[net.chess] Fredkin

ken@alice.UUCP (08/25/83)

The 1983 Fredkin incentive matches were held  this  week  at  the
Washington  Hilton  hotel in Washington DC.  The top two programs
from the 1982 ACM tournament, Belle and  Nuchess,  were  invited.
This  year there was an interesting, but contorted, format.  Each
round included four new human chess players with ratings  between
1950  and  2050.   Three  games were played with humans chosen at
random two face  the  computers  and  the  remaining  two  humans
playing  each  other.   All  combatents were isolated in separate
rooms with moves relayed by phone.  At the end of each  game  the
humans  had  to  guess  if  they  had  played  another human or a
computer.  The moves of  all  games  were  relayed  to  a  public
demonstration  room  where  there were frequent votes as to which
people/computers were playing where.

There were cash prizes  for  each  half  point  and  for  correct
guesses.   All  humans  guessed  that  they  had played computers
except Nuchess' second round opponent and one human in  a  human-
human game.

Human-computer game scores follow:

Belle --- Mark Larzelere (2015) 1 e4 d6 2 d4 Nf6 3 Nc3  g6  4  f4
Bg7 5 Nf3 O-O 6 Bd3 c6 7 O-O Nbd7 8 Kh1 Qc7 9 e5 d:e5 10 f:e5 Nd5
11 Qe1 N:c3 12 Q:c3 Nb6 13 Qc5 Na4 14 Qa3 b5 15 c4 a6 16  b3  Nb6
17 Qc5 b:c4 18 b:c4 Re8 19 Qa5 Nd5 20 Qa3 Nb6 21 c5 Nd5 22 Rb1 f6
23 Re1 Be6 24 Bd2 a5 25 Bc4 Nf4 26 B:f4 B:c4 27 Qc1 B:a2 28  e:f6
Qd8  29 Rb2 Bd5 30 f:g7 B:f3 31 g:f3 Q:d4 32 Be5 Qd5 33 Re4 e6 34
Qe3 a4 35 Rd2 a3 36 R:d5 e:d5 37 Ba1 d:e4 38 Qb3+ 1-0

David Eisen (2005) --- Belle 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 c3 Nf6 4 d4 N:e4
5  d5  Nb8  6  N:e5 Bc5 7 Qg4 O-O 8 Q:e4 d6 9 Bd3 f5 10 Qc4 b5 11
Q:b5 Qe7 12 O-O d:e5 13 Bg5 Qd6 14 Bc4 Ba6 15 Qa4 B:c4 16 Q:c4 a5
17 Be7 B:f2+ 18 R:f2 Q:e7 19 d6+ Qf7 20 Q:f7+ R:f7 21 d:c7 Nc6 22
Nd2 g6 23 Nc4 R:c7 24 Rd1 e4 25 Rd6 Re8 26 Re2 Ree7 27 Nb6 Kf7 28
Nd5  Red7 29 R:d7+ R:d7 30 c4 Ke6 31 Kf2 Ne5 32 b3 Ng4+ 33 Kg3 g5
34 h3 Nf6 35 N:f6 K:f6 36 Kf2 Ke5 37 Ke1 f4 38 Rd2 R:d2  39  K:d2
Kd4  40 Ke2 a4 41 Ke1 h5 42 Ke2 g4 43 h:g4 h:g4 44 Kf1 Kd3 45 Ke1
e3 46 c5 g3 47 c6 f3 48 g:f3 g2 0-1

Belle --- John Knight (2001) 1 e4 c5 2 c3 Nf6 3 e5 Nd5 4 d4  c:d4
5  Nf3  e6 6 Q:d4 Nc6 7 Qe4 f5 8 e:f6 N:f6 9 Qh4 e5 10 Bg5 Be7 11
Bd3 d5 12 Bg6+ Kd7 13 Bc2 h6 14 Be3 e4 15 Nd4 g5 16  Qg3  Bd6  17
Qh3+ Ke7 18 Nf5+ B:f5 19 Q:f5 Qd7 20 Q:d7+ K:d7 21 Ba4 Ke6 22 Bd2
Ne5 23 Bb5 Rhf8 24 Be2 Nfg4 25 c4 d4 26 O-O e3 27  f:e3  d:e3  28
R:f8 R:f8 29 Bc1 Bc5 30 Nc3 Nf2 31 Nd5 Nfd3 32 B:e3 B:e3+ 33 N:e3
b6 34 b3 Nf4 35 Re1 Rd8 36 Bg4+ Kf6 37 g3 Nfd3  38  Rf1+  Kg6  39
Bf5+  Kg7  40 Rd1 h5 41 a3 g4 42 Kg2 Kh6 43 Kf1 Kg5 44 Ke2 Nf3 45
R:d3 1-0

Nuchess --- Nathanie Coleburn (1977) 1 Nc3 d5 2 d4 Nf6 3 Bf4 c6 4
e3  g6 5 Nf3 Bg4 6 h3 B:f3 7 Q:f3 Qb6 8 Rb1 Bg7 9 Bd3 Nbd7 10 O-O
O-O 11 g4 Rfe8 12 g5 Nh5 13 Bh2 e5 14 Qg4 Qd8 15 b4 a6 16 Be2 Bf8
17  Qg2 Ng7 18 d:e5 N:e5 19 Bf4 Bd6 20 e4 Ne6 21 Bd2 d4 22 Nd1 b5
23 f4 Nc4 24 B:c4 b:c4 25 e5 Be7 26 Q:c6 c3 27  Bc1  d3  28  Q:c3
d:c2  29 Q:c2 Rc8 30 Qb2 Qd3 31 Be3 Rc2 32 Qb3 Qe2 33 Rf2 Qe1+ 34
Kh2 R:f2+ 35 N:f2 Qe2 36 Rb2 Qf3 37 Bc1 Qb7 38 Ng4 Rc8 39 Be3 Qf3
40  Nh6+  Kg7  41 f5 B:g5 42 Ng4 Nf4 43 Bc5 Nd3 44 f6+ Kg8 45 Rg2
Bf4+ 46 Kg1 Q:h3 47 e6 h5 48 e:f7+ Kh8 49 Qe6 N:c5 50 Q:c8+ 1-0

Edward Hudson (1914) --- Nuchess 1 e4 d5 2 d4 d:e4 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 f3
e:f3  5  Q:f3  Q:d4 6 Be3 Qd6 7 Nb5 Qb4+ 8 c3 Q:b2 9 N:c7+ Kd8 10
Rd1+ K:c7 11 Qf4+ e5 12 Q:e5+ Kc6 13 Be2 Bg4 14 B:g4 N:g4 15 Qd5+
Kc7 16 Qd8+ Kc6 17 Qc8+ Kb5 18 Q:b7+ Ka4 19 Q:b2 N:e3 20 Rd4+ Ka5
21 Qb3 Nc2+ 22 Q:c2 Nc6 23 Rd5+ Kb6 24 Qb3+ Kc7 25  Rb5  Re8+  26
Ne2  Re7 27 Rb7+ Kc8 28 R:e7 B:e7 29 O-O Bc5+ 30 Nd4 N:d4 31 c:d4
B:d4+ 32 Kh1 Bb6 33 R:f7 Re8 34 Qc4+ Kb8 35 Qf4+ Kc8 36  Rf8  Rd8
37 Qf5+ Kb8 38 R:d8+ 1-0

Alan Plutzik (2012) --- Nuchess 1 d4 b6 2 e4 Bb7 3 Bd3 Nf6 4  Qe2
Nc6  5 c3 e6 6 Bg5 Be7 7 Nd2 O-O 8 Ngf3 Nh5 9 Qe3 f6 10 Bh4 g5 11
g4 Nf4 12 Bf1 Ba6 13 Rg1 B:f1 14 N:f1 Na5 15 N1d2 Bd6 16  Bg3  c5
17  O-O-O  c:d4 18 c:d4 Rc8+ 19 Kb1 Qe7 20 Rc1 Kg7 21 h4 h6 22 e5
f:e5 23 h:g5 h:g5 24 N:e5 Nc6 25 Ndf3 N:e5 26 N:e5 R:c1+ 27  R:c1
Kg8 28 Rh1 Qg7 29 B:f4 R:f4 30 f3 Bc7 31 a3 Bd6 32 Ka2 Bc7 33 Qc3
Bd6 34 Rh5 B:e5 35 d:e5 Qe7 36 Qc8+ Rf8 37 Qc1 Rf4 38 Qc8+ Rf8 39
Qc1 Rf4 40 Qc8+ +-+