barto@alvin.megatek.uucp (David Barto (System Admin)) (03/20/87)
NO FLAMES that this is not source, this is desperation! The automatic archive retrevial system mentioned in Rich $alz posting is SWAMPED WITH REQUESTS. This has cause it to do some very strange things. If you get back something which does not look right mail to ME (megatek!barto), including your problem and your original request. I will be filling them by hand for a short period of time. If you are considering makeing a request, remember USENET IS NOT FREE One person (who shall remain nameless (seismo!columbia!cs!<>) asked for A LOT OF STUFF.) If you want a lot of stuff, look locally FIRST. Sorry for this posting, but I can think of no other place (right now my brain is getting fried with problems..). Please step back and wait a couple of days before requesting again. (If you are desperate mail to me personally and I will handle it as quickly as possible....) -barto (Really sorry...) David Barto sdcsvax!sdcc6--\ barto@sdcsvax.ARPA ihnp4--!bigbang-!megatek!barto seismo-!s3sun--/