[net.tv] Hot Steaming M*A*S*H Trivia Contest

9311djl (02/25/83)

Okay all you M*A*S*H fans let's get psyched for the big finale
on Monday night at 8:30 PM.  Why not attend a good M*A*S*H party
to enjoy the finale and to reminisce over the past 11 years
worth of shows.  To help jog your memory about past shows
the BTL MASH Fan Club has formulated the following MASH
trivia test.

Here's the test:

1. Where did Radar receive his high school diploma?

2. According to Hawkeye how is the perfect martini made?

3. What were Henry Blake's last words on the show?

4. Where was Adam's Ribs?

5. What actor originally played Father Malcahy on the TV show?

6. Where was Captain Tuttle born?

*************BONUS QUESTION****************

Name as many generals as you can that appeared on the show.


The person with the most correct answers will win a three-day pass
to Tokyo with your choice of Lt. Dish or the Barracuda.

Reply to whuxlb!9311djl.   Good luck.

3363ewf (03/11/83)

Here are the answers to the questions.  How come know one else

1. The triple A high school diploma company of Delavan Indiana
2. BY mixing 5 parts gin while looking at a picture of the
   inventor of vermooth, his name escapes me.
3. Speaking to Radar he said that he better be good or I'll
   come back and kick your butt.
4. Near the Dearborn ST. station in Chicago.
5. George Morgan
6. Battle Creek Michigan

BONUS:  Hammond Barker Clayton Lee Kelly Steele Mitchell and others