b -c sps/main.c sps.old/main.c
*** sps/main.c	Tue Nov 25 11:34:18 1986
--- sps.old/main.c	Wed Dec 17 13:59:04 1986
*** 1,14 ****
  # include       "sps.h"
  # include       "flags.h"
  # include       <h/text.h>
- # include       <sys/stat.h>
  # include       <stdio.h>
  /* SPS - Show Process Status */
! /* J. R. Ward - Hasler AG Bern, CH - 24 May 1985 */
! /*				     26 Nov 1986 */
  main ( argc,argv )
  int                             argc ;
--- 1,10 ----
  # include       "sps.h"
  # include       "flags.h"
  # include       <h/text.h>
  # include       <stdio.h>
  /* SPS - Show Process Status */
! /* J. R. Ward - Hasler AG Bern - 24 May 1985 */
  main ( argc,argv )
  int                             argc ;
*** 19,26 ****
  	register struct process *process ;
  	register struct text    *text ;
  	int                     flinfo ;
- 	char			*fileinfo, *filesymbol ;
- 	struct stat		sinfo, ssymbol, spasswd ;
  	extern struct flags     Flg ;
  	extern struct info      Info ;
  	extern int              Flmem ;
--- 15,20 ----
*** 29,36 ****
  	char                    *getcore() ;
  	struct process          *needed(), *mktree() ;
! 	/* Renice as fast as possible for root only (Suggested by Jeff Mogul,
! 	   gregorio!mogul) */
  	if ( !getuid() )
  		(void)nice( -40 ) ;
  	/* Decode the flag arguments */
--- 23,29 ----
  	char                    *getcore() ;
  	struct process          *needed(), *mktree() ;
! 	/* Renice as fast as possible for root (Suggested by Gregorio!mogul) */
  	if ( !getuid() )
  		(void)nice( -40 ) ;
  	/* Decode the flag arguments */
*** 56,82 ****
  		initialise() ;          
  		exit( 0 ) ;
- 	/* Check that the information file is newer than the symbol and
- 	   password files, suggested by gregorio!mogul */
- 	fileinfo = Flg.flg_j ? Flg.flg_j : FILE_INFO ;
- 	filesymbol = Flg.flg_s ? Flg.flg_s : FILE_SYMBOL ;
- 	flinfo = openfile( fileinfo ) ;
- 	(void)fstat( flinfo, &sinfo ) ;
- 	if ( !stat( filesymbol, &ssymbol ) &&
- 		sinfo.st_mtime < ssymbol.st_mtime )
- 		fprintf( stderr,
- 	       "sps - WARNING: Info file `%s' is older than symbol file `%s'\n",
- 			fileinfo, filesymbol ) ;
- 	if ( !stat( FILE_PASSWD, &spasswd ) &&
- 		sinfo.st_mtime < spasswd.st_mtime )
- 		fprintf( stderr,
- 	       "sps - WARNING: Info file `%s' is older than passwd file `%s'\n",
- 			fileinfo, FILE_PASSWD ) ;
  	/* Read the information file */
  	if ( read( flinfo, (char*)&Info, sizeof( struct info ) )
  	!= sizeof( struct info ) )
! 		fprintf( stderr, "sps - Can't read info file `%s'", fileinfo ) ;
  		sysperror() ;
  	(void)close( flinfo ) ;
--- 49,61 ----
  		initialise() ;          
  		exit( 0 ) ;
  	/* Read the information file */
+ 	flinfo = openfile( Flg.flg_j ? Flg.flg_j : FILE_INFO ) ;
  	if ( read( flinfo, (char*)&Info, sizeof( struct info ) )
  	!= sizeof( struct info ) )
! 		fprintf( stderr, "sps - Can't read info file %s",
! 			Flg.flg_j ? Flg.flg_j : FILE_INFO ) ;
  		sysperror() ;
  	(void)close( flinfo ) ;
diff -b -c sps/printproc.c sps.old/printproc.c
*** sps/printproc.c	Fri Dec  5 09:48:22 1986
--- sps.old/printproc.c	Wed Dec 17 13:59:53 1986
*** 32,38 ****
  		p->pr_p.p_flag & SDETACH ? '_' :
  # endif
  		p->pr_p.p_pgrp == p->pr_tty->l_pgrp ? '.' : ' ' ) ;
! 	hp = hashuid( (int)p->pr_p.p_uid ) ;
  	if ( !md  )                             
  	{       /* If a top-level process, list the user name */
  		if ( hp )
--- 32,38 ----
  		p->pr_p.p_flag & SDETACH ? '_' :
  # endif
  		p->pr_p.p_pgrp == p->pr_tty->l_pgrp ? '.' : ' ' ) ;
! 	hp = hashuid( p->pr_p.p_uid ) ;
  	if ( !md  )                             
  	{       /* If a top-level process, list the user name */
  		if ( hp )
diff -b -c sps/selectproc.c sps.old/selectproc.c
*** sps/selectproc.c	Fri Dec  5 09:02:28 1986
--- sps.old/selectproc.c	Wed Dec 17 14:00:04 1986
*** 1,8 ****
  # include       "sps.h"
  # include       "flags.h"
- # include	<pwd.h>
  ** SELECTPROC - Given a process structure, this procedure decides whether
--- 1,5 ----
*** 17,28 ****
  	register union flaglist *fp ;
  	register struct process *pp ;
- 	char			*username ;
- 	struct passwd		*pw ;
- 	char			*getlogin() ;
- 	struct passwd		*getpwnam() ;
  	extern struct flags     Flg ;
  	/* Flg.flg_AZ is an internal flag set if one of flags `A' to `Z'
--- 14,19 ----
*** 29,43 ****
  	   was specified. If this is not set, a process is listed only
  	   if it or one of its ancestors belongs to the invoking user. */
  	if ( !Flg.flg_AZ )
- 	{
- 		thisuid = (username = getlogin())
- 			&& (pw = getpwnam( username )) ? pw->pw_uid : getuid() ;
  		for ( pp = p ; pp > &process[1] ; pp = pp->pr_pptr )
  			if ( thisuid == pp->pr_p.p_uid )
  				return ( 1 ) ;
- 	}
  	if ( Flg.flg_A )
  		return ( 1 ) ;
  	if ( Flg.flg_P )
--- 20,28 ----
diff -b -c sps/sps.h sps.old/sps.h
*** sps/sps.h	Tue Nov 25 11:34:28 1986
--- sps.old/sps.h	Wed Dec 17 14:00:12 1986
*** 9,25 ****
  # define	MAXUSERID	100
  /* Maximum # ttys to be considered ... */
! # define	MAXTTYS		65
  /* Maximum user name length ... */
  # define	UNAMELEN	8
  /* Maximum process-id not to be considered busy ... */
  # define	MSPID		2
  /* # of wait states defined in the `struct info' ... */
! # ifdef SUN
! # define	NWAITSTATE	16
! # else
! # define	NWAITSTATE	35
! # endif
  /* Convert clicks to kbytes ... */
  # ifdef SUN
--- 9,21 ----
  # define        MAXUSERID       100
  /* Maximum # ttys to be considered ... */
! # define        MAXTTYS         60
  /* Maximum user name length ... */
  # define        UNAMELEN        8
  /* Maximum process-id not to be considered busy ... */
  # define        MSPID           2
  /* # of wait states defined in the `struct info' ... */
! # define        NWAITSTATE      36
  /* Convert clicks to kbytes ... */
  # ifdef SUN
*** 35,41 ****
  # define	FILE_DEV	"/dev"		/* Directory of tty entries */
  # define	FILE_SYMBOL	"/vmunix"	/* Symbol file for nlist() */
  # define	FILE_INFO	"/etc/spsinfo"	/* Sps information file */
- # define	FILE_PASSWD	"/etc/passwd"	/* User database */
  /* Structure to hold necessary information concerning a tty ... */
  struct ttyline
--- 31,36 ----
*** 49,55 ****
  /* Structure holding a single hash table entry ... */
  struct hashtab
! 	short			h_uid ;		/* Uid of user entry */
  	char			h_uname[ UNAMELEN ] ; /* Corresponding name */
  } ;
--- 44,50 ----
  /* Structure holding a single hash table entry ... */
  struct hashtab
! 	unsigned short          h_uid ;         /* Uid of user entry */
  	char                    h_uname[ UNAMELEN ] ; /* Corresponding name */
  } ;
diff -b -c sps/termwidth.c sps.old/termwidth.c
*** sps/termwidth.c	Thu Dec 11 10:42:33 1986
--- sps.old/termwidth.c	Wed Dec 17 14:00:17 1986
*** 1,5 ****
- #include	<sys/ioctl.h>
  ** TERMWIDTH - Sets the external variable `Termwidth' to the # of columns
  ** on the terminal.
--- 1,3 ----
*** 8,28 ****
  	register char           *termtype ;
  	register int            twidth ;
- 	struct winsize		w ;
- #endif
  	char                    buf[ 1025 ] ;
  	extern unsigned         Termwidth ;
  	char                    *getenv() ;
- 	w.ws_col = 0 ;
- 	if ( !ioctl( 0, TIOCGWINSZ, &w ) && w.ws_col )
- 	{
- 		Termwidth = w.ws_col ;
- 		return ;
- 	}
- #endif
  	Termwidth = 80 ;
  	if ( !(termtype = getenv( "TERM" )) )
  		return ;
--- 6,15 ----
diff -b -c sps/ttystatus.c sps.old/ttystatus.c
*** sps/ttystatus.c	Tue Nov 25 11:34:28 1986
--- sps.old/ttystatus.c	Wed Dec 17 14:00:20 1986
*** 1,7 ****
  # include       "sps.h"
  # include       "flags.h"
  # include       <stdio.h>
- # include       <h/ioctl.h>
  # include       <h/tty.h>
  # ifdef CHAOS
  # include       <chunix/chsys.h>
--- 1,6 ----
diff -b -c sps/waitingfor.c sps.old/waitingfor.c
*** sps/waitingfor.c	Fri Dec  5 11:23:05 1986
--- sps.old/waitingfor.c	Wed Dec 17 14:00:31 1986
*** 1,4 ****
--- 1,5 ----
  # include       "sps.h"
+ # include       <h/tty.h>
  # include       <h/text.h>
  # ifdef SUN
  # include       <h/vnode.h>
*** 5,22 ****
  # include       <ufs/inode.h>
  # else
  # include       <h/inode.h>
! # endif SUN
! # include       <h/ioctl.h>
! # include       <h/tty.h>
  # include       <h/buf.h>
  # ifdef BSD42
- # ifndef SUN
  # include       <h/quota.h>
- # endif SUN
  # include       <h/mbuf.h>
  # include       <h/socket.h>
  # include       <h/socketvar.h>
! # endif BSD42
  /* 1 if `w' is in the address range defined by `a1' and `a2' ... */
  # define        INRANGE( w, a1, a2 ) \
--- 6,19 ----
  # include       <ufs/inode.h>
  # else
  # include       <h/inode.h>
! # endif
  # include       <h/buf.h>
  # ifdef BSD42
  # include       <h/quota.h>
  # include       <h/mbuf.h>
  # include       <h/socket.h>
  # include       <h/socketvar.h>
! # endif
  /* 1 if `w' is in the address range defined by `a1' and `a2' ... */
  # define        INRANGE( w, a1, a2 ) \
*** 35,41 ****
  # ifdef BSD42
  	struct socket           sc ;
  # endif
- 	int			rc ;
  	static char             wbuf[ 8 ] ;
  	extern struct info      Info ;
  	extern struct symbol    Symbollist[] ;
--- 32,37 ----
*** 59,75 ****
  	if ( INRANGE( w, Info.i_text0, &Info.i_text0[ Info.i_ntext ] ) )
  		return ( "swtext" ) ;
  # ifdef BSD42
- # ifndef SUN
  	/* Waiting for an event associated with the quota system ? */
  	if ( INRANGE( w, Info.i_quota0, &Info.i_quota0[ Info.i_nquota ] ) )
  		return ( "quota" ) ;
! # endif SUN
! # endif BSD42
  	/* Waiting for tty I/O ? If so, find which tty it is */
  	for ( lp = Info.i_ttyline ; lp->l_name[0] ; lp++ )
  		if ( INRANGE( w, &lp->l_addr[0], &lp->l_addr[1] ) )
! 			switch ( (int)w - (int)lp->l_addr )
  				case (int)&((struct tty*)0)->t_rawq :
  					/* Read from a tty or slave pty */
--- 55,69 ----
  	if ( INRANGE( w, Info.i_text0, &Info.i_text0[ Info.i_ntext ] ) )
  		return ( "swtext" ) ;
  # ifdef BSD42
  	/* Waiting for an event associated with the quota system ? */
  	if ( INRANGE( w, Info.i_quota0, &Info.i_quota0[ Info.i_nquota ] ) )
  		return ( "quota" ) ;
! # endif
  	/* Waiting for tty I/O ? If so, find which tty it is */
  	for ( lp = Info.i_ttyline ; lp->l_name[0] ; lp++ )
  		if ( INRANGE( w, &lp->l_addr[0], &lp->l_addr[1] ) )
! 			switch ( w - (int)lp->l_addr )
  				case (int)&((struct tty*)0)->t_rawq :
  					/* Read from a tty or slave pty */
*** 111,117 ****
  			case (int)&((struct inode*)0)->i_shlockc :
  				/* Shared lock on this inode */
  				return ( "shlock" ) ;
! # endif SUN
  # else
  			case 1 :
  				return ( "wpipe" ) ;
--- 105,111 ----
  			case (int)&((struct inode*)0)->i_shlockc :
  				/* Shared lock on this inode */
  				return ( "shlock" ) ;
! # endif
  # else
  			case 1 :
  				return ( "wpipe" ) ;
*** 119,125 ****
  				return ( "rpipe" ) ;
  			case (int)&((struct inode*)0)->i_un.i_group.g_datq :
  				return ( "rmux" ) ;
! # endif BSD42
  			default :
  				/* Inode probably locked */
  				return ( "inode" ) ;
--- 113,119 ----
  				return ( "rpipe" ) ;
  			case (int)&((struct inode*)0)->i_un.i_group.g_datq :
  				return ( "rmux" ) ;
! # endif
  			default :
  				/* Inode probably locked */
  				return ( "inode" ) ;
*** 132,146 ****
  			- (int)&((struct mbuf*)0)->m_dat[0] )
  			case (int)&((struct socket*)0)->so_timeo :
! 				/* Socket timeout event - Guess why */
! 				rc = getsocket( (struct socket*)(w
! 				    - (int)&((struct socket*)0)->so_timeo),
! 						&sc ) ;
! 				return ( rc && (sc.so_state & SS_ISCONNECTING)
! 					? "connct" 
! 					: rc && ((sc.so_options & SO_ACCEPTCONN)
! 					  && !sc.so_qlen)
! 					? "accept" : "socket" ) ;
  			case (int)&((struct socket*)0)->so_rcv.sb_cc :
  				/* Read from an empty socket. Here we actually
  				   attempt to determine whether the socket
--- 126,133 ----
  			- (int)&((struct mbuf*)0)->m_dat[0] )
  			case (int)&((struct socket*)0)->so_timeo :
! 				/* Socket timeout event */
! 				return ( "socket" ) ;
  			case (int)&((struct socket*)0)->so_rcv.sb_cc :
  				/* Read from an empty socket. Here we actually
  				   attempt to determine whether the socket
*** 151,166 ****
  				    - (int)&((struct socket*)0)->so_rcv.sb_cc),
  						&sc )
  					&& sc.so_type == SOCK_STREAM
- #ifdef BSD43
- 					&& ((sc.so_state
- #else
  					&& !sc.so_rcv.sb_hiwat
  					&& !sc.so_rcv.sb_mbmax
  					&& (sc.so_state
- #endif BSD43
  					? "rpipe" : "rsockt" ) ;
  			case (int)&((struct socket*)0)->so_snd.sb_cc :
  				/* Write to a full socket. Again, we try
--- 138,147 ----
*** 169,191 ****
  				return ( getsocket( (struct socket*)(w
  				    - (int)&((struct socket*)0)->so_snd.sb_cc),
  						&sc )
- #ifdef BSD43
  					&& sc.so_type == SOCK_STREAM
- 					&& ((sc.so_state
- #else
  					&& sc.so_rcv.sb_hiwat == 2048
  					&& sc.so_rcv.sb_mbmax == 4096
  					&& (sc.so_state
- #endif BSD43
  					? "wpipe" : "wsockt" ) ;
  			default :
  				/* Other mbuf event */
  				return ( "mbuf" ) ;
! # endif SUN
  	/* Look in the symbol table for known wait addresses. */
  	for ( s = Symbollist ; s->s_kname ; s++ )
  		if ( s->s_wait && w == *s->s_info )
--- 150,166 ----
  				return ( getsocket( (struct socket*)(w
  				    - (int)&((struct socket*)0)->so_snd.sb_cc),
  						&sc )
  					&& sc.so_type == SOCK_STREAM
  					&& sc.so_rcv.sb_hiwat == 2048
  					&& sc.so_rcv.sb_mbmax == 4096
  					&& (sc.so_state
  					? "wpipe" : "wsockt" ) ;
  			default :
  				/* Other mbuf event */
  				return ( "mbuf" ) ;
! # endif
  	/* Look in the symbol table for known wait addresses. */
  	for ( s = Symbollist ; s->s_kname ; s++ )
  		if ( s->s_wait && w == *s->s_info )
*** 196,202 ****
  	(void)sprintf( wbuf, "x%05x", w ) ;
  # else
  	(void)sprintf( wbuf, "x%05x", w - 0x80000000 ) ;
! # endif SUN
  	return ( wbuf ) ;
--- 171,177 ----
  	(void)sprintf( wbuf, "x%05x", w ) ;
  # else
  	(void)sprintf( wbuf, "x%05x", w - 0x80000000 ) ;
! # endif
  	return ( wbuf ) ;
*** 217,220 ****
  	return ( read( Flkmem, (char*)s, sizeof( struct socket ) )
  		== sizeof( struct socket ) ) ;
! # endif BSD42
--- 192,195 ----
  	return ( read( Flkmem, (char*)s, sizeof( struct socket ) )
  		== sizeof( struct socket ) ) ;
! # endif

----------------------------- C U T   H E R E --------------------------------

Mail all bugs, comments, etc. to me (Robert) at ...

    J. Robert Ward,						   ___________
    Hasler AG, Belpstrasse 23, CH-3000 Berne 14, Switzerland	   |    _    |
								   |  _| |_  |
Tel.:	    +41 31 632319					   | |_   _| |
X.400:	    robert@hslrswi.hasler				   |   |_|   |
Bitnet:	    robert%hslrswi.UUCP@cernvax.BITNET	   		   |_________|
Uucp:	    ... {seismo,ukc, ... }!mcvax!cernvax!hslrswi!robert