prove@batcomputer.UUCP (03/31/87)
# This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line,
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
# Wrapped by tralfaz!ove on Mon Mar 30 18:37:12 PST 1987
# Contents: prep.doc ktest.p sieve.p vecdem.p demo.p vecdem.h premac.h fix.h
echo x - prep.doc
sed 's/^@//' > "prep.doc" <<'@//E*O*F prep.doc//'
PREP v. 2.1
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 P.R.Ove
All rights reserved (sort of)
Suggestions and comments regarding this program are welcome,
preferably in the form of code segments. I will make an effort to
incorporate any suggestions and maintain an "official" version of
this program on the net. Those whose contributions are incorporated
will be noted in this doc file.
Only the source for this program is copyrighted. The executable
files, doc files, demos, and headers are entirely in the public domain.
As to the source, I have no objection to it being incorporated as
a whole or in part in other software, as long as you say nice things
about me in the docs and include my copyright notice and documentation.
The source is available on net.sources, or I can email it (binaries as
well if you have no C compiler). The source may be freely distributed
under these conditions.
This program is primarily intended for those that are forced to
use fortran but would rather not, such as Cray users (currently fortran
is the only compiler that vectorizes automatically on the Cray XMP).
If you know someone suffering from this disease, please provide them
with this relief package.
Currently the program has been tested on:
1) MSDOS 80*86 machines
2) Intel iPSC (80286, Xenix)
3) Sun 3 (BSD Unix)
4) Definicon DSI-020
5) Cray XMP (Cray C 1.0)
6) Gould 9000 (UTX)
7) VAX (Ultrix & BSD Unix)
8) Alliant FX/8
NOTE: select a machine specific #define if using the DSI-020
SVS compiler or the Cray compiler. This is located at the
beginning of the file prep.h.
At the moment comments should be directed to 14004@ncsavmsa.bitnet
(or equivalently, or prove@uiucmvd.bitnet,
Version 2.1 fixes and additions:
1) Cleaned up some embarrassing bugs.
2) Macros can now be undefined.
3) Memory is released when a macro is redefined or deleted.
4) Macro searching is somewhat faster (especially for long macro names),
using the Boyer-Moore algorithm. This improvement made use of some
code from "bm", a public domain (I hope) fgrep-like utility written
by Peter Bain.
5) Conditional compilation directives (#ifdef, #ifndef, #else, #endif) added.
6) ; is now used to allow comments on the same line with a statement.
7) All switches are now accepted in either case (for case insensitive
shells like VMS).
Planned improvements:
1) Escapes for special characters in macro names.
2) ANSI-F88 vector statement support.
This documentation describes the use of PREP, a preprocessor for
fortran. As an alternative to ratfor, PREP offers a few advantages.
These include better macro facilities and a concise shorthand for array
and vector statements. In addition, all of the standard flow control
constructs of forth are supported. It is probably possible to emulate
some of ratfor's syntax using PREP's macro processor to modify the flow
control commands. It is written is generic c and will run on nearly any
machine/compiler combination. Perhaps the greatest advantage is that
the source is freely available.
PREP does not do everything, and in particular does not offer any
help with the deficiency of data structures in fortran. It also does not
understand fortran, and will quite happily produce nonsense code if so
instructed. It will detect errors in its own syntax, but errors in
fortran will be left for the compiler. Therefore debugging will
unfortunately involve looking at the fortran output, which can be quite
ugly. These problems are shared with ratfor.
The vector statement notation makes it possible to incorporate do
loop unrolling automatically to any depth, which for certain classes of
loops on certain machines (memory bound loops on vector machines) will
improve performance. On the Cray XMP performance for certain loops
was increased from the normal 50 Mflops to a maximum of 80 Mflops when
unrolled to a depth of 16. On machines with many parallel paths to
memory (parallel processors with compilers that optimize loops over
the nodes) there may also be situations where this is advantageous.
Although the syntax is similar to forth, the spirit of forth is
totally absent. The macros are really macros, not colon definitions,
and recursive macro definitions will cause an error during expansion.
Postfix notation would only cause confusion, being in conflict with
fortran conventions, and is not used.
The macro processor can be considered a pre-preprocessor. The
order of translation is:
1) file inclusion & conditional compilation
2) macro processing
3) flow control extensions
4) vector statements
Note that because of this the flow control syntax can be modified
at the macro level. Although this order of translation holds
rigorously, PREP is a one pass processor and makes no temporary
Macro definitions can be imbedded in the program file or in
files that can later be included. Some common definitions mapping
certain symbols ( &, <=, !=, etc ) to their fortran equivalents ( .and.,
@.le., .ne., etc ) are stored in the file premac.h. These can be made
active by placing the statement ' #include "premac.h" ' in the program
file, or by using the -i switch from the command line.
The nesting limit for all loops is defined by an internal constant
NESTING, which is set to a number like 10 or 20 (implementation
dependent). The flow control directives are permitted inside vector
loops, but since they will inhibit Cray vectorization of those loops it
may be best to avoid this. One of the reasons for using the vector
shorthand is that it encourages programming in a style that can be
easily vectorized by the compiler.
This program attempts to avoid all fixed limits on data structures,
and instead allocates memory when needed. The flow control directives
do not adhere to this philosophy, since the maximum expansion length
can be determined in advance and processing is faster without continual
reallocation of memory. Fairly robust memory management is used by the
macro processor and input routines (there is no source line length limit
other than any limitations imposed by the system). Recursive macro
definitions are accepted during the definition phase, but will cause an
error during expansion. When a macro is expanded more than the limit
(100 or so per line, but implementation dependent) the program will abort
with a recursion error message, but it is conceivable (if the memory of
the machine is small and the macro definitions are very long) that a
memory allocation error will occur before this.
In most cases the flow control directives must be the first word
on the line (PREP is line oriented like fortran and unlike c). The
only exception is that directives and fortran code can be on the same
line after an OF statement. Any delimiters (){}[]'" may be used in the
logical expressions ( i.e. leave [ i == 1 ] ). Macro definitions
must use () for the parameter block however (to allow macro names
containing the character {, for instance), and macro names cannot contain
the open parens or whitespace characters.
Running PREP
The command line interface and program function is identical
regardless of the machine (so far). The syntax is
prep -x -x .... <file>
where file is the first name of the file and the extension is assumed
to be P. The output file will have the extension F. x represents
a command line option:
-c keep comments (truncated at column 72)
-u keep underline characters
-m only do macro substitution (==> -c and -u as well, and
prevents file includes (except -i switch).
-i <file> include <file> before processing
-r n unroll vector loops to depth n
-l n unroll loops with n or fewer lines
-d <name> define <name> as a macro, equivalent to : name 1 ;
-? write message about allowed switches
If no file is present standard input and output are used. The -i
switch requires the full path name of the include file. All switches
and arguments must be separated by blanks, nothing like -mcdMAC is
Normally underline characters and comment records are eliminated
unless overridden with a switch. Quoted underlines (the fortran quote
character is the apostrophe) are never deleted. In general quoted
characters are safe from PREP, as is text in comment records. Comments
on the same line with source (separated with ';') will not be kept even
if -c is specified. They are only preserved by -m, in which case they
will be processed for macros. Comment records with a ';' as the first
character are treated as though they were commented with 'c'. Since
';' is also the signal to end a macro, it can't be used as a comment
delimeter in macro definitions.
The -m switch is useful for converting existing programs to PREP
format. It turns off all PREP functions except macro substitution. To
partially convert a fortran program, enter:
prep -m -i fix.h <prog.f >prog.p
The file fix.h contains the inverse definitions of premac.h. A side
effect of PREP on DOS machines is that the terminating control-z is
removed, which is useful if the fortran code is to be transferred to
another machine. Running the above command without the -i switch and
without any internal macro definitions, it will do nothing but remove the
If the argument for -r is omitted the default is 8. If -r is not
present then unrolling will not be done at all unless turned on by an
internal directive. The command line switch will not override imbedded
unrolling commands. If -l is omitted the default is 1000, while if the
argument is omitted the default is 1.
Versions for Intel 80*** based machines come compiled for small
and large memory models. The large model version is quite large
itself. It is only necessary to use the large model if the memory
is needed for many very long macro definitions, which are memory resident.
If you have a memory allocation error with the small version try the
other. The large one is called bigprep.exe. Since I am now distributing
the source you can do what your want.
Summary of Features
The extensions can be broken up into four classes: 1) including
files & conditional compilation, 2) macro definition/expansion,
3) flow control directives, and 4) vector notation. These will be
discussed in this order, which is also the order in which they are
Included files & conditional compilation.
#include "premac.h"
Normally fortran incudes files with the directive "include".
Incidentally, using cft and precomp on a cray files are included with
"use" so if you are using a cray you may find it convenient to define
"include" equivalent to "use" with
: include[x] use x ;
so that "include 'file'" will be translated to "use file". Prep will
include a file if it finds an include directive ( #include "file" )
in the source, or if the -i switch is used from the command line. Included
files can be nested, probably about 10 deep. Only the current directory is
searched, and PREP will terminate if the file is not found. To include
a file in another directory the full pathname must be used.
The conditional compilation directives are similar to those of the
C preprocessor, but not quite the same. Since & and | are legitimate
macro names, no expressions are permitted (this is of course a rather
poor excuse, the real reason being laziness :-) The syntax is:
#ifdef name1 name2 name3.... namen
lines of code
The lines of code will be processed if any of the names is currently
defined as a macro. #ifdef can be abbreviated as #if. #ifndef is
similar, except that the the lines will be processed if any of the
names is not a macro. "Not being processed" means that the lines
will be stricken from the resulting fortran program altogether.
#else is also supported, but not #elif. This simple set of
directives is probably sufficient, but expression evaluation and
a (#case, #of, #default, #endcase) would be useful.
The style is similar to that of C #define macros, except
that : is used instead of #define and ; terminates the macro. No
special character is needed to continue to the next line. Non-C syntax
is used to allow both PREP macros and C preprocessor macros in the
same program, and because I don't wish to make any guarantees about
compatibility with cpp.
Recursive definitions are permitted, but will cause an abort
(and possibly a memory allocation error) on expansion. For each
line submitted to expand_macros, a count of is kept for each
stored macro indicating how many times it has been expanded in
the current line. When this exceeds MAX_CALLS, the program
assumes a macro definition is recursive and stops. Macros
are expanded starting with the one with the longest name, so that
if the definitions
: >= .ge. ;
: > .gt. ;
are in effect, >= will be changed to .ge. rather than .gt.=. This
is only a potential problem when macro names are not fully
alphanumeric, since "arg" will not be flagged if "r" is defined.
The underline character is considered non-alphanumeric here, for
no good reason and perhaps it should not be.
The definition phase is invoked when a leading : is found in
the record. Text is then taken until the terminating ; is found. Text
following the ; is ignored (until the next newline). Multi-line macros
are permitted: they will be converted to at least as many lines in the
fortran program. The general form of a macro definition is:
: name( parm1, parm2, ... ) text with parameters
more text with parameters
" " " " ;
with 20 as the maximum number of parameters. There must be no space
between the macro name and the open delimiter of the parameter block in
a definition, and the delimiters (if present) must be (). Macro names
can not contain the open parens. Examples of macros with more than
one line are:
: }
end do ;
: {
These will allow translation of ratfor style do loops:
do i = 1, 10 { write(*,*) ' i = ', i }
is translated into:
do i = 1, 10
write(*,*) ' i = ', i
end do
which will be translated into fortran during the flow control processing.
Note that this example relies on the fact the whitespace between the
macro definition and its terminating ; is significant (newline is not
considered whitespace here). This is not the case for whitespace between
the name and the definition. Failure to have a terminating ; will define
the entire program to be a macro. This could cause a memory allocation
failure, as macros are stored in memory.
While in a definition the open parens must follow the name without
whitespace, in the source code this requirement (and the need to use only
() as delimiters) is relaxed. Alphanumeric macros must be not be next to
an alpha or number character or they will not be recognized.
The macro definition routine puts the macro string into a more easily
handled format, replacing parameters in the text with n, where n is a
binary value (128 to 128+MAX_TOKENS). The macro is placed in a structure
of the form:
struct Macro {
char *name ;
char namelength ;
char *text ;
int parmcount ;
int callcount ;
int alpha ;
unsigned short *skip1, *skip2 ;
where the text string has binary symbols where the parms were. Parmcount
is used to see if a parameter block should be searched for when expanding
a macro. Callcount is used to stop expansion in case of recursive
definitions. Alpha set to 1 ==> the macro name can't be next to alpha-
numeric characters. The skip parameters point to Boyer-Moore tables
(except for macros with short names (currently short :== 1 character),
which don't use the BM algorithm for efficiency reasons).
Caution must be exercised to avoid accidental recursive definitions
involving more than one macro:
: h i+x ;
: i(y) func(y) ;
: func h ;
This will generate the successive strings (from a = func(x)):
a = h(x)
a = i+x(x)
a = func()+x(x)
a = h()+x(x) .... and so on. Beware.
Macro names will not be flagged if they are quoted (with apostrophes)
in the source, or if they are in comment records.
If more parameters are found than were present in the definition, the
trailers are ignored. If fewer are found they will be inserted where
expected only (the missing parameters will be taken to be null strings).
Parameters are separated by commas, and are only recognized if they are
balanced according to delimiters. If : MACRO(a,b) a + b ; is defined
MACRO " [i,j] "
is found in the text, only one parameter will be found and it will be
expanded as:
[i,j] +
It is not possible to have unbalanced delimiters in a parameter of a
macro unless the macro only has one argument.
A macro definition will override a previous definition with
the same name. The statement:
: func(x) ;
will undefine func (remove it from the macro table). The argument
is unnecessary when undefining.
Flow Control Extensions
These commands are based on the flow control of forth (except for
the do/end_do construct). With the exception of the OF and DEFAULT
commands, no other text is allowed on the line. If trailing text is
present it is ignored, leading text will prevent PREP from seeing the
command. This includes labels: PREP command lines may not have labels
unless macros are used to define labels to expand as continue statements
and newlines. The commands end_case, end_do, and leave_do can have a
space instead of the underline, but the space is significant. Of course
a macro could be defined as : enddo end_do ;. Unlike some other
languages (forth and c) where CONTINUE applies to all types of loops,
here there are three CONTINUE statements (continue, continue_do, and
continue_case) which apply to the three classes of loops supported by
PREP. This avoids some confusion in certain situations with nested
loops of differing types. In general for the flow control extensions,
if optional expressions are omitted they are taken to be TRUE.
Forth style begin/while/until/again construct:
begin ... again
begin ... while (exp1) ... again
begin ... until (exp1)
leave (optional expression) to exit current level
continue (optional expression) to got back to begin
Here the ...'s represent lines of PREP and fortran code, not on
the same line with the directives. A working example of one of these
line of code
while ( SOME_MACRO[i] ) ; the macro evaluates to a logical expression
line of code
line of code
The begin ... again construct will loop forever. Usually it will have a
leave command inside ( leave [ EOF ], where EOF is a macro ), or a
return to caller. These (as with the case construct and do/end_do) may
be nested ten levels deep. The begin is always necessary, even it the
next statement is while.
Case construct:
case ( optional exp )
of ( exp2 ) line of code
line of code
continue_case ( optional logical exp )
of ( exp3 ) line of code
default line of code
line of code
This is processed by converting to if else endif expressions. It is
somewhat clearer in general. The expressions here must NOT be logical
(.eq. is used), unless CASE is followed by no parameter in which case
the OF expressions MUST be logical expressions. Unfortunately fortran
does not allow comparisons between logical expressions using .eq., so
there is no way around this dilemma without having the preprocessor
understand fortran to determine variable types (which in turn would
require that all fortran include directives be processed). Of course
if the value is logical there is not much sense in using the case
construct instead of and ordinary if/else/endif. An example of a
case construct is
c = getchar() ; function that returns a character value
case ( c )
of ( 'q' ) call exit
of ( 'd' ) call dump
continue_case ( not_done )
default write(*,*) 'illegal character, try again'
In this example the continue statements pass control back to the case, so
getchar is not reevaluated. If getchar() were put in the case expression
however, it would be evaluated for each OF statement as
if ( 'q' .eq. getchar() ) etc
which is probably not what was intended. Therefore, continue_case is rather
useless here unless the value of variable c is changed by the OF clause.
The example will write indefinitely if any character other than q or d
is entered. The right way to do this is by switching the 1st 2 lines:
case ( c )
c = getchar() ; function that returns a character value
of ( 'q' ) call exit
This will evaluate the function getchar on entry and once every time
continue_case is encountered. An example which uses logical expressions is
c = getchar()
of ( 'q' == c ) call exit
end case
The nesting limit for case constructs is again 10. If continue_case
is too long a command name, it can always be abbreviated with a macro
definition (in premac.h the definition ": ->case continue_case ;" does
do ... end_do
The syntax here is like that of vms fortran, except for the leave_do
which jumps out of the loop if the logical expression is true, and
continue_do which jumps to the end_do and continues the loop. An
do i = 1, 10
line of code
continue do ( i == 2 ) ; goes to end_do if true
line of code
line of code
leave do ( i*j == 4 ) ; exits loop if true
line of code
end do
The leave_do and continue_do commands cannot be used in normal labeled
do loops. If the logical expressions are omitted they are assumed
Vector Arithmetic
When writing large number crunching programs in fortran it often
happens that there are a large number of arrays with the same dimensions.
More than likely the loop parameters will be the same for many loops,
and even a simple routine may be rather long and difficult to read
because of all the excess baggage. It is therefore helpful to have
a shorthand method for writing loops that use common loop parameters.
A few examples of the shorthand supported by PREP follow.
a(#,#) = b(#,#) + 1
This has the obvious meaning that all of the elements of array a are
set equal to those of b incremented by 1. Assuming the appropriate
default loop parameters have been set, this will be expanded as
do 10001 i001 = 1, my
do 10000 i000 = 1, mx
a(i000,i001) = b(i000,i001) + 1
10000 continue
10001 continue
The labels will be generated uniquely. The variables i000 -> i009 are
reserved for this purpose. PREP assumes that the usual fortran
conventions hold and that variables beginning with i are integers.
In fortran the first index of an array changes the most rapidly as
one proceeds through the memory, so the loops are always generated
with the innermost loop over the first index. This is essential for
efficiency on machines with virtual memory (VAX) or those that rely
on sequential addressing for vectorization (Cyber).
More than one line can be placed in the core of a loop by using
square brackets to group them together.
c(#,#) = exp( d(#,#) ) + c(#,#)
[ a(#,#) = b(#,#,1)*c(#,#) - 100
x = y
d(#,#) = e(#,#) ]
is expanded as
do 10001 i001 = 1, my
do 10000 i000 = 1, mx
c(i000, i001) = exp( d(i000,i001) ) + c(i000,i001)
10000 continue
10001 continue
do 10003 i001 = 1, my
do 10002 i000 = 1, mx
a(i000,i001) = b(i000,i001,1)*c(i000,i001) - 100
x = y
d(i000,i001) = e(i000,i001)
10002 continue
10003 continue
Yes the output can get very ugly, but computers don't care. PREP will
always continue to the next line if necessary so there is no need
to worry about line length.
The above loops use default loop limits, and these must be set
with the do_limits command. The general form is:
do_limits [ (mi, mf, minc), (ni, nf, ninc), .... ]
The number of triples (do i000=mi, mf, minc) determines how many
indices will be looped over. If a triple has only 2 elements they are
assumed to be the initial value and final value and the increment is
taken to be 1. If a triple has just one element (parens then not needed)
it is assumed to be the final value and the initial value and increment
are both taken to be 1. Therefore the above examples could have their
limits set with
do_limits [ mx, my ]
Usually the do_limits statement will be tucked out of the way at the
beginning of the program file or in a PREP #include file. Again the
underline can be replaced by a blank.
As a rule the number of # symbols in each array should equal the
number of indices implied by the current default limits. A common
exception is
a(#) = a(#) + b(#,#)*c(#,#)
which expands as
do 10001 i001 = 1, my
do 10000 i000 = 1, mx
a(i000) = a(i000) + b(i000,i001)*c(i000,i001)
10000 continue
10001 continue
This does a lot of dot products in parallel on a vector machine like
the Cray. The compiler will vectorize the inner loop, but is not
smart enough to realize that the vector "a" should be kept in a vector
register from one outer iteration to the next, and does an unnecessary
save and fetch each time. Because this loop is memory bound (the
performance is limited by the time it takes to fetch and store the
data rather than the floating point speed of the machine because
there are so few operations in the loop) the performance can be
increased by unrolling the loop. This is done automatically by PREP
to any depth. Unrolling this example to a depth of 4 gives
do 10001 i001=1,int((1.0*(( my )-1+1))/(1*4))*1*4+1-1,1*4
do 10000 i000 = 1, ( mx), 1
a(i000) = a(i000) + b(i000,i001)*c(i000,i001)
a(i000) = a(i000) + b(i000,i001+1*1)*c(i000,i001+1*1)
a(i000) = a(i000) + b(i000,i001+1*2)*c(i000,i001+1*2)
a(i000) = a(i000) + b(i000,i001+1*3)*c(i000,i001+1*3)
10000 continue
10001 continue
do 10003 i001=int((1.0*(( my )-1+1))/(1*4))*1*4+1,( my ),1
do 10002 i000 = 1, ( mx), 1
a(i000) = a(i000) + b(i000,i001)*c(i000,i001)
10002 continue
10003 continue
The second set of loops is a clean up operation. This technique
improves performance because now the compiler will see that the
same vector will be used in the next vector statement and therefore
keeps it in a register. The example above which is not unrolled runs
at about 50 Mflops. Unrolling to a depth of 16 results in a speed
of 80 Mflops (when mx=my=100)
Unrolling can be controlled with the command line switches
mentioned earlier and with the command
unroll ( 8 )
imbedded in the source. The depth must be explicit of course.
Using the imbedded command individual loops can be controlled
Unfortunately, using the same trick on more complicated loops
actually degrades performance, since the loops become too
complicated for the optimizer. For this reason there is a command
line switch -l n, which inhibits unrolling unless the vector
statement is on n or fewer lines. Unrolling is always disabled
if the number of indices is not greater than 1, since it would
serve no purpose for 1 index loops on the vector machines for
which it is intended (Unrolling a 1 index loop will inhibit
vectorization). This should perhaps be a command line option
as well, since scalar machines may derive some benefit for such
Loops should never be unrolled unless one is certain that
the result is independent of the order over which the indices are
swept. Usually if a loop is vectorizable on the Cray and can be
written in this notation, it can be unrolled. A loop such as
[ a(#,#) = i
i = i + 1
is not vectorizable and if unrolled the result will not be
independent of the unrolling depth. Low precision calculations may
show differences depending on the depth because of round off errors.
For instance, if sum is a 32 bit real and a is an array of 32 or
64 bit reals with a(i,j)=i+mi*j where the dimensions are large,
the loop
sum = sum + a(#,#)
may differ in the least significant digits when unrolled. This is
because when not unrolling (in this example) small numbers have a
chance to add up before being added to large ones. The unrolled
loops may add small numbers directly to large ones and lose them.
Of course this is just a precision problem and has nothing to do
with the correctness of the algorithm. Examples could just as
easily be invented where the unrolled version is more accurate.
Some performance improvements have been noted for scalar
machines. Parallel processors have not yet been tested but
may allow the most improvement, since the technique will be
of greater assistance if the number of parallel paths to memory
is increased. In principle each processor could access a local
memory store simultaneously, and unrolling would allow an
optimizing compiler to realize more easily that fetches could
be done in parallel. PREP allows such matters to be investigated
without the need for a great deal of text editing to unroll
loops by hand.
The program has recently been tested on an Alliant FX/8
parallel processor. This machine has 8 vector processors and 8
parallel paths to a common memory, which makes it an ideal candidate
for this unrolling trick. However, the Alliant compiler is a very
advanced beast, and optimizes two levels deep (vectorizes inner
loops and distributes outer loops). This eliminates any possible
gains from unrolling, and in fact performance is retarded by doing
so. In principle the Alliant scheme could be implemented at the
preprocessor level. I have no immediate plans to do it, but this
preprocessor might be a good starting point for such a project.
disclaimer: The unrolling feature of this program is present only
because I was curious about such matters. It should be viewed as
an experimental tool. I doubt that there exists a machine where
performance can be greatly improved simply by globally unrolling
the loops.
If you have used this program and have any comments or
suggestions, they can be sent via lectric-mail to the addresses
mentioned above.
@//E*O*F prep.doc//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r prep.doc
echo x - ktest.p
sed 's/^@//' > "ktest.p" <<'@//E*O*F ktest.p//'
c test program for Kutta. Probably needs double precision. If so
c do:
c prep -d DOUBLE ktest
#include "premac.h"
: DIM 2 ;
implicit real ( a-h, o-z )
real y(DIM)
external simple
xi = 10
xf = 0
y(1) = exp(xi)
y(2) = exp(xi)
n = DIM
del = .1
accurc = 1.e-8
imax = 10
write(*,*) kutta( xi, xf, y, n, del, accurc, imax, simple ),
* ' iterations'
do i = 1, DIM
write(*,100) i, xf, y(i)-1
end do
100 format( ' error in y(', i2, ') at x=', g12.5, ' is ', g12.5 )
c functions to be integrated
subroutine simple( x, y, f )
implicit real ( a-h, o-z )
real y(DIM), f(DIM)
f(1) = y(2)
f(2) = 2*y(2) - y(1)
c Runge Kutta ODE solver, real version
c This routine solves a system of 1st order ODE's of the form
c dYn
c --- = Fn(x,Yn)
c dx
c where the functions Fn are defined by the external routine
c equa( x, Y, F ). n must be <= DIM, defined below.
c variable defs
c xi, xf integrate from xi to xf
c y initial y's, solutions also returned here
c n number of initial y's
c del initial dx
c accurc accuracy measure
c imax maximum times that del may be halved
c equa external functions to be integrated
c returns the number of iterations, -1 on error
c originally written ??? by ???
c converted to a readable form 2/2/87, P.R.Ove
#include "premac.h"
: INCREASING_DONE ( (xn+h>=xf) & (xf>=xi) ) ;
: DECREASING_DONE ( (xn+h<=xf) & (xf<=xi) ) ;
: DIM 6 ;
do limits [ n ]
integer function kutta( xi, xf, y, n, del, accurc, imax, equa )
implicit real (a-h,o-z)
real y(DIM), yi(DIM), yn(DIM),
* k1(DIM), k2(DIM), k3(DIM), k4(DIM), k5(DIM),
* f(DIM), e(DIM), f1(DIM)
real test, xi, xf, del, accurc, xn, h
real amax1, abs
logical quit
c initialization
if ( n > DIM ) then
write(*,*) 'KUTTA: too many equations: ', n, '>', DIM
kutta = -1
end if
kutta = 0
n_halves = 0
xn = xi
h = del
quit = FALSE
yn(#) = y(#)
c fix sign of h if not sensible
if ( ( xf > xi & h < 0 ) | ( xf < xi & h > 0 ) ) h = -h
c check to see if finished. adjust h so that y(xf) is returned.
if ( DONE ) then
del = h
h = xf - xn
quit = TRUE
end if
c runge kutta calculation. calculates y(xn + h) from y(xn) and dy(xn).
call equa(xn, yn, f1)
[ k1(#) = h*f1(#)/3.
yi(#) = yn(#) + k1(#) ]
call equa(xn + h/3., yi, f)
[ k2(#) = h*f(#)/3.
yi(#) = yn(#) + k1(#)/2. + k2(#)/2. ]
call equa(xn + h/3., yi, f)
[ k3(#) = h*f(#)/3.
yi(#) = yn(#) + 3.*k1(#)/8. + 9.*k3(#)/8. ]
call equa(xn + h/2., yi, f)
[ k4(#) = h*f(#)/3.
yi(#) = yn(#) + 3.*k1(#)/2. - 9.*k3(#)/2. + 6.*k4(#) ]
call equa(xn + h, yi, f)
c accuracy check. repeats with h halved if check fails.
test = 0.0
[ k5(#) = h*f(#)/3.
e(#) = (k1(#) - 9.*k3(#)/2. + 4.*k4(#) - k5(#)/2.)/5.
test = amax1(test, abs(e(#))) ]
while ( test >= accurc )
n_halves = n_halves + 1
if( n_halves >= imax ) then
del = h
kutta = -1
write(*,*) 'KUTTA: step made too small:'
write(*,*) ' del = ', del, ' at x = ', xn
end if
h = h/2.
quit = FALSE
c increase h to 2h if acceptable. return if finished.
yn(#) = yn(#) + (k1(#) + 4.*k4(#) + k5(#))/2.
xn = xn + h
kutta = kutta + 1
if ( test < accurc/32. ) h = 2.*h
until ( quit )
y(#) = yn(#)
@//E*O*F ktest.p//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r ktest.p
echo x - sieve.p
sed 's/^@//' > "sieve.p" <<'@//E*O*F sieve.p//'
c Sieve benchmark in fortran. Translated directly from a c
c version (?) without much thought, to illustrate a few prep
c facilities. Not written for speed, but it should work.
#include "premac.h"
: S 8190 ;
: do_while(l) begin
while (l) ;
do limits [ (0, S) ]
integer f(0:S)
integer i, p, k, c, n
do n = 1, 10
c = 0
f(#) = 1
do i = 0, S
if ( f(i) != 0 ) then
p = 2*i + 3
k = i + p
c this loop will be faster as a normal do loop on a vector machine
do_while ( k <= S )
f(k) = 0
k = k + p
c = c + 1
end if
end do
end do
write(*,*) c, ' primes'
@//E*O*F sieve.p//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r sieve.p
echo x - vecdem.p
sed 's/^@//' > "vecdem.p" <<'@//E*O*F vecdem.p//'
c Demo to demonstrate some PREP facilities. This program is a demo
c only and will not compile without a lot of variable definitions.
#include "vecdem.h"
subroutine w_accel_l(psi, lin_fac, source, omega)
include "ellipdim"
if (w_bypass) return
w_error = FALSE
c Set up the basis consisting of past iterates
[ basis(#,#,1) = psi(#,#)
basis(#,#,2) = psi(#,#) - psi_alt(#,#,1)
basis(#,#,3) = psi(#,#) - 2*psi_alt(#,#,1) + psi_alt(#,#,2)
basis(#,#,4) = 1 ]
PERIODIC( basis1 )
PERIODIC( basis2 )
PERIODIC( basis3 )
PERIODIC( basis4 )
c Calculate the matrix and the source vector
do i = 1, w_dim
ii = i
do j = i, w_dim
jj = j
call make_mat_l(psi, lin_fac, source, omega, i, j)
do i = 1, w_dim
w_source(i) = 0
w_source(i) = source(#,#)*basis(#,#,i) + w_source(i)
c invert the symmetric matrix
call linsys(w_matrix, w_dim, w_dim, w_source, w_coeff, ising, lfirst,
* lprint, work)
if (ising == 1) then
write(*,*) ' WARNING: W_matrix is singular '
w_error = TRUE
c calculate the improved solution
psi(#,#) = 0
do i = 1, w_dim
psi(#,#) = psi(#,#) + w_coeff(i)*basis(#,#,i)
c output section for error checking
do i = 1, w_dim
write(*,100) i, .5*w_matrix(i,i) - w_source(i),
* i, w_coeff(i)
do_limits = { w_dim }
action = 0
do i = 1, w_dim
action = action + w_matrix(i,#)*w_coeff(i)*w_coeff(#)
action = action/2
action = action - w_source(#)*w_coeff(#)
write(*,*) ' new action = ',action
100 format(' action(',i1')= ',g16.9,' w_coeff(',i1,')= ', g16.9)
@//E*O*F vecdem.p//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r vecdem.p
echo x - demo.p
sed 's/^@//' > "demo.p" <<'@//E*O*F demo.p//'
c Demo code segment to illustrate some PREP facilities. This is
c just a preprocessor demo and will not compile without adding
c a lot of variable declarations.
#include "premac.h"
c flag to call alternate window filler if window size = array size
: PIXIE_FLAG (((xpix1-xpix0+1) == nrows) & ((ypix1-ypix0+1) == ncols))) ;
include 'tencomn'
c open the input data file and initialize the device
call init
c skip over skip0 data sets
call skipdat( skip0 )
if (eoflag) call exodus
c enter the menu
call menu
c read data tables from the input file and plot until empty
c clear the record numbers
do j = 1, 10
record( j ) = 0
do j = 1, 10
icount = j
call getdat
record( icount ) = first_record
leave_do (eoflag)
c on first dataset of a group reset background
if ( icount .eq. 1 ) then
call vsbcol(dev, backcol)
call vclrwk(dev)
end if
c weed the data to make it fit in the window
call compact
c clear a window and label it
call windower
c Plot the data table , 1st arg is absolute first dim of buffer
if ( PIXIE_FLAG ) then
call pixie( HARD_X_DIM, nrows, ncols,
* xpix0, PHYS_HEIGHT - 1 - ypix1,
* buffer )
call winfill( HARD_X_DIM, nrows, ncols,
* xpix0, xpix1,
* PHYS_HEIGHT - 1 - ypix1,
* PHYS_HEIGHT - 1 - ypix0,
* buffer )
end if
c see if the user is tired and wants to quit
status = vsmstr( dev, ten, zero, echoxy, dummy)
if ( status .gt. 0 ) then
case [ upper( dummy(1:1) ) ]
of ( 'Q' ) call exodus
of ( 'R' ) leave_do
of ( 'B' ) leave_do
end if
c skip over skip data sets
call skipdat( skip )
c Delay and wait for keystroke. Quit on Q,q; continue on cr; enlarge
c on keys 1,2,3,...9,0 (0 --> 10); make a dump file on D, d.
c If in movie mode, skip this input section, make a dump, and continue
if ( movie_mode ) then
if (eoflag) call exodus
call dump
c stay in this loop if end of file has been reached.
case ( last_key )
last_key = key(dev)
of ( 'D' ) call dump
of ( 'Q' ) call exodus
of ( 'R' ) call restart
of ( 'B' ) call pop( recn )
recn = max0( recn, 1 )
eoflag = .false.
default call push( max0( record(1), 1 ) )
call enlarger
while ( eoflag )
end if
c Restore the video mode and turn off the device
call exodus
@//E*O*F demo.p//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r demo.p
echo x - vecdem.h
sed 's/^@//' > "vecdem.h" <<'@//E*O*F vecdem.h//'
c macros defs for vec demo
#include "premac.h"
: XLIM 81 ; hard dimensions of arrays are from 0 --> ?lim
: YLIM 81 ;
: SCRNX 320 ; geodesic drawing screen dimensions
: SCRNY 200 ;
: PHOTONS 64 ; number of photons
: SMALL 1.e-20 ;
: BIG 1.e+20 ;
: include(x) use x ; cray specific file include
: PERIODIC(x) call periodic( mx, my, x ) ;
c default do limits
do_limits = [ (XLIM-1), (YLIM-1) ]
@//E*O*F vecdem.h//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r vecdem.h
echo x - premac.h
sed 's/^@//' > "premac.h" <<'@//E*O*F premac.h//'
c Some standard macros for prep.
c logical stuff
: == .eq. ;
: >= .ge. ;
: > .gt. ;
: < .lt. ;
: <= .le. ;
: != .ne. ;
: <> .ne. ;
: ! .not. ;
: | .or. ;
: & .and. ;
: TRUE .true. ;
: FALSE .false. ;
: ^ ** ;
#if DOUBLE ; double precision defs
: real doubleprecision ;
: alog dlog ;
: amax1 dmax1 ;
: amin1 dmin1 ;
: abs dabs ;
: sin dsin ;
: cos dcos ;
: 0.0 0.d0 ;
: .e .d;
@//E*O*F premac.h//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r premac.h
echo x - fix.h
sed 's/^@//' > "fix.h" <<'@//E*O*F fix.h//'
: .eq. ==; file for imbedding a few macros in a fortran program
: .ge. >=;
: .gt. >; to use do: prep -m -i fix.h <file >output
: .lt. <;
: .le. <=;
: .ne. !=;
: ** ^;
: .and. &;
: .or. |;
: .not. !;
: .true. TRUE;
: .false. FALSE;
@//E*O*F fix.h//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r fix.h
exit 0