[net.chess] Computer Chess

eric@aplvax.UUCP (08/15/83)

	In an episode of Startrek, Spock proves that someone
has been tampering with the computer by arguing that it had
started to lose to him in 3D chess. Since he had programmed
it, he argued that it should have been impossible for him to
achieve anything better than a draw against it.

	What does this have to do with net.chess? Simply that
this got me curious about something. We all know that computers
can not yet beat grand masters, but what about their implementors?
Can anyone tell me who wins most the matches between the best of
the chess programs and the person who wrote the program? Does
Ken Thompson regularly beat Belle? What about the others? If you
have ever programmed a strategy game, such as chess, you know where
where the weak spots in the algorithms are for that program,
and this "inside" knowledge is often sufficient to beat the program.
Is this still the case with chess?


eric@aplvax.UUCP (08/16/83)

	It sounds like Belle does consistently beat Ken Thompson,
thanks to all of you who sent me mail about this. What prompted
this continuation was one letter I got.

	Ken Thompson can't beat Belle.  So what?  He asks.
	How fast can Seymour Cray add?

This is a lousy argument. Is the author (name withheld to protect
the innocent) saying that chess program algorithms are as well
developed as addition algorithms? What I was trying to get across
in the original posting is that chess algorithms are far from
perfect, they miss valid strategies, and they can sometimes fall
into stupid traps. Now, with the annual computer chess tournament
coming up, I can understand authors not wanting to give away the
chinks in their programs, but can they use them to consistently
beat them. We have heard about Thompson and Belle, does anyone
know about NUCHESS, CRAY BLITZ, CHAOS and the others?
