lauren@vortex.UUCP (Lauren Weinstein) (08/29/83)
"Monty Python"? "The Prisoner"? "The Avengers"? "The Saint"? These are all practically contemporary! All of them (except perhaps for "Monty Python's Flying Circus") still appear in reruns in various areas. However, "Prince Planet" is pretty obscure. But not obscure enough! PRINCE PLANET ------------- (Many children singing) Priiiiiiiince Planet! Oh the things he'll do, Will astonish you, Prince Planet, he's the best! Like a meteor, With a dinosaur, Or a damsel in distress! Oh it's no surprise, That he hates bad guys, And he makes the bad guys pay. Like a streak of light, Changing wrong to right, Prince Planet's on his way! Here comes Prince Planet! Priiiiiiiince Planet! (Male narrator speaks) The inhabitants of the planet Radion have been observing the Earth, and have decided to help its inhabitants fight against evil. So, they have sent to Earth Prince Planet, to fight against evil wherever he finds it. ------- Also, I was recently asked about the infamous program "It's About Time". There were two versions to the theme, the first when the astronauts went back to the "stone age", and the other when they brought two "cave people" (Imogene Coca and Joe E. Ross [oooh! oooh!]) back to "the present". This plot change did *not* save the show. I may have the lyrics very slightly scrambled in one section of the latter version, since the two versions were very similar. Eventually I'll find time to dig out the tape and get them both exactly. They had a damned hard time fitting the new lyrics to the old music, by the way. Both versions of "It's About Time" and even "Prince Planet" are on my tape. IT'S ABOUT TIME --------------- (Version A) It's about time, It's about space, About two men in the strangest place. It's about time, It's about flight, Traveling faster than the speed of light. Here is our tale, Of the strange cruise, (SMASH!) As through the barrier of time they flew! Past... The fighting minutemen... Past... An armored knight... Past... A Roman warrier... To... This ancient site. What'll they see? What is in sight? Is it good luck or is it good night? It's... About two astronauts. It's... About their fate. It's... About a woman. And her prehistoric mate. And now... it's about time... for It's About Time! --- (Version B) It's about time, It's about space, About cave people in the strangest place. It's about time, It's about flight, Traveling faster than the speed of light. Here is our tale, Of the strange cruise, As through the barrier of time they flew! Past a Roman senator... Past an armored knight... Past the fighting minutemen... To this modern site. What'll they do? What'll they see? How will fare these two from a million BC? It's about two astronauts. And how they ed-u-cate. (TA DA TA DA -- TADATADATADATA) A prehistoric woman and her prehistoric mate. And now... it's about time... for It's About Time! ------- --Lauren--