[net.sources] Hold old is your news?

merlin@hqda-ai.UUCP (03/02/87)

     How old is your news?  I wondered that, particularly after
seeing a bunch of "file system full" errors :-(  I know what the
expire arguments were, but what was actually being done?

     AGEF (age files) is a program that can help.  Feed it a list
of directories.  (Regular files are ok, but boring.)  AGEF will
recursively descend into each directory, and produce a table of
file sizes according to age.  The output can show you what's been
filling up your disk :-(, or where you can increase the expiration
time limit :-)  As a sample, here's a run:

% cd /usr/spool/news/news
% agef *
    7 days    14 days    30 days    45 days   46+ days        Total  Name
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------  ----
  20   83k   15   41k   26   61k                          61   185k  admin
   3    4k    3    5k   15   21k                          21    30k  config
  52  179k   49  141k   78  202k                         179   522k  groups
  21  299k    4   42k                                     25   341k  lists
   7   26k    6   14k   18   58k                          31    98k  misc
   5    6k    4    6k   20   28k                          29    40k  newsites
  34  127k   32   90k   44  109k                         110   326k  software
   5   21k    2    3k    3   14k                          10    38k  stargate
   6   20k    2    3k   15   38k                          23    61k  sysadmin

 153  765k  117  345k  219  531k                         489  1641k  Grand Total

     Columns are not cumulative.  If a file is 26 days old, for
example, it would only be listed in the 30-day column.  Of course,
the total row/column does the obvious thing.

     Warnings:  AGEF does not know about hard links.  If a file
has multiple directory entries (i.e., it was cross-posted), it
will be counted twice.  AGEF does know about directories, and it
does not count them.  Who really wants to know how old a directory
is, anyhow?

     If you add or delete age catetories, be sure to change the
definition of AGES.

	David S. Hayes, The Merlin of Avalon
	PhoneNet:	(202) 694-6900
	ARPA:		merlin%hqda-ai.uucp@brl.arpa
	UUCP:		...!seismo!sundc!hqda-ai!merlin

# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then
# unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".  (Files
# unpacked will be owned by you and have default permissions.)
# This archive contains:
# agef.c
echo x - agef.c
cat > "agef.c" << '//E*O*F agef.c//'
/* agef		02 March 1987
   David S. Hayes, Site Manager
   Army Artificial Intelligence Center
   Pentagon HQDA (DACS-DMA)
   Washington, DC  20310-0200
   Phone:  202-694-6900
   Email:  merlin@hqda-ai.UUCP   dshayes@brl.ARPA
   | This program is in the public domain. |
   This program scans determines the amount of disk space taken up
   by files in a named directory.  The space is broken down
   according to the age of the files.  The typical use for this
   program is to determine what the aging breakdown of news
   articles is, so that appropriate expiration times can be
   Call via
	agef fn1 fn2 fn3 ...
   If any of the given filenames is a directory (the usual case),
   agef will recursively descend into it, and the output line will
   reflect the accumulated totals for all files in the directory.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/dir.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <stdio.h>

char           *program;	/* our name */

#define SECS_DAY (24L * 60L * 60L)	/* seconds in one day */

#define ceiling(x,y) ((x+y-1)/y)

#define AGES 6			/* how many age categories */
#define TOTAL (AGES-1)		/* column number of total column */
#define SAME 0			/* for strcmp */

char           *header[] = {	/* column headers */
			    "7 days",
			    "14 days",
			    "30 days",
			    "45 days",
			    "46+ days",

int             ages[] = {	/* age categories */

int             inodes[AGES],	/* inode count */
                blocks[AGES];	/* block count */

char            topdir[MAXPATHLEN];	/* our starting directory */
long            today,
                time();		/* today's date */

main(argc, argv)
    int             argc;
    char           *argv[];
    int             i;
    int             summary;
    int             total_inodes[AGES],	/* for grand totals */

    program = *argv++;		/* save our name for error messages */

    summary = argc > 1;		/* should we do a grant total? */

    getwd(topdir);		/* find out where we are */
    today = time(0) / SECS_DAY;

    /* print our column headers */
    for (i = 0; i < TOTAL; i++)
	printf("%10s ", header[i]);
    printf("%12s  Name\n", header[TOTAL]);
    for (i = 0; i < TOTAL; i++)
	printf("---------- ");
    printf("------------  ----\n");

    for (i = 0; i < AGES; i++)
	total_inodes[i] = total_blocks[i] = 0;

    /* now do some work */
    for (; argc; argv++, argc--) {
	for (i = 0; i < AGES; i++)
	    inodes[i] = blocks[i] = 0;

	chdir(topdir);		/* be sure to start from the same place */
	get_data(*argv);	/* this may change our cwd */

	display(*argv, inodes, blocks);
	for (i = 0; i < AGES; i++) {
	    total_inodes[i] += inodes[i];
	    total_blocks[i] += blocks[i];

    if (summary) {
	display("Grand Total", total_inodes, total_blocks);

  * Get the aged data on a file whose name is given.  If the file is a
  * directory, go down into it, and get the data from all files inside. 
    char           *path;
    struct stat     stb;
    int             i;
    long            date,	/* date of modification */
                    age;	/* file age in days */

    stat(path, &stb);
    if ((stb.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
    if ((stb.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG) {
	date = stb.st_mtime / SECS_DAY;
	age = today - date;

	for (i = 0; i < TOTAL; i++) {
	    if (age <= ages[i]) {
		blocks[i] += roundup(stb.st_size, 1024);
	blocks[TOTAL] += roundup(stb.st_size, 1024);

  * We ran into a subdirectory.  Go down into it, and read everything
  * in there. 

    char           *subdir;
    DIR            *dp;
    char            cwd[MAXPATHLEN];
    struct direct  *file;

    if (strcmp(subdir, ".") == SAME || strcmp(subdir, "..") == SAME)

    if ((dp = opendir(subdir)) == NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't read %s/%s\n", program, topdir, subdir);

    getwd(cwd);			/* remember where we are */
    chdir(subdir);		/* go into subdir */
    for (file = readdir(dp); file != NULL; file = readdir(dp))

    chdir(cwd);			/* go back where we were */
    closedir(dp);		/* shut down the directory */

display(name, inodes, blocks)
    char           *name;
    int             inodes[],
    char            tmpstr[30];
    int             i;

    for (i = 0; i < TOTAL; i++) {
	tmpstr[0] = '\0';
	if (inodes[i])
	    sprintf(tmpstr, "%d %4dk", inodes[i], blocks[i]);
	printf("%10s ", tmpstr);
    sprintf(tmpstr, "%d %5dk", inodes[TOTAL], blocks[TOTAL]);
    printf("%12s  %-s\n", tmpstr, name);
//E*O*F agef.c//

echo Possible errors detected by \'wc\' [hopefully none]:
trap "rm -f $temp; exit" 0 1 2 3 15
cat > $temp <<\!!!
     201     677    4942 agef.c
wc  agef.c | sed 's=[^ ]*/==' | diff -b $temp -
exit 0
	David S. Hayes, The Merlin of Avalon
	PhoneNet:	(202) 694-6900
	ARPA:		merlin%hqda-ai.uucp@brl.arpa
	UUCP:		...!seismo!sundc!hqda-ai!merlin