[net.sources] Pascal to C translator- patch

dan@srs.UUCP (Dan Kegel) (04/16/87)

The version of p2c posted last month contained an error that prevented it
from running on many machines.  Here's a fixed version, this time with
a makefile.  Sorry...
- Dan Kegel (seismo!rochester!srs!dan)

# shar archiver, delete everything above the #!/bin/sh line
# and run through sh (not csh)
echo 'shar: extracting "p2c.doc" (2436 characters)'
sed 's/^XX //' > p2c.doc << 'XXX_EOF_XXX'
XX     p2c	- Pascal to C translator
XX     p2c < foo.pas > foo.c
XX     p2c converts many Pascal structures to their C equivalent.
XX     The Pascal source can be in upper, lower, or mixed case; case is
XX     preserved during translation.
XX     Structures translated properly include simple assignment
XX     and comparison statments, variable, type, and label declarations, 
XX     enumerated types, and procedure and function declarations and instances.
XX     Structures NOT translated properly include sets, constant declarations,
XX     variant records, files, subrange types, VAR parameters, CASE, FOR, 
XX     UNTIL, WITH, READ, and WRITE statements, and nested procedures.
XX     The translator provides hints about untranslated regions by inserting
XX     UPPERCASE messages enclosed with /* and */ into the translated source.
XX     Error messages are of the form /***# Expected ... ***/.
XX     Human massaging of the output WILL be needed; the output isn't quite
XX     legal C code.
XX     You may want to modify the keyword translation table to your taste.
XX     Written in C; runs under Sun UNIX and under MS-DOS with Microsoft C 4.0; 
XX     ought to compile on other systems without change...
XX     Some of the translation is done with a keyword table, but the fun stuff
XX     is done by a recursive-descent parser.
XX     Not well tested.
XX     Error recovery is very poor- the first error in translation inside
XX     the recursive-descent section will result in a very long stream of
XX     error messages.
XX     Some of the bread-and-butter structures of Pascal- like CASE, FOR, and 
XX     UNTIL- are not translated properly, although it would be easy to extend
XX     the parser to understand them.  (Hint, hint)
XX     I welcome bug reports, and invite anyone interested to implement
XX     more PASCAL structures; I probably won't work on it much, because
XX     I don't use Pascal these days.
XX     This is version 1.3 of 14 Apr 87 by Dan Kegel (seismo!rochester!srs!dan).
XX     It corrects a malloc problem in parseVarDec(), and makes forward 
XX     procedure declarations a bit more helpful.
XX     Based on version 1.1 by James A Mullens  <jcm@ornl-msr.arpa>  29-Jan-87
XX     which was in turn based on two nearly identical programs by Robert Heller  
XX     (1 Feb 1985) and Rick Walker <walker@hpl-opus.hp.COM> (8 Sep 1986)
XX     which were reportedly derived from a similar program in the Feb 85 Byte
XX     which did a C TO PASCAL conversion.
if test 2436 -ne "`wc -c < p2c.doc`"
    echo 'shar: transmission error on "p2c.doc"'
echo 'shar: extracting "makefile" (284 characters)'
sed 's/^XX //' > makefile << 'XXX_EOF_XXX'
XX # Makefile for program 'p2c' on 4.2 BSD Unix
XX SHELL = /bin/csh
XX p2c: p2c.o proc.o doalloc.o
XX 	cc $(CFLAGS) p2c.o proc.o doalloc.o -o p2c
XX p2c.lint: p2c.c proc.c doalloc.c
XX 	lint p2c.c proc.c doalloc.c >& p2c.lint
XX 	-more p2c.lint
XX p2c.o: p2c.h ktypes.h
XX proc.o: p2c.h ktypes.h
if test 284 -ne "`wc -c < makefile`"
    echo 'shar: transmission error on "makefile"'
echo 'shar: extracting "makefile.dos" (377 characters)'
sed 's/^XX //' > makefile.dos << 'XXX_EOF_XXX'
XX # Makefile for program 'p2c' on MS-DOS, Microsoft C 4.0
XX CC = cl
XX #default: p2c.exe
XX #	echo Done.
XX p2c.obj: p2c.c p2c.h ktypes.h
XX 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c p2c.c
XX proc.obj: proc.c p2c.h ktypes.h
XX 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c proc.c
XX doalloc.obj: doalloc.c
XX 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c doalloc.c
XX p2c.exe: p2c.obj proc.obj doalloc.obj
XX 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -F3000 p2c.obj proc.obj doalloc.obj
if test 377 -ne "`wc -c < makefile.dos`"
    echo 'shar: transmission error on "makefile.dos"'
echo 'shar: extracting "ktypes.h" (1438 characters)'
sed 's/^XX //' > ktypes.h << 'XXX_EOF_XXX'
XX /*--- ktypes.h ------------------------------------------------------
XX Keyword types for the Pascal to C translator.
XX 3/25/87 Daniel Kegel (seismo!rochester!srs!dan)
XX ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
XX #define T_ZIP		0	/* Nondescript identifier */
XX #define T_BEGIN		1	/* BEGIN */
XX #define T_END		2	/* END */
XX #define T_PROC		3	/* PROCEDURE */
XX #define T_FUNC		4	/* FUNCTION */
XX #define T_FORWARD	5	/* FORWARD */
XX #define T_CONST 	6	/* CONST */
XX #define T_VAR	 	7	/* VAR */
XX #define T_COMPARE	8	/* ==, <>, >, < */
XX #define T_EQUALS	9	/* = alone; in CONST, TYPE or comparison */
XX #define T_COLON 	10	/* : alone; in VAR, READ, or WRITE */
XX #define T_SEMI		11	/* ; alone */
XX #define T_LPAREN	12	/* ( alone */
XX #define T_RPAREN	13	/* ) alone */
XX #define T_SPACE 	14	/* a string of blanks, tabs, and/or newlines */
XX #define T_STRUCTMEMBER	15	/* ^. */
XX #define T_ASSIGN	16	/* := */
XX #define T_STRING	17	/* quoted string */
XX #define T_COMMENT	18	/* comment text */
XX #define T_EOF		19	/* end of source file */
XX #define T_COMMA		20	/* , */
XX #define T_LABEL		21	/* LABEL */
XX #define T_DEREF		22	/* ^ alone */
XX #define T_LBRACKET	23	/* [ */
XX #define T_RBRACKET	24	/* ] */
XX #define T_ARRAY		25	/* ARRAY */
XX #define T_RANGE		26	/* .. */
XX #define T_OF		27	/* OF */
XX #define T_RECORD	28	/* RECORD */
XX #define T_FILE		29	/* FILE */
XX #define T_TYPE		30	/* TYPE */
XX #define T_STRINGTYPE	31	/* STRING(n) or STRING[n] type */
XX #define T_CASE		32	/* CASE */
if test 1438 -ne "`wc -c < ktypes.h`"
    echo 'shar: transmission error on "ktypes.h"'
echo 'shar: extracting "p2c.h" (1570 characters)'
sed 's/^XX //' > p2c.h << 'XXX_EOF_XXX'
XX /*---- p2c.h ------------------------------------------------------
XX Defines and Global Variable for the Pascal to C translator
XX 3/25/87 Daniel Kegel (seismo!rochester!srs!dan)
XX 4/16/87 Daniel Kegel (if MSDOS, declarations from proc.c)
XX -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
XX #define MAXTOKLEN 2048	/* maximum token length */
XX     /* Note: even comments are jammed into a token; that's why this is big. */
XX typedef struct {	/* holds keywords, operators, etc. */
XX     char str[MAXTOKLEN];
XX     int kind;		/* code from table of wnodes */
XX } token;
XX typedef struct {
XX   int  ktype;		/* the meaning of the keyword */
XX   char *pname;		/* the Pascal name of the keyword */
XX   char *cname;		/* the C      name of the keyword */
XX } wnode;
XX 	/* Allocate or Reallocate n 'type' items */
XX char *DoMalloc(), *DoRealloc();
XX #define MALLOC(type, n) \
XX 	((type *) DoMalloc((unsigned) sizeof(type) * (n)))
XX #define REALLOC(ptr, type, n) \
XX 	((type *) DoRealloc((char *)ptr, (unsigned) sizeof(type) * (n)))
XX #ifndef TRUE
XX #define TRUE 1
XX #define FALSE 0
XX #endif
XX #ifndef boolean
XX #define boolean int
XX #endif
XX /*--- The Global Variable ---------*/
XX token cTok;		/* current token from scanner */
XX /*--- routines declared in proc.c ----*/
XX /*global*/  void skipSpace();
XX /*global*/  void parseSpace();
XX /*global*/  void parseProcedure();
XX /*global*/  void parseVar();
XX /*global*/  void parseType();
XX /*global*/  void parseLabel();
XX /*--- routines declared in p2c.c ----*/
XX /*global*/  void getTok();
XX #ifdef MSDOS
XX /* Get declarations for exit(), atoi(), etc. */
XX #include <stdlib.h>
XX #endif
if test 1570 -ne "`wc -c < p2c.h`"
    echo 'shar: transmission error on "p2c.h"'
echo 'shar: extracting "doalloc.c" (672 characters)'
sed 's/^XX //' > doalloc.c << 'XXX_EOF_XXX'
XX /* doalloc.c: memory allocations which exit upon error */
XX #include <stdio.h>
XX #ifndef NULL
XX #define NULL ((char *) 0)
XX #endif
XX /* act like calloc, but return only if no error */
XX char *DoRealloc(ptr,size)
XX     char *ptr;
XX     unsigned size;
XX {
XX     extern char *realloc();
XX     char *p;
XX     if ((p=realloc(ptr, size)) == NULL) {
XX 	fprintf(stderr, "memory allocation (realloc) error");
XX 	exit(1);
XX     }
XX     return (p);
XX }
XX /* act like malloc, but return only if no error */
XX char *DoMalloc(size)
XX     unsigned size;
XX {
XX     extern char *malloc();
XX     char *p;
XX     if ((p=malloc(size)) == NULL) {
XX 	fprintf(stderr, "memory allocation (malloc) error");
XX 	exit(1);
XX     }
XX     return (p);
XX }
if test 672 -ne "`wc -c < doalloc.c`"
    echo 'shar: transmission error on "doalloc.c"'
echo 'shar: extracting "p2c.c" (11108 characters)'
sed 's/^XX //' > p2c.c << 'XXX_EOF_XXX'
XX /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
XX   p2c.c  Version 1.1
XX   Translate Pascal keywords and operators to C.
XX   useage:  pas2c < pascal_source  > c_source
XX     i.e., this is a filter program which filters out the Pascal.
XX   By James A Mullens <jcm@ornl-msr.arpa>	29-Jan-87
XX   Revisions:
XX     Version 1.1  17-Feb-87  Changed several keyword translations on the
XX     advice of James R. Van Zandt <jrv@mitre-bedford.ARPA>.  Added many
XX     more translations.  Added a source for function strcmpi for the
XX     unfortunates who don't have this case-insensitive string comparison
XX     in their C library.
XX     Version 1.2 Dan Kegel 15 Mar 87  Made it work on Sun workstation.  
XX     Ripped out translations that hurt translation of a large Turbo program.
XX     Added proc.c, flat/recursive-descent parser.
XX     Version 1.3 Dan Kegel 16 Apr 87  Fixed bug in proc.c,
XX     added makefile.dos for MS-DOS people.
XX ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
XX #include <stdio.h>	/* standard I/O */
XX #include <ctype.h>	/* character macros */
XX #include <string.h>	/* string functions */
XX #include "p2c.h"
XX #include "ktypes.h"	/* keyword type definitions */
XX boolean WasSemi;	/* kludge to avoid duplicating semicolons */
XX /* Change these translations to fit your desires, but the Pascal names must 
XX    be written in lower case and must be in alphabetical order.  If you include 
XX    a C comment in your translation output as a HINT to the programmer, write 
XX    it in CAPITALs, else write the comment in lower case, eh?
XX */
XX wnode xlate[] = {
XX   {T_ZIP,	"and",		"&&"	},
XX   {T_ARRAY,	"array",	""	},	/* see parseTypeDecl */
XX   {T_BEGIN,	"begin",	"{"	},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"boolean",	"boolean"},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"byte",		"char"	},	/* Turbo */
XX   {T_CASE,	"case",		"switch"},
XX   {T_CONST,	"const",	"/* CONST */"},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"div",		"/"	},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"do",		")"	},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"downto",	";/*DOWNTO*/"},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"else",		"; else"},
XX   {T_END,	"end",		"}"	},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"false",	"FALSE"	},	
XX   {T_FILE,	"file",		""	},	/* see parseTypeDecl() */
XX   {T_ZIP,	"for",		"for ("	},
XX   {T_FORWARD,	"forward",	""	},
XX   {T_FUNC,	"function",	""	},	/* see parseProcedure() */
XX   {T_ZIP,	"if",		"if ("	},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"implementation", "/* private (static) section */"},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"input",	"stdin"	},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"integer",	"int"	},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"interface",	"/* exported symbol section */"},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"ioresult",	"errno"	},	/* UCSD, Turbo */
XX   {T_LABEL,	"label",	""	},	/* see parseLabel() */
XX   {T_ZIP,	"mod",		"%"	},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"not",		"!"	},
XX   {T_OF,	"of",		""	},	/* see parseTypeDecl() */
XX   {T_ZIP,	"or",		"||"	},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"output",	"stdout"},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"packed",	"/* PACKED */"},
XX   {T_PROC,	"procedure",	"void"	},	/* see parseProcedure() */
XX   {T_ZIP,	"program",	"main"	},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"read",		"scanf"	},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"readln",	"/*LINE*/scanf"},/* hint - read end-of-line */
XX   {T_ZIP,	"real",		"double"},	/* or "float" */
XX   {T_RECORD,	"record",	""	},	/* see parseTypeDecl() */
XX   {T_ZIP,	"repeat",	"do {"	},
XX   {T_STRINGTYPE,"string",	""	},	/* UCSD, Turbo string type */
XX   {T_ZIP,	"text",		"FILE *"},	/* UCSD, Turbo file type */
XX   {T_ZIP,	"then",		")"	},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"to",		";"	},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"true",		"TRUE"	},	
XX   {T_TYPE,	"type",		""	},	/* see parseType() */
XX   {T_ZIP,	"until",	"} until ("},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"uses",		"/* USES */\n#include"},
XX   {T_VAR,	"var",		"/* VAR */"},	/* see parseProc, parseVar() */
XX   {T_ZIP,	"while",	"while ("},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"with",		"/* WITH */"},	/*hint-set pointer to struct*/
XX   {T_ZIP,	"write",	"printf"},
XX   {T_ZIP,	"writeln",	"/*LINE*/printf"},/* hint - write newline */
XX   {T_ZIP,	"",		""	}	/* marks end of xlate table */
XX };
XX wnode theend = {T_ZIP,	"", ""};
XX wnode *hash[26];		/* quick index into the translation array */
XX /* Fill in the quick index ("hash") array 
XX */
XX void init_hash()
XX {
XX     int ch, cmp;
XX     wnode *nptr = xlate;
XX     for (ch='a'; ch<='z'; ch++) {
XX 	while (nptr->pname[0] && (cmp = ch - *nptr->pname) > 0) 
XX 	    nptr++;
XX 	hash[ch-'a'] = (cmp==0) ? nptr : &theend;
XX     }
XX }
XX /* compare two strings without regard to case,
XX    the equivalent of this function may already be in your C library 
XX    Used to fail on Suns because it used tolower on lowercase chars...
XX    Assumes second argument already lowercase.
XX */
XX int strcmpi(s1,s2)
XX     register char *s1, *s2;
XX { 
XX     register char c1;
XX     while ((c1= *s1++) && *s2) {	/* get char, advance ptr */
XX 	if (isupper(c1)) c1 = tolower(c1);
XX 	if (c1 != *s2) break;
XX 	s2++;
XX     }
XX     return(c1 - *s2);
XX }
XX /* Pass an identifier through the translation table; return its
XX    keyword type.  Translated keyword left in same buffer.
XX */
XX int
XX translate(word)
XX     register char *word;
XX { 
XX     register wnode *xptr;
XX     int nomatch;
XX     int c;
XX     c = *word;
XX     if (isalpha(c)) {
XX 	if (isupper(c)) c=tolower(c);
XX 	xptr = hash[c - 'a'];
XX 	while ( xptr->pname[0] && (nomatch = strcmpi(word,xptr->pname)) > 0 ) 
XX 	    xptr++;
XX 	if (!nomatch) {
XX 	    word[0]=0;
XX 	    if (!WasSemi && xptr->ktype == T_END)
XX 		strcpy(word, ";");
XX 	    strcat(word, xptr->cname);
XX 	    return(xptr->ktype);
XX 	}
XX     }
XX     return(T_ZIP);
XX }
XX #define Q_NOQUOTE  1
XX #define Q_ONEQUOTE 2
XX #define Q_DONE     3
XX #define Q_ERR      4
XX #define Q_C_ESCAPES  FALSE   /* Set true if your Pascal knows backslashes */
XX /*---- parseQuotedString -------------------------------------------------
XX Accepts Pascal quoted string from stdin, converts to C quoted string, and 
XX places in buf.
XX Examples:
XX   'hi' -> "hi"    'hi''' -> "hi'"  'hi''''' -> "hi''"
XX   ''   -> ""      ''''   -> "'"    ''''''   -> "''"
XX   ''hi' -> ERROR  '''hi' -> "'hi"  '''''hi' -> "''hi"
XX   'I''m'  -> "I'm"
XX Double quotes and backslashes are preceded with backslashes, except that
XX if Q_C_ESCAPES is TRUE, backslashes are left naked.
XX --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
XX void
XX parseQuotedString(buf)
XX char *buf;
XX {
XX     register char c;
XX     register char *letter=buf;
XX     int qstate;
XX     *letter++ = '"';
XX     qstate = Q_NOQUOTE;
XX     while (qstate < Q_DONE) {
XX 	switch (c=getchar()) {
XX 	case '\'':
XX 	    switch (qstate) {
XX 	    case Q_NOQUOTE:  
XX 		qstate = Q_ONEQUOTE; break;
XX 	    case Q_ONEQUOTE: 
XX 		*letter++ = c; qstate = Q_NOQUOTE; break;
XX 	    }
XX 	    break;
XX 	case EOF:
XX 	case '\n':
XX 	    qstate= (qstate==Q_ONEQUOTE) ? Q_DONE : Q_ERR;
XX 	    ungetc(c,stdin);
XX 	    break;
XX 	default:
XX 	    switch (qstate) {
XX 	    case Q_ONEQUOTE: 
XX 		ungetc(c,stdin); qstate = Q_DONE; break;
XX 	    case Q_NOQUOTE:
XX 		if (c=='\\' && !Q_C_ESCAPES) *letter++ = c;
XX 		if (c=='"') *letter++ = '\\';
XX 		*letter++ = c; 
XX 		break; 
XX 	    }
XX 	}
XX     }
XX     *letter++ = '"';
XX     *letter++ = '\0';
XX     if (qstate == Q_ERR) {
XX 	fprintf(stderr,"Newline in string constant: %s\n",buf);
XX 	fprintf(stdout," %c*** \\n IN STRING ***%c ",
XX 	    '/', buf, '/');
XX     }
XX }
XX void
XX getTok()
XX {
XX     register char *letter = cTok.str;
XX     register char *sEnd = letter + MAXTOKLEN-3;
XX     register int c;
XX     c = getchar();
XX     if (isalnum(c)) {
XX 	while (c != EOF && isalnum(c)) {
XX 	    *letter++ = c;
XX 	    c = getchar();
XX 	}
XX 	ungetc(c,stdin);
XX 	*letter++ = 0;
XX 	cTok.kind = translate(cTok.str);
XX     } else {
XX 	switch(c) {
XX 	case '\n':	/* newline */
XX 	case 0x20:	/* space */
XX 	case 0x9:	/* tab */
XX 	    do		/* Gather a string of blank space into one token */
XX 		*letter++ = c;
XX 	    while ((c=getchar()) != EOF && isspace(c));
XX 	    ungetc(c, stdin);
XX 	    *letter++ = '\0';
XX 	    cTok.kind = T_SPACE;
XX 	    break;
XX 	case '\'': 				/* Quoted String */
XX 	    parseQuotedString(cTok.str);
XX 	    cTok.kind = T_STRING;
XX 	    break;
XX 	case '{' : 				/* Curly Comment */
XX 	    *letter++='/'; 
XX 	    *letter++='*';
XX 	    while ((c=getchar()) != EOF && c!='}' && letter!=sEnd)
XX 		*letter++ = c;
XX 	    if (letter == sEnd) {
XX 		printf("/***ERROR: Comment too long (sorry) ***/");
XX 		while ((c=getchar()) != EOF && c!='}')
XX 		    ;
XX 	    }
XX 	    strcpy(letter, "*/");
XX 	    cTok.kind = T_COMMENT;
XX 	    break;
XX 	case '(' : 
XX 	    if ((c=getchar())!='*') {		/* Parenthesis */
XX 		ungetc(c,stdin);
XX 		strcpy(letter, "(");
XX 		cTok.kind = T_LPAREN;
XX 	    } else {
XX 		register int lastc = '\0';	/* (* Comment *) */
XX 		*letter++='/'; 
XX 		*letter++='*';
XX 		while ((c=getchar())!=EOF && !(c==')' && lastc == '*') && 
XX 		    letter != sEnd) {
XX 		    lastc = c;
XX 		    *letter++ = c;
XX 		}
XX 		if (letter == sEnd) {
XX 		    printf("/***ERROR: Comment too long (sorry) ***/");
XX 		    while ((c=getchar())!=EOF && !(c==')' && lastc == '*'))
XX 			lastc = c;
XX 		}
XX 		strcpy(letter, "/");		/* * already there! */
XX 		cTok.kind = T_COMMENT;
XX 	    }
XX 	    break;
XX 	case ')' :
XX 	    strcpy(letter, ")");
XX 	    cTok.kind = T_RPAREN;
XX 	    break;
XX 	case ':' : 
XX 	    if ((c=getchar())=='=') {		/* Assignment */
XX 		strcpy(letter, "=");
XX 		cTok.kind = T_ASSIGN;
XX 	    } else {				/* Colon */
XX 		ungetc(c,stdin);
XX 		strcpy(letter, ":");
XX 		cTok.kind = T_COLON;
XX 	    }
XX 	    break;
XX 	case '=':
XX 	    strcpy(letter, "==");		/* Might be equality test...*/
XX 	    cTok.kind = T_EQUALS;		/* depends on parse state */
XX 	    break;
XX 	case '<' : 
XX 	    switch (c=getchar()) {
XX 	    case '>':  
XX 		strcpy(letter, "!=");
XX 		break;
XX 	    case '=':  
XX 		strcpy(letter, "<=");
XX 		break;
XX 	    default :  
XX 		ungetc(c,stdin);
XX 		strcpy(letter,"<");
XX 	    }
XX 	    cTok.kind = T_COMPARE;
XX 	    break;
XX 	case '>' : 
XX 	    if ((c=getchar()) == '=')
XX 		strcpy(letter, ">=");
XX 	    else {
XX 		ungetc(c,stdin);
XX 		strcpy(letter, ">");
XX 	    }
XX 	    cTok.kind = T_COMPARE;
XX 	    break;
XX 	case '^' :
XX 	    if ((c=getchar()) == '.') {	/* perhaps we should skip blanks? */
XX 		strcpy(letter, "->");
XX 		cTok.kind = T_STRUCTMEMBER;
XX 	    } else {
XX 		ungetc(c,stdin);
XX 		strcpy(letter, "[0]");	/* '*' would have to go in front */
XX 		cTok.kind = T_DEREF;
XX 	    }
XX 	    break;
XX 	case '$' :			/* Turbo Pascal extension */ 
XX 	    strcpy(letter, "0x");
XX 	    cTok.kind = T_ZIP;
XX 	    break;
XX 	case ';' : 			/* Semicolon- translation depends on */
XX 	    strcpy(letter, ";");	/* parse state... */
XX 	    cTok.kind = T_SEMI;
XX 	    break;
XX 	case '.':
XX 	    if ((c=getchar()) == '.') {
XX 		cTok.kind = T_RANGE;
XX 		letter[0]=0;
XX 	    } else {
XX 		ungetc(c,stdin);
XX 		strcpy(letter, ".");
XX 		cTok.kind = T_ZIP;
XX 	    }
XX 	    break;
XX 	case '[':
XX 	    *letter++ = c; *letter = '\0';
XX 	    cTok.kind = T_LBRACKET;
XX 	    break;
XX 	case ']':
XX 	    *letter++ = c; *letter = '\0';
XX 	    cTok.kind = T_RBRACKET;
XX 	    break;
XX 	case ',':
XX 	    *letter++ = c; *letter = '\0';
XX 	    cTok.kind = T_COMMA;
XX 	    break;
XX 	case EOF:			/* end of file */
XX 	    cTok.kind = T_EOF;
XX 	    break;
XX 	default: 
XX 	    *letter++ = c;		/* Pass unknown chars thru as tokens */
XX 	    *letter = '\0';
XX 	    cTok.kind = T_ZIP;
XX 	}
XX     }
XX }
XX main(argc, argv)
XX int argc;
XX char **argv;
XX {
XX     int debug;
XX     debug = (argc > 1);
XX     init_hash();
XX     WasSemi = FALSE;
XX     getTok(); 
XX     do {
XX 	switch(cTok.kind) {
XX 	case T_VAR:
XX 	    parseVar();
XX 	    break;
XX 	case T_PROC:
XX 	case T_FUNC:
XX 	    parseProcedure();
XX 	    break;
XX 	case T_LABEL:
XX 	    parseLabel();
XX 	    break;
XX 	case T_TYPE:
XX 	    parseType();
XX 	    break;
XX 	default:
XX 	    if (debug)
XX 		printf("'%s' %d\n", cTok.str, cTok.kind);
XX 	    else {	/* fancy stuff to avoid duplicating semicolons */
XX 		if (cTok.kind != T_SEMI || !WasSemi)
XX 		    fputs(cTok.str, stdout);
XX 		if (cTok.kind != T_SPACE && cTok.kind != T_COMMENT)
XX 		    WasSemi = (cTok.kind == T_SEMI);
XX 	    }
XX 	    getTok();
XX 	}
XX     } while (cTok.kind != T_EOF);
XX }
if test 11108 -ne "`wc -c < p2c.c`"
    echo 'shar: transmission error on "p2c.c"'
echo 'shar: extracting "proc.c" (14253 characters)'
sed 's/^XX //' > proc.c << 'XXX_EOF_XXX'
XX /*--- proc.c -------------------------------------------------------------
XX Procedure, type, variable, and label parsing routines for the Pascal to C
XX translator.
XX 3/25/87 Daniel Kegel (seismo!rochester!srs!dan)
XX 4/16/87 Daniel Kegel (fix in parseVarDec, forward procedures)
XX --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
XX #include <stdio.h>
XX #include <string.h>
XX #include "p2c.h"
XX #include "ktypes.h"	/* keyword type definitions */
XX #define SLEN 80	
XX typedef char sstr[SLEN+1];	/* short string */
XX #define PLEN 1024
XX typedef char pstr[PLEN+1];	/* long string */
XX /* pgroup is used in parseProcedure to store the procedure's parameters */
XX struct pgroup {
XX     sstr pclass;	/* VAR or empty */
XX     sstr ptype;		/* what type all these guys are */
XX     pstr params;	/* identifiers separated by commas and space */
XX };
XX boolean
XX isSectionKeyword(k)
XX register int k;
XX {
XX     return(k==T_CONST||k==T_TYPE||k==T_VAR||k==T_PROC||k==T_FUNC||k==T_BEGIN);
XX }
XX /*--- skipSpace ---------------------------------------------------------
XX Accepts and throws away space and comment tokens.
XX ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
XX void
XX skipSpace()
XX {
XX     do
XX 	getTok();
XX     while (cTok.kind == T_SPACE || cTok.kind == T_COMMENT);
XX     if (cTok.kind == T_EOF) {
XX 	printf("\n/***# EOF ***/\n");
XX 	fflush(stdout);
XX 	exit(1);
XX     }
XX }
XX /*--- parseSpace ---------------------------------------------------------
XX Accepts and prints space and comment tokens.
XX ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
XX void
XX parseSpace()
XX {
XX     do {
XX 	getTok();
XX 	if (cTok.kind == T_SPACE || cTok.kind == T_COMMENT)
XX 	    fputs(cTok.str, stdout);
XX     } while (cTok.kind == T_SPACE || cTok.kind == T_COMMENT);
XX     if (cTok.kind == T_EOF) {
XX 	printf("\n/***# EOF ***/\n");
XX 	fflush(stdout);
XX 	exit(1);
XX     }
XX }
XX void
XX expected(s)
XX char *s;
XX {
XX     printf("/***# Expected %s ***/", s);
XX     fflush(stdout);
XX }
XX /*---- expectThing -------------------------------------------------------
XX Makes sure current token is of desired type, else prints error message.
XX ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
XX void
XX expectThing(s, k)
XX char *s;
XX {
XX     if (cTok.kind != k)
XX 	expected(s);
XX }
XX /*---- getThing -------------------------------------------------------
XX Gets next nonblank token, makes sure it is desired type, else prints error 
XX message.
XX ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
XX void
XX getThing(s, k)
XX char *s;
XX int k;
XX {
XX     skipSpace();
XX     expectThing(s, k);
XX }
XX /*---- parseVarDec ----------------------------------------------------
XX Translates one (possibly multi-)variable declaration.
XX Works for complex types, but can't be used to parse procedure parameters.
XX On entry, cTok is first token in identifier list.
XX On exit, cTok is the token after the type- probably T_SEMI.
XX Semicolon is translated, too.
XX ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
XX struct ident {			/* Used to save variable declaration body */
XX     char *str;			/* until type is known */
XX     int  kind;
XX };
XX #define MAXIDENTS 132		/* allows about 32 variables */
XX void
XX parseVarDec()
XX {
XX     void parseTypeDecl();		/* forward declaration */
XX     sstr indir, index;
XX     struct ident idents[MAXIDENTS];
XX     int i, n;
XX     /* Get identifiers, up to the colon that marks end of list */
XX     n=0;
XX     while (cTok.kind != T_COLON) {
XX 	if (n == MAXIDENTS-1)
XX 	    printf("/***# Variable declaration too long ***/");
XX 	if (n == MAXIDENTS) n--;
XX 	idents[n].str = MALLOC(char, strlen(cTok.str)+1);
XX 	strcpy(idents[n].str, cTok.str);
XX 	idents[n++].kind = cTok.kind;
XX 	if (cTok.kind != T_ZIP && cTok.kind != T_COMMA 
XX 	&& cTok.kind != T_SPACE && cTok.kind != T_COMMENT)
XX 	    expected(" (variable declaration) comma or identifier");
XX 	getTok();		/* don't nuke spaces or comments */
XX     }
XX     /* Output any whitespace given before the type declaration */
XX     for (i=0; i<n&&(idents[i].kind==T_SPACE||idents[i].kind==T_COMMENT); i++){
XX 	fputs(idents[i].str, stdout);
XX 	free(idents[i].str);
XX     }
XX     /* Translate type specification */
XX     indir[0]=index[0]='\0';
XX     parseTypeDecl(indir, index);
XX     /* Output the identifiers, with appropriate modification for 
XX        ptr & array types */
XX     putchar(' ');		/* separate RECORD from first element...? */
XX     for (; i<n; i++) {
XX 	if (idents[i].kind == T_ZIP && indir[0]!='\0')
XX 	    fputs(indir, stdout);
XX 	fputs(idents[i].str, stdout);
XX 	if (idents[i].kind == T_ZIP && index[0]!='\0')
XX 	    fputs(index, stdout);
XX 	free(idents[i].str);
XX     }
XX     if (cTok.kind == T_SEMI)
XX 	putchar(';');
XX }
XX /*---- parseProcedure -------------------------------------------------------
XX On entry, cTok is "PROCEDURE" or "FUNCTION".
XX On exit, cTok is the token after the semicolon after the function header.
XX Turns declarations like
XX     foo(a:int; b:int)
XX into
XX     foo(a,b)
XX     int a;
XX     int b;
XX Breaks up function declarations into 
XX     1. name
XX     2. parameter declarations
XX     3. type (or 'void', if procedure)
XX Breaks up parameter declarations into an array of pgroups.
XX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
XX void
XX parseProcedure()
XX {
XX     boolean isProcedure;
XX     boolean isForward;
XX     sstr fnName;
XX     sstr fnType;
XX     struct pgroup *pgps=NULL;
XX     int i, npgp=0;
XX     register struct pgroup *p;
XX     /* Remember whether is returns a value or not */
XX     isProcedure = (cTok.kind == T_PROC);
XX     /* Get function or procedure name, skipping space & comments */
XX     getThing("function name", T_ZIP);
XX     strcpy(fnName, cTok.str);
XX     skipSpace();			/* eat the function name */
XX     /* Get open paren (or semicolon of a parameterless procedure or fn) */
XX     if (cTok.kind == T_LPAREN) {
XX 	do {
XX 	    register char *cp;
XX 	    /* Allocate and initialize another parameter group */
XX 	    if (npgp++ == 0) pgps=MALLOC(struct pgroup, 1);
XX 	    else pgps = REALLOC(pgps, struct pgroup, npgp);
XX 	    p = pgps + npgp-1;
XX 	    p->pclass[0] = p->ptype[0] = '\0';
XX 	    /* Get optional class keyword */
XX 	    skipSpace();		/* eat the paren or semicolon */
XX 	    if (cTok.kind == T_VAR) {
XX 		strcpy(p->pclass, cTok.str);
XX 		skipSpace();		/* eat the class keyword */
XX 	    }
XX 	    /* Get identifier list & type */
XX 	    cp = p->params;
XX 	    /* Get identifiers, up to the colon that marks end of list */
XX 	    while (cTok.kind != T_COLON) {
XX 		register char *cq=cTok.str;
XX 		if (cTok.kind != T_ZIP && cTok.kind != T_COMMA)
XX 		    expected(" (variable declaration) comma or identifier");
XX 		while (*cp++ = *cq++)
XX 		    ;
XX 		cp--;
XX 		skipSpace();
XX 	    }
XX 	    *cp = 0;
XX 	    /* Get type specifier, which may be many tokens.  Primitive. */
XX 	    skipSpace();
XX 	    p->ptype[0]=0;
XX 	    do {
XX 		strcat(p->ptype, cTok.str);
XX 		skipSpace();
XX 	    } while (cTok.kind != T_SEMI && cTok.kind != T_RPAREN);
XX 	} while (cTok.kind == T_SEMI);
XX 	expectThing(") at end of param list", T_RPAREN);
XX 	skipSpace();
XX     }
XX     /* Get return type */
XX     if (isProcedure) {
XX 	strcpy(fnType, "void");
XX     } else {
XX 	expectThing(":", T_COLON);
XX 	getThing("function type", T_ZIP);
XX 	strcpy(fnType, cTok.str);
XX 	skipSpace();
XX     }
XX     expectThing("semicolon", T_SEMI);
XX     /* Get optional FORWARD keyword */
XX     skipSpace();
XX     if (isForward = (cTok.kind == T_FORWARD)) {
XX 	getThing(";", T_SEMI);
XX 	skipSpace();
XX     }
XX     /* Output the first part of the translated function declaration */
XX     printf("%s %s(", fnType, fnName);
XX     if (isForward)
XX 	fputs(" /* ", stdout);
XX     for (i=0, p=pgps; i++ < npgp; p++) {
XX 	fputs(p->params, stdout);
XX 	if (i<npgp) putchar(',');
XX     }
XX     if (isForward)
XX 	puts(" */ );  /* FORWARD---");
XX     else
XX 	puts(")");
XX     /* Output parameter type declarations */
XX     for (i=0, p=pgps; i++ < npgp; p++) {
XX 	if (p->pclass[0])
XX 	    fputs(p->pclass, stdout);	/* already xlated */
XX 	printf("%s %s;\n", p->ptype, p->params);
XX     }
XX     if (isForward)
XX 	puts(" ---FORWARD */");
XX }
XX /*--- convertArrayBound -----------------------------------------------------
XX Given the upper bound of a Pascal array, append the C array size specification
XX to the buffer tindex.
XX Lower bounds are ignored, 'cause it's safe to do so, and impossibly difficult
XX to handle.
XX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
XX void
XX convertArrayBound(s, tindex)
XX char *s, *tindex;
XX {
XX     sstr buf;
XX     int ubound;
XX     ubound = atoi(s);
XX     if (ubound == 0) {
XX 	/* Probably symbolic */
XX 	sprintf(buf, "[%s+1]", s);
XX     } else {
XX 	if (ubound < 0)
XX 	    expected("positive upper bound");
XX 	sprintf(buf, "[%d]", ubound+1);
XX     }
XX     strcat(tindex, buf);
XX }
XX /*---- parseTypeDecl -------------------------------------------------------
XX Translates a type definition in place.  Appends indirection & array subscrips,
XX if any, to the buffers tindir and tindex.
XX Never translates the semicolon- that is done in parseType.
XX On entry, cTok is the token that made us expect to find a type
XX (e.g. the colon in a variable declaration, or the equals in a type declaration,
XX On exit, cTok is the token after the type, usually T_SEMI (but may be T_END 
XX in the last declaration in a RECORD).
XX Pascal (or at least, Turbo Pascal) doesn't allow constructions like
XX     a = ^array [0..10] of integer;
XX rather, it forces you to define the base type, too:
XX     b = array [0..10] of integer;
XX     a = ^b;
XX Thus any type definition can be unambiguously broken up into 2 parts:
XX     - the base type (which may be complex)
XX     - if pointer, how many levels of indirection
XX       else if array, how many indices the type has, with limits
XX -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
XX void
XX parseTypeDecl(tindir, tindex)
XX char *tindir, *tindex;		/* buffer to put * or [n] in */
XX {
XX     skipSpace();		/* get initial token of type */
XX     switch (cTok.kind) {
XX     case T_DEREF:		/* pointer type */
XX 	strcat(tindir, "*");
XX 	parseTypeDecl(tindir, tindex);
XX 	break;
XX     case T_LPAREN:		/* enumerated type */
XX 	fputs("enum {", stdout);
XX 	do {
XX 	    parseSpace();
XX 	    if (cTok.kind != T_RPAREN)
XX 		fputs(cTok.str, stdout);
XX 	} while (cTok.kind != T_RPAREN);
XX 	getThing(";", T_SEMI);
XX 	putchar('}');
XX 	break;
XX     case T_ARRAY:		/* array type */
XX 	getThing("[", T_LBRACKET);
XX 	do {					/* Get all the dimensions */
XX 	    getThing("lower bound", T_ZIP);	/* Ignore lower bound except */
XX 	    if (cTok.str[0] == '-')		/* to make sure >= 0 */
XX 		expected("non-negative lower bound");
XX 	    getThing("..", T_RANGE);
XX 	    getThing("upper bound", T_ZIP);
XX 	    convertArrayBound(cTok.str, tindex);
XX 	    skipSpace();
XX 	} while (cTok.kind == T_COMMA);
XX 	expectThing("]", T_RBRACKET);
XX 	getThing("OF", T_OF);
XX 	parseTypeDecl(tindir, tindex);
XX 	break;
XX     case T_STRINGTYPE:		/* Turbo (& UCSD?) string type */
XX 	printf("char");
XX 	skipSpace();
XX 	if (cTok.kind != T_LPAREN && cTok.kind != T_LBRACKET) 
XX 	    expected("[ or ( after STRING");
XX 	getThing("string length", T_ZIP);
XX 	convertArrayBound(cTok.str, tindex);
XX 	skipSpace();
XX 	if (cTok.kind != T_RPAREN && cTok.kind != T_RBRACKET) 
XX 	    expected("] or ) after STRING[");
XX 	getThing(";", T_SEMI);
XX 	break;
XX     case T_FILE:		/* file type - not supported in C */
XX 	strcat(tindir, "*");
XX 	printf("FILE /* OF ");	/* show what it's a file of in the comment */
XX 	do {
XX 	    skipSpace();
XX 	    if (cTok.kind != T_COMMENT);	/* avoid nesting comments */
XX 		fputs(cTok.str, stdout);
XX 	} while (cTok.kind != T_SEMI);
XX 	printf(" */ ");
XX 	break;
XX     case T_RECORD:		/* struct definition */
XX 	printf("struct {");
XX 	parseSpace();		/* eat RECORD */
XX 	do {
XX 	    if (cTok.kind == T_CASE) {
XX 		printf("/***# Sorry- variant records not supported\n\t");
XX 		do {
XX 		    if (cTok.kind != T_COMMENT)
XX 			fputs(cTok.str, stdout);
XX 		    getTok();
XX 		} while (cTok.kind != T_END);
XX 		printf(" ***/");
XX 		break;
XX 	    }
XX 	    parseVarDec();
XX 	    if (cTok.kind == T_SEMI)
XX 		parseSpace();
XX 	    else if (cTok.kind == T_END)
XX 		putchar(';');		/* Pascal doesn't need ; but C does*/
XX 	    else if (cTok.kind != T_CASE)
XX 		expected("Either semicolon or END");
XX 	} while (cTok.kind != T_END);
XX 	parseSpace();		/* eat the END, get the semi */
XX 	printf("}");
XX 	break;
XX     case T_ZIP:			/* probably a type keyword like 'integer' */
XX 	fputs(cTok.str, stdout);
XX 	skipSpace();		/* eat the type, get the semi */
XX 	break;
XX     default:			/* unexpected */
XX 	expected("type");
XX     }
XX }
XX /*---- parseVar -------------------------------------------------------
XX Translates the VAR section of a program or procedure.
XX On entry, cTok is "VAR".
XX On exit, cTok is any section-starting keyword.
XX Turns declarations like
XX     foo : ^integer;
XX into
XX     int *foo;
XX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
XX void
XX parseVar()
XX {
XX     getTok();		/* eat the VAR */
XX     do {
XX 	parseVarDec();
XX 	if (cTok.kind == T_SEMI)
XX 	    parseSpace();
XX     } while (!isSectionKeyword(cTok.kind));
XX }
XX /*---- parseType -----------------------------------------------------------
XX Translates the TYPE section of a program or procedure.
XX On entry, cTok is TYPE.
XX On exit, cTok is any section-starting keyword.
XX Turns declarations like
XX     foo = array [0..10, LO..HI] of integer;
XX     boo = record
XX 	    x : foo;
XX 	    y : ^foo
XX 	  end;
XX into
XX     typedef integer foo[11][HI+1];
XX     typedef struct {
XX 	foo x;
XX 	foo *y;
XX     } boo;
XX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
XX void
XX parseType()
XX {
XX     parseSpace();
XX     do {
XX 	sstr typ;
XX 	sstr tindir, tindex;
XX 	expectThing("type identifier", T_ZIP);
XX 	strcpy(typ, cTok.str);
XX 	parseSpace();
XX 	expectThing("=", T_EQUALS);
XX 	printf("typedef ");
XX 	tindir[0]=tindex[0]=0;
XX 	parseTypeDecl(tindir, tindex);
XX 	expectThing(";", T_SEMI);
XX 	printf(" %s%s%s;", tindir, typ, tindex);
XX 	parseSpace();
XX     } while (!isSectionKeyword(cTok.kind));
XX }
XX /*---- parseLabel -------------------------------------------------------
XX On entry, cTok is "LABEL".
XX On exit, cTok is whatever follows the semicolon.
XX Turns declarations like
XX LABEL foo, goo;
XX into
XX / * LABEL foo, goo; * /
XX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
XX void
XX parseLabel()
XX {
XX     skipSpace();		/* eat the LABEL */
XX     printf("/* LABEL ");
XX     /* Get identifiers, up to the semicolon that marks end of list */
XX     while (cTok.kind != T_SEMI) {
XX 	if (cTok.kind != T_ZIP && cTok.kind != T_COMMA)
XX 	    expected(" (label declaration) comma or identifier");
XX 	fputs(cTok.str, stdout);
XX 	skipSpace();
XX     }
XX     /* Get semicolon without wiping out trailing space */
XX     getTok();
XX     fputs("; */", stdout);
XX }
if test 14253 -ne "`wc -c < proc.c`"
    echo 'shar: transmission error on "proc.c"'