marc@pyuxn.UUCP (10/16/83)
On the subject of televised inconsistencies in scripts, none other then DALLAS made a monumental goof on the 10/14/83 show. It seems that Aston had given Pam some papers to sign, trying to trick her into giving up Bobby. Well, Pam signed the papers and Aston walked off with them. Their were two papers, and Aston leafed through them after she was out of the room. The first paper was shown for a split second, but long enough for a VCR to freeze frame on. It was a contract between the Producer and Director of the show ! The second page was the intended material, some letter or something. Incredible. Marc
starner@psuvax.UUCP (10/16/83)
Who is "Aston"????? The only character with a name like that is "Afton". And it was Katherine Wentworth who had Pam sign the papers. Mark Starner Penn State University {allegra, burdvax}!psuvax!starner