[net.sources] more bells and whistles for Rogue Monsters's shar

petitp@cui.UUCP (03/11/87)

Rogue Monster has done a pretty nice job. Some other shars
I know have nice bells and whistles that I like, so I added some of them
(trivial ones) to his original program:

 - an extra '-x' option that allow to specify a prefix string that will
   be inserted before each line of the files in the archive. Of course it
   is removed when unsharing.
   For example this is quite useful to prevent some mailers to strip
   everything following the first line starting with a dot in the first column
   ([nt]roff files, ed scripts, etc.)
   Example: the command
     shar -f archive. -x Z *.c
   will add a Z in front of every data line in the archive.

 - the name of the archive is composed from the file prefix (option -f),
   and a part specification: prefixMofN  where M is the part number and N
   is the total number of parts. No other predefined suffix is inserted.
   Example: archive.2of5

 - more verbose comments tell the shar novice a bit more about how
   to use the archive and what it contains.

A diff file of the modifications to the source files implementing these
changes is appended at the end of this message (to be used with patch).

Some options not implemented (anybody interested?):
 - an option (-b) to take the basename of the files (strip the directory
   path so that all files are created in the current directory when

 - (slightly) better checking by using the program 'sum'  when unsharing.
   (Infortunately not all implementations of 'sum' give the same
    results for the same file, but if it does, your confidence in the
    integrity of the archive would be increased.)

I hope this will be useful to some people in netland!

Amities,	Dominique Petitpierre

*** shar.c.orig	Tue Mar 10 22:43:13 1987
--- shar.c	Wed Mar 11 03:20:59 1987
*** 67,72
  static char Perm = 0;			/* use original permissions */
  static char OverWrite = 0;		/* overwrite existing files */
  static char InStream = 0;		/* take names from standard input */
  static Leaf Dot = {			/* relative tree */
  static Leaf Abs = {			/* absolute tree */

--- 67,73 -----
  static char Perm = 0;			/* use original permissions */
  static char OverWrite = 0;		/* overwrite existing files */
  static char InStream = 0;		/* take names from standard input */
+ static char *LinePrefix = NULL;		/* prefix to insert before each line */
  static Leaf Dot = {			/* relative tree */
  static Leaf Abs = {			/* absolute tree */
*** 428,434
    if (!Quiet)
      fprintf(stm,"echo \"writing %s\"\n",PathName);
-   fprintf(stm,"cat > %s << '%s'\n",PathName,Terminal);
     *	Move the file data into the archive.

--- 429,434 -----
    if (!Quiet)
      fprintf(stm,"echo \"writing %s\"\n",PathName);
     *	Move the file data into the archive.
*** 432,440
     *	Move the file data into the archive.
!   while (count = fread(Buffer,sizeof(char),sizeof(Buffer),inp))
!     fwrite(Buffer,sizeof(char),count,stm);
!   /*
     *	Take care of the tail end linkage.

--- 432,450 -----
     *	Move the file data into the archive.
!   if (LinePrefix == NULL){
!     fprintf(stm,"cat > %s << '%s'\n",PathName,Terminal);
!     while (count = fread(Buffer,sizeof(char),sizeof(Buffer),inp))
!        fwrite(Buffer,sizeof(char),count,stm);
!   }
!   else {
!     fprintf(stm,"sed 's/^%s//' > %s << '%s'\n",LinePrefix,PathName,Terminal);
!     while ( fgets(Buffer,sizeof(Buffer),inp) != NULL ){
!        fputs(LinePrefix,stm);
!        fputs(Buffer,stm);
!     }
!   }
! /*
     *	Take care of the tail end linkage.
*** 478,484
     *	Open the output file, failure here causes a return.
!   sprintf(CharBuf,"%s.shr%d",RootName,fil->Number);
    if (!(stm = fopen(CharBuf,"w"))){
      fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open archive: %s\n",CharBuf);

--- 488,494 -----
     *	Open the output file, failure here causes a return.
!   sprintf(CharBuf,"%s%dof%d",RootName,fil->Number,FileCount);
    if (!(stm = fopen(CharBuf,"w"))){
      fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open archive: %s\n",CharBuf);
*** 487,494
     *	Put out the header.
!   fprintf(stm,"#!/bin/sh\n");
!   fprintf(stm,"# to extract, remove the header and type \"sh filename\"\n");
     *	Move through all file references and put them out.

--- 497,510 -----
     *	Put out the header.
!   fprintf(stm,"%s\n%s\n%s",
!               "# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line",
! 	      "# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing \"sh file\"",
! 	      "# (Files unpacked will be owned by you and have ");
!   if (Perm)
!      fprintf(stm,"original permissions).\n");
!   else
!      fprintf(stm,"default permissions).\n");
     *	Move through all file references and put them out.
*** 494,499
    for (ref = fil->Ref; ref; ref = ref->Next)

--- 510,521 -----
+   fprintf(stm,"# This archive contains the following files:\n");
+   for (ref = fil->Ref; ref; ref = ref->Next){
+      MakePathName(ref->Leaf);
+      fprintf(stm,"#\t%s\n",PathName);
+   }
+   fprintf(stm,"#\n");
    for (ref = fil->Ref; ref; ref = ref->Next)
*** 501,506
    if (!Quiet)
      fprintf(stm,"echo \"Finished archive %d of %d\"\n",fil->Number,FileCount);

--- 523,530 -----
    if (!Quiet)
      fprintf(stm,"echo \"Finished archive %d of %d\"\n",fil->Number,FileCount);
+   fprintf(stm,
+   "# if you want to concatenate archives, remove anything after this line\n");
*** 528,533
     *	-o			=	overwrite existing files
     *	-p			=	use original permissions
     *	-q			=	generate quite code
    while ((c = getarg(argc,argv,"cf:im:opq")) != EOF)
      switch (c){

--- 552,558 -----
     *	-o			=	overwrite existing files
     *	-p			=	use original permissions
     *	-q			=	generate quite code
+    *	-x <string>		=	prefix to insert before each line
    while ((c = getarg(argc,argv,"cf:im:opqx:")) != EOF)
      switch (c){
*** 529,535
     *	-p			=	use original permissions
     *	-q			=	generate quite code
!   while ((c = getarg(argc,argv,"cf:im:opq")) != EOF)
      switch (c){
        case 'c':
          Check = 1;

--- 554,560 -----
     *	-q			=	generate quite code
     *	-x <string>		=	prefix to insert before each line
!   while ((c = getarg(argc,argv,"cf:im:opqx:")) != EOF)
      switch (c){
        case 'c':
          Check = 1;
*** 553,558
        case 'q':
          Quiet = 1;
        case '?':
          fprintf(stderr,"Unknown switch: -%c\n",c);

--- 578,586 -----
        case 'q':
          Quiet = 1;
+       case 'x':
+         LinePrefix = optarg;
+ 	break;
        case '?':
          fprintf(stderr,"Unknown switch: -%c\n",c);

Mr. Dominique Petitpierre uucp: mcvax!cernvax!cui!petitp / petitp@cui.uucp
ISSCO			  X.400/ean: petitp@cui.unige.chunet
University of Geneva	  JANET: petitp%cui.unige.chunet@cs.ucl.ac.uk
54 route des acacias	  BITNET/EARN: petitp%cui.unige.chunet@CERNVAX
CH-1227 GENEVA		  csnet: petitp%cui.unige.chunet@ubc.csnet
(Switzerland)		ARPA:petitp%cui.unige.chunet%ubc.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA
Tel: 0041/22/20 93 33 extension 2117